
2020年11月25日 星期三

Reading 6.2 解答


Comprehension Check

1 D  2 D  3 A  4 C

Patterns in Use



2 By the time he went to elementary school, he had memorized many pieces by Bach

3 By the time she turned 22, she had won five major championships

4 by the time the New York Knicks asked him to play on the court in 2012, he had been a benchwarmer for several months

5 by the time Ms. Groves assesses my progress in a future class, I will have mastered the assigned composition




2 as if they were her own children

3 as if nothing had happened

4 as if they had grown up together

5 as if I had done something wrong


Extra Exercise


1 By the time I got home last night, I hadn’t eaten anything for ten hours.

2 I devoured my dinner as if it were my last meal.


1 Jane works day and night as if she had no need for rest.

2 By the time she reaches thirty, she will have had enough money to buy a house of her own.


1 By the time the Canadian had a chance to visit Taiwan, he had already mastered Chinese.

2 Therefore, he was able to communicate with the locals as if he had been living there for a long time.

Writing Hands-on



reasons for applying to the Japanese Department


Study Plan

Short-term Goal

improve my Japanese, get a part-time job

Mid-term Goal

take required and elective courses, join clubs

Long-term Goal

work as an interpreter and translator, work in a trading company


emphasize intelligence, motivation, and appreciation for the opportunity

In the global village, being able to speak different languages is the best way to help spread culture around the world. Among all the languages of the world, Japanese is the one that I am most interested in, not only because Japan is a highly developed country but because Japan has a great influence on Taiwan. In addition, your department offers in­depth courses in modern and classical Japanese literature and also allows students to take courses offered in other departments. A good foundation like this will offer me a big step on the road to becoming an interpreter and translator and working in a trading company. My goals are as follows:

Short­term Goal (from now to the beginning of school)

During these five months before school starts, I will work on my Japanese proficiency by learning more vocabulary, reading Japanese novels, and watching Japanese TV programs. I also plan to go on a working holiday in Japan during the coming summer vacation. Whatever job I find, I will have the opportunity to sharpen my Japanese and learn more about Japanese culture. Mid­term Goal (four years in college)

After fulfilling the general education requirements, I plan to put more effort into refining my skills in oral interpretation and translation. Apart from the courses in the Japanese Department, I am going to take commerce and business courses to improve my job prospects. As for extracurricular activities, I am certainly going to join the Japanese Club to immerse myself as deeply as I can in the living cultures of Japan.

Long­term Goals (after graduation)

After graduation, I don’t plan to go directly into graduate school. I plan to find a job in a Japanese company first. Hopefully, by this time my spoken Japanese and commercial skills will be attractive to employers and can afford me some chances for advancement in the job. In my free time, I will continue to translate Japanese novels or TV programs on a part­time basis. I will also like to try oral interpretation if I get the opportunity.



