
2021年8月29日 星期日



Unit 29

(  ) 1. Whether there are aliens still remains _____, but there seem to be reports about aliens visiting our planet.

(A) imaginary             (B) mysterious          (C) indispensable   (D) inevitable

(  ) 2. What caused Jason to fail the school year is crystal clear. Laziness and lack of confidence are the _____ factors.

(A) responsible            (B) indifferent           (C) fluent               (D) considerate

(  ) 3. Sherry's latest book is a bestseller, but her _____ one didn't even reach the Top 20 Best-selling List.

(A) hostile                   (B) realistic               (C) occasional        (D) previous

(  ) 4. People who can easily _____ to the new environment can survive and live well.

(A) oppose                  (B) invade                 (C) adapt                (D) expand

(  ) 5. The anti-virus campaign spreads quickly around the world; it is not _____ to a certain area.

(A) interfered              (B) restricted             (C) explored          (D) dominated

(  ) 6. The minister _____. For one thing, the prime minister was not supportive of him; for another, his policies were under severe attack by the legislators.

(A) resigned                (B) disguised             (C) revealed           (D) designated

(  ) 7. Although living in the school _____ is inexpensive, a lot of college students prefer to live off campus to enjoy high degree of freedom.

(A) experiment            (B) dormitory            (C) adventure         (D) administration

(  ) 8. It is always believed that there has been equality between men and women politically. Actually, women are in the _____ in the top ranks of government.

(A) formation              (B) consideration      (C) minority           (D) democracy

(  ) 9. I got stuck on the highway for 8 hours last New Year's Day. It was every driver's _____.

(A) exhibition              (B) nightmare            (C) permission       (D) separation

(  ) 10. It was not all Tina's fault. Wilson admitted that he was _____ to blame.

(A) partly                    (B) distantly              (C) enviously         (D) respectably

Unit 30

(  ) 1. Megan is so _____ that I believe she can talk her father into buying her a MP4 player.

(A) expressive             (B) cautious              (C) fragile              (D) destructive

(  ) 2. Andy's failure in the entrance exam was a great blow to him, but he never felt _____.

(A) indulged                (B) satisfied               (C) discouraged     (D) impressed

(  ) 3. In times of economic recession, _____ sometimes give people a bad impression of doing nothing but eating at a fancy restaurant and buying luxurious goods.

(A) guardians              (B) celebrities            (C) messengers      (D) vegetarians

(  ) 4. When we refer to a person who is always in the media _____, we mean that he/she draws much media attention.

(A) spotlight                (B) inspection           (C) commission     (D) corporation

(  ) 5. Some said that the man in the picture _____ my father. In fact, he's my uncle, my father's twin brother.

(A) resembled             (B) revenged             (C) proceeded        (D) resolved

(  ) 6. On week days, there were quite a few _____ at the hotels of the tourist spots; we really didn't need to make any reservations.

(A) pickpockets           (B) mountaineers      (C) negotiators       (D) vacancies

(  ) 7. At the airport, some trained dogs are used to _____ luggage or suitcases to find illegal drugs.

(A) snore                     (B) sneeze                 (C) sniff                 (D) snooze

(  ) 8. For me, taking drugs is _____ with committing suicide. It causes great harm to health.

(A) infectious              (B) synonymous       (C) suspicious        (D) gorgeous

(  ) 9. Over the past few years, Johnny has done successfully in international trade and _____ a great deal of money.

(A) generated              (B) concealed            (C) compelled        (D) abolished

(  ) 10. _____, hundreds of thousands of people die of hunger in Africa every year due to the lack of food.

(A) Formally               (B) Tragically            (C) Emotionally     (D) Heartily

Unit 31

(  ) 1. Members of the Green Party protested against the illegal _____ of migratory birds on Monday, aiming to put an end to selling and buying those birds.

(A) trafficking             (B) sacrificing           (C) registering        (D) confronting

(  ) 2. Our government urged that all _____ should remove an energy drink imported from Austria from shelves after cocaine had been found in this product.

(A) interpreters            (B) retailers               (C) generators        (D) entertainers

(  ) 3. World leaders from around the world attended the _____ of the president-elect, who won a landslide victory in the presidential election.

(A) expedition             (B) indignation          (C) inauguration    (D) subscription

(  ) 4. Pay a visit to Formosan Aboriginal Culture Village, and then you will have a better understanding of the _____ of the aboriginal tribes in Taiwan.

(A) superstitions          (B) transmissions      (C) lifestyles          (D) resolutions

(  ) 5. Taipei Metro ___ for the inconvenience, for the Mucha Line would be closed for a week.

(A) apologized            (B) inhabited             (C) exploited          (D) discharged

(  ) 6. Stanley _____ scolded her daughter for knocking over a cup of coffee, which spilled onto his suit.

(A) truthfully               (B) harshly                (C) ultimately         (D) considerably

(  ) 7. Due to the rising temperature and heat waves, the beautiful homes for various _____ animals---coral reefs---are endangered.

(A) marine                   (B) productive           (C) miraculous       (D) implicit

(  ) 8. Although Jerry led his team to win the world championship, yet he was so _____ and stressed that team work was the only key to success.

(A) profound               (B) timid                   (C) humble            (D) stubborn

(  ) 9. Some automobile companies in the United States are no longer _____ because their cars are more expensive and consume much more gasoline than others.

(A) charitable              (B) formidable          (C) marginal          (D) competitive

(  ) 10. Some countries vowed to _____ diplomatic relations with Taiwan, while some were trying to sever diplomatic ties with Taiwan.

(A) maintain                (B) consist                 (C) disperse           (D) govern

Unit 32

(  ) 1. According to a new research, a volcanic _____ caused a massive species extinction some 260 million years ago.

(A) dictation                (B) liberation             (C) tournament      (D) outbreak

(  ) 2. Tzu Chỉ, a humanitarian _____, raises funds to help the poor around the world, especially those in the poverty-stricken areas.

(A) amateur                 (B) delegation           (C) conference       (D) foundation

(  ) 3. All men are created equal, particularly before the laws. No one should enjoy any bit of _____.

(A) accusation             (B) privilege              (C) coincidence      (D) competence

(  ) 4. Joe took a pain-killer to _____ his toothache, but it upset his stomach subsequently.

(A) relieve                   (B) advocate              (C) concede           (D) dispatch

(  ) 5. In some countries, asking how much money one earns per month or what religion one believes in is considered _____.

(A) sufficient               (B) slender                (C) offensive          (D) punctual

(  ) 6. The United States plays a _____ role in the world economically. It's not exaggerated that once America sneezes, the whole world will catch a cold.

(A) professional          (B) dominant             (C) neutral             (D) monotonous

(  ) 7. Taipei 101 has a _____ design, whose bamboo-shaped structure is nowhere else to be found.

(A) unique                   (B) heroic                  (C) magnetic          (D) flexible

(  ) 8. Rick _____ lost his cell phone in order that his father would buy him a new one.

(A) originally              (B) deliberately         (C) necessarily       (D) honorably

(  ) 9. John had been caught for speeding three times by the traffic policeman; as a result, his driver's license had to be _____.

(A) adjusted                (B) compromised      (C) suspended        (D) compensated

(  ) 10. Johnny didn't do well in his schoolwork, but he scored the highest in the college entrance exam. Everyone _____ his performance at school.

(A) certified                 (B) underestimated    (C) evaluated         (D) irritated

