
2020年10月28日 星期三

Teaching Schedule @ Saturday, November 2020


109.11 --- November 2020

Elite English Tutor --- Saturday 18:30~21:30

11/07      7000: U41~U42   T13   7000: P21                  (A28 R: 3.12             T&W6)

11/14      L3: U13~U14      T14   Phrases U33              (A29 G: 4.5~4.6       SP P13 W6.5)

11/21      7000: U43~U44   T15   VQC: P22                  (A30 R: 4.01             T&W7)

11/28      L3: U15~U16      T16   Phrases U34              (A31 G: 4.7~4.8       SP P14 W6.6)

Teaching Schedule @ Wednesday, November 2020


109.11 --- November 2020

Elite English Tutor --- Wednesday 19:00~22:00

11/04      L6: U25~U26           Phrases U51              (A93 SP 3.5.1~3.6.2      T&W21)

11/11      WP: P09~P10           VQC: P29                  (A94 R: 6.1                    T&W22)

11/18      L6: U27~U28           Phrases U52              (A95 SP 3.6.3~3.7.1      T&W23)

11/25      GEPT: IH-W6           7000: P32                  (A96 R: 6.2                    T&W24)

Teaching Schedule @ Sunday, November 2020

 109.11 --- November 2020

Elite English Tutor --- Sunday 18:00~20:00

11/01      GEPT: IH-W7  VQC: P31      (A91     R: VCR 17~18 SP 3.7.7~3.7.8 EWL8  T&W?)

11/08      L6: U47~U48  破解U45~U48  (A92     Exam: 107-13 Translation & Writing HW)

11/15      WP: P15~P16  7000: P29            (A93     R: VCR 13~14 SP 3.8.1~3.8.2 EWL7  T&W?)

11/22      L6: U49~U50  破解U49~U50   (A94     R: VCR 15~16 SP 3.8.3~3.8.4 TT8      T&W?)

11/29      GEPT: IH-W8  VQC: P32         (A95     R: VCR 9~10 SP 3.8.5~3.8.6 EWL6 T&W?)

5.10 Reading解答


Comprehension Check

1 D 2 A 3 B 4 D



2 I will make any one of them my major in college

3 The pressure I get from my parents has left me stressed out

4 Let me make it clear

5 It’s not your sole goal to keep your parents content



1 It is no use denying your involvement

2 It is no use panicking

3 it wasn’t any good resisting arrest

4 It isn’t any good setting yourself against your neighbors

5 It is no use worrying about the results now

Extra Exercise


1 Whenever Ann runs into/is confronted with/encounters difficulty, she always leaves herself alone


2 She knows that it is no use complaining(,) and that keeping the mind sharp/ maintaining clear

thinking helps to find a solution.


1 Kenny often leaves his work undone until the last minute.

2 I wonder whether it is any good to him putting things off/procrastinating.


1 Brenda finally realized that it wasn’t any good having/holding/bearing a grudge.

2 After deciding to forgive and forget, she finds herself more broad­minded/open­minded than before.


Writing Hands-on


     The pie chart above shows how an average house uses electricity in the U.K. More than half of the electricity is used for heating rooms and water. About eighteen percent of the electricity is consumed by ovens, kettles, and washing machines. The rest is equally divided into two parts. One is used in lighting, TV and radio, and the other is in the use of vacuum cleaners, food mixer, and electric tools.

     Unlike the U.K., Taiwan is very hot and humid. Since the climates in these two areas are drastically different, how electricity is used differs as well. In Taiwan, air-conditioners and dehumidifiers consume a large proportion of electricity. Thirty percent is consumed for other electric appliances such as TVs, refrigerators, and washing machines. Ten percent is used for lighting. Last but not least, since computers are used a lot in Taiwan, many families have several computers. Thus, the electricity consumption by computers also plays a part.

2020年10月21日 星期三


 Unit 19


1. 人人皆有不同的休閒活動,逛街是我最喜歡的休閒方式。

休閒方式 : way of recreation




2. 我喜歡在擁擠的地方逛街,那會讓我覺得十分有趣。





3. 我通常會到百貨公司去,因為那裡有許多奇妙的東西可看。

奇妙的 : wonderful




4. 我對百貨公司所陳列的衣服特別喜好,它們很能吸引我。

陳列:display   吸引 : appeal to +




5. 假日時三兩好友一起去逛街,看看夜景,這豈不是人生一大享受嗎?

夜景:night scenery





1.        Everyone has his own recreational activity (pastime); going shopping is my favorite recreation.    


2.        I like to go shopping in crowded places, which keeps me interested.


3.        Usually I should like to go to department stores because there are many wonderful things to see.


4.        I have a peculiar love for clothes displayed at department stores; they appeal to (attract) me very much.


Isn’t it a great joy of life to shopping and to see night scenery with two or three friends on holidays?

Answers to Exam 107-13



說明:1. 請將以下兩題中文句子譯成正確且通順達意的英文,並將答案寫在「答案卷」上。

   2. 請依序作答,並標明子題號。每題4分,共8分。


1. 因為許多童書中對河馬令人誤解的描述,許多人認為河馬是可愛且溫馴的動物。

Ex. 1: Because of the misleading descriptions of hippos in many children’s books, many people consider them (to be) cute and tame animals.

Ex. 2: Because hippos are described misleadingly in many children’s books, they’re seen as cute and tame animals by many people.


2. 事實上,據報導河馬是非洲最有侵略性的動物之一,會殺害接近其領土的人。

Ex. 1: In fact, it is reported that hippos are one of the most aggressive animals in Africa, killing people who approach their territory.

Ex. 2: As a matter of fact, hippos are reported to be one of the most aggressive animals in

Africa and will kill whoever approaches their territory.

二、英文作文 (20%)


Tracy’s parents were always busy at work, and as a result, she often stayed at home alone after school. She had things to do as well, such as finishing her assignments and practicing the violin. However, she wished that her parents and she could spend more quality time together. Her parents usually worked late and didn’t come home until nearly bedtime. When talking to her friends, Tracy often heard about the activities they did with their parents. She envied her friends and couldn’t help but complain that her parents always put work first and her second.

On her 18th birthday, Tracy didn’t have too many expectations for it. She thought her parents would be too occupied at work to celebrate it. Nevertheless, upon arriving home, she found a new violin and a birthday card on her desk. The card said, “My dear, we’re looking forward to coming home earlier than normal so we can take you out to dinner. We love you and can’t wait to celebrate your special day! Happy

18th birthday!” Deeply touched, she realized that her parents did care about making an effort when they could. After this event, Tracy realized how much her parents loved her even though they couldn’t spend much time with her.



Tracy’s parents were always busy at work, and as a result, she often stayed at home alone after school. One evening, Tracy’s parents were gone when the doorbell rang. When Tracy opened the front door, a sturdy man was standing there. Before Tracy could ask who he was, he quickly grabbed her and put a bag over her head. As he was dragging Tracy away, one of Tracy’s neighbors was watering plants outside. The neighbor saw what was happening and screamed for help. She ran inside and called the police to report a kidnapping.

At work, Tracy’s parents both received calls from the police telling them their daughter was at the police station. They explained how they had arrested the man who had tried to abduct Tracy. Anxious and in a panic, Tracy’s parents left work right away and rushed to the police station. There was Tracy, trembling with fear and crying bitterly, but otherwise unhurt. Her parents felt guilty about their negligence of their daughter. They apologized to Tracy and the police. After this terrible event, Tracy’s parents promised that they would pay more attention to Tracy and spend more time with her.

2020年10月20日 星期二

Sentence Patterns 3.4.4 ~ 3.4.5 解答


I. 替換

1. As soon as I arrived at the station, I found the train had left.

2. As soon as he stepped out of the office, he was arrested.

3. As soon as he returned from Japan, he set out to work on his new project.

4. We stood up as soon as the teacher entered.

5. As soon as I inspected the vase further, I found a crack in it.

6. As soon as Mr. Brownlow called her to come in, she found herself in a little room, quite full of books.


ll. 翻譯

I. As soon as I receive your order, I will deliver the goods to you.

2. Once one holds power, he tends to become corrupt.

3. Once you have learned French, you will find English easy.

4. As soon as he recovered from his operation, he returned to work.

5. The phone rang as soon as I sat down to eat.


I. 替換

1. No sooner do I receive your order than I will deliver the goods to you.

2. No sooner do I get paid than I will return to you the money I have owed you.

3. No sooner had the earthquake struck than the residents rushed out.

Scarcely had the earthquake struck when the residents rushed out.

4. No sooner had he recovered from his operation than he returned to work.

Scarcely had he recovered from his operation when he returned to work.

5. No sooner had I sat down to eat than the telephone rang.

Scarcely had I sat down to eat when the telephone rang.


ll. 翻譯

1. No sooner was the news about our victory made open than we jumped for joy.

2. No sooner had the teacher turned around than John sneaked away.

3. No sooner had he nodded his head than his hat dropped to the ground.

4. No sooner had he kicked his leg in the air than his shoe flew out of his foot.

5. No sooner had he swiped his card than the door swung/flew open.