
2021年7月4日 星期日

字彙翻譯Test 13~16


Unit 13

(  ) 1. Only a limited number of high school graduates can go into Harvard University, which is very _____ for them.

(A) competitive           (B) mysterious          (C) primitive          (D) suspicious

(  ) 2. Bobby's wife advised him not to invest all his money in the stock market, but unfortunately he _____ it and lost a lot of money.

(A) governed               (B) ignored               (C) engaged           (D) employed

(  ) 3. Mother Teresa _____ all her life to helping the poor and didn't want to get anything in return.

(A) exposed                (B) explained            (C) devoted            (D) extended

(  ) 4. Karl was not cooperative at all and was unfriendly to his classmates. Finally he was _____ by the whole class.

(A) transferred            (B) regulated             (C) isolated            (D) offended

(  ) 5. Alex's teacher, Mrs. Wang, helped him go through the hard times. To show his _____, he invited her to a big dinner.

(A) authority               (B) gratitude              (C) schedule           (D) performance

(  ) 6. A lot of shoppers buy groceries at the mall on _____. All too often they buy many items they don't need.

(A) impulse                 (B) jealousy              (C) exception         (D) foundation

(  ) 7. Once you visit Hualien, you will be amazed by the beautiful _____ of Taroko Gorge.

(A) boundary              (B) banquet               (C) partnership       (D) landscape

(  ) 8. Jin Yong is such an _____ writer that he wrote a lot of best-selling chivalry novels, which were enjoyed by readers around the world.

(A) intensive               (B) obedient              (C) arrogant           (D) imaginative

(  ) 9. The poor little boy was looking _____ at John's brand new 3G cell phone, which was given by John's father as a birthday present.

(A) previously             (B) enviously            (C) extensively       (D) fluently

(  ) 10. On hot summer days, students sit _____ in the air-conditioned classrooms, focusing on their teacher's lectures.

(A) intelligently           (B) comfortably        (C) respectfully      (D) essentially

Unit 14

(  ) 1. The earthquake left thousands of people homeless, and the cost of rebuilding the quake-stricken area was _____ at billions of dollars.

(A) deposited              (B) evacuated            (C) instructed         (D) estimated

(  ) 2. Barack Obama, with a style of calmness and charisma, won great _____ and was elected president of the US.

(A) imagination           (B) popularity           (C) selection           (D) atmosphere

(  ) 3. Although David was busy, he _____ some of his free time to help his sons with their homework.

(A) sacrificed              (B) reviewed             (C) stretched          (D) combined

(  ) 4. Since some cases of H1N1 were reported in our neighboring areas, such as Hong Kong and China, it is very _____ that it will spread to Taiwan soon.

(A) necessary              (B) admirable            (C) portable           (D) likely

(  ) 5. If you feel bored on weekends, seeing a movie or going to the KTVS might be quite _____.

(A) expressive             (B) fashionable         (C) entertaining      (D) neutral

(  ) 6. My teeth hurt badly now. I have to make an _____ to see a dentist tonight.

(A) equipment             (B) appointment        (C) inspiration        (D) indication

(  ) 7. Time travel only appears in movies or novels for the time being and it is not _____ in the real world.

(A) realistic                 (B) industrious          (C) universal          (D) informal

(  ) 8. In Tokyo, traffic in some main roads is almost _____. It wastes not only energy but also precious time.

(A) substituted             (B) negotiated           (C) paralyzed         (D) signified

(  ) 9. The old clock is of great _____ to Emily. It is her family treasure passed down from generation to generation.

(A) convenience          (B) evidence              (C) reservation       (D) significance

(  ) 10. Roger was such a lucky guy that he _____ escaped death in a traffic accident on the highway this morning.

(A) privately                (B) distantly              (C) narrowly          (D) considerably

Unit 15

(  ) 1. Karl is emotionally weak and dependent, but _____ he is strong and well-shaped.

(A) passionately          (B) physically           (C) heartily            (D) relentlessly

(  ) 2. The supermarket's _____, "Customers are always right." shows their determination for the best customer service.

(A) taboo                     (B) tattoo                   (C) motto               (D) moth

(  ) 3. To his parents' _____, Daniel dropped out of medical school and worked part-time at the fast-food restaurant.

(A) frustration             (B) dictation              (C) ambition          (D) definition

(  ) 4. The outbreak of Influenza A/H1N1 has caused great _____ around the world. It claimed about one hundred lives in Mexico and the US.

(A) interruption           (B) inspection           (C) panic                (D) violence

(  ) 5. The two countries reached an agreement _____ last month. However, few people knew what it was exactly about, so the agreement was open to various interpretations.

(A) ambiguously         (B) arrogantly           (C) coherently        (D) consequently

(  ) 6. Wilson shoplifted from the supermarket and _____ that nothing happened. In fact, every move he had made was videotaped by the hidden cameras.

(A) persuaded             (B) pretended            (C) performed        (D) postponed

(  ) 7. The boss _____ that his employees do according to the plan as usual. Under no circumstances should the plan be changed.

(A) resisted                  (B) consisted             (C) insisted            (D) persisted

(  ) 8. After the typhoon, the water in the reservoir contained harmful and dirty substances. Only after the water was _____ could it be used.

(A) clarified                 (B) purified               (C) falsified            (D) notified

(  ) 9. _____ to what most people think, the Olympic silver medalists are more discouraged than the bronze medalists. The former think they can do a little better to win a gold medal.

(A) Fortunate              (B) Contrary             (C) Objective         (D) Intensive

(  ) 10. This project is mainly for scientific research. It doesn't have any _____ value at all.

(A) commercial           (B) reluctant              (C) opposite           (D) inferior

Unit 16

(  ) 1. The spread of Influenza A/H1N1 was considered an international _____. There were cases of infection reported in various countries.

(A) employment          (B) emergency          (C) impression       (D) introduction                     

(  ) 2. Before a new school year starts, parents usually prepare a wide variety of _____ for their children, such as pencils, erasers, rulers, etc.

(A) protection              (B) separation           (C) transportation   (D) stationery

(  ) 3. After staying in the U.S. for 2 years, Sophie was able to speak English with great _____.

(A) proficiency            (B) attention              (C) dependence      (D) function

(  ) 4. Mark’s new business was really _____. He made a fortune within 2 years and bought a big house and a fancy car for his wife.

(A) generous               (B) principal              (C) profitable         (D) straight

(  ) 5. We _____ believe that with these energy-saving appliances we can save a great deal of electricity every month.

(A) firmly                    (B) extremely            (C) strictly              (D) inquiringly

(  ) 6. During rush hours, drivers should drive _____ in order not to bump into any car on the road.

(A) possibly                (B) previously           (C) expectedly       (D) cautiously

(  ) 7. Morris is cramming for the _____ entrance exam day and night that he rarely has time to relax.

(A) forthcoming          (B) appropriate          (C) protective         (D) complex

(  ) 8. If the condition of global warming and greenhouse effect continues to worsen, no polar bears will _____ in the long run.

(A) invade                   (B) survive                (C) approve           (D) balance

(  ) 9. Failing to pay the bill, Jessica's Internet network was _____ by the communications company.

(A) discounted            (B) excluded             (C) diagnosed        (D) disconnected

(  ) 10. As soon as Mr. and Mrs. Chen realized that they didn't love each other anymore, they got _____.

(A) exploded               (B) exported              (C) divorced          (D) proposed

