2018年10月28日 星期日

LEVEL 5 U21-U22

Unit 21
cactus [`kæktəs](複數形: cacti [`kæktaɪ] cactuses [`kæktəsɪz]n. 仙人掌
Cacti are plants that are extremely adaptable to dry environments. / 仙人掌這種植物對乾燥環境的適應力非常強。*adaptable [ə`dæptəbḷ] a. 能適應的*be adaptable to sth 能適應某物

clam [klæm] n. 蛤蜊
I was as happy as a clam when the team I supported won the baseball game. / 當我所支持的球隊贏得棒球比賽時,我樂翻天了。
延伸:be as happy as a clam 樂翻天

coral [`kɔrəl] n. 珊瑚(不可數)
I saw some beautiful coral when I was scuba diving. / 我潛水的時候看見了一些美麗的珊瑚。

feminine [`fɛmənɪn] a. 女性化的
同義字:female [`fimel] n. 女性 & a. 女性的 ②
That red dress made Daisy look very feminine. / 那件紅洋裝讓黛西看起來很有女人味。

gender [`dʒɛndɚ] n. 性別
片語:gender difference  性別差異
同義字:sex [sɛks] n. 性別 ③
The young couple were eager to know the gender of their baby. / 這對年輕夫妻急著想知道小寶寶的性別。
Gender differences are not as solid as they appear to be. / 性別差異並非如表面看來那般牢不可破。
比較:gender 一般專指性別,而 sex 除『性別』 之外,亦可指『性』、『性愛』。

inland [`ɪnlənd] a. 內陸的,內地的 adv. 內陸地
片語:an inland city 內陸都市
Judy has been living in an inland city for most of her life; she has never seen the ocean. / 茱蒂一直都是住在內陸都市;她從未見過海洋。
The troops began to march inland after they had taken several important military posts along the coast. / 部隊在佔領了幾個沿海重要軍事據點後,開始向內陸挺進。*post [post] n. 崗位,要塞

landlady [`lænd͵ledɪ] n. 女房東
同義字:property owner 房產所有人
My landlady comes to collect the rent on the first of every month. / 我的女房東每個月 1 號都會來收房租。

landlord [`lænd͵lɔrd] n. 房東
同義字:property owner 房產所有人
My landlord wouldn't fix the air conditioner for me; instead, he told me to make do with the fan. / 我的房東不願修理我的冷氣機;他要我電風扇湊合著用。*make do with... 將就著,湊合

lodge [lɑdʒ] vt. 安置 vi. 卡住 n. 小屋,旅社
片語:be lodged in... 被安置在lodge in...  卡在
衍生字:lodger [`lɑdʒɚ] n. 房客,寄宿人
The little boy was temporarily lodged in the local orphanage. / 小男孩被暫時安置在當地的孤兒院中。
The fishbone lodged in my throat and I started to choke.  / 那根魚刺卡在我的喉嚨裡,讓我開始覺得呼吸困難。
Rescuers spent the night at the hunting lodge and set off early next morning to continue their search for the missing hiker. / 搜救人員在小獵屋度過一晚,隔天早上又再度出發尋找失蹤的登山客。
There are several lodges by the lake where you can stay for a reasonable price. / 湖附近有幾間旅社價格還挺划算,你可以在那裡過夜。

lodging [`lɑdʒɪŋ] n. 住宿
片語:board and lodging 食宿 = room and board(*此處的 board 不指『木板』,而指『伙食』)
The sign near the school reads, "Board and lodging for students; $500 per month." / 學校附近有一則廣告說:『學生膳宿,每月 500 美元。』

lottery [`lɑtərɪ] n. 樂透,彩券(不可數)
片語:win the lottery 中樂透
I will buy my parents a new house if I win the lottery. / 如果我中了樂透,就會買一棟新房子給我的父母。
I've bought lots of lottery tickets, but I've never won any prizes. / 我買過許多張彩券,卻從來沒中過獎。
用法:表一張彩券,應說 a lottery ticket,而非 a lottery

mainland [`men͵lænd] n. 大陸,本土
片語:Mainland China 中國大陸 = the Chinese mainland
Young people from the small island surged into the mainland looking for jobs. / 從小島過來的年輕人蜂擁而入大陸本土來找工作。
Mainland China is now assuming a more and more important role in the world economy. / 中國大陸如今在世界經濟所承擔的地位日趨重要。
assume [ə`sjum] vt. 承擔
比較:island [`aɪlənd] n. 島嶼 ②

mansion [`mænʃən] n. 豪宅
同義字:manor [`mænɚ] n. 莊園
There's something fishy about this mansion. Local folks have been hearing strange noises coming from it in the middle of the night. / 這棟豪宅有點古怪。當地人常在夜半聽見從那兒傳來的怪聲。*fishy [fɪʃɪ] a. 詭異的,古怪的

masculine [`mæskjəlɪn] a. 男性的,男子氣概的,陽剛的
同義字:male [mel] n. 男性 & a. 男性的 ②;manly [`mænlɪ] a. 有男子氣概的 ②;macho [`mɑtʃo] a. 大男人作風的
Peggy looks rather masculine with her new short haircut. / 佩姬的短髮新造型讓她看起來很像男人。

measles [`mizḷz] n.  麻疹(恆用複數形)
片語:German measles  德國麻疹
Measles is a highly contagious disease. / 麻疹是傳染性很強的疾病。
contagious [kən`tedʒəs] a. 傳染性的

mentor [`mɛntɔr] n. 良師,人生導師
同義字:teacher [`titʃɚ] n. 老師
Mr. Johnson has been a mentor and a good friend to many of his students. / 強森先生一直是他許多學生的良師益友。

mistress [`mɪstrɪs] n. 情婦
There has been speculation that Susan is the billionaire's mistress. / 有人一直臆測蘇珊可能就是那億萬富翁的情婦。*speculation [͵spɛkjə`leʃən] n. 推論,臆測
延伸:concubine [`kɑŋkjʊ͵baɪn] n. 情婦

mortal [`mɔrtḷ] a. 凡人的,嚴重的,致命的,深惡痛絕的
衍生字:mortality [mɔr`tælətɪ] n. 必死;mortality rate 死亡率;immortality [͵ɪmɔr`tælətɪ] n. 不朽
同義字:lethal [`liθḷ] a. 致命的
反義字:immortal [ɪ`mɔrtḷ] a. 不死的;不朽的
Wells became keenly aware of his own mortality when he survived the plane crash. / 威爾斯從那場空難倖免於難後,開始深刻 體悟自己難免一死。*keenly [`kinlɪ] adv. 敏銳地
Poor living conditions in this country have led to a high infant mortality rate. / 該國惡劣的生存條件造成高嬰兒死亡率。
The scientist had a sudden heart attack just when he was one step away from figuring out the secret of immortality. / 該科學家在即將解開長生不老秘密的前一 刻,突然心臟病發了。Greek mythology is about the gods living on Mt. Olympus and their interactions with mortal men. / 希臘神話是關於居住在奧林帕司山上的神祇與凡人之間的來往互動。*mythology [mɪ`θɑlədʒɪ] n. 神話(集合名詞,不可數)
Losing the contract was a mortal blow to our company. / 失去該合約對我們公司是一大打擊。
I didn't mean to step on Joe's foot, but he stared at me as if I were his mortal enemy. / 我踩到阿周的腳並非故意,但他瞪著我的樣子就好像我是他不共戴天的仇人。
延伸:a mortal wound 致命傷;a mortal enemy 死敵,不共戴天的仇敵

nag [næg] vt. vi. 嘮叨(時態:nag, nagged [nægd] , nagged
片語:nag sb to V 嘮叨地要某人從事;nag sb about sth 就某事對某人嘮叨;nag at sb 對某人喋喋不休
衍生字:nagging [`nægɪŋ] a. 喋喋不休的 & n. 嘮叨
Henry felt reluctant to go home and face his nagging wife. / 亨利很不想回家面對他嘮叨的太太。
David dumped Alice because he was fed up with her nagging. / 大衛甩了愛麗絲,因為他真是受夠她的嘮叨了。
The children have been nagging their parents to take them to Disneyland. / 小孩們一直喋喋不休地吵著要爸媽帶他們去迪士尼樂園玩。
Jane kept nagging me about my weight, so I decided to go to the gym and work out a bit.  / 阿珍一直嘮叨我的體重,所以我決定去健身房運動一下。
Will you stop nagging at me? I'd really appreciate it if you left me in peace for a moment.  / 你可以別再對我嘮叨了嗎?如果你能讓我清靜一下,我真的會很感激。

nasty [`næstɪ] a. 令人反感的,糟糕的,惡劣的,嚴重的,惡毒的
同義字:unpleasant [ʌn`plɛzṇt] a. 令人不愉快的 ③;mean [min] a. 卑鄙的,缺德的;disgusting [dɪs`gʌstɪŋ] a. 噁心的 ④
People don't like Karen because of her nasty character. / 大家都不喜歡凱倫,因為她品德很壞。
Stinky tofu smells nasty but tastes great. / 臭豆腐聞起來很糟但很好吃。
When Paula saw the news on TV, she was shocked and wondered how some people could be so nasty to their own flesh and blood. / 當寶拉看見電視上那則新聞時,她很震驚,不解為何有人能對自己的親骨肉如此惡劣。*flesh and blood 親骨肉
I had a nasty headache when I woke up, so I took sick leave this morning. / 我醒來時頭痛得厲害,所以我早上請病假。
Frank's habit of making nasty remarks about people's appearances made him a pain in the neck to everyone in the office. / 法蘭克習慣對別人外貌做惡毒的評論,所以辦公室每個人都覺得他很惹人厭。
a pain in the neck 令人討厭的人或事
Nobody except Alex himself thought those nasty jokes were funny. / 除了艾力克斯自己,沒有人覺得那些惡毒的笑話有趣。

oasis [o`esɪs](複數形: oases [o`esɪz]n. 綠洲,樂土
The city of Las Vegas was built upon an oasis. / 拉斯維加斯市是蓋在綠洲之上。
The park is an oasis of peace amid the hustle and bustle of the big city. / 該座公園是這喧囂城市的一塊寧靜樂土。*the hustle and bustle 喧鬧

oath [oθ] n. 誓言
片語:take the oath 發誓句句屬實
The witness was asked to take the oath before giving evidence. / 證人在作證前被要求發誓。*give evidence(就某案件)提供證詞

odor [`odɚ] n. (不好的)氣味
片語:body odor 體味
衍生字:odorous [`odərəs] a. 芬芳的;deodorant [di`odərənt] n. 制汗劑,除臭劑
同義字:smell [smɛl] n. 味道 ①;fragrance [`fregrəns] n. 芬芳 ④
The pile of garbage in front of the market emitted a pungent odor. / 市場前面的那堆垃圾發出刺鼻的臭味。*pungent [`pʌndʒənt] a. 氣味重的,刺鼻的

ostrich [`ɑstrɪtʃ/`ɔstrɪtʃ] n. 鴕鳥,逃避現實的人
The meat of an ostrich tastes like chicken. / 鴕鳥肉吃起來像是雞肉。
Don't be such an ostrich. You need to face your problem. / 不要逃避現實。你必須面對你的問題。

oyster [`ɔɪstɚ] n. 牡蠣,蠔
同義字:shellfish [`ʃɛl͵fɪʃ] n. 有殼水族(如螃蟹,龍蝦,蛤蜊等)
My stomach began to feel funny after I gulped down some oysters. / 我大口吞下幾枚生蠔之後胃開始覺得怪怪的。*gulp [gʌlp] vt. 大口吞嚥(與 down 並用)
Mary is young, beautiful, and talented. The world is her oyster. / 瑪麗年輕貌美又有才華。世界是她的舞臺,靜待她展翅高飛。
延伸:The world is your oyster. 世界是你的牡蠣。(比喻世界是某人可盡情揮灑的舞台)

participant [pɑr`tɪsəpənt] n. 參加者
衍生字:participate [pɑr`tɪsə͵pet] vi. 參加(與介詞 in 並用)④
participation [pɑr͵tɪsə`peʃən] n. 參與 ④
Participants of the convention include congressmen, retired generals, and senior government officials. / 大會的參加者包括國會議員、退休將領及政府高階官員。

peacock [`pi͵kɑk] n. 公孔雀
衍生字:peahen [`pi͵hɛn] n. 母孔雀
The peacock has beautiful feathers on its back.  / 公孔雀背上有美麗的羽毛。

perish [`pɛrɪʃ] vi. 死亡
衍生字:perishable [`pɛrɪʃəbḷ] a. 易腐敗的
同義字:die [daɪ] vi. 死亡;decay [dɪ`ke] vi. & vt. 腐爛 & n. 腐爛 ⑤
Fresh milk is perishable and must be refrigerated. / 新鮮的牛奶很容易腐敗,因此必須冷藏。
Hundreds of passengers perished in the plane crash. / 有好幾百名乘客在空難中喪生。

piston [`pɪstən] n. 活塞
You need to replace the pistons in your car's engine. / 你必須更換你汽車引擎的活塞。

plague [pleg] vt. 使痛苦,使心煩 n.  瘟疫
片語:be plagued with... 而苦惱
同義字:epidemic [͵ɛpɪ`dɛmɪk] n. 傳染病
Jerry has been plagued with heart problems since he was a child. / 傑瑞從小就為心臟方面毛病所苦。
The idea that his wife may be unfaithful has been plaguing Jimmy. / 吉米一直心煩妻子可能出軌。
The Black Plague claimed millions of lives during its several outbreaks in Europe. / 黑死病在歐洲的幾次爆發曾奪走數百萬條人命。*claim a life 奪走一條人命
延伸:the Black Plague 黑死病,鼠疫(= bubonic [bju`bɑnɪk] plague 淋巴腺。鼠疫,曾於中古歐洲流行一時,造成重大死傷的傳染病)
比較:plaque [plæk] n. 獎牌

playwright [`ple͵raɪt] n. 劇作家
衍生字:play [ple] n. 戲劇,劇本 ①
A: What do you do for a living? B: I'm a playwright. / A:你靠什麼維生?(B:我是寫劇本的。)

preview [`pri͵vju]/[pri`vju] n. 試映,預習 vt. 試映,預習
The preview of the film has met with great success. / 這部電影的試映非常成功。
You need to preview each lesson before class. / 上課前你必須把每一課都預習一遍才行。
比較:review [͵rɪ`vju] vt. 評論;複習(功課)& n. 評論 ②

prudent [`prudənt] a. 謹慎的
同義字:careful [`kɛrfḷ] a. 小心的 ①;cautious [`kɔʃəs] a. 小心的 ⑤
scrupulous [`skrupjələs] a. 謹慎的
It would be prudent to keep our conversation today just between you and me. / 謹慎起見,我們今天的談話最好只你知我知。

pulse [pʌls] n. 脈搏,脈動
片語:feel/take sb's pulse 量某人的脈搏
The doctor took my pulse and wrote me a prescription.
醫生幫我量脈搏、開立處方。*prescription [prɪ`skrɪpʃən] n. 處方
延伸:take one's temperature 量某人體溫

reckless [`rɛklɪs] a. 魯莽的,不負責任的
片語:reckless driving 危險駕駛
衍生字:recklessly [`rɛklɪslɪ] adv. 魯莽地
同義字:careless [`kɛrlɪs] a. 不小心的 ①;irresponsible [͵ɪrɪ`spɑnsəbḷ] a. 不負責任的
The reckless driver was pulled out of the car and arrested. / 這位魯莽的駕駛被從車子裡拉出來逮捕。

recollect [͵rɛkə`lɛkt] vt. 回憶
衍生字:recollection [͵rɛkə`lɛkʃən] n. 回憶
同義字:remember [rɪ`mɛmbɚ] vt. & vi. 回憶 ①;recall [rɪ`kɔl] vt. & vi. 回憶 ④
That man's face looks familiar, but I can't recollect where I saw him before. / 那人的臉看上去很面熟,但我想不起來在哪裡曾見過那個人。

reef [rif] n.
There is a huge coral reef not far from the coast. / 距離海岸不遠的地方有一大片珊瑚礁。
延伸:a coral reef 珊瑚礁

refuge [`rɛfjudʒ] n. 避難,避難處
片語:take/seek refuge in... 為避難處
衍生字:refugee [͵rɛfjʊ`dʒi] n. 難民 ④
The travelers took refuge from the rain in the deserted hut. / 旅人在廢棄的小屋裡躲雨。*deserted [dɪ`zɝtɪd] a. 廢棄的
This part of the mountain was declared by the government as a site of wildlife refuge. / 這塊山地被政府公告為野生動物保護區。

reign [ren] vi. 統治 n. 統治
片語:reign over... 統治
同義字:rule [rul] vt. & vi. 統治 & n. 統治 ①
We feel nostalgic about the days when our last emperor reigned. / 我們都很懷念上一位國王統治的日子。*nostalgic [nɑs`tældʒɪk] a. 懷念的,思鄉的
Many important reforms were carried out during the reign of the last emperor. / 許多重要的改革都是上一位國王在位時所實施的。

reminder [rɪ`maɪndɚ] n. 提醒用的物品
衍生字:remind [rɪ`maɪnd] vt. 提醒,使想起 ③
remind sb of sth 使某人想起某事;remind sb to V 提醒某人做
Before Jerry left for Europe, he gave me this watch as a constant reminder of our friendship. / 傑瑞出發前往歐洲前給了我這支手錶,做為我們友誼長存的見證。

scent [sɛnt] n. 氣味
片語:the scent of... ⋯的氣味
同義字:smell [smɛl] n. 氣味
The shampoo has a light scent of herb extracts.
這種洗髮精有一股淡淡的藥草精氣味。*extract [`ɛkstrækt] n. 抽取物,精

sponge [spʌndʒ] vt. 吸取 n. 海綿
衍生字:sponger [`spʌndʒɚ] n. 米蟲,光吃飯不辦事的人
Bob sponged the spilled juice off the table. / 鮑伯把桌上濺出來的果汁用海綿吸乾了。
I always keep a clean sponge by the sink. / 我總是會在水槽旁邊擺一塊乾淨的海綿。

swarm [swɔrm] vt. 擠滿 n. 一群
片語:a swarm of... 一群be swarmed with...  擠滿了⋯ = be crowded with...
Tourists swarmed the scenic spot looking for photo opportunities. / 遊客擠滿了該觀光景點,在這兒四處尋找拍照的好地方。
The rock concert was swarmed by/with teenagers. / 那場搖滾演唱會擠滿了青少年。
A swarm of locusts ate all the crops in the area. / 一大群蝗蟲把這地區所有的農作物都吃光了。*locust [`lokəst] n. 蝗蟲

tenant [`tɛnənt] n. 房客
同義字:lodger [`lɑdʒɚ] n. 房客,寄宿人
Tenants are not allowed to keep pets inside the apartment. / 公寓內禁止房客養寵物。

throng [θrɔŋ] vt. vi. 擠滿 n.  群眾
片語:a throng of... 一群be throng with... 擠滿了⋯ = be crowded with...
People thronged the supermarket to buy food after the weather forecast warned a typhoon was approaching. / 氣象預報說颱風要來之後,超市擠滿了購買食物的民眾。
The streets are thronged with tourists at this time of the year. / 每年這個時候街道上都會擠滿了觀光客。
In the square, a throng of protesters were gathering around the speaker. / 廣場上,示威者開始慢慢聚集在該演講者四周。

upright [`ʌp͵raɪt] a. 垂直的,正直的 adv. 垂直地
The plane is landing. Please return your seats to an upright position. / 飛機要降落了,請將您的座椅調正。
We like John because he is upright and dependable. / 我們喜歡約翰,因為他正直又可靠。
Louise sat upright when she heard a scream coming from the kitchen. / 聽到廚房傳來尖叫聲,路易絲整個人坐直了起來。

vegetation [͵vɛdʒə`teʃən] n. 植物(總稱,不可數)
同義字:plant [plænt] n. 植物;盆栽(可數)
There used to be abundant vegetation near the lake.  / 那座湖邊原本有很多植物。

villa [`vɪlə] n. 別墅
同義字:chateau [ʃæ`to] n. 別墅
Whoever owns that villa must be stinking rich. / 那棟別墅的主人一定超有錢的。
be stinking rich 非常有錢
stinking 是形容詞,指『發臭』的,此處作副詞,相當於 extremely(極端地),專用以修飾 rich,相當於『滿身都是銅臭味』之意。

vow [vaʊ] vt. 發誓 n. 誓言
片語:vow to V  發誓vow that + 子句  發誓make a vow to V  發誓要make a vow that...  發誓
同義字:swear [swɛr] vt. 發誓 ③
Gary vowed on his wife's deathbed to take good care of the children. / 蓋瑞在太太臨終前發誓要好好照顧孩子們。*deathbed [`dɛθ͵bɛd] n. 臨終所臥的床*on sb's deathbed 在某人臨終之際
The police inspector vowed that he would track down the killer and put him in jail. / 該巡官發誓要找出兇手下落並送他去吃牢飯。
Helen made a vow to take revenge on whoever had caused her pet rabbit's untimely death. / 海倫發誓,不管是誰害她的寵物兔子夭折,她都一定會向這人復仇。*take revenge on sb 向某人復仇*untimely [ʌn`taɪmlɪ] a. 過早的
Billy made a vow to Natalie that he'd stay by her side no matter what. / 比利向娜塔莉發誓,不管發生什麼事,他都會在她身邊支持她。*no matter what 不管發生什麼事

zoom [zum] vi. (鏡頭)拉近/遠
片語:zoom in on...  做鏡頭特寫;zoom out  將鏡頭拉遠
The camera zoomed in on the mayor's face during the speech. / 市長演講的時候攝影機拉近,對他的臉部做了特寫。

Unit 22
beautify [`bjutə͵faɪ] vt. 美化
衍生字:beauty [`bjutɪ] n. 美(不可數);美女(可數)
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. / 情人眼裡出西施。──諺語
It is said that Mrs. Brown was a beauty when she was young. / 據說布朗太太年輕時是個美女。
Mom beautified the backyard by planting a lot of flowers. / 媽媽種了許多花來美化後院。

blue [blu] a. 憂鬱的,藍色的 n. 藍色
片語:feel blue 感到憂慮;the blues 藍調
out of the blue 意外地(= unexpectedly 晴天霹靂地)
同義字:gloomy [`glumɪ] a. 憂鬱的
When winter comes, people easily feel blue because of the gloomy weather. / 冬天來臨時,大家容易因為陰沉的天氣而感到憂鬱。
My girlfriend is a Canadian with blonde hair and blue eyes. / 我女友是加拿大人,有金黃色的頭髮和湛藍的雙眼。
We were having dinner when Peter appeared out of the blue. / 我們正在吃晚餐,此時彼得突然出現了。

bodily [`bɑdɪlɪ] a. 身體的
The police charged the man with inflicting serious bodily harm on the vendor. / 警方指控該名男子使小販受到嚴重的身體傷害。*inflict [ɪn`flɪkt] vt. 使遭受(損傷)*inflict A on B 使 B 遭受 A 的打擊*vendor [`vɛndɚ] n. 小販

bodyguard [`bɑdɪ͵gɑrd] n. 保鑣
The billionaire is always accompanied by his bodyguards. / 這位億萬富翁一直有保鑣陪在身邊。*accompany [ə`kʌmpənɪ] vt. 陪伴
延伸:lifeguard [`laɪf͵gɑrd] n. (海上、游泳池)救生員 ;safeguard [`sef͵gɑrd] vt. 保衛
We should enact stricter regulations to safeguard our environment. / 我們應該制定更嚴厲的法規保護環境。*enact [ɪn`ækt] vt. 制定

browse [braʊz] vi. 隨便翻閱(與介詞 through 並用)
片語:browse through... 隨便翻閱
I was browsing through a magazine at the bookstore when I noticed Sarah. / 我在書店裡翻閱一本雜誌時看到了莎拉。

creak [krik] vi.  (開門或踩在木地板)軋軋響起 n.  軋一聲
The door creaked open all by itself, causing the boys to run in fear. / 門軋的一聲自動打開,嚇得那群男孩趕緊逃跑。
They heard the creak / creaking of the wooden oor as they stepped on it. / 他們踏在木頭地板上時聽到地板軋的一聲。

crunch [krʌntʃ] vi. 嘎吱地咬/走過 n. (食物或東西碎裂的)嘎吱聲
片語:crunch on sth 嘎吱地咬某物
衍生字:crunchy [`krʌntʃɪ] a.(咬起來)很脆的
Jane was crunching noisily on an apple before lunch. / 阿珍午餐前正嘎吱嘎吱咬著一粒蘋果。
We could hear the crunch of the snow as we walked over it. / 我們在冰上行走時能聽見雪被踩碎的嘎吱嘎吱聲。

forgetful [fɚ`gɛtfəḷ] a. 健忘的
同義字:absent-minded [͵æbsṇt`maɪndɪd] a. 健忘的;心不在焉的
Douglas is so forgetful that he often leaves his briefcase on the bus. / 道格拉斯很健忘,以致於他常把公事包留在公車上忘了拿。*briefcase [`brif͵kes] n. 公事包

gnaw [nɔ] vt. vi.
片語:gnaw at sth 咬/啃某物
Duncan discovered that rats had been gnawing at the computer cables. / 鄧肯發現老鼠一直來都在咬電腦纜線。*cable [`kebḷ] n. 電纜線

heed [hid] vt.  注意 n.  注意
片語:take heed of... 注意⋯ = take notice of...  = take note of... = pay attention to...
You will be sorry if you don't heed my advice / warnings. / 你若不聽我的勸告/警告,你就會後悔。
You should take heed of his behavior; he seems a little strange today. / 你應該留意他的一舉一動;他今天似乎有些怪怪的。

milestone [`maɪl͵ston] n. 里程碑
片語:mark an important milestone 記下/表示一個重要的里程碑
The navigator's voyage around the globe marked an important milestone in history. / 這名航海探險家環繞地球的航行在歷史上記下重要的里程碑。*navigator [`nævə͵getɚ] n. 航海家*voyage [`vɔɪɪdʒ] n. 航海,乘船旅遊

nibble [`nɪbḷ] vt. vi.  小口咬 n.  一小口
片語:nibble at sth  小口咬某物
I wasn't very hungry, so I took a piece of cake from the tray and nibbled at it. / 我當時不是很餓,所以從托盤上拿了一片蛋糕,小口地吃著。
Try a nibble of this biscuit and see if you like how it tastes. / 試吃一小口這片餅乾,看你是否喜歡它嚐起來的味道。

prodigy [`prɑdədʒɪ] n. 天才
片語:a child prodigy 神童
同義字:genius [`dʒinjəs] n. 天才 ④
The child prodigy attended university at the age of 12. / 這名神童 12 歲時就唸大學了。

quack [kwæk] vi. (鴨子)呱呱叫 n. 鴨叫聲,庸醫,冒牌醫生
The ducks started quacking loudly when we walked near them. / 我們走近這些鴨子時,牠們開始呱呱叫。
Obviously the quack should be responsible for the death of that patient. / 這名蒙古大夫顯然要為那名病患的死亡負責任。

rattle [`rætḷ] vi. 發出咯咯聲 n. 咯咯聲
There is a railroad near my house, so every time a train passes by, my windows rattle. / 我家附近有條鐵路,所以每當火車經過,窗戶就被震得咯咯響。
The rattle of chains let me know that my father was in the garage. / 鏈條的咯咯聲讓我知道老爸在車庫裡。
延伸:rattlesnake [`rætḷ͵snek] n. 響尾蛇

rejoice [rɪ`dʒɔɪs] vi. 欣喜
同義字:rejoice in/at sth 因某事感到開心
If we can learn to rejoice in others' success, our own happiness will increase. / 我們若能學習為他人的成功感到開心,自己的快樂也會增加。

rival [`raɪvḷ] n. 競爭者,對手 vt. 匹敵
同義字:match [mætʃ] n. 對手 & vt. 敵得過;equal [`ikwəl] n. 相等的人 & vt. 敵得過
When it comes to negotiation skills, Robert has no rival. = When it comes to negotiation skills, Robert has no match. = When it comes to negotiation skills, Robert has no equal. / 說到談判技巧,沒人比得上羅伯特。
No other sport can rival basketball for excitement.  / 沒有其他運動能比籃球更刺激。

rivalry [`raɪvḷrɪ] n. 競爭
同義字:competition [͵kɑmpə`tɪʃən] n. 競爭 ④
There has always been fierce rivalry between the two companies for larger market shares. / 這兩家公司之間對於誰能有較大的市場佔有率競爭總是很激烈。*fierce [fɪrs] a. 激烈的*market share 市場佔有率

rumble [`rʌmbḷ] vi. 隆隆響 n. 隆隆聲
同義字:roar [rɔr] vi.(發出)轟隆聲 & n.(發出)轟隆聲
The old car rumbled down the street. / 這部老舊的汽車沿街發出隆隆聲。
I'm so hungry that my stomach is rumbling. / 我好餓,餓到肚子咕嚕咕嚕地叫。
As soon as we heard the rumble of thunder in the distance, we ran back to the farmhouse. / 我們一聽到遠處傳來的隆隆雷聲就跑回農舍裡。

salute [sə`lut] vt. 行禮,致敬 n. 敬禮
A line of soldiers stood at attention and saluted the officer as he walked past. / 一排士兵立正站好,並在官員經過他們時向他敬禮。
Our commanding officer gave us a salute for courage in action. / 因為我們在這次行動中表現英勇,指揮官向我們致敬。
延伸:a 21-gim salute21 響禮炮)
用法:salute 是將右手指尖觸碰眉毛末端的『敬禮』,尤用於軍中軍官行禮時;bow[baʊ]可作動詞或名詞)則為『鞠躬敬禮』。動詞和名詞的用法分別為:bow to sb(向某人鞠躬)、take a bow(鞠躬)。

sandal [`sændḷ] n. (一隻)涼鞋
片語:a pair of sandals 一雙涼鞋
These leather sandals became widely popular soon after they hit the market. / 這種皮製涼鞋一上市就廣受喜愛。

scandal [`skændḷ] n. 醜聞
片語:cause/create a scandal 製造醜聞
The love affair between the boss and his secretary caused a scandal in the office. / 老闆和他秘書之間的風流韻事製造了辦公室裡的醜聞。
News of the political scandal broke at the beginning of the election campaign. / 這樁政治醜聞的新聞在選舉活動一開始時爆發開來。

shortcoming [`ʃɔrt͵kʌmɪŋ] n. (個性上的)缺點
My girlfriend always makes me aware of my own shortcomings. / 我女友總能讓我了解到自己的缺點。
比較:defect [dɪ`fɛkt / `difɛkt] n. (東西的)缺點,瑕疵;drawback [`drɔ͵bæk] n. (事情的)缺點
Due to a number of defects in our new product, we had to recall them. / 由於我們的新產品有一些缺陷,我們得將它們回收。
The drawback to your idea is that it's not practical. / 你的想法缺點在於那並不實際。

sloppy [`slɑpɪ] a. 草率的
同義字:slipshod [`slɪp͵ʃɑd] a.(尤指工作)馬虎的
I can't put up with Mike's sloppy work anymore. I'll have to let him go. / 我再也受不了邁可馬虎的工作表現了。我得炒他魷魚。

sneaker [`snikɚ] n. (一隻)運動鞋
片語:a pair of sneakers  一雙運動鞋
Wearing a nice pair of running sneakers will help you perform well in the race. / 穿上一雙好的慢跑鞋會讓你在比賽時有好表現。

sperm [spɝm] n. 精子
In human reproduction, one egg is fertilized by only onesperm. / 人類的繁殖中,一粒卵子只會由一隻精子受精。*reproduction [͵riprə`dʌkʃən] n. 繁殖*fertilize [`fɝtḷ͵aɪz] vt. 使受精
延伸:a sperm whale 抹香鯨

stink [stɪŋk] vi. 發臭(時態:stink, stank [stæŋk], stunk [stʌŋk]
片語:stink of sth 散發出某種惡臭
You stink! You need to take a bath right away. / 你好臭!你得馬上去洗澡。
After the party last night, the whole room stank of beer and cigarettes. / 昨晚的派對過後,整個房間散發出啤酒和香煙的惡臭。

stinky [`stɪŋkɪ] a. 臭的
同義字:smelly [`smɛlɪ] a. 臭的
Many foreigners in Taiwan are afraid to try stinky tofu. / 許多在台灣的外國人很害怕嘗試吃臭豆腐。

superficial [͵supɚ`fɪʃəl] a. 表面的,膚淺的
同義字:shallow [`ʃælo] a. 膚淺的 ③
The book shows only a superficial understanding of Einstein's theory of relativity. / 這本書對於愛因斯坦相對論的了解只是皮毛而已。
Mary is so superficial that she only cares about a person's looks. / 瑪麗很膚淺,她只在乎人的外表。

superstition [͵supɚ`stɪʃən] n. 迷信
An Irish superstition says that you will have seven years of bad luck if you break a mirror. / 古老的愛爾蘭迷信有此說法:你若打破了鏡子就會有 7 年的壞運。

superstitious [͵supɚ`stɪʃəs] a. 迷信的
片語:be superstitious about sth 迷信某事
A large number of Westerners are superstitious about Friday the thirteenth. / 很多西方人很迷信十三號星期五這個日子。

tackle [`tækḷ] vt. 處理(問題),(橄欖球用語)擒抱
同義字:tackle a problem 處理問題 = deal with a problem = cope with a problem = handle a problem
The government is determined to take immediate measures to tackle inflation. / 政府決心採取立即的行動處理通貨膨脹的問題。

thrill [θrɪl] vt. 使興奮 n. 興奮
同義字:excite [ɪk`saɪt] vt. 使興奮 ②
I was thrilled to meet my favorite singer in person. / 能見到我最喜歡的歌手本人令我很興奮。*in person 親自
Riding in an airplane for the first time really gave Tommy a big thrill. / 第一次搭乘飛機真的令湯米非常興奮。

thriller [`θrɪlɚ] n. 恐怖電影,恐怖小說
The thriller released on DVD last week sold 2 million copies in its first day on the shelves. / 這部驚悚片的 DVD 上星期發行第一天就從架上賣掉了兩百萬片。

touchstone [`tʌtʃ͵ston] n. 檢驗標準,試金石
同義字:standard [`stændɚd] n. 標準
Personal service and high quality goods are the touchstones of a good business. / 個人化的服務以及高品質的產品是檢驗優良企業的標準。

trifle [`traɪfḷ] 複數形: trifles [`traɪfḷz] n. 瑣事(可數)
Such a trifle is not worth discussing during the meeting. / 這種瑣事不值得在會議中討論。

trifling [`traɪflɪŋ] a. 不重要的
同義字:trivial [`trɪvɪəl] a. 不重要的 ⑥
The thing that bothers me about our manager is that she often loses her temper over trifling matters. / 我受不了我們經理的地方是她常因瑣事而發脾氣。*lose one's temper 發脾氣

tuition [tju`ɪʃən] n. 學費(不可數)
片語:tuition fees 學費(複數)
The tuition of private colleges is much higher than that of public colleges. / 私立大學的學費要比公立大學的學費貴得多。

underline [͵ʌndɚ`laɪn] vt. 下面劃線,強調
同義字:emphasize [`ɛmfə͵saɪz] vt. 強調;stress [strɛs] vt. 強調
All the underlined words are the most important ones in the article. / 所有畫底線的字都是本篇文章中最重要的。
The increasing crime rate underlines the importance of recruiting more police officers. / 犯罪率的升高凸顯了徵募更多警員的重要性。*recruit [rɪ`krut] vt. 徵募新成員

underneath [͵ʌndɚ`niθ] prep. 之下
同義字:beneath [bɪ`niθ] prep. 之下;below [bə`lo] prep. 之下
Police sent a bomb squad to defuse the bomb underneath the ambassador's car. / 警方派遣了一支防爆小組去拆除大使座車底下的一枚炸彈。
bomb squad [`bɑm ͵skwɑd] n. 防爆小組*defuse [dɪ`fjuz] vt. 拆除的雷管*ambassador [æm`bæsədɚ] n. 大使

unforgettable [͵ʌnfɚ`gɛtəbḷ] a. 難忘的
同義字:memorable [`mɛmərəbḷ] a. 令人難忘的 ④
I had a whale of a time during my stay in Paris. It was really an unforgettable experience. / 我在巴黎時玩得很愉快。那真是個難忘的經歷。*have a whale of a time = have a good time 玩得很愉快

vapor [`vepɚ] n. 蒸氣
衍生字:vaporize [`vepɚ͵raɪz] vt. 蒸發
The blazing sun vaporized the drops of dew on the grass quickly. / 炙熱的太陽很快就蒸發了青草上的露珠。(*blazing [`blezɪŋ] a. 炎熱的 / dew [dju] n. 露珠)
The doctor used water vapor to treat my sore throat. / 醫生使用水蒸氣來治療我的喉嚨痛。

videotape [`vɪdɪo͵tep] n. 錄影帶 vt. 錄影
Tom videotaped all the episodes of his favorite TV show. / 湯姆把他最喜愛的電視節目全都錄了起來。*episode [`ɛpə͵sod] n.(電視劇的)一集

visa [`vizə] n. 簽證
片語:renew one's visa 更換簽證,加簽
I came to Taiwan on a student visa, but it has expired. Therefore, I have to renew it this afternoon.
expire [ɪk`spaɪr] vi.(期限)終止

whereabouts [`(h)wɛrə͵baʊts] n. 下落(恆用複數)
同義字:location [lo`keʃən] n. 位置;position [pə`zɪʃən] n. 位置
Osama bin Laden is thought to be hiding in the mountainous region of Afghanistan, but his exact whereabouts are still unknown. / 奧薩瑪‧賓拉登被認為躲在阿富汗的山區,但他確切的下落卻不為人知。

wig [wɪg] n. (女用)假髮
同義字:toupee [tu`pe] n.(男用)假髮
The leading actress wore a blonde wig over her naturally brown hair for the role. / 這名女主角為了這個角色戴上金色的假髮,以蓋過她天生的棕髮。*blonde [blɑnd] a. 金黃色的

woe [wo] n. 悲痛
衍生字:woeful [`wofəl] a. 悲傷的
The story Ken told me about his marriage was a real tale of woe. = The story Ken told me about his marriage was really woeful. / 阿肯告訴我關於他婚姻生活的事,那真是個充滿悲痛的故事。tale [tel] n. 故事

yacht [jɑt] n. 遊艇
Since winning the lottery, Fred has bought two yachts which he sails in his spare time. / 自從贏了樂透彩佛萊德就買了兩艘遊艇供閒暇時駕駛。sail [sel] vt. 駕駛

yeast [jist] n. 酵母
The most common type of yeast used to make beer is ale yeast. / 最常用來製造啤酒的的酵母種類是麥芽酵母。*ale [el] n. 麥芽啤酒
延伸:enzyme [`ɛnzaɪm] n. 酵素

