2018年9月13日 星期四

Phrases Unit 3

英檢學測統測指考    英文片語成長營    平時測驗卷3
班級: _________ 座號: ______ 姓名: ________________ 總分: __________
1. Tom __________ __________ answer Prof. Lee’s question this morning. (未能)
2. I _________ _________ be broke when Mary asked me to take her to a dinner. (剛巧)
3. It suddenly __________ __________ me that I should stop playing around. (如此認為)
4. I __________ __________ smoke and drink. (曾經)
5. You __________ __________ __________ help your brother with English. (必須)
6. I __________ __________ __________ buy a car. (負擔不起)
7. People __________ __________ be forgetful. (易於)
8. Tom __________ __________ save $5,000 to buy a camera. (設法)
9. Tom finally __________ __________ after the artificial respiration. (甦醒)
10. You __________ __________ __________ sit there and see how I do it. (只要)
11. I __________ __________ __________ meet you sometime next week. (想要)
12. I __________ __________ __________ the dirty air in Taipei. (習慣於)
13. Though Mr. Wang can speak English, he _________ _________ _________ teach. (未能)
14. When I was a child, I __________ __________ swim in this river. (曾經)
15. After dinner all I __________ __________ do is do the dishes. (必須)
16. In the office Mary __________ __________ __________ answer the telephone. (只要)
17. I __________ __________ this loss. (負擔不起)
18. Weak children __________ __________ __________ catch a cold. (易於)
19. You will __________ __________ like Mr. Chao because he is very gentle. (逐漸)
20. Prof. Lee __________ __________ __________ be punctual for class. (一定會)

