
2018年7月22日 星期日

Answers to "The Earth's Mysterious Neighbor"

Comprehension Check
1 C  2 C  3 C  4 D
2 those who did not fully understand the moon tended to think
3 anyone who acted strangely only during a full moon would not face severe penalties
4 Those who stayed out late behaved bizarrely
5 a person who is educated now has more accurate information about the moon
1 Were it not for medical advances, there would be no treatments for cancer.
2 If it were not for his uncle’s support, Jason might not have enough money to attend college.
3 Were it not for the Internet, I could not collect detailed information so quickly for my assignments.
4 If it were not for the destruction of their natural habitats, tigers might not be in danger of extinction today.
Extra Exercise:
1 Anyone who rides a motorcycle must wear a helmet.
2 If it were/Were it not for the rule, many motorcyclists would injure their heads in a road accident.
1 If it were/Were it not for air and water, humans could not survive/live.
2 Those who take these things for granted should learn to value/cherish them.
1 If it were/Were it not for dictionaries, students could not learn the correct usage of words.
2 Those who want/Anyone who wants to learn English well should make good use of dictionaries.

Exercise A:
Problem: I had the fear of public speaking.
Details of the Problem
My heart was in my mouth when I stood on the stage.
It seemed like the audience could hear the hammering of my heart while I was delivering a speech.
Nervousness filled my veins and made me light­headed.
I told myself to think of the audience as stone instead of human beings.
With the crowd quieting down, a growing sense of confidence began to build inside me.

Exercise B:
Even now, I still remember how frightened I was the first time I made a speech in public. My heart felt like it was in my mouth. It seemed like the audience could hear it hammering. It was, I felt, not butterflies but elephants that were in my stomach. The thundering herd was threatening to trample me thoroughly. Nervousness filled my veins, making me light­headed.
My mind went blank for a while. Then, I told myself to pretend that the audience was stoneStones can’t hear or criticize. Slowly I began to talk. As the crowd began to quiet down, a growing sense of confidence began to build inside me. My muscles relaxed and my breathing eased. I finished my speech and went off the stage to thunderous applause.

