
2017年1月1日 星期日

KEY WORDS & USAGE: advantage

 advantage [əd`væntɪdʒ] n. 優勢,優點,益處,便利 衍:advantageous adj.; disadvantage n.

There are advantages and disadvantages in being the youngest child in the family.



advantage noun

1 thing that helps


big, considerable, enormous, great, huge, overwhelming | clear, decided/decisive, definite, distinct, material, obvious, positive, real

Breastfeeding offers a clear advantage to your baby.

key, main, major, important, significant | dubious | unfair

The company has an unfair advantage over its competitors.

added, additional These computers have the added advantage of being cheap.

special | potential | comparative, relative | mutual

The plan would be to our mutual advantage.


the natural advantages of countries with low labour costs

commercial, competitive, economic, educational, electoral, financial, military, personal, political, practical, psychological, social, strategic, tactical, technical, technological | cost, price, speed, tax


have | gain, get

He would gain considerable advantage from staying in that job.

bring (sb), give sb, offer (sb)

Another qualification would give me a big advantage at job interviews.

press home

The commanders were keen to press home their advantage with a further offensive in the north.


They argue that the possible risks attached to such vaccines vastly outweigh any advantages.


to sb's ~

It is to your advantage to delay things for as long as possible.

~ in

There may be some advantage in laying down a clearer procedure.

~ over

East coast resorts have the advantage over west coast ones.

~ to

the advantage to both countries of closer economic ties


to good advantage, to sb/sth's best advantage

The bright lighting showed the jewels to their best advantage.

2 take advantage of: make use of


full, maximum

We took full advantage of the hotel facilities.



[adj N] 32% full N, big N, several N

Despite the twin advantages of wealth and beauty, she did not have a happy life.


[to N] 20% to N

It would be to your advantage (= it would improve the situation for you) to agree to his demands.


[n N] 10% field N, home N, tax N

Home advantage in soccer is due to many factors.


[amount N] 9% amount N

And that's one advantage of having continual contact in the future.


[(v) N of n] 8% (have) N of being

I thought I'd take advantage of the sports facilities while I'm here.



