2018年7月1日 星期日

Answers to See for Yourself

Comprehension Check
1 D  2 C  3 A  4 B

Patterns in Use
1 Fast as he ran, Edmund didn’t win the race.
2 Expensive as they were, the concert tickets sold out within an hour.
3 Severe as the weather was, the rescue team still set out to search for the missing child.
4 Strongly as his parents disagreed with his career choice, Danny remained determined to become an actor.
1 One is the courage to spend months abroad, and the other is a sufficient amount of money.
2 One is paying for your traveling expenses, another is enhancing your résumé, and the other is broadening your horizons.
3 One is related to work, and the others involve your personal expectations.
4 One is the language barrier, another is the job­seeking process, and the other is local resistance to hiring foreign workers.

Extra Exercise:
1 Exhausted as I was last night, I still spent some time writing three letters.
2 One was to my best friend, another was to an old colleague of mine, and the other was to a friend from college.
1 Quietly as they complained about the restaurant, the customers were still overheard by the owner.
2 One complaint was about the stale food, and the others were all about the poor service.
1 One of my neighbor’s twin sons lives in France, and the other lives in Japan.
2 Far apart as they live/are, they still do their best to keep in touch with each other.

Extra Reading

Travel First, Then Work?

1 D  2 C  3 D  4 A

