2018年9月30日 星期日

英文作文 範例


提示:有句話說:「樂觀的人發明飛機,悲觀的人發明降落傘」,這句話要表達的跟飛機與降落傘其實無關,而是你要抱持怎樣的態度去面對事情,是要積極處理還是消極逃避?請寫一篇作文,描述你是用樂觀或悲觀的態度去面對事情,而這樣的態度帶給你什麼好/壞處,並舉例說明。文分兩段,第一段以I tend to look on the bright/dark side of life.開頭並發展之,第二段以There are many advantages/disadvantages of adopting an optimistic/pessimistic attitude.當主題句並發展之。

I tend to look on the bright side of life. For example, I always think the best of people. I assume they are trying their best, and if they do something wrong, it’s by mistake. I also believe that they will keep any promises they make to me. Another way in which I’m optimistic is that I always expect things to turn out well. Therefore, I think I’m going to pass my tests and generally get what I want as long as I put the effort in.
There are many advantages of adopting an optimistic attitude. For one thing, I believe people with a positive outlook are more likely to get along with others and enjoy good interpersonal relationships. Another benefit of being positive is that even when things go wrong, I’m always confident that they will turn around in the end. Because of this, I strive to achieve my goals and never let small setbacks hinder my determination.
I tend to look on the dark side of life. According to my past experiences, things will eventually fail no matter how cautious I am. Therefore, I find that if I always expect the worst, I’ll never be disappointed. What’s more, I don’t trust people easily. Ive been let down by many people in my life, so I’ve learned not to expect too much of others.
There are many disadvantages of adopting a pessimistic attitude, though. One of the most obvious ones is that I don’t have many friends. People don’t like being in my company because of my negative outlook on life. They say I’m a mood killer and that I make everyone feel depressed. Another disadvantage is that I have difficulty motivating myself. It’s difficult to want to try hard when I know I’m only going to fail anyway. However, I know I need to change my perspective, or I won’t accomplish anything during my lifetime.

