
2020年1月6日 星期一


vt. (~s [~z] ; ~d [~d] ; blaming)
find fault with ...; attribute guilt to ...╱責備,非難;歸咎,歸罪

 I don't blame you for being mad. 你生氣我不怪你。
 Don't blame the accident on me. 不要把那場意外事故歸咎於我。
 I blame the wet road for the accident. 我將那次意外事故歸咎於路面濕滑。
 You have only yourself to blame. 你只好責怪你自己。

n. [U]
reproof; responsibility╱非難,譴責;責任

 I'm ready to bear [take] blame for the mistake. 我準備為這項錯誤負責。
 The accountant accepted the blame for the error. 那位會計師承擔了錯誤的責任。

現在式: blame
現在式(第三人稱單數): blames
現在分詞: blaming
過去式: blamed
過去式分詞: blamed
補充: 【中古英語←法語←上古末期拉丁語】

 be to blame
①be at fault; be responsible

 Who is to blame?
 Who is to blame for the mistake?
 She's to blame.
 She was in no way to blame.

accuse  vt.  責難
reprove  vt.  責備
condemn  vt.  譴責

說某人該受責備, 通常說"be to blame"而不是'to be blamed'。例如:
The children were not to blame for the accident.(正)
The children were not to be blamed for the accident.(誤)

bear the blame of another's
deserve blame
incur [bring on oneself] blame
招來責難 [咎由自取]
lay [place, put] the blame on sb.
ascribe [assign, attribute] the blame to sb.
take the blame for...

criticize: 找出人或物的缺點加以批評、非難
He criticized me for being lazy.

blame: 把過錯歸咎於某人
He blamed me for the failure.

censure: 當權者基於職責強烈地criticize人或物
The mayor was censured for his handling of the crisis.

condemn: 嚴厲地blame
Cruelty to animals should be condemned.
虐待動物應受 (嚴厲) 譴責。


n. [U,C](pl. ~s [~s] )
the act of reproving; a rebuke╱責罵;非難

 He has received a sharp reproof for bad behavior. 他因行為不檢受到嚴厲的責罵。
 She picked up the broken plate without a word of reproof to her daughter. 她收拾好打破的盤子,對女兒並沒有責罵之辭。
 Reproof never does a wise man harm. [諺]嚴斥無損於智者。

單數: reproof
複數: reproofs

reprove  v.  責罵,叱責

reproach  n.  責罵
scolding  n.  斥責
criticism  n.  批評

2020年1月5日 星期日

Answers to Unit 3.12 Writing

Comprehension Check
1 B  2 C  3 C  4 D
Patterns in Use
Exercise A
2 By the time the game started, the basketball players had done their warm-up exercise.
3 By the time the video rental store closes, I will have returned the DVDs.
4 By the time summer approached, the broken ceiling fan had been repaired.
5 By the time Sheila’s favorite talk show begins, she will have finished all her assignments.
Exercise B
2 By the time the first course was served, I had lost my appetite
3 By the time we had dessert, we had run out of conversation topics
4 By the time our date ended, we had decided never to contact each other again
5 By the time I meet the girl of my dreams, I will have become an old man
Exercise A
2 Meg remembered (that) she had taken out the garbage and that her brother had done the dishes.
3 Blake has decided (that) he will major in economics in college and that Princeton University will be his top choice.
4 Ethan noticed (that) Debby had forgotten to turn off the light and that Shawn had left the water running in the bathroom.
5 Allison mentioned (that) the deadline for the paper was next Monday and that she was running out of time.
Exercise B
2 (that) the musical will be performed for another decade and that people around the world will enjoy watching it
3 (that) the words were expressive of the characters’ emotions and that the music was worth listening to again and again
4 (that) the world was cruel to him and that he had the courage to face his uncertain future

5 (that) she could have had a happy childhood and that the Thénardiers would have treated her better
Writing Hands-on
2 How nice of you to remember my birthday!
3 I would like to express my appreciation for your advice, Ms. Liu.
4 It was very nice/thoughtful/kind of you to give me a Christmas gift.
July. 25, 2015
Dear Aunt Carol,
I was really excited when I received your gift. I had wanted one for a long time but I never dreamed that I could get one so soon. Aunt Carol, thank you ever so much!
I used to envy my classmates with smartphones. They could check information anytime. They could chat and exchange ideas online anytime. When they were working on English assignments, they used their smartphones as dictionaries. Now, I can do the same. It will help me a lot both in daily life and in my schoolwork. I promise to take care of it and make the best use of it.
It’s been a long time since I visited you. When the monthly examination is over, let me come visit you and Uncle Hugh. Thank you once again for the wonderful gift.
Your nephew,