2018年8月19日 星期日



Dear Leo & Lisa,
It’s not uncommon for different generations to disagree about what’s best, whether it’s about things as simple as music or food, or as serious as dating someone. Therefore, the first thing you should do is have a genuine conversation with your parents. Your parents’ biggest concern about your dating is that it’ll distract you from your schoolwork. To set their minds at ease, show them evidence that you being together actually has a positive effect on your school performance. Showing them your explicit study plan may be a good way to convince them of this.
Parents are always worrying about their children. They need to know that you’re staying on track, that is to say, that you can take care of your schoolwork while dating at the same time. By explaining your position rationally with clear evidence, you can show your parents that you’ve thought things through. This also assures them that you’re able to strike a balance between your schoolwork and relationship. In short, only by proving that you aren’t acting impulsively can you help your parents let go of their fears and trust the decision you’ve made.
                                        Cheerfully, Martha

