2018年11月25日 星期日

Ch 7 議論文

Unit 7-1
Are You For or Against Idol Adoring?你贊成或反對偶像崇拜?
Part1 句型練習
look upon A as B
think of A as B
refer to A as B
regard A as B
例:Most people regard it as a nuisance to wait for the bus.

1.大家都把他視為我們當中最好的運動員。  運動員:athlete

1.Everybody thinks of him as the best athlete of us.

2.Our teacher looked upon us as his own children.

the place where
 the time when       + S. + V.
the reason why
the way how
例:I can’t understand the way how/that/in which  he did it.
(有時關係副詞被that或介系詞+ which所取代,有時也可被省去。)

3.他能解釋他失敗的原因嗎?  解釋:explain
4.我知道他是怎樣發明這個機器的。  發明:invent
3.Can you explain the reason why he failed?

4.I know the way how he invented the machine.

S  + V … For example,  S + V 

 + … For instance,  S + V 
例:He likes to do outdoor activities.  For example, he likes to climb mountains and go camping.

5.他有許多優點。舉例來說,他很誠實,又很勤勉。  勤勉:diligent
家畜:domestic animals

5.He has many good points.  For example, he is honest and diligent.
6.There are a lot of domestic animals on the farm.  For instance, there are cows, horses and pigs.

with + O. + O.C.
例:My sister was riding her bicycle with her hair blowing in the wind.

8.祖母坐在搖椅上,肩上圍著她的披肩。  披肩:scarf

7.Father sat in the sofa with his eyes closed.
8.Grandmother sat in her rocking chair with her scarf around her shoulders.

It is generally believed that S. + V.
= People generally believe that S. + V.
It is generally thought that S. + V.
= People generally think that S. + V.
例:It is generally believed that honesty is the best policy.

10.一般人都認為成功的要訣是勤勉。  要訣:key  勤勉:diligence
9.It is generally believed that where there is a will, there is a way.

10.It is generally thought that the key to success is diligence.
Part2 連貫式翻譯
流行:it is prevalent  當作是look upon…as…


籃球迷:basketball fans

喬丹氣墊運動鞋:Jordan air-cushioned athletic shoes
公牛隊標誌:the Bulls logo

一般人認為:It is generally thought that S. V.  影響:affect

1.Nowadays it is prevalent for teenagers to look upon entertainers or sports stars as their idols.
2.The way that young people adore their idols is sometimes incredible.
3.For example, basketball fans all over the world know Michael Jordan.
4.Some teenagers even wear Jordan air-cushioned sports shoes and the clothes with his number 23 on the front and the Bulls logo on the back.
5.It is generally thought that young people can adore idols as long as it doesn’t affect their studies.

Part3 寫作範例
Are You For or Against Idol Adoring?
      Nowadays, mass communication is so popular that many idols are created by different marketing media to attract people.  Therefore, we can find many superstars in different fields such as movie stars, singers, sports players and even politicians.  Almost all of the superstars have one thing in common.  They are perfect in every aspect according to the media.
      In my opinion, I am against idol adoring because we shall not adore or respect someone by emotions.  An idol tends to attract people by one of his/her major talents, but people may easily neglect the other aspects of his/her personality.  So I don’t think it is wise to adore an idol without knowing him or her as a whole.  Moreover, people intend to create fashion by creating idols.  However, following a fashion without rational judgment is dangerous as well.  On the one hand, we need to judge if the fashion really fits us; on the other hand, we should check if the fashion does improve our lifestyle.
      In conclusion, I am against idol adoring in our society.  Besides, I do not agree that we shall easily adore an idol just because he or she is an idol.  We need to know both the good side and the bad side of an idol and we need to judge the fashion behind the idol.  After all, we should learn to be ourselves instead of being someone else.

