
2020年11月30日 星期一

Teaching Schedule @ Sunday, December 2020

 109.12 --- December 2020

Elite English Tutor --- Sunday 18:00~20:00

12/06     L3: U11~U20  7000: P30           (Tests & Exams on Vocabulary, Reading & Writing)

12/13     L5: U01~U10  VQC: P33               (Tests & Exams on Vocabulary, Reading & Writing)

12/20     L3: U21~U30 7000: P31             (Tests & Exams on Vocabulary, Reading & Writing)

12/27     L5: U11~U20  VQC: P34            (Tests & Exams on Vocabulary, Reading & Writing)

Teaching Schedule @ Wednesday, December 2020

 109.12 --- December 2020

Elite English Tutor --- Wednesday 19:00~22:00

12/06      L6: U29~U30           Phrases U53              (A97 SP 3.7.3~3.7.8      T&W25)

12/09      WP: P11~P12            VQC: P30                  (A98 R: 6.3                    T&W26)

12/16      L6: U31~U32           Phrases U54              (A99 SP 3.8.1~3.8.4      T&W27)

12/23     GEPT: IH-W7           7000: P33                  (A100    R: 6.4               T&W28)

12/30      L6: U33~U34           Phrases U55              (B01  SP 3.8.5~3.8.9      T&W29)

Teaching Schedule @ Saturday, December 2020

 109.12 --- December 2020

Elite English Tutor --- Saturday 18:30~21:30

12/05     7000: U45~U46   T17   7000: P20                  (A32 R: 4.02             T&W8)

12/12      L3: U17~U18      T18   Phrases U35              (A33 G: 5.1~5.2       SP P16 W7.2)

12/19     7000: U47~U48   T19   VQC: P21                  (A34 R: 4.03             T&W9)

12/26     L3: U19~U20      T20   Phrases U36              (A35 G: 5.3~5.4       SP P17 W7.3)

2020年11月25日 星期三

Reading 6.2 解答


Comprehension Check

1 D  2 D  3 A  4 C

Patterns in Use



2 By the time he went to elementary school, he had memorized many pieces by Bach

3 By the time she turned 22, she had won five major championships

4 by the time the New York Knicks asked him to play on the court in 2012, he had been a benchwarmer for several months

5 by the time Ms. Groves assesses my progress in a future class, I will have mastered the assigned composition




2 as if they were her own children

3 as if nothing had happened

4 as if they had grown up together

5 as if I had done something wrong


Extra Exercise


1 By the time I got home last night, I hadn’t eaten anything for ten hours.

2 I devoured my dinner as if it were my last meal.


1 Jane works day and night as if she had no need for rest.

2 By the time she reaches thirty, she will have had enough money to buy a house of her own.


1 By the time the Canadian had a chance to visit Taiwan, he had already mastered Chinese.

2 Therefore, he was able to communicate with the locals as if he had been living there for a long time.

Writing Hands-on



reasons for applying to the Japanese Department


Study Plan

Short-term Goal

improve my Japanese, get a part-time job

Mid-term Goal

take required and elective courses, join clubs

Long-term Goal

work as an interpreter and translator, work in a trading company


emphasize intelligence, motivation, and appreciation for the opportunity

In the global village, being able to speak different languages is the best way to help spread culture around the world. Among all the languages of the world, Japanese is the one that I am most interested in, not only because Japan is a highly developed country but because Japan has a great influence on Taiwan. In addition, your department offers in­depth courses in modern and classical Japanese literature and also allows students to take courses offered in other departments. A good foundation like this will offer me a big step on the road to becoming an interpreter and translator and working in a trading company. My goals are as follows:

Short­term Goal (from now to the beginning of school)

During these five months before school starts, I will work on my Japanese proficiency by learning more vocabulary, reading Japanese novels, and watching Japanese TV programs. I also plan to go on a working holiday in Japan during the coming summer vacation. Whatever job I find, I will have the opportunity to sharpen my Japanese and learn more about Japanese culture. Mid­term Goal (four years in college)

After fulfilling the general education requirements, I plan to put more effort into refining my skills in oral interpretation and translation. Apart from the courses in the Japanese Department, I am going to take commerce and business courses to improve my job prospects. As for extracurricular activities, I am certainly going to join the Japanese Club to immerse myself as deeply as I can in the living cultures of Japan.

Long­term Goals (after graduation)

After graduation, I don’t plan to go directly into graduate school. I plan to find a job in a Japanese company first. Hopefully, by this time my spoken Japanese and commercial skills will be attractive to employers and can afford me some chances for advancement in the job. In my free time, I will continue to translate Japanese novels or TV programs on a part­time basis. I will also like to try oral interpretation if I get the opportunity.



2020年11月15日 星期日

英閱題組 UNIT 5 翻譯解答

 Unit 5

1. For years, he has been observing phenomena in that desert area, which takes up almost all of his time.

2. You can't achieve your goal without making an effort; in other words/that is (to say), never count on luck because success can only be won at the cost of hard work.

3. The solution occurred to me because I happened to have a similar experience several months ago.

4. Such hi-tech products as tablet computers and smartphones have now become this company's main products due to increasing market demands.

5. After the war, the island became/has become a tourist paradise because of its breathtaking/stunning scenery, but it is not an ideal place for people who thrive on/enjoy nightlife.

6. Scientists have shown/have taken great interest/are very interested in studying the evolutionary adaptations of desert animals and plants, including their high heat tolerance and ability to conserve water.

2020年11月11日 星期三

Reading 6.1 練習題參考解答


Comprehension Check

1 C  2 A  3 B

Patterns in Use



2 it seemed that the driver was the only person that got hurt

3 He didn’t seem to know what had happened to him

4 it seemed that he didn’t understand how serious the situation was

5 the driver seemed to have lost his grip on the steering wheel




2 was three times the number of the people who attended the talk show

3 is five times the amount of the water a horse consumes a day

4 costs ten times the price of that cell phone with basic functions

5 is a hundred times the number of people living in the country’s smallest city


Extra Exercise


1 The high­speed rail runs at over twice the speed of the regular train.

2 No wonder it seems that more and more people are choosing to take the high­speed rail when they are traveling long distances.


1 This theme park is five times the size of an ordinary/an average/a normal amusement park.

2 It seems to be impossible to go on all the rides there in one day.


1 This shop’s coffee costs half the price of the coffee sold in any coffee chains.

2 It seems that we/We seem to pay the other half of the price for the brand of the coffee chain rather than the taste of it.

Writing Hands-on


My name is Jia­Ling Yang. I was born and raised in Taiwan. I am currently a junior at Xin­Yi Senior High School. Being the only child in my family, I have been raised as the focus of my parents’ love and attention. However, this does not mean that they spoiled me. Instead, they have taught me how to behave and fostered warmth and enthusiasm in me. I am lucky to have many friends, and I think that I have to thank my parents for that.

        My interests range from music and sports to reading and writing. Among these interests, I am especially interested in the wonders of nature. When I was a child, I like to ask questions about natural phenomena, such as the rainbow and the dew. My father, who was a physics teacher, would explain to me with patience. I was always listening attentively. Since I went to senior high school, I have been even more fascinated with the mystery of nature. I joined many activities observing and studying the nature. I also took part in scientific competitions and won several prizes. I plan to major in physics in college. By putting my heart into this field, I will be able to make a concrete contribution to society while pursuing a topic that interests me greatly. After graduation from college, I will continue with my studies. I believe that my background, experience, determination, and effort will make me a good candidate for NCTU. I do hope that I have the good luck to be granted admission.

2020年11月7日 星期六

GEPT全民英語能力分級檢定測驗中級寫作測驗 Unit 1 ~ Unit 2




















寫作能力測驗的主題是A Lucky Day,故事開頭如下。開頭部分不必重謄,答案請寫在「寫作能力測驗答案紙」上。評分重點包括內容、組織、文法、用字遣詞、標點符號、大小寫。

Yesterday, John got up early, had his breakfast, and drove to work as usual. After arriving at the office, he started his daily work routine. He looked through his schedule quickly, made a few phone calls to his customers, and checked his e-mail. Then, he gathered his files and prepared to have a meeting with his boss and team members….

2020年11月4日 星期三

3.6.2解答 & 翻譯寫作20參考解答


I. 替換

1. As imperfect as the United States’ democracy is, it is still the best political system.

2. As painful as the belt-tightening policy is going to be, it will help to stabilize the economy.

3. As patient as I am, I have no intention of continuing to wait.

4. As busy as he was, he found time to have a drink with us.

5. As inexperienced as he is, he is at least competent and works hard.

ll. 翻譯:請將下列中文句子翻成英文

1. As successful as he is, he is not proud.

2. As mysterious as his background might seem, I never wanted to understand it.

3. As arrogant as he appears, he feels lonely and insecure.

4. As cold as it was, they swam in the icy river.

5. As dangerous as the journey might seem, nobody was injured.



1.        It’s necessary for a man to have hobbies, otherwise he may find his life dull.    


2.        Some people are fond of collecting stamps, some like swimming, and others like reading or music.


3.        But not all hobbies are healthy; for example, smoking and gambling are bad ones.


4.        Smoking harms one’s body and gambling makes one lose everything, including money, friendship, etc.


5.        Therefore, we should cultivate good and profitable hobbies lest we should degenerate.