2018年9月21日 星期五

SP 150: 3.4-4

Pattern 4
as soon as + S + V
例:As soon as man is born, he begins to die. --- a proverb

I. as soon as (一……就……) 的子句中以簡單式代替未來式。動詞為表示瞬間的動詞。
a. As soon as I will get home, I will make a telephone call to you. ()
b. As soon as I get home, I will make a telephone call to you. ()

II. as soon as 的子句中也可用完成式
a. As soon as he had been home, he would start off to Ireland.
b. As soon as he had made certain she was no threat to him, he had picked her up and thrown her into the back seat of his silver Toyota.

III. The moment/minute/instant (that) + S + V 也是表相同意義的句型。
As soon as I got home, it began to rain.
The (very) moment (that) I got home, it began to rain.
Immediately after I got home, it began to rain.

IV. once (一旦) 也有類似的意義
Once you are deprived of freedom, you will come to realize its value.
一旦被剝奪自由 , 你才能體會它的價值

I. 替換
範例On hearing the sad story, she burst into tears.
àAs soon as she heard the sad story, she burst into tears.
1. On arriving at the station, I found the train had left.
2. On stepping out of the office, he was arrested.
3. On his return from Japan, he set out to work on his new project.
4. We stood up on the entrance of the teacher.
5. On further inspection, I found a crack in the vase.
6. On Mr. Brownlow calling her to come in, she found herself in a little room, quite full of books.

ll. 翻譯請將下列中文句子翻成英文
1. 我一收到你的訂單就送貨給你。
_____________________________________, I will deliver the goods to you.
2. 人一旦握有權力就易於腐化。
______________________________________, he tends to become corrupt.
3. 你一旦學會法文就會發現英文很簡單
4. 他手術一復原就回去工作。
5. 我一坐下來吃飯電話就響了。

