
2020年3月29日 星期日

Answers to Reading 4.7

Comprehension Check
1 C  2 D  3 D  4 C
Patterns in Use
Exercise A
1 Stella bought two books, both of which were adventure novels.
2 The store has hired several young clerks, none of whom is above 30.
3 At the party, Ted chatted with many people, some of whom were his high school classmates.
4 There are many convenience stores in Taiwan, most of which are equipped with ATMs.
Exercise B
2 one of which was that he fell in love with his boss's daughter
3 two of whom even work in the same company
4 most of whom are fair­weather friends
5 all of which were sold within five years
Exercise A
1 with the environment changing too rapidly, ecosystems and species will not have enough time to adapt
2 With more and more carbon dioxide trapped in the atmosphere, the temperature on Earth has risen very quickly
3 With more and more floating sea ice melting, polar bears are no longer able to find a place to rest
4 The ocean has become more acidic with more carbon dioxide absorbed in it
Exercise B
1 with his arms folded under his head
2 with a briefcase held in his hand
3 With tears streaming down her face
4 With her heart beating faster and faster

Writing Hands-on
Exercise A
1 (A) Growing up means becoming mature and having to be responsible.
(B) Growing up means not making complaints without any reason.
2 (A) Happiness is a feeling of being pleased and satisfied.
(B) Happiness is feeling like smiling all the time.
3 (A) A true friend is one who offers help without asking anything in return.
(B) A true friend shares both joy and sorrow.
Exercise B
Flora, fauna, and microorganisms of all species have important roles to play in the natural balance of life on Earth. A group of different organisms, together with the environment they live in, form what is called an “ecosystem,” which consists of various plant and animal species, and their
habitats. To maintain the balance in an ecosystem, biodiversity is the key.
All species on Earth have important roles to play. For example, bees carry pollen from plant to plant during their search for food. If bees became extinct, many important plants would not be pollinated, and would fail to bear flowers, fruit or grain. For human beings, crop yields would fall abruptly, inevitably causing food shortages to arise around the world. Hence, it is no exaggeration to say that bees are of the utmost importance to human survival.
Biodiversity is the key that ensures the balance of the world's ecosystems and the continued survival of all the life. Biodiversity includes genetic diversity, species diversity, and habitat diversity. Different genes, different species, and the natural habitats allow species to grow and develop.

