
2019年12月1日 星期日

Answers to 150 Sentence Patterns High School Students should Know

Pattern 1
Aux + S + V...?
I. 替換將以下的直接問句改為間接問句。
1. She asked whether I would be there the next day.
2. He asked whether they had gone to Taipei three days before.
3. She wanted to know whether she was going that week.
4. She asked whether I had been to Japan.
5. Tom asked his mother whether he should take her to the hospital.

ll. 翻譯
1. Do you know how much the repairs will cost?
2. Shall I lock the door?
3. Has the baby fallen asleep?
4. Isn't it necessary to abide by the law?
5. Can it be true that we will get a 3 % pay raise?

Pattern 2
WH- + Aux + S V ...?
I. 替換將以下的直接問句改為間接問句
1. She asked how long I had lived in Taipei.
2. He asked what I was doing then.
3. He asked how many students had attended the meeting the day before.
4. She asked how they would go there the next day.
5. He asked who had to wash the dishes.

ll. 翻譯請將下列中文句子翻成英文。
1. How long will it take to the airport?
2. Who do you suppose could have stolen the money?
3. Whose paintings will be on exhibition on Saturday?
4. What do you think of your new job?
5. Where does John get the money to keep two villas?

2.2 附加問句
Pattern 1
S (+ Aux) + V ... , Aux (否定) + S (代名詞)?
S + Aux (否定) + V ..., Aux + S (代名詞)?
I. 完成句子請寫出下面的附加問句
1. don't they
2. does it
3. isn't it
4. aren't there
5. do you
6. should she
7. won't you
8. don't we
9. is it
10. don't you

ll. 翻譯請將下列中文句子翻成英文。
1. I expect you aren't ready for your driving test, are you?
2. There was hardly any traffic early in the morning, was there?
3. Everyone has bad days now and then, don't they?
4. Living in the downtown area can be very convenient, can't it?
5. Those who saw the movie thought it worth seeing, didn't they?

