
2019年10月27日 星期日

3.9 Our True Self Lies Within (Answers)

Comprehension Check
1 B  2 D  3 C  4 A  5 C
Patterns in Use
Exercise A
2 Pamela keyed her daily schedule into her cell phone for fear of forgetting it.
3 Kevin left for his job interview early for fear of getting trapped in a traffic jam.
4 Mandy wore a long-sleeved shirt to the beach for fear that she would get sunburned.
5 The waiter cleaned up the spilled water on the floor immediately for fear that customers would/might slip on it.
Exercise B
2 she moved to a bigger apartment for fear that Prince might not have enough space
3 Prince will be sent to a special pet hotel for fear of loneliness
4 Ms. Jobs has Prince vaccinated on a regular basis for fear that he might get sick
5 she makes food for Prince for fear that canned food might be harmful to his health
Exercise A
2 Busy in the kitchen, Eunice couldn’t answer the door.
3 (When) hungry, the traveler bought a sandwich at a nearby café.
4 (Although) disappointed by their defeat, the players had a strong desire to win the next game.
5 If available, the boss will meet you this afternoon.
Exercise B
1 Eager to love and protect their first child
2 (Although) physically challenged
3 Brave and determined
4 Successful in her singing career

Writing Hands-on
Oct. 25, 2014
Dear Sam,
You told me you had bought Jiang Hwei’s latest album the other day. You said that each song in the album was wonderful. You know that I’m really interested in Taiwanese songs and that I’m going to enter a singing competition in December. Would you please lend me the album? I’d like to listen to it and see if there is a song that I can perform in the competition. I promise to return it in one or two days. If it’s OK, call me and I’ll go over to your house to pick it up. Thanks a lot.

Your friend,

2019年10月20日 星期日

3,7 Answers

Comprehension Check
1 B  2 D  3 B  4 C
Patterns in Use
Exercise A
2 Ken played better than all the other players on his team.
3 Jack is richer than all the other members in his family.
4 Ms. Moore works more efficiently than any other employee in her company.
5 Japanese people, on average, live longer than all the other peoples in the world.
Exercise B
2 Burj Khalifa is taller than any other building on the surface of the earth
3 This shopping mall is larger than all the other shopping malls in the world
4 visiting Dubai is safer than traveling in any other city in the Middle East
5 Al Maktoum International Airport is busier than all the other airports in the Eastern Hemisphere.
Exercise A
2 It is said that the sight of a panda is better than that of a human.
3 The weekly pay of this tutor is almost equal to that of a manager in a large company.
4 To Shawn, the 3C products of Taiwan are superior to those of Korea.
5 The average rainfall of a desert is definitely lower than that of a rain forest.
Exercise B
2 the style of Kelly’s dress seems more fashionable than that of Julia’s
3 The pattern and the cut of Kelly’s dress are more original than those of Julia’s
4 The price of this dress is definitely higher than that of Julia’s
5 the necklace and earrings of Julia are nicer than those of Kelly
Writing Hands-on
1. Brainstorm
1. a cotton dress shirt
2. a pleated skirt or loose-fitting pants
3. must be worn all the time except for PE class
4. a sense of school unity and spirit
5. a navy blue wool coat
6. a sense of belonging
1. k a cotton dress shirt
2. k a pleated skirt or loose-fitting pants
3. j must be worn all the time except for PE class
4. l a sense of school unity and spirit
5. k a navy blue wool coat
6. l a sense of belonging

2. Write a Rough Outline
The Topic Sentence A white shirt and black skirt or pants are the clothes that students attending out school are required to wear.
The Supporting Ideas j when it is worn
k how it looks and what it is made of
l what it means to me

3. Write a Paragraph
        A white shirt and black skirt or pants are the clothes that students at our school are required to wear. Except for PE class, this uniform must be worn during morning assemblies and break time, as well as all of the classes. Worn by students on a daily basis, the uniform consists of a cotton dress shirt (short-sleeved for the summer and long-sleeved for the winter) and a pleated skirt or loose-fitting pants. Some students who don’t consider it fashionable enough wear more stylish tailor-made skirts or pants. In the winter, students have to wear a navy blue wool coat. To me, these uniforms create a sense of school unity and spirit. In the white shirts and black shirts and pants, everyone looks the same, thus bringing the school together. Whether the uniform looks plain or fashionable, it gives me a sense of belongingness and makes me proud of being a part of my school.

2019年10月17日 星期四

ag = do, act 字根ag 表示「做,代理」的意思

 [ə`dʒɛndə], 音節: [a・gen・da]

ag = do, act

字根ag 表示「做,代理」的意思
enda 表示複數
agenda 議事日程
n.  議事日程
I advised you to do the item No. 5 on the agenda first.  / 我建議你先做議程上的第五個議項。
docket n. 事項表
agendum n. 議程
schedule n. 行程表
 [`ædʒaɪl], 音節: [ag・ile]

ag = do, act

字根ag 表示「做,代理」的意思
ile 能...的
agile 靈活的
a.  靈活的,敏捷的
Don’t worry, the boy was quick and agile and he didn’t mind losing.  / 別擔心,這個男孩敏捷、靈活,而且輸了也不在乎。
agilely adv. 敏捷地
agility n. 敏捷
alert a. 機靈的,敏捷的
nimble a. 靈活的,敏捷的
dull a. 遲鈍的
slow a. 遲鈍的,不靈巧的

 [`ædʒə͵tet], 音節: [ag・i・tate]

ag = do, act

字根ag 表示「做,代理」的意思
it 走動
ate 表動作
agitate 鼓動
v.  鼓勵,煽動
Some guys come to the city and agitatethe local people to rebellion.  / 城市裡來了些人,煽動當地人起來造反。
agitated a. 激動的
agitator n. 煽動者
agitation n. 鼓動
agitating a. 使不安的
incite v. 刺激,煽動
instigate v. 鼓動
compose v. 使安定,使鎮靜
soothe v. 使平靜

 [`edʒənt], 音節: [a・gent]

ag = do, act

字根ag 表示「做,代理」的意思
ent 表人或物
agent 代理人
n.  代理人,經紀人
I made Mr. Smith to be my agent while I was away.  / 我不在的時候,我請史密斯先生當我的代理人。
agency n. 經銷處,代理行
deputy n. 代理人
proxy n. 代表
assignee n. 受託人

 [ri`edʒənt], 音節: [re・a・gent]

ag = do, act

字根ag 表示「做,代理」的意思
re 再
ent ...的狀態
reagent 反應物
n.  反應物,試劑
Sorry, I know nothing about this chemical reagent.  / 對不起,我對這種化學試劑一無所知。
reactant n. 反應物
agent n. 作用劑

2019年10月9日 星期三


Patterns in Use
Exercise A
2 There’s no denying that a good learning environment is important to effective education.
3 There’s no telling when the war will end.
4 There’s no knowing how the forest fire started.
5 There’s no telling if the woman was killed for her large fortune.
Exercise B
2 There’s no arguing
3 there’s no knowing
4 There’s no denying
5 there’s no telling
Exercise A
2 It was not until I told Father the truth that he forgave me.
Not until I told Father the truth did he forgive me.
3 It was not until Daniel had a car accident that he realized the importance of careful driving.
Not until Daniel had a car accident did he realize the importance of careful driving.
4 It was not until eight o’clock that the audience entered the theater.
Not until eight o’clock did the audience enter the theater.
5 In Taiwan, it is not until the age of eighteen that people are allowed to drive.
 In Taiwan, not until the age of eighteen are people allowed to drive.
Exercise B
2 not until 8:45 did the bus come
3 It was not until half an hour later that Frank was allowed to sit at his desk
4 It was not until the first break that he was able to get some snacks
5 not until eight o’clock did he finish cleaning