2019年3月31日 星期日

LEVEL 3 Unit 23 ~ Unit 24

Unit 23

billionaire [͵bɪljə`nɛr] n. 億萬富翁

衍生字:billion [`bɪljən] n. 十億 ②

The billionaire donated a large sum of money to charity. / 這個億萬富翁捐了一大筆錢給慈善團體。


blouse [blaʊz] n. (女用)罩衫,短衫

Alice looks absolutely stunning in that blouse.

穿著那件罩衫的愛麗絲看起來美極了。*look beautiful in + 衣服:穿著某衣服看起來很美

stunning [`stʌnɪŋ] a. 極美的,美得要冒泡似的

比較:shirt [ʃɝt] n.(男用)襯衫 ①


bulb [bʌlb] n.  電燈泡

This light bulb gives off purple light, which is creepy. / 這個燈泡會發出紫色的光,讓我覺得毛骨悚然。*creepy [`kripɪ] a. 令人毛骨悚然的

比較:a bulb 一個電燈泡 = a light bulba lamp 一盞燈(含燈泡及燈罩)


canoe [kə`nu] n. (泛舟用的)獨木舟

同義字:kayak [`kaɪæk] n.(愛斯基摩人用的)獨木舟

We paddled the canoe down the river. / 我們用槳划獨木舟沿河而下。*paddle [`pædḷ] n. & vt. 用槳划(船)


caterpillar [`kætɚ͵pɪlɚ] n. 毛毛蟲(蝶或蛾的幼蟲)

I wonder what kind of butterfly this caterpillar will become. / 我很好奇這隻毛毛蟲會變成什麼樣的蝴蝶。

延伸:毛毛蟲長大後會變成 pupa [`pjupə](蛹),然後再變成 butterfly [`bʌtɚ͵flaɪ](蝴蝶)。


changeable [`tʃendʒəbḷ] a. 善變的

同義字:unpredictable [͵ʌnprɪ`dɪktəbḷ] a. 不可預料的

They say that a woman's mood is as changeable as the weather. / 據說女人的心情就像天氣一樣捉摸不定。


interchangeable [͵ɪntɚ`tʃendʒəbḷ] a. 可互替的

同義字:substitutable [͵sʌbstɪ`tjutəbḷ] a. 可相互替代的

All the spare parts are interchangeable. You can use any one of them. / 所有的零件都是可互替的。你可以使用任何一個。


Internet [`ɪntɚ͵nɛt] n. 網際網路(大寫)

片語:surf the Internet 上網 = surf the Net

We surfed the Internet a lot as we compiled this book. / 我們編輯本書時曾大量上網。*compile [kəm`paɪl] vt. 編纂,編輯


loudspeaker [`laʊd͵spikɚ] n. 揚聲器

We need a more powerful amplifier to drive these two big loudspeakers. / 我們需要功率更大的擴大器來推動這兩個大喇叭。

延伸:loudspeaker 就是音響喇叭,通常有兩個以形成一對(a set of loudspeakers)。推動音響喇叭的機器稱為 amplifier [`æmplə͵faɪr](擴大器,擴音器)。


microphone [`maɪkrə͵fon] n. 麥克風

Speak into the microphone so everyone can hear you. / 對著麥克風講話這樣大家才可以聽得到。

延伸:a wireless microphone 無線麥克風*wireless [`waɪrlɪs] a. 無線的


microwave [`maɪkro͵wev] n. 微波爐 vt. 以微波爐烹調

Reheat the pizza in the microwave oven for 2 minutes. / 把比薩放到微波爐再加熱 2 分鐘。*reheat [ri`hit] vt. 再加熱

Before we start to watch the movie, I'd like to microwave some popcorn. / 我們開始看電影前,我想先用微波爐弄點爆米花。

延伸:microwave 原指『微波』,a microwave oven 才是『微波爐』正式的說法,但現今許多英美人士均將微波爐簡稱為 a microwaveoven [`ʌvən] n. 烤箱,烤爐


millionaire [͵mɪljən`ɛr] n. 百萬富翁,巨富

衍生字:million [`mɪljən] n. 百萬 ②

The millionaire's son decided to start business by himself. / 這個百萬富翁的兒子決定靠自己創業。


nap [næp] vi. 打瞌睡 n. 打盹小睡

片語take a nap 小睡一會 = take a siesta  (*siesta [sɪ`ɛstə] n. 小睡。西班牙語,已為英美人士使用)

Grandfather napped in the armchair while the TV was still on. / 爺爺在單人座沙發上打起瞌睡,而電視還開著。

You look exhausted. Why don't you take a nap? / 你看來累極了。何不小睡一下?


necktie [`nɛk͵taɪ] n. 領帶

You are required to wear a necktie if you want to get into that restaurant. / 要進入那間餐廳,你得繫領帶才行。

用法:本字常可縮寫成 tie,與動詞 wear 並用。wear a necktie/tie 繫領帶


online [`ɑn͵laɪn] a. (網路)上線的,連線的 adv.  上線

反義字:offline [͵ɑf`laɪn] a.(網路)下線的 & adv. 下線

Don't believe everything they say on the Internet because not all online information is correct. / 由於線上資訊並非都是正確的,因此不要盡信網路上的資訊。

When will you be online next time? I've something important to tell you. / 你下次幾時會上線?我有重要事情跟你講。


orphan [`ɔrfən] n. 孤兒

衍生字:orphanage [`ɔrfənɪdʒ] n. 孤兒院 ⑤

Mr. James established the orphanage many years ago to help orphans whose parents had been killed during the war. / 詹姆士先生多年前興辦了該孤兒院以幫助父母在戰爭中喪生的孤兒們。


pal [pæl] n. 夥伴,哥兒們(口語)

同義字:companion [kəm`pænjən] n. 同伴(正式)④

Hey, pal! Want to go see a movie? / 嘿,哥兒們,想不想去看場電影?

Susan has several pen pals, some of whom she has known for ages but has never met in person.  / 蘇珊有幾個筆友,其中有的認識很多年了,但從沒實際見過面。

延伸:a pen pal 筆友


parcel [`pɑrsḷ] n. 包裹

同義字:package [`pækɪdʒ] n. 包裹 ②

Please take this parcel to the post office and have it sent immediately. / 請把這個包裹拿到郵局立刻把它寄掉。


passport [`pæs͵pɔrt] n. 護照

You have to present your passport as you go through customs. / 你出入海關必須出示護照。*customs [`kʌstəmz] n. 海關(恆用複數)

go through customs 通關,通過出入境檢查過程

延伸:visa [`vizə] n. 簽證⑤

Your visa is about to expire, so you must have it renewed at once. / 你的簽證快到期了,因此你必須得立刻加簽。(*expire [ɪk`spaɪr] vi. 到期,期滿)


pity [`pɪtɪ] n. 同情,可惜,遺憾

片語:take/have pity on sb 同情某人

衍生字:pitiful [`pɪtɪfəl] a. 可憐的;look pitiful 一副可憐的樣子

同義字:sympathy [`sɪmpəθɪ] n. 同情,憐憫 ④

反義字:pitiless [`pɪtɪlɪs] a. 無憐憫心的,無情的

It is a pity that... 很遺憾⋯ = It is too bad that...  = It is a shame that...

Mr. Green took pity on me and let me postpone my presentation until Friday. / 葛林老師同情我的處境,讓我延到星期五再做報告。

It is a pity that John didn't come to the party. / 約翰沒來派對真可惜。


pollute [pə`lut] vt. 污染

衍生字:pollutant [pə`lutənt] n. 污染物 ⑥

The exhaust from our cars pollutes the air and causes asthma in children. / 我們汽車排放的廢氣會污染空氣,使幼童罹患氣喘。*asthma [`æzmə] n. 氣喘病


pollution [pə`luʃən] n. 污染

Pollution control has become one of the country's major concerns. / 污染防制已成為該國關切的重要議題之一。

延伸:air/noise/water pollution 空氣/噪音/水污染


postage [`postɪdʒ] n. 郵資,郵費

衍生字:post [post] n. 郵寄;郵筒;職位 & vt. 郵寄 ②

What's the postage for this letter to be sent to London? / 這封信寄到倫敦的郵資要多少錢?


postman [`postmən] n. 郵差

同義字:mailman [`mel͵mæn] n. 郵差

The postman rang the doorbell several times, but nobody came to answer the door. / 郵差按了好幾次電鈴,但沒人前來應門。


rot [rɑt] vt. 使腐敗 vi. 腐化 (時態:rot, rotted [`rɑtɪd] , rotted)

同義字:decay [dɪ`ke] vt. 侵蝕 & vi. 腐爛 ⑤

Sweets will rot your teeth if you eat too many of them. / 如果你吃太多甜食,可是會蛀牙的。

Fruit rots quickly on such hot days.  / 大熱天水果會腐爛得很快。


rotten [`rɑtṇ] a. 腐敗的,貪腐的

The smell of rotten food disgusts me. / 腐敗的食物味道令我作嘔。

The rotten official was sentenced to 5 years in prison. / 該貪腐官員被判處 5 年徒刑。

諺語:One rotten apple spoils the barrel.

一粒老鼠屎壞了一鍋粥。*barrel [`bærəl] n.(中間鼓起的)木製大圓桶


rust [rʌst] n. 鏽/銹 vt. 使生鏽 vi. 生鏽,荒廢

同義字:corrode [kə`rod] vt. 腐蝕;corrosion [kə`roʒən] n. 腐蝕;erode [ɪ`rod] vt. 腐蝕 ⑥

erosion [ɪ`roʒən] n. 腐蝕 ⑥

The old bike is covered with a lot of rust. / 這輛老舊的腳踏車上生滿了鏽。*be covered in/with 覆蓋

The lock on this old safe is rusted. We will have to saw it open. / 舊保險箱上的鎖已經生鏽了。我們必須鋸開它。

Iron and gold are different because iron rusts and gold does not. / 鐵和黃金不同,因為鐵會生鏽,而黃金不會。

Don't let your talent rust. As they say, use it or lose it. / 別讓你的才華荒廢了。誠如大家說的,要好好利用它,否則就會失去它。


rusty [`rʌstɪ] a. 生鏽的,生疏的

We can tell by the rusty iron gate that this house has been empty for years. / 我們從生鏽的鐵門可以看出這棟房子已經空了好多年。

My Japanese is getting rusty, so I'll have to polish it up a little before I fly to Tokyo next month. / 我的日語漸漸生疏了,因此下個月我飛到東京前得先複習一下。*polish [`pɑlɪʃ] vt. 精練,複習

延伸:rusty 表『生疏的』時,多指語言,常與 get 並用,形成下列片語:get rusty 漸漸生疏


sack [sæk] n. 大袋子 vt. 開除(某人)

片語:hit the sack 睡覺(口語) = hit the hay  (口語)= turn in(口語)= go to bed (正式);get the sack 被開除 = be sacked = be fired

I'm so tired that I think I'll just hit the sack. / 我好累,所以我想乾脆去睡覺。

Eric got the sack for stealing money from the company. = Eric was sacked for stealing money from the company. = Eric was fired for stealing money from the company. / 艾瑞克因為偷公司的錢被開除了。


scout [skaʊt] vi. 偵查,尋找 n. 童子軍

片語:scout for... 尋找⋯ = search for...

同義字:search [sɝtʃ] vi. 尋找(與 for 並用)②

I'm scouting around for a school that has a good English learning program. = I'm looking around for a school that has a good English learning program. / 我在找尋有優良英語學習課程的學校。

The boy scouts are taught to do a good deed a day. / 這些童子軍被教導要日行一善。*deed [did] n. 行為

延伸:a boy scout 男童軍;a girl scout 女童軍


shampoo [ʃæm`pu] n. 洗髮精(物質名詞,不可數)

You should buy a special kind of shampoo for damaged hair. / 你應該買受損髮質專用的洗髮精。

This brand of shampoo can help get rid of your dandruff. / 這種牌子的洗髮精可幫助你去除頭皮屑。*dandruff [`dændrəf] n. 頭皮屑

延伸:conditioner [kən`dɪʃənɚ] n. 潤絲精(物質名詞,不可數)


shepherd [`ʃɛpɚd] n. 牧羊人

The young shepherd led a flock of sheep up the hill. / 那個年輕的牧羊人把一群羊帶到山坡上。

延伸:a shepherd dog 牧羊犬


slippery [`slɪpərɪ] a. 滑溜溜的

衍生字:slip [slɪp] vi. 滑倒 ②;slipper [`slɪpɚ] n. 拖鞋 ②;a pair of slippers 一雙拖鞋

Be careful! The sidewalk is slippery. / 小心!人行道很滑。


sorrow [`sɔro] n. 悲傷

衍生字:sorrowful [`sɔrəfəl] a. 悲傷的;sorry [`sɔrɪ] a. 難過的

同義字:grief [grif] n. 悲痛,悲傷 ④

To our great sorrow, the doctor said Edward has only another 5 months to live. / 令我們很難過的是,醫生說愛德華只剩 5 個月可活。


spy [spaɪ] n. 間諜 vi. 偵察(與介詞 on 並用)

片語:spy on sb 監視某人

同義字:detective [dɪ`tɛktɪv] n. 偵探;刑警 ④

The spy was caught providing information to the enemy. / 這名間諜在提供情報給敵方時被逮到。

Celebrities always worry about people spying on them. / 名人們總是擔心著有人在監視他們。


stab [stæb] vt. (時態:stab, stabbed [stæbd] , stabbed)

片語:stab sb in the + 身體部位  刺中某人某處;stab sb in the back 暗地中傷某人

The knight drew his sword and stabbed the villain in the chest.

騎士亮出劍,刺進惡棍的胸口。*sword [sɔrd] n. 短劍;villain [`vɪlən] n. 壞人,惡棍

I can't believe my best friend would stab me in the back. / 我真不敢相信我最要好的朋友會在背後中傷我。


stepchild [`stɛp͵tʃaɪld] n. 與前夫/前妻所生之子女

Mr. Smith is angry with his stepchild because of his bad manners. / 因為他的繼子沒有規矩,史密斯先生感到很生氣。

比較:an adopted child 養子/養女*adopted [ə`dɑptɪd] a. 被領養的


stepfather [`stɛp͵fɑðɚ] n. 繼父

I still call my stepfather by his name. / 我還是以名字稱呼我的繼父。

比較:an adoptive father 養父*adoptive [ə`dɑptɪv] a. 領養(人)的


stepmother [`stɛp͵mʌðɚ] n. 繼母

Cinderella has a mean stepmother and two stepsisters who are jealous of her. / 灰姑娘有一個心腸險惡的繼母與兩個忌妒她的同父異母的姐姐。*mean [min] a. 卑鄙的,心地壞的

比較:an adoptive mother 養母


stereo [`stɛrɪo] n. 立體音響

Turn down the stereo. The music is too loud. / 把音響關小聲點。音樂太大聲了。

延伸:the stereo 立體音響(指擴大器、唱盤、揚聲器等完整設備)= the stereo system


tease [tiz] vt. 揶揄

I couldn't help getting angry when I found out John was teasing me. / 我發現阿強在揶揄我時,就忍不住生氣了。

用法:tease sb 揶揄某人 = laugh at sb 嘲笑某人 = make fun of sb 取笑某人

= pull sb's leg 愚弄某人(非『扯某人後腿』)


tender [`tɛndɚ] a. 溫柔的,(年紀)稚嫩的

片語:at the tender age of + 年齡  歲的稚齡

同義字:gentle [`dʒɛntḷ] a. 溫和的 ②

The tender look my mother gave made me smile.  / 我媽媽溫柔的眼神讓我笑了。

Michael joined the circus at the tender age of seven. / 邁可以 7 歲的稚齡就加入馬戲團了。*circus [`sɝkəs] n. 馬戲團


trunk [trʌŋk] n. 樹幹,(汽車)後行李箱,象鼻

Some mountain climbers like to carve their names on tree trunks. / 有些登山客喜歡把自己的名字刻在樹幹上。

I always keep a first aid kit in the trunk in case of emergency. / 我都會在後車箱放置一個急救箱,以防緊急事故。*a first aid kit 急救箱

An elephant's trunk is flexible, and is used to drink and eat. / 象鼻極富彈性,大象用它來喝水及進食。*flexible [`flɛksəbḷ] a. 有彈性的

延伸:a. bough [baʊ] n. 大樹枝;branch [bræntʃ] n. 中樹枝②;twig [twɪg] n. 小樹枝,嫩枝③。b. 複數形 trunks 則可指籃球員或游泳選手穿的運動褲。a pair of trunks 一件短運動褲


tutor [`tjutɚ] n. 家庭教師

John's parents are looking for a private tutor to help him with his English. / 約翰的父母正在找家教來幫助他的英文。*private [`praɪvɪt] a. 私人的,個人的

延伸:tutor 亦可作動詞,表以家教身分『教導』。

To help support the family, I'm tutoring two junior high school students. / 為了幫助養家,我目前任家教,教導兩個國中生。


twig [twɪg] n. 細枝,嫩枝

We used some twigs and some larger branches to start a fire at the campsite. / 我們在營區用一些細樹枝和較粗的樹枝生火。

延伸:twig 亦可作動詞用,表『突然明白』(= suddenly realize

I twigged that John was lying to me. / 我突然明白阿強當時在對我撒謊。


unchanged [ʌn`tʃendʒd] a. 未改變的

片語:remain unchanged 保持不變 = remain as it is

Even though the typhoon is coming, the schedule of the concert remains unchanged. / 即使颱風要來,演唱會的行程還是不會改變。


vest [vɛst] n. 背心

You can buy a vest to match your new jacket. / 你可以買個件背心搭配這件新的西裝上衣。

延伸:vest 可指搭配西裝穿著的無袖厚背心,亦可指當內衣的無袖汗衫。


wax [wæks] n. vt. 打蠟

Wax will become liquid when it is heated. / 加熱後的蠟會變成液體狀。

Father reminded me to wax his car after I finished washing it. / 老爸提醒我車子洗完後要記得打蠟。

延伸:styling wax 髮臘;earwax [`ɪr͵wæks] n. 耳屎


web [wɛb] n. 全球資訊網(大寫)(=the World Wide Web),蜘蛛網

同義字:net [nɛt] n. 網際網路(大寫)(= the Internet);(捕捉魚、昆蟲等的)網子

Nowadays you can find almost anything you'd like to know on the Web.

= Nowadays you can find almost anything you'd like to know on the Net.


The spider sits back and waits for its prey on the web. / 蜘蛛會在蜘蛛網上坐著等獵物上門。*prey [pre] n. 獵物(集合名詞,不可數)


website [`wɛb͵saɪt] n. 網站

片語:visit a website 上某個網站

Please visit our website for more information. / 欲知更多詳情,請上我們的網站。



Unit 24

barbershop [`bɑrbɚ͵ʃɑp] n. 理髮店

衍生字:barber [`bɑrbɚ] n. 理髮師 ①

Bob swore he would never go to that barbershop again because none of his friends seemed to appreciate his new haircut. / 鮑伯發誓再也不去那家理髮店了,因為他朋友似乎都不欣賞他的新髮型。

延伸:a beauty parlor 美容院;a hair salon 理髮廳


chimney [`tʃɪmnɪ] n. 煙囪

片語:smoke like a chimney 煙抽個不停

Charlie smoked like a chimney all night, worrying about his missing daughter. / 查理整晚煙抽個不停,擔心他失蹤的女兒。


click [klɪk] n. 喀喀的響聲 vt. 發出喀喀聲 vi. 按滑鼠(與介詞 on 並用)

片語:click one's heels  喀的一聲將腳跟併攏;click on sth 用電腦滑鼠點擊

Turn the dial until you hear a little click. / 轉動這個轉盤,直到你聽到喀一聲輕響。

The soldier clicked his heels and saluted the general. / 這位士兵喀的一聲腳跟併攏向將軍行禮。*salute [sə`lut] vt. 敬禮

Just click on the icon twice and the file will open. / 只需用滑鼠點兩下,該圖像檔案就會開啟。*icon [`aɪkɑn] n.(電腦)圖像


clip [klɪp] n. 迴紋針,紙夾 vt. 夾住,剪去,修剪

I need some clips to hold these papers together.  / 我需要一些迴紋針∕紙夾把這些紙夾在一起。

Mother asked me to clip the receipts together for her. / 媽媽要我幫她把這些收據夾起來。

Mr. Smith spent the whole afternoon clipping rose bushes in his backyard. / 史密斯先生整個下午都在後院修剪玫瑰叢。

延伸:clip 作名詞時指『迴紋針』。pin 指『大頭針』。這些都屬文具。『文具』的英文說法是 stationery [`steʃən͵ɛrɪ],此為集合名詞,不可數。

We need more office stationery for our work.  / 我們的工作需要更多的文具。


countable [`kaʊntəbḷ] a. 可數的

衍生字:countless [`kaʊntlɪs] n. 難以計算的,數不盡的 ④

反義字:uncountable [ʌn`kaʊntəbḷ] a. 不可數的

The word dog is a countable noun, whereas the word water is an uncountable noun. / 狗這個字是可數名詞,而水這個字則是不可數名詞。


deafen [`dɛfən] vt. 使變聾

衍生字:deaf [dɛf] a. 聾的,失聰的 ②;be deaf to sth 聽不見(某聲音,某句話)

deafening [`dɛfənɪŋ] a. 震耳欲聾的;a deafening noise 震耳欲聾的噪音

The noise from the construction site in the neighborhood almost deafened me. / 從附近工地傳來的噪音讓我感到震耳欲聾。


dearly [`dɪrlɪ] adv. 非常,昂貴地,付出很大代價地

片語:cost sb dearly 花了某人很多錢 = cost sb greatly

同義字:greatly [`gretlɪ] adv. 很,大大地 ①;deeply [`diplɪ] adv. 深深地 ①

Henry loves his family dearly. He is willing to do anything for them. / 亨利非常愛他的家人。他願意為他們做任何事。

John's arrogance and laziness cost him dearlyhe has no job, nor does he have any friends. / 約翰的自大和懶惰令他付出慘痛代價——他沒工作,也沒什麼朋友。*arrogance [`ærəgəns] n. 自大,傲慢


disco [`dɪsko] n. 迪斯可舞廳,迪斯可音樂

We went to the disco last night and had a good time there. / 我們昨晚去了迪斯可舞廳,在那兒玩得很盡興。

Back in the 1970-80s, disco songs were very popular in dance clubs. / 回溯到 1970 80 年代,迪斯可舞曲在小舞廳裡曾流行一時。

延伸:a. disco discotheque [͵dɪskə`tɛk] 的簡寫。 b. disco 亦可作不及物動詞,表『跳迪斯可舞』。

I used to go discoing a lot while I was in college.  / 我唸大學時常去跳迪斯可。


energetic [͵ɛnɚ`dʒɛtɪk] a. 精力充沛的

衍生字:energy [`ɛnɚdʒɪ] n. 能源;體力;活力 ②

同義字:active [`æktɪv] a. 好動的 ②;vigorous [`vɪgərəs] a. 精力充沛的 ⑤;dynamic [daɪ`næmɪk] a. 有活力的 ④

Modern woman are energetic, ambitious and, most of all, persistent in the pursuit of their goals. / 現代女性有活力,有雄心,並且有毅力追求自己的目標。*persistent [pɚ`sɪstənt] a. 堅持不懈的


fairy [`fɛrɪ] n. 妖精,仙子

Fairies are often described in folklore as tiny, mysterious creatures. / 民間傳說常把妖精描繪成體型極小且神秘的生物。*folklore [`fok͵lɔr] n. 民間傳說(集合名詞,不可數);tiny [`taɪnɪ] a. 極小的

Children love to hear fairy tales. / 孩子們喜歡聽童話故事。

延伸:a fairy tale 童話


fingernail [`fɪŋgɚ͵nel] n. 指甲

Some guitarists wear artificial fingernails to get a brighter tone. / 某些吉他手會戴假指甲,好彈出更明亮的音色。*guitarist [gɪ`tɑrɪst] n. 吉他手

延伸:toenail [`to͵nel] n. 腳指甲;nail clipper [`nel͵klɪpɚ] n. 指甲刀


fingerprint [`fɪŋgɚ͵prɪnt] n. 指紋

The investigators were searching for evidence such as fingerprints and bloodstains. / 這些調查員正在尋找像是指紋或是血跡的證據。

延伸:footprint [`fʊt͵prɪnt] n. 腳印;足跡


fireworks [`faɪr͵wɝks] n. 煙火(恆用複數)

片語:set off fireworks 放煙火;set off firecrackers  放鞭炮

同義字:firecrackers [`faɪr͵krækɚz] n. 鞭炮(恆用複數)④

Last night's fireworks were really impressive. / 昨晚的煙火秀真讓人印象深刻。

In the evening, colorful fireworks were set off along the river in celebration of the National Day. / 晚間沿著河畔,有人施放五彩繽紛的煙火慶祝國慶。

用法:通常 firecracker firework 使用於句中時,都要加 s,以表示多數而熱鬧之意。如用單數,則表示只放一個,『碰』的一聲,就無下文,未免單調而小器,故通常無此用法。


greenhouse [`grin͵haʊs] n. 溫室

The greenhouse effect is raising ocean temperatures worldwide. / 溫室效應使得全球海洋持續升溫。

延伸:the greenhouse effect 溫室效應


hairdresser [`hɛr͵drɛsɚ] n. 美髮師

衍生字:hair [hɛr] n. 頭髮 ①;haircut [`hɛr͵kʌt] n. 理髮 ①;get a haircut 去理髮;hairdo [`hɛr͵du] n. 髮式,髮型 ⑤ = hairstyle [`hɛr͵staɪl] n. 髮型 ⑤

A hairdresser is one whose job is to cut, style, and color people's hair. / 美髮師的工作就是為人剪髮,作造型及染髮。


hatch [hætʃ] vi. 孵(蛋)

The hen is sitting on the eggs waiting for them to hatch. / 母雞正坐在蛋上孵這些蛋。

Don't count your chickens before they hatch. / 勿打如意算盤。——諺語

用法:hatch 作動詞時亦可表『秘密擬定』之意,有下列重要片語:hatch a plan/a plot 秘密策劃

Those people hatched a plan to overthrow the government.那些人策劃要推翻政府。


housekeeper [`haʊs͵kipɚ] n. 管家,家庭主婦

同義字:butler [`bʌtlɚ] n. 男管家;housewife [`haʊs͵waɪf] n. 家庭主婦 ④

Since you are so busy, you should hire a housekeeper to take care of your house. / 既然你這麼忙碌,你應該要僱用一名管家照顧你的房子。


hug [hʌg] n. 擁抱 vt. 擁抱

片語:give sb a big/warm hug 熱情擁抱某人 = give sb a big/warm embrace

同義字:embrace [ɪm`bres] n. & vt. 擁抱 ⑤

John gave his girlfriend a big hug when they met at the airport. / 在機場見到女友時,約翰熱情地擁抱她。

Dan's parents hugged him as soon as he returned home after several years' of traveling in Asia. / 戴恩在亞洲旅行多年之後,一回到家,他的父母便立刻擁抱他。


kangaroo [͵kæŋgə`ru] n. 袋鼠

Many tourists have been attacked by wild kangaroos recently. / 近來有許多遊客遭到野生袋鼠攻擊。

延伸:kangaroo 是澳洲的土生動物,與另一土生動物 koala [ko`ɑlə](無尾熊)已成澳洲的代名詞。


keyboard [`ki͵bɔrd] n. (電腦、樂器)鍵盤

This computer keyboard is designed to reduce wrist strain. / 這組電腦鍵盤是專門為減少手腕壓力所設計的。*wrist [rɪst] n.(手)腕;strain [stren] n. 壓力,過勞

延伸:a computer keyboard 電腦鍵盤;an electronic keyboard 電子琴


kit [kɪt] n. 成套工具

When you're at home, it's always a good idea to have a first-aid kit handy in case of emergency. / 你在家裡隨時都要準備好急救箱以備緊急之需,這種作法一向是個好點子。*handy [`hændɪ] a. 手邊的;have sth handy 將某物準備妥當可隨時供拿取

延伸:a first-aid kit 急救箱;a tool kit 工具箱


lace [les] n. 蕾絲(不可數),鞋帶(可數,等於 shoelace

片語:be trimmed with lace 被以蕾絲裝飾鑲邊(*trim [trɪm] vt. 裝飾)

Peggy was wearing a beautiful evening gown trimmed with black lace. / 佩姬穿了一件有黑色蕾絲鑲邊的美麗晚禮服。

Be careful! Your laces are undone. / 小心點!你的鞋帶沒綁好。*undone [ʌn`dʌn] a. 未綁緊的,鬆開的

延伸:a pair of shoelaces 一雙鞋帶


leak [lik] vi. n. 漏(水、油、瓦斯等)n. 漏(水、油、瓦斯等)

衍生字:leaky [`likɪ] a. 漏水的

Oil was leaking out of the truck. / 那輛卡車正在漏油。

Over 50 factory workers were rushed to the hospital due to a gas leak. / 由於瓦斯外洩,有50 多名工廠員工被緊急送醫。

用法:leaking leaky 均表『漏水的』,但前者只能置於 be 動詞之後,作主詞補語;而後者只能用以修飾名詞。

The roof is leaking. / 這屋頂漏水。

This is a leaky roof. = This is a leaking roof. / 這是漏水的屋頂。


lighthouse [`laɪt͵haʊs] n. 燈塔

The lighthouse cast a light onto the sea to guide the ships. / 燈塔投射一道光到海面上,以指引船隻。*cast [kæst] vt. 投射(光、影)(三態同形,本句中的 cast 為過去式)


lipstick [`lɪp͵stɪk] n. 口紅

Jenny looks beautiful and even sexy when she wears lipstick. / 珍妮塗了口紅時模樣很美甚至還很性感。

用法:wear lipstick 擦口紅


lollipop [`lɑlɪ͵pɑp] n. 棒棒糖

You should brush your teeth after eating the lollipop, Johnny. / 強強,吃完棒棒糖後應該要去刷牙。

比較:lullaby [`lʌlə͵baɪ] n. 催眠曲,搖籃曲 ③


manners [`mænɚz] n. 禮貌(恆用複數)

Watch your table manners when you are eating in public. / 在公共場所吃東西時,要注意你的用餐禮儀。

用法:manner 若使用單數,則表『方法』、『方式』(與介詞 in 並用),亦可表『態度』。

You should handle the problem in a careful manner. / 你應採謹慎的方式來處理問題。

I don't like John's rude manner toward Mary. / 我不喜歡約翰對待瑪麗的粗魯態度。


memorize [`mɛmə͵raɪz] vt. 背誦,記憶

衍生字:memory [`mɛmərɪ] n. 記憶 ②

When learning English, do not memorize words only. What's even more important is that you know how to use these words. / 學英文時,不要只是背單詞。更重要的是,你應懂得如何使用這些單詞。


mop [mɑp] n. 拖把 vt. 用拖把拖

Use the mop in the corner to clean the floor. / 用角落那支拖把把地板拖乾淨。

The floor is dusty. Can you help me mop it? / 地板有很多灰塵。你可以幫我拖一下嗎?

延伸:mop the floor 拖地板;a well-mopped floor 被拖得很乾淨的地板


overcoat [`ovɚ͵kot] n. 大衣

A witness said the suspect wore a heavy overcoat and sunglasses. / 目擊者指出,嫌犯穿著一件大衣並戴著太陽眼鏡。

延伸:a wind breaker 風衣;a raincoat 雨衣


paw [pɔ] n.

The tiger's huge paws and sharp teeth pose a great threat to other animals in the area. / 這隻老虎的巨爪和銳利的牙齒對這地區其他動物形成很大的威脅。

pose a threat to sb/sth 對某人/某物構成威脅

用法:paw 亦可作動詞,表『用爪子抓』,與 at 並用。

The cat was pawing at the window. / 貓在用爪子抓窗戶。


pearl [pɝl] n. 珍珠

片語:a string of pearls 一串珍珠;cast pearls before swine 對牛彈琴;暴殄天物(*swine [swaɪn] n. 豬,單複數同形,複數亦可寫成 swines;本片語中的 swine 是複數。本片語字面的意思為『在豬前面投擲珍珠而豬卻不識貨』。)

I bought this pearl necklace at a bargain price. / 我用很便宜的價錢買到了這串珍珠項鍊。

I bought John a very good English dictionary, and he now uses it as a pillow. It was just like casting pearls before swine. / 我買了本英文字典給約翰,他現在卻把它當枕頭用,真是暴殄天物啊。

延伸:pearly [`pɝlɪ] 為形容詞,表『如珍珠般的』,有下列搭配用法:

Mary has pearly-white teeth. / 瑪麗有一口潔白的牙齒。


pony [`ponɪ] n. 小馬

衍生字:ponytail [`ponɪ͵tel] n. 馬尾式髮型

The boy got hurt while riding a pony. / 這男孩在騎一匹小馬時受傷了。


poster [`postɚ] n. 海報

片語:put up a poster 貼海報

Mary put up a poster of Madonna on the wall. / 瑪麗在牆上貼上瑪丹娜的海報。


sausage [`sɔsɪdʒ] n. 香腸

This restaurant is famous for its German sausages and beer. / 這家餐廳以它的德國香腸和啤酒聞名。


scarf [skɑrf] (複數形: scarfs [skɑrfs] /scarves [skɑrvz]n. 圍巾

The scarf you're wearing looks great. Where did you get it? / 你戴的這條圍巾真好看。哪兒買的?


scrub [skrʌb] vt. 用力擦

Julie was busy scrubbing the floor while her husband prepared dinner. / 茱莉忙著刷洗地板,而老公則在煮晚餐。

用法:本字亦可作名詞,有下列用法:give the floor/the table a good scrub 使力擦地板/桌子


shovel [`ʃʌvḷ] n. 鏟子 vt. 鏟(雪)

John used a shovel to shovel the snow away from his front door. / 約翰用鏟子把前門的積雪剷除。

比較:shove [ʃʌv] vt. 推,撞 ⑤;shove sb out of the way 把某人推開使他不擋路


spade [sped] n. 鏟子,(撲克牌)黑桃

片語:call a spade a spade  直言不諱,實話實說

同義字:shovel [`ʃʌvḷ] n. 鏟子 ③

Jason dug a deep hole with a spade. / 傑森用鏟子挖了個很深的洞。

I was happy when David played a spade because I was able to win the game. / 我看到大衛出了一張黑桃時真開心,因為這樣一來我就穩贏了。

Let's call a spade a spade. This song is absolutely terrible. / 咱們就實話實說吧。這首歌爛透了。


spice [spaɪs] n. 香料,情趣,風味

衍生字:spicy [`spaɪsɪ] a. 辛辣的;加香料的 ④;spicy food 辛辣的食物

The chef told Peter that he could add some spices to his foods. / 廚師告訴彼得可以在食物中添加一些香料。

諺語:Variety is the spice of life. / 變化是人生的香料/生活應有變化才有情趣。


starve [stɑrv] vt. 使飢餓 vi. 挨餓

片語:be starving to death 快要餓死了(誇張用語,喻『很餓』)

衍生字:starvation [stɑr`veʃən] n. 飢餓;飢荒 ⑥

All the prisoners of war here have been starved and ill treated. / 這裡所有的戰犯都沒飯可吃,而且還被虐待。

These poor kids are starving to death. Do you have any food? / 這些可憐的孩子餓壞了。你有什麼吃的嗎?


sting [stɪŋ] vt. 刺,螫,叮 (時態:sing, stung [stʌŋ] , stung)

Stay away from the bees. They might sting you. / 離那些蜜蜂遠一點。牠們可能會螫你。


tack [tæk] n. 圖釘 vt. 用圖釘釘

片語:press a tack/thumbtack to the wall 把圖釘按到牆上

同義字:thumbtack [`θʌm͵tæk] n. 圖釘

Jack used a tack to fix the note onto the bulletin board. / 傑克用圖釘將通告釘在佈告欄上。

George got hurt when he tried to tack the letter to the wall. / 喬治試著用圖釘把那張信按到牆上的時候弄傷了自己。


tame [tem] a. 溫馴的 vt. 馴服

同義字:docile [`dɑsḷ] a. 馴服的;obedient [ə`bidjənt] a. 服從的 ④

反義字:wild [waɪld] a. 野的 ②

Strange to say, the wild horse became very tame as soon as it saw me. / 說來奇怪,那頭野馬一見到我就變得溫馴極了。

It takes skill and a lot of energy to tame a wild horse. / 馴服野馬需要技巧和充沛的體力。


thirst [θɝst] n. 口渴(不可數),渴望

片語:quench one's thirst  止渴

衍生字:thirsty [`θɝstɪ] a. 口渴的;渴望的 ②

I need a glass of water to quench my thirst. / 我需要一杯水止渴。

Rebecca goes to the library in her free time to quench her thirst for knowledge.

= Rebecca goes to the library in her free time to satisfy her thirst for knowledge.


用法:thirst 亦可作動詞,與介詞 for 並用,形成下列片語:thirst for sth 渴望獲得某物 = long for sth

We all thirst for peace. / 我們大家都渴望和平。


tortoise [`tɔrtəs] n. 陸龜

Allen keeps a large tortoise as a pet. / 亞倫養了一隻大陸龜當寵物。

延伸:turtle [`tɝtḷ] n. 海龜②


tow [to] vt. 拖,拉

片語:tow sth away 將某物拖(吊)走

All illegally parked cars are to be towed away. / 違規停車的車輛全部要被拖吊。


typewriter [`taɪp͵raɪtɚ] n. 打字機

衍生字:type [taɪp] vi. 打字 ②;typist [`taɪpɪst] n. 打字員 ②

This company can't afford any computers, so the secretary still uses a typewriter. / 這家公司買不起電腦,所以秘書還在用打字機。


vase [ves / vɑs] n.  花瓶

I bumped into a table and broke a vase. / 我撞到桌子,打破了一個花瓶。

用法:a vase of flowers 一瓶花


yawn [jɔn] vi. 打呵欠

The man's speech was so boring that I couldn't help but yawn. / 這位先生的演講很無聊,所以我忍不住打呵欠。

比較:yarn [jɑrn] n. 紗,紗線

