2018年10月7日 星期日

Level 5: U19~U20

Unit 19
alligator [`ælə͵getɚ] n.  短吻鱷
A: I have to go. See you later, alligator. B: After a while, crocodile.
延伸:See you later, alligator./After a while, crocodile. / 再見。(道別的俏皮話)

checkup [`tʃɛkʌp] n.  健康檢查
片語:a physical checkup  定期健康檢查 = a routine checkup  = a physical
John was diagnosed with liver cancer during a physical checkup.
約翰在做定期健康檢查的時候被診斷出罹患肝癌。*diagnose [`daɪəgnoz] vt. 診斷
be diagnosed with + 疾病 被診斷有某疾病

chili [`tʃɪlɪ] (複數形: chiliesn.  辣椒〔美〕(chilli〔英〕)
同義字:pepper [`pɛpɚ] n. 胡椒,辣椒 ①;red pepper 紅椒;green pepper 青椒;black pepper 黑胡椒
Add some chili to the beef stew to give it a spicy flavor. / 在這鍋燉牛肉裡再加些辣椒讓它有辣味。*stew [stju] n. 燉煮*spicy [`spaɪsɪ] a. 辛辣的
比較:chilly [`tʃɪlɪ] a. 冷颼颼的 ③;Chile [`tʃɪlɪ] n. 智利(南美洲國家)

clause [klɔz] n. 條款,子句
The legislator suggested that a clause be added to the bill to ensure immigrants' rights at the workplace. / 這名立法委員建議該法案加入一項條款以確保移民者在職場上的權利。*immigrant [`ɪməgrənt] n. 移民
In English grammar, a clause is part of a sentence that consists of a subject and a verb. / 在英文文法中,子句是完整句的一部分,由一個主詞與動詞組成。

clockwise [`klɑk͵waɪz] a. 順時針的 adv. 順時針地
Screw in the screw in a clockwise direction to fasten the shelf. / 用螺絲起子把螺絲以順時針方向轉入,以鎖緊層版。
Turn the key clockwise to lock the door. / 把鑰匙順時針轉以把門鎖上。

comedian [kə`midɪən] n. 喜劇演員
衍生字:comedy [`kɑmədɪ] n. 喜劇 ④;comic [`kɑmɪk] n. 漫畫 ④
Jim Carrey is no doubt one of the greatest comedians of our time. / 無庸置疑的,金凱瑞是我們這個時代最偉大的喜劇演員之一。

comet [`kɑmɪt] n. 彗星
片語:Halley's Comet 哈雷彗星
Halley's Comet was named after the astronomer Edmond Halley. / 哈雷彗星是以天文學家愛德蒙‧哈雷而命名。*astronomer [ə`strɑnəmɚ] n. 天文學家
延伸:a shooting star 流星

compliment [`kɑmplə͵mɛnt]/[`kɑmpləmənt] vt.  讚美 n. 讚美,恭維
片語:compliment sb on sth  讚美某人;pay sb a compliment  對某人表示讚美
衍生字:complimentary [͵kɑmplə`mɛntərɪ] 免費的
同義字:praise [prez] vt. 讚美 & n. 讚美 ②
The chocolates are complimentary of this hotel. / 這些巧克力是本飯店贈送的。
Anthony complimented his date on her elegant red gown. / 安東尼讚美他約會對象優雅的紅色禮服。
Guests paid Catherine a compliment on her newly furnished house. / 來賓對凱瑟琳新裝潢的房子表示稱讚。

comprehend [͵kɑmprɪ`hɛnd] vt. 了解
同義字:understand [͵ʌndɚ`stænd] vt. 了解 ①
It's difficult for such a young student to comprehend the underlying meaning of this novel. / 要年紀這麼輕的學生了解這部小說隱含的意義是有困難的。*underlying [͵ʌndɚ`laɪɪŋ] a. 隱含的

comprehensible [͵kɑmprɪ`hɛnsəbḷ] a. 可理解的
同義字:understandable [͵ʌndɚ`stændəbḷ] a. 可理解的 ⑤
反義字:incomprehensible [ɪn͵kɑmprɪ`hɛnsəbḷ] a. 無法理解的
The novel is adapted into a shorter version, using clear and comprehensible English. / 這本小說被改編為較短的版本,以清楚易懂的英文寫作。*adapt [ə`dæpt] vt. 改編
比較:comprehensive [͵kɑmprɪ`hɛnsɪv] a. 全面性的 ⑥

comprehension [͵kɑmprɪ`hɛnʃən] n. 了解
片語:reading comprehension 閱讀理解力;listening comprehension 聽的理解力;a reading comprehension test 閱讀測驗;a listening comprehension test 聽力測驗
同義字:understanding [͵ʌndɚ`stændɪŋ] n. 了解 ④
My comprehension of our environment greatly changed after I saw the documentary. / 看過這部紀錄片後,我對我們環境的了解大大的改變了。
documentary [͵dɑkjə`mentərɪ] n. 紀錄片
I think the reading comprehension is the most difficult part of the test. / 我認為這次考試閱讀測驗是最難的部分。
比較:reading ability 用嘴巴閱讀的能力;listening ability 聽的能力;writing ability 寫作的能力

consolation [͵kɑnsə`leʃən] n. 安慰
同義字:comfort [`kʌmfɚt] n. 安慰 ③
The only consolation for Andy is that none of his family was hurt in the earthquake. / 安迪唯一的安慰就是他的家人在這次地震裡全都平安無事。

console [kən`sol] vt. 安慰
片語:console sb 安慰某人
同義字:comfort [`kʌmfɚt] v. 安慰 ③
We tried to console Andy after his house was destroyed in the earthquake. / 安迪的房子被地震摧毀後,我們試著要安慰他。

contaminate [kən`tæmə͵net] vt. 污染
同義字:pollute [pə`lut] vt. 污染 ③
The waste water discharged from the factories has contaminated the river. / 從工廠排放出的廢水污染了河流。*discharge [dɪs`tʃɑrdʒ] vt. 排放(液體、氣體)
延伸:contaminated [kən`tæmə͵netɪd] 為過去分詞作形容詞用,表『受到污染的』。
Several villagers were poisoned by the contaminated drinking water. / 數位村民因為喝了被污染的飲用水而中毒。*poison [`pɔɪzṇ] vt. 使中毒

counterclockwise [͵kaʊntɚ`klɑk͵waɪz] a. 逆時針的 adv.  逆時針地
同義字:anticlockwise [͵æntɪ`klɑk͵waɪz] 逆時針的
The drunk driver lost control of his steering wheel, and the car rotated in a counterclockwise direction. / 這名酒醉駕駛人的方向盤失去控制,汽車以逆時針的方向打轉。*rotate [`rotet] vi. 旋轉
Press down and then turn the lid counterclockwise to open the bottle.  / 往下壓並把蓋子逆時針轉就可以打開瓶子。

coupon [`kupɑn] n. 折價券
My mother likes to collect coupons from newspapers so she can save money on food. / 媽媽喜歡收集報紙上的折價券,這樣在食物的花費上可以省點錢。

cozy [`kozɪ] a. 舒適的(cosy〔英〕)
同義字:comfortable [`kɑmf(ə)təbḷ] a. 舒適的 ②
The big fireplace and the couch make the living room so cozy in winter. / 這個大壁爐和沙發讓客廳在冬天時看起來很舒適溫暖。

crib [krɪb] n. 嬰兒床
同義字:cradle [`kredḷ] n. 搖籃 ③;from (the) cradle to (the) grave 一生
The welfare system in this country takes care of its citizens from cradle to grave. / 該國的福利政策照顧該國人民的一生。
The baby is sound asleep in the crib. / 寶寶在小床裡睡得正熟。

crocodile [`krɑkə͵daɪl] n. 長吻鱷
片語:shed crocodile tears 假慈悲
Don't shed crocodile tears for the guy who lost the tennis game. I know you're happy he lost. / 你不用再貓哭耗子假慈悲,可憐輸了這場網球比賽的人。我知道你很高興他輸了。

curry [`kʌrɪ] n. 咖哩 vt. 巴結(用於下列片語中)
片語:chicken curry 雞肉咖哩;beef curry 牛肉咖哩;curry favor with sb 巴結某人
Curry dishes are a staple of Indian cuisine. / 咖哩料理是印度菜的主食。*staple [`stepḷ] n. 主食
Gary made attempts to curry favor with the manager, hoping he would get promoted. / 蓋瑞試著要巴結經理,希望可以讓他升官。

custody [`kʌstədɪ] n. 監護(權),拘禁
片語:be held in custody 遭到監禁
Jennifer received custody of her twin daughters after the divorce. / 離婚後,珍妮佛取得她那對雙胞胎女兒的監護權。
John is being held in police custody in connection with the theft. / 約翰因為與這起失竊案有關聯而遭警察拘禁。

deceit [dɪ`sit] n. 欺騙
The public was shocked by the charges of fraud and deceit against the politician.
民眾對於該政客被因詐欺罪嫌起訴時感到很震驚。*fraud [frɔd] n. 詐欺行為

deceive [dɪ`siv] vt. 欺騙
同義字:con [kɑn] vt. 欺騙 = cheat [tʃit] vt. 欺騙 ②
The blind woman was deceived by the young man who claimed to be her son. / 這名盲眼的婦人被一名自稱是她兒子的年輕男子給欺騙了。

deception [dɪ`sɛpʃən] n. 欺騙
同義字:fraud [frɔd] n. 詐欺 ⑥;deceit [dɪ`sit] n. 欺騙 ⑤
The company owner was found guilty of obtaining money using lies and deception. / 這名公司老闆因詐欺騙錢而定罪。

deceptive [dɪ`sɛptɪv] a. 騙人的
Appearances are sometimes deceptive. Charles wears designer suits and drives a luxurious sports car, but in fact, he is seriously in debt.
外表有時可以騙人的。查爾斯身穿名牌服裝,並開高級跑車,但事實上,他嚴重負債。*designer [dɪ`zaɪnɚ] n. 設計師*a designer shirt 名牌襯衫
a brand name shirt 有牌子的襯衫(未必是名牌)
諺語:Appearances are sometimes deceptive.(只看外表有時是靠不住的。)

deploy [dɪ`plɔɪ] vt. 派兵,部署(部隊等)
同義字:arrange [ə`rendʒ] vt. 安排 ②
The Minister of National Defense agreed to deploy another five hundred troops to guard this region. / 國防部部長同意再派遣 500 名軍隊來保衛這個地區。

deployment [dɪ`plɔɪmənt] n. 部署
The police chief ordered the deployment of three thousand troops to stop the riot. / 警政署長下令部屬 3 千名軍隊以制止暴動。*riot [`raɪət] n. 暴動

disciple [dɪ`saɪpḷ] n. 門徒,跟隨者
同義字:believer [bɪ`livɚ] n. 信徒;follower [`fɑloɚ] n. 跟隨者 ③
The 77 famous disciples of Confucius were role models of moral character. / 孔子最有名的 77 位弟子們是品德方面的典範。*role model 模範,楷模

dormitory [`dɔrmə͵tɔrɪ] n. 宿舍(常縮寫為 dorm [dɔrm]
I stayed in a dormitory and had three roommates when I was in college. / 我大學時住在學校宿舍,有3個室友。

dresser [`drɛsɚ] n. 衣櫥
同義字:closet [`klɑzɪt] n. 衣櫥 ②;wardrobe [`wɔrd͵rob] n. 衣櫥 ⑥
This dresser has many drawers in which I store clothes and accessories. / 這個衣櫥有很多抽屜讓我收納衣服與配件。

eclipse [ɪ`klɪps] n. (日或月)蝕
片語:the solar eclipse 日蝕;the lunar eclipse  月蝕;the total eclipse 全蝕
Millions of people around the globe waited to witness the rare occurrence of the total solar eclipse. / 全球數以百萬的人等待觀看罕見的日全蝕。*occurrence [ə`kɝəns] n. 事件,發生的事

eel [il] n. 鰻魚
Eels are snake-like fish and are commonly used in Japanese cuisine. / 鰻魚是一種像蛇的魚,經常用於日本料理。*cuisine [kwɪ`zin] n. 烹飪,菜餚

enchant [ɪn`tʃænt] vt. 使著迷
片語:be enchanted by/with... 著迷於⋯ = be fascinated by/with = be attracted by/to
衍生字:enchantment [ɪn`tʃæntmənt] n. 愉悅;著迷
同義字:attract [ə`trækt] vt. 吸引 ③;fascinate [`fæsṇ͵et] vt. 使著迷 ⑤
Miranda was deeply enchanted by the handsome guy's smile. / 瑪蘭達深深被這名帥氣男孩的笑容所著迷。

ensure [ɪn`ʃʊr] vt. 確保
同義字:assure [ə`ʃʊr] vt. 保證 ④
The airline took precautions to ensure flight safety. / 航空公司採取預防措施以確保飛航安全。*precaution [prɪ`kɔʃən] n. 預防措施
Hard work does not necessarily ensure success. Sometimes good luck counts. / 努力工作並不確保成功。有時候運氣蠻重要的。*count [kaʊnt] vi. 很重要
比較:insure [ɪn`ʃʊr] vt. 投保 ④;insure sth against... 為某物保的險
Have you insured your house against fire? / 你有為你的房子投保火險了嗎?
assure [ə`ʃʊr] vt. 保證(使用本字時,主詞為人,受詞也為人);assure sb of sth 向某人擔保某事
I can assure you of John's ability as a designer. / 我可以向你擔保約翰作為設計師的能 力。
則表『確保某結果』(參考EXAMPLE 2 例)

lizard [`lɪzɚd] n. 蜥蜴
The scientist discovered a rare species of lizard in the jungle. / 這名科學家在叢林裡發現一種稀有品種的蜥蜴。*species [`spiʃiz] n. 物種(單複數同形)

mammal [`mæmḷ] n. 哺乳動物
The largest mammal is the blue whale. / 世上最大的哺乳類動物是藍鯨。
比較:reptile [`rɛptḷ] n. 爬蟲類 ⑤;amphibian [æm`fɪbɪən] n. 兩棲類

monarch [`mɑnɚk] n.  君主
同義字:king [kɪŋ] n. 國王 ①;emperor [`ɛmpərɚ] n. 皇帝 ③;monarchy [`mɑnɚkɪ] n. 君主政治
The representative of the monarch had a close relationship with the royal family. / 該君主的代表人與皇室有密切的關係。

mustard [`mʌstɚd] n. 黃芥末
同義字:wasabi [wɑ`sɑbɪ] n. 綠芥末
Would you like ketchup, mustard or sauerkraut on your hotdog? / 你的熱狗要不要加點番茄醬、芥末醬或是酸黃瓜?*sauerkraut [`saʊr͵kraʊt] n. 酸黃瓜

octopus [`ɑktəpəs] (複數形: octopi [`ɑktəpaɪ], octopuses [`ɑktəpə͵sɪz]) n. 章魚(單數)
同義字:squid [skwɪd] n. 烏賊
An octopus uses its tentacles to grab its prey. / 章魚會用牠的觸角捕捉獵物。*tentacle [`tɛntəkḷ] n. 觸角*prey [pre] n. 獵物(集合名詞,不可數)

peg [pɛg] n. 小掛勾,木釘
Just hang your coat on the peg in the hallway and come in to the living room. / 把外套掛在走廊上的掛勾,然後進來客廳。

pinch [pɪntʃ] vt. n. 一小撮
片語:have to pinch oneself  捏自己一下以確保沒有在作夢;a pinch of... 一小撮
同義字:squeeze [skwiz] vt. & vi. & n. 捏 ③
When I won the lottery, I had to pinch myself to make sure I wasn't dreaming. / 中了樂透時,我捏了自己一下確定自己沒有在做夢。
Before the soup comes to a boil, add a pinch of salt to it. / 在湯還未滾開以前,加一小撮的鹽巴進去。

reptile [`rɛptaɪl/`rɛptḷ] n. 爬蟲類
Reptiles are the oldest creatures living on earth.  / 爬蟲類是地球上最早的生物。
比較:amphibian [æm`fɪbɪən] n. 兩棲類;mammal [`mæmḷ] n. 哺乳類 ⑤

sniff [snɪf] n. 聞,吸氣 vi. 聞,大聲吸氣
片語:sniff at...
同義字:smell [smɛl] vt. & vi. 聞 ①;inhale [ɪn`hel] vt. & vi.
Peter cleared his throat and gave a loud sniff before he began talking. / 彼得清了清喉嚨,用力吸了口氣,然後才開始說話。
The dog first sniffed at the food and then devoured everything in less than a minute. / 小狗先是聞了聞食物的味道,然後不到一分鐘之內就把東西吃個精光。*devour [dɪ`vaʊr] vt. 大口吃,狼吞虎嚥

snore [snɔr] n. 打呼聲 vi. 打呼
I tossed and turned last night because of my friend's loud snores. / 我昨晚翻來覆去睡不著,因為我朋友的打呼聲很大。*toss and turn 輾轉反側
I don't usually snore except after an exhausting day. / 除非一整天下來很累,否則我通常不會打呼。*exhausting [ɪg`zɔstɪŋ] a. 令人精疲力盡的

snort [snɔrt] n. 鼻息 vi. 噴鼻息(表輕蔑)
片語:snort at... 表示輕蔑
There were loud snorts that came from the audience after David's funny act. / 大衛滑稽的表演讓觀眾噗哧大笑。
Tim snorted at the ridiculous idea his colleague proposed. / 提姆對他同事提出的荒謬意見嗤之以鼻。*ridiculous [rɪ`dɪkjələs] a. 荒謬的

strand [strænd] n. 一股(線、頭髮)vt. 使擱淺
Peter brushed a strand of hair from his forehead, cleared his throat, and began to speak. / 彼得撥開前額上的一撮頭髮,清了清喉嚨,開始演講。
The ship was stranded by a typhoon; fortunately, all the crew members were rescued. / 這艘船因颱風而擱淺,所幸所有船員都獲救了。

strap [stræp] n. 帶子 vt. vi. 捆住,綁上(時態:strap, strapped [stræpt] , strapped
片語:be strapped in 繫上安全帶
同義字:fasten [`fæsṇ] vt. & vi. 繫上 ③
Fasten the straps on your suitcases before they go in for X-ray inspection. / 在接受X光檢查前請把你們的皮箱上的帶子綑緊。
Make sure everyone is strapped in before we hit the road. / 我們上路前請先確定大家都繫上了安全帶。

stylish [`staɪlɪʃ] a. 時髦的,流行的
同義字:fashionable [`fæʃənəbḷ] a. 時髦的 ③;trendy [`trɛndɪ] a. 流行的
Many celebrities like to dine in this stylish French restaurant. / 許多名人喜歡在這間時髦的法國餐廳用餐。*dine [daɪn] vi. 用餐

throne [θron] n. 王位,王座
片語:succeed sb to the throne 繼承某人的王位;come to the throne 登上王位
The throne of England commands respect but does not command armies. / 英王的王權只享有尊榮但無兵權。*command [kə`mænd] vt. 指揮,控制
Anne will succeed her father to the throne after she turns 18. / 安妮18歲的時候就會繼承她父親的王位。

wring [rɪŋ] vt. 扭,擰(時態:wring, wrung [rʌŋ] , wrung
片語:wring...out 扭乾
Kelly wrung her bathing suit out and hung it to dry. / 凱莉用手把泳衣的水擰掉,然後掛起來晾乾。

Unit 20
carnation [kɑr`neʃən] n. 康乃馨
Carnations become very expensive around Mother's Day. / 康乃馨在母親節的時候會變得很貴。

clover [`klovɚ] n. 酢漿草,紅花草
片語:a four-leaf clover 有四片葉子的酢漿草(幸運的象徵)
A four-leaf clover is a symbol of good luck because it's rather hard to come by. / 四葉草是幸運的象徵,因為它很難找到。*come by 得到(= obtain [əb`ten]

err [ɝ] vi. 犯錯
衍生字:error [`ɛrɚ] n. 錯誤 ②;make an error 犯錯 = make a mistake
The teacher said I made two grammatical errors in this paragraph. = The teacher said I made two grammatical mistakes in this paragraph. / 老師說我在這一段犯了兩個文法錯誤。
Mary admitted that she had erred in calling Mr. Anderson a hypocrite after he threatened to take her to court for it. / 安德森先生為了瑪麗稱他為偽君子一事揚言鬧上法院,於是瑪麗便承認她那麼說的確犯了錯誤。*hypocrite [`hɪpəkrɪt] n. 偽君子
延伸:To err is human, to forgive divine. (犯錯是人之常情, 寬恕是神聖之舉。*divine [də`vaɪn] a. 神聖的)

esteem [ə`stim] n. 尊敬
片語:hold sb in high esteem/regard 很尊敬某人
同義字:respect [rɪ`spɛkt] vt. 尊敬 & n. 尊敬 ②
Film critics hold the director in high esteem/regard. / 影評人都很敬重這位導演。
My father has absolutely no esteem for gangsters. He considers them to be society's parasites. / 我父親對幫派份子一點敬意也沒有。他覺得他們是社會的寄生蟲。*parasite [`pærə͵saɪt] n. 寄生蟲
延伸:self-esteem [͵sɛlfə`stim] n. 自尊
Getting that job really boosted Michael's self-esteem. / 得到那份工作大大提升了麥可的自尊。*boost [bust] vt. 提升

evergreen [`ɛvɚ͵grin] n. 萬年青,常綠灌木
My grandfather told me the tree in his garden was an evergreen. / 祖父告訴我他花園裡那棵樹是一株萬年青。

everlasting [͵ɛvɚ`læstɪŋ] a. 永遠的
同義字:eternal [ɪ`tɝnḷ] a. 永恆的 ⑤
Legend has it that vampires achieve everlasting life and eternal youth by sucking people's blood. / 傳說吸血鬼靠著吸人血獲得永生與青春永駐。*vampire [`væmpaɪr] n. 吸血鬼

exile [`ɛksaɪl / `ɛgzaɪl] n. 流放,流亡,流亡者 vt.  放逐
片語:in exile 遭流放
同義字:banish [`bænɪʃ] vt. 放逐;outcast [`aʊt͵kæst] n. 被放逐的人
Due to political reasons, the scholar was forced to flee his own country and live in exile. / 由於政治因素,這位學者被迫逃離自己的國家,過著流亡的生活。*flee [fli] vt. & vi. 逃離(三態為:flee, fled [flɛd] , fled
The famous political activist recently published a book about his life as an exile. / 這位著名的政治運動家最近出版了一本關於他流亡生活的書。
The dictator was exiled soon after the military coup. / 這位獨裁者在軍事政變後不久就被流放了。*dictator [`dɪk͵tetɚ] n. 獨裁者*coup [ku] n. 政變

extinct [ɪk`stɪŋkt] a. 絕種的
片語:become extinct 滅絕,絕種;an extinct volcano 死火山(已無爆發可能的火山);an active volcano 活火山(隨時可能爆發的火山);a dormant volcano 休火山(目前無爆發跡象的火山);dormant [`dɔrmənt] a. 休眠的
Scientists warn that several species of whales are going to become extinct if illegal whaling continues. / 科學家警告,若是不法獵捕鯨魚的情況持續下去,數種鯨魚將面臨絕種。

extinction [ɪk`stɪŋkʃən] n. 絕種
片語:be on the verge/edge/brink of extinction  瀕臨絕種,即將消逝
Many languages in this world are on the verge of extinction. / 世界上有許多語言即將消逝。

eyelash [`aɪ͵læʃ] n. 睫毛(也因為有兩組故常用複數,亦可縮寫為 lash
同義字:eyebrow [`aɪ͵braʊ] n. 眉毛 ②(因為有兩道眉毛,故常用複數)
Jane's big eyes and long eyelashes make her look very charming. / 阿珍的大眼加上長睫毛使她看來很有魅力。

eyelid [`aɪ͵lɪd] n. 眼皮,眼瞼(因為有兩個故常用複數)
Cathy was in the habit of closing her eyelids when making important decisions. / 凱西做重大決定時習慣闔上眼皮。

format [`fɔrmæt] vt. 格式化,編排 n. 格式 (時態:format, formatted [`fɔrmætɪd] , formatted)
同義字:layout [`le͵aʊt] n. 設計,佈局;版面編排;arrangement [ə`rendʒmənt] n. 安排,布置
You will have to format your disk to get rid of the virus. / 要除掉病毒,妳得要將硬碟格式化才行。
The reference book is easy to use, because its layout is formatted in a reader-friendly manner. / 這本工具書很好用,因為它的版面是以便利讀者的方式所編排的。
An updated version of this program enables it to support up to fifteen different music file formats. / 該程式的升級版本使它能支援多達15種不同的音樂檔案格式。

glisten [`glɪsṇ] vi. 閃耀,發光
同義字:sparkle [`spɑrkḷ] vi. 發光
Judy's face was red and glistened with sweat after a game of tennis. / 打完一場網球賽後,茱蒂的臉紅通通的,汗水在上面閃爍。

glitter [`glɪtɚ] vi. 發光,閃爍 n. 閃耀,光彩
同義字:sparkle [`spɑrkḷ] vi. 發光 ④
Irene's eyes glittered with joy when she saw her fiancé walking towards her. / 看見未婚夫向她走來,艾琳的眼睛閃爍著喜悅。
諺語:All that glitters is not gold.(好看的東西未必中用——喻虛有其表。)

gloom [glum] n. 陰暗,沮喪
同義字:darkness [`dɑrknɪs] n. 黑暗;depression [dɪ`prɛʃən] n. 憂鬱 ④
Mrs. Jones looked up at the gathering gloom in the sky, wondering if her husband had brought an umbrella with him. / 瓊斯太太抬頭望著天空逐漸聚攏的陰暗,心想不知道先生身上有無帶傘。
It's been torturous reading this book as it fills me with nothing but gloom and despair. / 這本書讀起來痛苦死了,帶給我的只有沮喪跟絕望。

gloomy [`glumɪ] a. 陰暗的,不樂觀的,洩氣的
同義字:dim [dɪm] a. 陰暗 ③;depressed [dɪ`prɛst] a. 感到憂鬱的
The scholar spent most of his life doing research in this small, gloomy lab. / 這位學者花費半生在這間窄小陰暗的實驗室做研究。
The doctor seemed to have a rather gloomy attitude about the patient's chance of recovery. / 醫生似乎對病人的康復機率抱持著相當不樂觀的態度。

gorgeous [`gɔrdʒəs] a. 美麗的,極棒的
衍生字:gorgeously [`gɔrdʒəslɪ] adv. 美麗地
同義字:beautiful [`bjutəfḷ] a. 美麗的 ①;fabulous [`fæbjələs] a. 極好的
Sammy looks gorgeous in that white dress. / 山米穿那件白色洋裝看來美極了。

gravity [`grævətɪ] n. 地心引力,嚴重性
片語:the gravity of... ⋯的嚴重性
衍生字:grave [grev] a. 嚴重的,重大的
We are able to walk on the ground because of gravity. / 我們因為有地心引力才能在地面上行走。
Apparently our boss did not understand the gravity of the situation. / 我們老闆似乎並不了解情況的嚴重性。

greed [grid] n. 貪心
衍生字:greedy [`gridɪ] a. 貪心的 ②
Don't try to hog all the pizza, you greedy pig! / 別想霸佔整塊披薩,你這貪心的豬!(*hog [hɑg] n. & vt. 霸佔)
That official has paid a dear price for his greed. He was sentenced to 10 years in prison for taking bribes. / 該位官員因為貪心付出慘痛的代價。他拿了賄款,被判了10 年徒刑。*dear [dɪr] a. 昂貴的

groan [gron] vt. vi. 哀嚎抱怨 n. 哀嚎聲,抱怨聲
同義字:moan [mon] vt. & vi. 哀嚎,抱怨 & n. 哀嚎聲,抱怨 ⑤
We all groaned when Daddy announced he'd do the cooking for tonight. / 當老爸宣布今晚要下廚時,我們都哀嚎起來。
"How long are you going to hog the bathroom?" Nicole groaned. / 『你還要霸佔廁所多久啊?』妮可抱怨道。
Mark let out a groan when Mom asked him to take care of the piles of dirty dishes. / 當媽媽叫馬克負責處理那堆髒碗盤時,馬克發出哀叫的聲音。

grumble [`grʌmbḷ] vt. vi. 抱怨 n. 抱怨,發牢騷(常用複數)
片語:whine about sth 抱怨某事 = complain about sth
同義字:complain [kəm`plen] vt. & vi. 抱怨
That old man grumbles about everything. Just ignore him. / 那個老頭什麼都可以抱怨。別管他了。
"You never listen to what I say," Maria grumbled.  / 『你從沒好好聽我說話,』瑪麗亞抱怨。
We'll be in big trouble if the boss hears our grumbles. / 要是老闆聽見我們發牢騷,我們的麻煩可大了。

guideline [`gaɪdlaɪn] n. 行動綱領,指導原則(常用複數)
衍生字:guide [gaɪd] n. 指導;指南 ①;guidance [`gaɪdəns] n. 指導 ③;under sb's guidance 在某人的指導下
I think we'll need a new set of guidelines for the staff members to improve their work efficiency. / 我想公司職員需要一套新的行動綱領,好改善他們的工作效率。

handicap [`hændɪ͵kæp] vt. 使有障礙 n. 不利的條件
同義字:disadvantage [͵dɪsəd`væntɪdʒ] n. 不利的條件 ④
Our project was handicapped by lack of funding. / 我們的企劃因為缺乏資金而有執行的障礙。
Your criminal record will be a handicap when they consider you for the job. / 他們在考慮是否給你這份工作時,你的犯罪紀錄將成為一大不利條件。

handicapped [`hændɪ͵kæpt] a. 殘障的
片語:the handicapped (泛指)殘障人士(後接複數動詞)
同義字:crippled [`krɪpḷd] a. 跛的 ④;disabled [dɪs`ebḷd] a. 行動不良的 ⑥
It is generally considered impolite to call people with disabilities "handicapped." / 稱呼身心障礙同胞為『殘障』通常被視作不禮貌。*disability [͵dɪsə`bɪlətɪ] n.(身心方面的)殘疾
延伸:由於 handicapped crippled 均帶有歧視意味,現今多用 physically challenged(生理上受到挑戰的)表示『行動不便的』,而以 people with disabilities 表示『行動不便人士』。

heir [ɛr] n. 繼承人
To everyone's surprise, the heir to the throne turned out to be the king's illegitimate son. / 大出眾人意料,王位的繼承人結果是國王的私生子。*illegitimate [͵ɪlɪ`dʒɪtəmɪt] a. 非法的,非婚生的
用法:本字 h 不發音,之後須與介詞 to 並用,形成下列用法:the heir to... 的繼承人 = the successor to...

heiress [`ɛrɪs] n. 女繼承人
The hotel tycoon decided to donate all his money to charity, leaving his heirs and heiresses not a single penny. / 那位飯店大亨決定捐出所有錢給慈善機構,不留半毛給他的男女繼承人。

herb [hɝb/ɝb] n. 藥草
Some people are skeptical about the medicinal effects of certain herbs. / 有些人對某些草藥的醫療效果存疑。*skeptical [`skɛptɪkḷ] a. 懷疑的*be skeptical about... 表示懷疑

herbal [`hɝbḷ/`ɝbḷ] a. 藥草的
同義字:herbal [`hɝbḷ / `ɝbḷ] a. 草的,草本的?
People in China have been practicing herbal medicine for thousands of years. / 中國人使用草藥治病已有千年之久。
延伸:herbal tea 花草茶;herbal medicine 草藥學;草藥

heterosexual [͵hɛtəro`sɛkʃʊəl] a. 異性戀的 n. 異性戀者
同義字:straight [stret] a. 異性戀的(口語)②
Adam insisted that he was heterosexual, but nobody seemed to believe him. / 亞當堅持說自己是異性戀,但似乎沒人相信他。
Even though David looks gay, he is a total heterosexual. / 雖然大衛看起來像同性戀,他其實是個徹頭徹尾的異性戀者。

hijack [`haɪ͵dʒæk] vt. 劫持 n. 劫持(飛機)
衍生字:hijacker [`haɪ͵dʒækɚ] n. 劫機犯
同義字:carjack [`kɑr͵dʒæk] vt. & vi. 劫持車輛 & n. 劫持車輛;carjacker [`kɑr͵dʒækɚ] n. 劫車者
Passengers screamed in terror when the terrorists took out their guns in an attempt to hijack the plane. / 當恐怖份子掏出槍來企圖劫機時,機上乘客全都尖叫嚇壞了。
The security was tightened because of the recent hijack. / 因為最近的劫機事件,安全措施增加了。

homosexual [͵homə`sɛkʃʊəl] a. 同性戀的 n. 同性戀者
同義字:gay [ge] a. 同性戀的 ⑤*本字常做形容詞用,多說 "He is gay." 而不說 "He is a gay."。另外,homo 一詞也可用來指男同性戀者,但這是帶貶意的字眼,應避免使用。
lesbian [`lɛzbɪən] n. 女同性戀 & a. 女同性戀的 ⑤
bisexual [baɪ`sɛkʃʊəl] n. 雙性戀 & a. 雙性戀的
This famous actor finally admitted his homosexual preference to the public. / 這位著名演員最後終於向大家承認他的同性戀傾向。
Bob was very surprised to find out his best buddy Frank was a homosexual. / 鮑伯很驚訝地發現自己最好的朋友法蘭克竟是同性戀。

hostage [`hɑstɪdʒ] n. 人質
同義字:captive [`kæptɪv] n. 俘虜 ⑥
All the hostages were released after the police met the demands of the terrorists. / 在警方滿足恐怖份子的要求後,所有的人質都被釋放了。
用法:hostage 為可數名詞。
Five hostages are still kept over there. / 5 名人仍被留在那兒。
但在下列片語中,hostage 恆為單數:hold/take sb hostage 扣押某人當人質
The bank staff and customers were taken hostage by the robbers. / 銀行行員跟顧客都被搶匪挾持做為人質。
The robbers held the two guards hostage in order to ensure their safe escape. / 強盜扣留這兩名警衛作人質,以確保他們能安全脫逃。

idiot [`ɪdɪət] n. 白癡
同義字:fool [ful] n. 笨蛋 ②;moron [`morɑn / `mɔrɑn] n. 低能者
Get out of my sight, you idiot! / 滾開,你這個白痴!

inward [`ɪnwɚd] a. 內在的,私密的
I felt a sudden inward fear when Alice told me the news. / 當愛麗斯告訴我這個消息時,我內心突然感到一陣恐懼。

inwards [`ɪnwɚdz] adv. 向內地,私密地(= inward
After her son's death, Mary began to turn inwards in her quest for spiritual peace. / 在她的孩子死後,瑪麗開始向內追索,尋求心靈的平靜。

jasmine [`dʒæsmɪn] n. 茉莉
Jasmine is my favorite flower. / 茉莉是我最喜歡的花。

jaywalk [`dʒe͵wɔk] vi. 不守規則穿越馬路
衍生字:jaywalker [`dʒe͵wɔkɚ] n. 任意穿越馬路的人
Jaywalking is illegal. You can be fined if police observe you doing that. / 穿越馬路是不合法的。如果你被警察看到會被罰款。
延伸:a road hog 路霸,隨意變換車道、胡亂開車的人

lame [lem] a. 跛腳的,沒說服力的
片語:a lame excuse/explanation 一個沒說服力的藉口/理由;a lame duck 跛腳鴨(參選失利,任期即將結束的總統、州長或議員)
同義字:cripple [`krɪpḷ] vt. 使跛腳 & a. 跛腳的
John always makes up lame excuses when he is late for work. / 約翰上班遲到總是時總是會編造一些爛理由。
The governor is pretty much a lame duck now. There's only one month left before the newly elected governor takes office. / 這位州長現在真的是跛腳鴨了,距離新當選的州長赴任只剩一個月。

lasting [`læstɪŋ] a. 長久的,持續的
同義字:permanent [`pɝmənənt] a. 永久的
反義字:temporary [`tɛmpə͵rɛrɪ] a. 暫時的
Critics believe that the policy will bring lasting benefits to the public. / 評論家認為該政策將可帶給大眾長久的好處。

limp [lɪmp] vi. 跛行 n. 跛腳
The basketball player limped off the court. / 那名籃球員一跛一跛地走下球場。
Josh has had a slight limp since the car accident. / 賈許自從車禍後就略跛。

livelihood [`laɪvlɪ͵hʊd] n. 生計
片語:earn a/one's livelihood 賺取生計 = earn a/one's living
同義字:living [`lɪvɪŋ] n. 生計
Who is responsible for the livelihood of your family? / 你家的生計靠誰來維持?
Peter earned his livelihood by teaching. / 彼得靠教書為生。

locomotive [͵lokə`motɪv] a. 活動的 n. 火車頭
The cruise lost its locomotive power due to some mechanical problems. / 該艘郵輪由於某些機械問題失去了動力。
A locomotive provides power for the train. / 火車頭帶給火車動力。

lotus [`lotəs] n. 蓮花
Lotuses need to grow in water. / 蓮花要在水裡才會生長。

mint [mɪnt] n. 薄荷
片語:be in mint condition 全新的
Mint is often used as a seasoning that adds flavor to food. / 薄荷常用來做調味料,增添食物風味。
I can't believe that this record is still in mint condition. It's a real bargain! / 我不敢相信這張唱片還是全新的。真是撿到便宜貨了!
延伸:mint 亦指造幣廠,從造幣廠剛剛印好出來的錢完全無缺點,固有上列片語。

moan [mon] vt. vi. 哀嚎抱怨 n. 哀嚎聲抱怨聲
同義字groan [gron] vt. & vi. 哀嚎抱怨 & n. 哀嚎聲抱怨聲
"I hate to work, but I need the money," Lisa moaned. / 『我真討厭工作但我需要錢』莉莎抱怨道。
Everyone in the office moaned when Frank began to tell the same old jokes. / 當法蘭克又重覆講同樣的笑話時,辦公室內每個人都哀哀叫。
The rescuers heard a low moan from beneath the debris of the collapsed building.
搜救人員聽見從倒塌的建築物廢墟中傳來的微弱呻吟聲。*debris [də`bri] n. 破瓦殘礫(不可數)

outward [`aʊtwɚd] a. 向外的
Robert managed to hide his anger and showed no outward sign of it. / 羅伯特掩藏住了自己的憤怒,沒有表現出任何外表的異樣。

outwards [`aʊtwɚdz] adv. 向外地(= outward
Without proper management, it's dangerous for the city to expand outwards at this rapid rate. / 沒有適當的管理,城市以如此快捷的速度向外擴張是很危險的一件事。

tan [tæn] vi. 曬黑,曬成古銅色 a. 古銅膚色的(= tanned) n. 古銅膚色(= suntan)
衍生字:suntan [`sʌntæn] n. 古銅膚色;suntanned [`sʌntænd] a. 古銅膚色的
Some people do not tan easily. / 有些人不容易曬黑。
I'm very envious of Jane because she tans easily. / 我很羨慕阿珍,因為她的皮膚很快就會曬成古銅色。
Vincent's face was tan and radiant after he returned from summer vacation. / 放完暑假回來後,文生的臉曬成了古銅色,容光煥發。*radiant [`redjənt] a. 容光煥發的
Mary got a nice tan by spending a whole day lying on the beach. / 瑪麗花了一整天躺在沙灘上,曬得一身漂亮的古銅色。
比較:sunburn [`sʌn͵bɝn] n. 曬傷;sunburned [`sʌn͵bɝnd] a. 曬傷的

tangle [`tæŋgḷ] vt. vi. 糾纏,捲入 n. 糾結,一團
片語:tangle with sb 與某人爭吵,招惹某人
反義字:untangle [ʌn`tængḷ] vt. 解開
You may get hurt if you tangle with those people. They're extremely dangerous. / 你去招惹那些人恐怕會受傷。他們非常危險。
How did that old lady get tangled up in the company's financial fraud? Wasn't she just a cleaner? / 那位老太太怎麼會跟該公司金融詐欺案扯上關係?她不就只是個清潔工嗎?*fraud [frɔd] n. 詐欺
My hair is tangled every morning when I wake up. It takes me a long time to untangle it. / 每天早上醒來我的頭髮都糾纏在一塊兒。要梳開來需要很長一段時間。
Johnny's brain was filled with a tangle of emotions when he learned that Mr. & Mrs. Wilson were not his biological parents. / 當小強知道威爾遜夫婦不是他的親生父母時,他腦子裡滿滿的是各種糾結的情緒。*biological [͵baɪə`lɑdʒɪkḷ] a. 生物的*biological parents 親生父母

whine [(h)waɪn] vt. vi. 抱怨,發牢騷 n. 抱怨,牢騷
Stop whining about your job! Instead of complaining, you should begin looking for a new one. / 別再抱怨工作了!與其在那邊抱怨,你應該去找份新的。
"Can I have a Big Mac instead of spaghetti for lunch?" Johnny whined. / 『我午餐可不可以不要吃義大利麵,改吃大麥克呢?』小強抱怨道。
The whine of the dogs in the middle of the night gave me the creeps. / 大半夜狗的哀鳴聲讓我毛骨悚然。*creep [krip] n. 毛骨悚然的感覺*give sb the creeps 使某人毛骨悚然

