
2018年8月21日 星期二

Answers to Book 1: 26~40

26. To V, S + V  ( 表目的的不定詞 )
To order goods through the mail, you just give your credit card number to the mail-order company.
èTo stay healthy / keep in good health, we'd better take exercise regularly.
27. have + O + p.p.  ( 表不愉快的經驗 )
It is easy to have it (= a credit card) taken away.
比較:have + st + p.p. ( 安排他人做某事 )
I must have my watch repaired.
他被扒了。(He ….)
èHe had his pocket picked.
28. It is convenient (for sb) + to V ( 某人做 ……) 很方便
Is it convenient for you to meet me ?
èIt is very convenient for people to travel by plane.
29. get + O + p.p. (表完成某事或安排某人做某事 )
You'll get it paid off.
èI must get my hair cut.
30. had better (not) + V 最好
We'd better get back to work now.
èYou had better not go out today.
31. 非限定關係子句 (that 不用在非限定關係子句中 )
Halloween, which falls on October 31, is one of the most unusual and fun holidays in the United States.
My father , who works in Kaoshiung, comes home once a week.
èMany children love “ The Lion King,” which is also one of my favorite movies.
32. In order to + V, S + V 為了 ……
In order to scare the ghosts away, people built huge fires and wore costumes made of animal skins.
èIn order to catch the school bus, you have to get up before 6:00.

33. from N. to N. (N.之前零冠詞)
As you go from room to room, you meet one scary thing after another .
from door to door, from house to house, from wall to wall
èCustoms differ from country to country.
34. S + V + as if + S + V ( 假設法或直說法 ) 彷彿,好像
You might hear screams and cries from behind, as if someone is being killed.
比較:He looks / looked at me as if he had known me for centuries.
She talks / talked to me as if I were her student.
èIt looks as if it is going to rain.
35. so + adj. /adv. + that … 太 / 如此 …… 以致 ……
He was so stingy that he could not enter heaven when he died.
比較:such NP that …
It was such a cheap house that we decided to buy it.
The house was so cheap that we decided to buy it.
èHe talked so fast that nobody could really understand him.
36. S + V + so that + S + will, can, may (would, could, might) + V 以便
A jack-o'-lantern is put in a window or outside a house, and a candle is placed inside so that the face lights up.
èWe left early so that we could catch the first train.
37. All one can/could do is/ was + V 某人所能做的就是 ……
All he could do was walk the earth as a ghost, carrying a lantern.
èAll we can do every day is sit inside and study.
38. stop + O + from + Ving 阻止 …… 使不能 ……
You have to stop him from hurting himself .
èYou can't stop me from leaving for New York.
39. Ving / To V + 單數動詞(動名詞或不定詞做為主詞)
Communicating in English on the phone can be difficult.
To communicate in English on the phone can be difficult.
It can be difficult to communicate in English on the phone .
èLearning English is not an easy job.
40. Even if + S + V, S + V 即使,假使(假定的狀況)
Even if you know the person, don't expect him or her to recognize your voice.
èEven if you can do it by yourself, you'd better discuss it with us.

