2018年8月19日 星期日

Unit 3 @ Cloze & Writing Practice

Unit 3  RoboShop
RoboShop, in downtown Tokyo, is the first store in the world where there are no __1__ at work. Robots work 24 hours a day, __2__ the customers who come in. RoboShop is like a __3__ vending machine. Customers come into the shop and look at the __4__ cases. They write the numbers of the items they want on order cards. Next they punch the numbers into a machine __5__ to an ATM machine. Then a robot, called Robo, goes to work. Robo looks like a bucket __6__ wheels. It moves quickly around the store, choosing items and putting them into a shopping basket. Robo always chooses the biggest things first. If you buy a new toaster, Robo will not put it __7__ your fresh sushi. RoboShop sells things that people buy every day, __8__ food and drinks to household goods, magazines, and cosmetics. It __9__ sells many other things, such as expensive watches and perfumes. RoboShop is just like a vending machine but much bigger. Many people think it’s interesting to shop there and the prices are lower because the store doesn’t have to pay __10__ to Robos.
(   ) 1. (A) machines           (B) humans              (C) robots                (D) agent
(   ) 2. (A) prepare                    (B) preparing           (C) serve                  (D) serving
(   ) 3. (A) flat                    (B) tiny                    (C) giant                  (D) expandable
(   ) 4. (A) display              (B) performance             (C) description        (D) deposit
(   ) 5. (A) familiar                   (B) similar               (C) reliable               (D) valuable
(   ) 6. (A) to                      (B) by                      (C) on                      (D) in
(   ) 7. (A) under                (B) below                 (C) in the middle of (D) on top of
(   ) 8. (A) ranging             (B) offering              (C) from                  (D) for
(   ) 9. (A) also                         (B) however                   (C) thus                         (D) yet
(   ) 10. (A) debts               (B) salaries              (C) prices                 (D) fines
Sentence Pattern Analysis:
1. S + V1…, V2-ing/V2-en…(分詞構句)
1. What’s the main idea of this passage?àThe passage introduces the first store where robots are at work.
2. What do you often buy from vending machines?àI often buy drinks from vending machines.
3. What can you find in RoboShop?.àWe can find many things that we need every day, like food, drinks, household goods, magazines, and cosmetics.
4. Do you like the idea of buying things from RoboShop? Why or why not?àI don’t like to buy things from RoboShop because nobody says hello to me.
Sentence Making & Rewriting & Translation:
1. be + similar + toàMy cat is similar to yours in appearance.
2. in fact…àDon’t keep asking me if you did anything wrong. In fact, I am not sure about it.
3. It is interestingàIt is interesting to listen to pop music.
1. They lay on the grass. They were looking at the twinkling stars. (V-ing合併)
àThey lay on the grass looking at the twinkling star.
2. She was playing the guitar. She pretended not to see me. (V-ing合併)
àShe was playing the guitar, pretending not to see me.
3. Who is the man? The man is dancing with your sister. (V-ing合併)àWho is the man dancing with your sister?
4. Most of the students studied in the same school. Most of the students were invited to the party. (V-pp合併)àMost of the students invited to the party studied in the same school.
Translation: (S+V…, Ving…)
1.他揮手道別。(wave his hand)àHe said goodbye, waving his hand.
2.他挨家挨戶賣自製的冰淇淋。(home-made)àHe walked from door to door, selling his home-made ice cream.
3.小女孩安安靜靜地坐在地板上完娃娃。(play with dolls)àThe little girl sat quietly on the floor, playing with dolls.
4.隔壁住的那個人是律師。The man living next door is a lawyer.
5.林太太出門了,留下女兒一個人在家。Mrs. Lin went out, leaving her daughter alone at home.

