
2019年9月22日 星期日

Topic Writing & /Translation

Unit 81
1. 毅力是年輕人事業成功不可或缺的因素
2. 人生旅途並非都是一帆風順的,有時會充滿荊棘
3. 若無毅力,任何人想要出人頭地都會感到困難重重
4. 一旦確立了人生的目標,我們便應該努力的去奮鬥
5. 我們絕不可半途而廢,否則一切努力就白費了

1.         Perseverance is indispensable in the making of young men in their career.

2.         There are sometimes the shards and barbs on life’s journey; it is not a bed of roses.

3.         Without it, anyone will have a lot of difficulties (in) making his way in the world.

4.         Once we have set up our goal of life, we should strive for it.

5.         We should not give it up halfway; otherwise, all our efforts will be in vain.

Unit 87
1. 環境汙染在台灣越來越嚴重,它已影響到我們的健康

2. 近年來,由於車輛及工廠不斷增加,空氣及生活品質日益惡化
生活品質:living quality   惡化 : worsen/deteriorate

3. 此外,許多人缺乏公德心,亂丟垃圾,以致污染了湖泊及河流
公德心 : public morality   亂丟垃圾 : throw garbage about

4. 更糟的是,農夫大量的使用化學藥物使食物中毒事件一再的發生
食物中毒food poisoning

5.  長此下去,我們將呼吸不到新鮮空氣,喝不到純淨的水,吃不到營養的食物了

1.         In Taiwan environmental pollution is getting more and more serious. It has already affected our health.

2.         In recent years, with increasing number of vehicles and factories, the quality of air and living is worsening.

3.         Moreover, many people lack public morality and they throw garbage about, so (that) lakes and rivers are polluted.

4.         What’s worse, farmers use a large amount of chemicals, which leads to the repeated incidents of food poisoning.

5.         If the situation goes on like this, we won’t have fresh air to breathe, pure water to drink, or nourishing food to eat.

Word Formation Practice













Advanced Writing Practice

Unit 2句型強烈展現你的英文實力




1                         他們不再活潑,而變的很僵硬。
O基礎英文句        They are not active anymore, and they have become stiff.
O高級英文句        Rigidity replaces animation.

2                         他們失去了信心,而變的很畏怯。
O基礎英文句        They have lost their confidence, and they have become timid.
O高級英文句        Timidity replaces confidence.

3                         他們不再精明,而變的猶豫不決。
O基礎英文句        They are no longer sure, and they have become very hesitant.
O高級英文句        Hesitation replaces shrewdness.

4                         這一堂課,我們能用的語言,僅有英語。
O基礎英文句        In this class, English is the only language we can use.
O高級英文句        This class is conducted exclusively in English.

5                         這個孩子不聽大人的話,而且目無尊長。
O基礎英文句        This child neither listens to nor respects adults.
O高級英文句        This child acts disobediently and disrespectfully.

6                         2000年到2010年,因為中國大陸的經濟愈來愈繁榮,人民幣升值了25%。
O基礎英文句        From 2000 to 2010, because of China's increasing prosperity, the RMB has appreciated 25.

O高級英文句        The RMB had appreciated 25% from 2000 to 2010 due to China's unprecedented economic growth.
7                         如果你今日夠努力力的話,明日必有成功的果實。
O基礎英文句        If you work hard enough today, you'll reap the fruit of success tomorrow.
O高級英文句        Your efforts today shall be abundantly rewarded.

8                         他再三地背叛她,這表示他們的婚姻大有問題。
O基礎英文句        He has betrayed her over and over again, which shows they have serious marital problems.
O高級英文句        His repetitive betrayals of her have revealed their marital crisis.

9                         在八八水災之時,洪水和土石流滾滾而來,南台灣許多人死了,財產也喪失了
O基礎英文句        During the "August Eighth" disaster in southern Taiwan, floods and mudslides killed many people. Property was also lost!
O高級英文句        Lives and property were taken by the floods and mudslides of the "August Eighth" catastrophe in southern Taiwan.

10                       無論你有多累,都不該那麼做!
O基礎英文句        No matter how tired you were, you shouldn't have done that!
O高級英文句        Fatigue can't justify your behavior.

11                       台灣四季分明,而且各有各的美。
O基礎英文句        The four seasons are all different from one another, yet each has its own beauty.
O高級英文句        Distinctive beauty is found in each of the four seasons in Taiwan.

12                       台灣的春天花團錦簇,夏天艷陽高照,秋天秋高氣爽,冬天寒風溧溧,這四個季節也正好述說了大自然的生命。
O基礎英文句        In Taiwan, different flowers bloom in spring; the sun shines bright in summer; the air is comfortable in autumn; and the winds are cold in winter. These four seasons describe the life of nature.
O高級英文句        In Taiwan, the flowery springs, scorching summers, crisp autumns and freezing winters sound out the rhythm of nature.

Exercise 4
1. If we stay honest, we will be trusted by people.
2. Even though you are angry, you can't just run away!
3. It's pathetic for a man/woman to forgive a wife/husband who has had a love affair.
4. They fought all the time, and they finally divorced.
5. They are deeply in love, very considerate to each other, and enjoy a very happy marriage.
6. After this accident, he is no longer confident in himself.
7. There's no reason for you to fail.
8. Without hope, life is fragile.
9. I don't mind if you are poor or not --- I like you anyway!
10. It was so hot that many children went to the swimming pool to swim.

1. Honesty wins people's trust.
2. Anger can't justify your escape.
3. Forgiven extramarital relations still heartbreak the spouse.
4. Frequent conflicts finally led to their divorce.

5. Their profound mutual love and consideration are blessed with a happy marriage.
6. This accident has deprived him of his self-confidence.
7. Your failure is inexcusable.
8. Hope strengthens life.

9. Your financial status is not an issue to me.
10. The high temperatures drove children to the swimming pool.

2019年9月8日 星期日

Translation & Writing 09-10-11

B 題組
1.經過多年努力後,John 終於實現了他自行開業的目標。(提示:用 achieve
2. Laura 夏天去義大利的旅行花了她十萬元。(提示:用 cost
3. Ryan 不僅在這場車禍中撞毀了車子,還撞斷自己的腿。(提示:not only...but also...

B 題組 
1. After years of hard work, John finally achieved his goal of running his own business.
2. Laura's trip to Italy over the summer cost her NT$100,000.

3. Ryan not only wrecked his car in the accident, but he also broke his leg.

A 題組

To help the environment, many people are trying to reduce the amount of energy they use. 1. 有許多方法能讓一般人達成這個目標。 In general, don't leave machines running when you're not using them. 2. 還有,離開房間時也一定要關燈。 3. 暫時不使用電腦的話也要拔掉插頭。 Even when they are turned off, electronic devices still use energy if they remain plugged in. Large appliances around the home use a lot of electricity as well, so buying energy-efficient models is a good course of action. 4. 剛開始可能比較花錢,但實際上,長期下來卻會幫你省錢。 5. 除此之外,走路或騎自行車上下學或上下班不僅減少耗油量,還有益身體健康。

A 題組
1. There are many ways ordinary people can achieve this goal.
2. Also, make sure to turn off the lights when you leave a room.
3. Unplug computers if you won't be using them for a while.
4. It may/might cost more money at first, but it will actually save you money in the long run.
5. In addition, walking or biking to and from school or the office not only cuts down on gas consumption but also helps you keep in shape.

A 題組
1.   高中畢業象徵一個階段的結束,同時也是另一個階段的開始。
2.   我們必須準備好面對新環境所可能帶給我們的挑戰。

A 題組
1. 1) Graduating from high school symbolizes the end of one phase and is also the beginning of another.
2) Graduating from high school (= High school graduation) symbolizes(= marks / signifies) the end of one phase (= stage ) and is the beginning( = start ) of another at the same time.
2. 1) We must be prepared to face the challenges that a new environment may bring us.
2) We must ( = have to /need to ) be prepared ( = ready ) to face the challenges that a new environment may bring us.

B 題組
1. 許多拜訪台灣的外國人對本地的食物都印象深刻。
2. 有些人非常喜歡這些食物而決定將它們進口到自己的國家。
3. 所以,我們必須盡全力確保我們所有的食物都是安全的,而且沒有有害的添加物。

B 題組
1. Many foreigners visiting Taiwan are impressed with the local cuisine.
2. Some enjoy the food so much that they decide to import it into their own countries.
3. Therefore, we must make every effort to ensure that all of our food is safe and free of harmful additives.

1. 我目前同時進行三個專案,所以我不可能再承擔任何額外的工作了。
(提示:at the same time
2. Teddy 在健行中走那麼快,以致於我們沒一個人能跟得上他。(提示:so...that...

1. I'm currently working on three projects at the same time, so I can't possibly take on any extra work.
2. Teddy walked so fast during the hike that none of us could keep up with him.

Translation & Writing 10-01-11

Translation  1
A 題組
2. 這不僅讓他們能更悠閒地探索寶島,還有助於刺激台灣的經濟。
A 題組
1. At the end of June, Taiwan opened its doors to individual mainland Chinese tourists.
2. This not only allows them to explore the island in a more relaxed way, but it also helps boost Taiwan's economy.
B 題組
2. 首先,我們應該降低音量,並用眼睛觀賞而不是動手。
3. 此外,當攝影不被允許時,我們絕不應該照相。
B 題組
1. When we visit exhibitions or museums, we should act appropriately.
2. First of all, we should keep our voices down and look with our eyes instead of our hands.
3. Moreover, we should never take pictures when photography is not permitted.
1.演講人在演講開始時說了個笑話來打破冷場。(提示:at the beginning of...
1. The speaker told a joke to break the ice at the beginning of his speech.
2. The rent for this apartment is reasonable. Moreover, it is near the MRT station.

Translation  2

A 題組
1.人類最好的朋友可比我們想像中的還要聰穎並且更像人類。 Stanley Coren, a leading dog researcher and professor, did a study which found that the average dog has the mental abilities of a two-year-old child. 2.這些聰明的狗能數到五、做簡單的算術,也可以理解約莫一百六十五個字彙,當中包括標誌、指示及手勢等。 3. 此外,牠們還能表現出像是快樂、憤怒以及恐懼等基本的情緒。 Psychologists used tests that were designed for young children to see if dogs had certain mental abilities. 4.結果顯示,那些最聰明的狗能辨認出多達二百五十個字彙。 Of course, different breeds of dogs have different levels of intelligence. At the top of the list were Border collies, and the breed that scored the lowest were Afghan hounds. 5.雖然狗狗並非四條腿的愛因斯坦,但其主人應視牠們為聰明且感情細膩的個體來對待及訓練
1. Man's best friend is smarter and more human than we think.
2. These smart dogs could count to five, do simple math, and understand roughly 165 vocabulary items, including signs, signals, and gestures.
3. Moreover, they displayed basic emotions like happiness, anger, and fear.
4. The results showed that the most intelligent dogs could recognize up to 250 vocabulary items.
5. Although dogs are not four-legged Einsteins, they should be treated and trained as smart and sensitive individuals by their owners.

B 題組
1. 我在電梯遇到的英俊男子看來約莫四十歲。(提示:roughly
2. 研究顯示,每天吃超過一顆雞蛋並不一定對健康有害。(提示:show + that 子句)
3. Chris 將那名長髮男子誤認作女人。(提示:形容詞 + 名詞變成的過去分詞)

B 題組
1. The handsome man I met in the elevator looked roughly 40 years old.
2. The research shows that eating more than one egg per day isn't necessarily harmful to our health.
3. Chris mistook the long-haired man for a woman.