2019年3月9日 星期六

LEVEL 6: Unit 33 ~ Unit 34

Unit 33
affirm [ə`fɝm] vt. 證實
衍生字:affirmation [͵æfɚ`meʃən] n. 證實
同義字:confirm [kən`fɝm] vt. 證實 ②
Judy affirmed her intention of applying for the management position. / 茱蒂證實她將應徵管理部門的職缺。
The spokesman affirmed that a war on terrorism would be necessary. / 發言人證實對恐怖主義開戰是必要的。
用法:此字之後用名詞或 that 子句作受詞。

ambush [`æmbʊʃ] n. 埋伏突襲
片語:lie/wait in ambush 等候埋伏
A group of 20 international aid workers were killed in a terrorist ambush. / 一群共 20 名的國際救援人員在恐怖份子的埋伏突襲中喪生。
The militia was lying in ambush behind the trees, waiting for the ambassador's car to pass by. / 民兵部隊埋伏在樹後面,等待大使的車開過去。*militia [mɪ`lɪʃə] n. 民兵部隊

authentic [ɔ`θɛntɪk] a. (物品)真正的
衍生字:authenticity [͵ɔθən`tɪsətɪ] n. 真實性
同義字:genuine [`dʒɛnjʊɪn] a. 真正的 ④
反義字:fake [fek] a. 假貨的 & n. 假貨 ③
This painting is not an authentic one. It's a fake. /這幅畫不是真跡,而是贗品。
This restaurant offers a wide variety of authentic Japanese cuisine ranging from sushi to sukiyaki.  / 這家餐廳提供各式各樣的正宗日本菜餚,從壽司到壽喜燒都有。

bouquet [bu`ke] n. 花束,一束花
片語:a bouquet/bunch of flowers  一束花
同義字:bunch [bʌntʃ] n. 花束
The man walked onto the stage and gave a bouquet of flowers to the main actress. / 男子走上舞台,送了一束花給女主角。

brutal [`brutḷ] a. 殘忍的
同義字:cruel [`kruəl] a. 殘忍的
The serial killer was sentenced to life imprisonment for the brutal murder of five little girls. / 這名連續殺人魔因為殘忍地殺害 5 名小女童而被判無期徒刑。*life imprisonment 無期徒刑*imprisonment [ɪm`prɪzṇmənt] n. 監禁

byte [baɪt] n.  (電腦)位元組
A byte is the amount of space one letter takes up.  / 一個位元組就是一個字母所佔的空間。
延伸:megabyte [`mɛgə͵baɪt] n. 百萬位元;gigabyte [`dʒɪgə͵baɪt / `gɪgə͵baɪt] n. 十億位元

chaos [`keɑs] n. 混亂
片語:be in chaos 混亂
衍生字:chaotic [ke`ɑtɪk] a. 混亂的
Leave Tom alone. He is in a chaotic state of mind right now. / 讓湯姆靜一靜。他現在心情很亂。
I spent the whole afternoon tidying up my room because it had been in chaos. / 我花了一整個下午整理房間,因為它一直是亂七八糟的。

clinical [`klɪnɪkḷ] a. 臨床的
衍生字:clinic [`klɪnɪk] n. 診所 ③
The doctors held a clinical trial to test the drug for side effects. / 醫生們進行臨床試驗,測試這種藥物的副作用。
Receiving clinical training is an important part of becoming a doctor. / 獲得臨床訓練是成為醫師重要的一環。
延伸:clinical trial/training 臨床試驗/訓練

dome [dom] n. 圓屋頂
The dome of the church was severely damaged during the war. / 這座教堂的圓屋頂在戰爭時受到了嚴重的損壞。

explicit [ɪk`splɪsɪt] a. 明確的
同義字:clear [klɪr] a. 清楚的
反義字:implicit [ɪm`plɪsɪt] a. 暗指的
The police officer gave me very explicit directions on how to get to the train station. / 警察告訴我前往火車站的明確方向。

exquisite [`ɛkskwɪzɪt / ɪk`skwɪzɪt] a. 精美的
同義字:delicate [`dɛləkət] a. 精美的 ④
The princess' exquisite dress guaranteed she'd be the most beautiful woman at the ball. / 公主精緻的禮服保證能讓她成為舞會上最美的女人。

guerrilla [gə`rɪlə] n. 游擊隊員
片語:guerrilla war/warfare  游擊戰
While entering the jungle, all of the soldiers were on high alert out of fear of being attacked by enemy guerrillas. / 進入叢林時,所有士兵都提高警覺,害怕受到游擊隊員的攻擊。*alert [ə`lɝt] a. 警覺的*be on high alert 保持高度警覺

implicit [ɪm`plɪsɪt] a. 暗指的
同義字:implied [ɪm`plaɪd] a. 暗示的
The politician's remarks contained an implicit criticism of the government. / 這名政客的話裡暗藏對政府的批評。

intervene [͵ɪntɚ`vin] vi. 介入,干預(與介詞 in 並用)
片語:intervene in... 干預⋯ = interfere with...
The government was urged to intervene in the currency markets in order to stabilize the exchange rate. / 政府被要求要介入干預貨幣市場以穩定外匯利率。*currency [`kɝrənsɪ] n. 貨幣*stabilize [`stebḷ͵aɪz] vt. 使穩定

intervention [͵ɪntɚ`vɛnʃən] n. 干預
片語:military/government intervention 軍事/政府干預
Two-thirds of people surveyed said that they were opposed to military intervention in the civil war in Congo. / 3分之2的受訪民眾表示他們反對軍事干預剛果的內戰。*a civil war 內戰

irrelevant [ɪ`rɛləvənt] a. 無關的(與介詞 to 並用)
片語:be irrelevant to... 無關
Many people in that country view politics as irrelevant to their own lives. / 那個國家許多人認為政治和他們自己的生活毫不相關。

legendary [`lɛdʒənd͵ɛrɪ] a. 傳說的,傳奇的
衍生字:legend [`lɛdʒənd] n. 傳說 ④
Legend has it that there is buried treasure in the cave. / 傳說該洞穴埋有寶藏。 *treasure [`trɛʒɚ] n. 寶藏;財寶(集合名詞,不可數)
A fairy tale is a legendary story involving some imaginative characters and is often passed down from one generation to the next. / 童話故事是包含一些虛幻角色的傳奇故事,通常會代代相傳。*imaginative [ɪ`mædʒənətɪv / ɪ`mædʒə͵netɪv] a. 虛構的

lush [lʌʃ] a. (植物)翠綠而又茂盛的,綠意盎然的
同義字:luxuriant [lʌg`ʒʊrɪənt] a. 繁茂的;verdant [`vɝdṇt] a. 青翠的
The fields are lush with grass and flowers. / 田野長滿了綠意盎然的花草。

minimal [`mɪnəmḷ] a. 最小的
衍生字:minimum [`mɪnəməm] n. 最少量 ④;a minimum of + 數字 至少
反義字:maximal [`mæksəmḷ] a. 最高的,最大量的
You must practice playing the piano for a minimum of two hours every day. / 你每天至少必須練習彈鋼琴兩小時。
The house survived the fire with only minimal damage. / 這棟房子逃過這場火災,只受到極小的損害。

minimize [`mɪnə͵maɪz] vt. 使降到最低
反義字:maximize [`mæksə͵maɪz] vt. 使增至最大限度
To maximize your time, you should study on your way to and from school. / 為充分利用時間,你要在往返學校途中唸書。
The medicine the doctor gave you should minimize your pain. / 醫生給你的藥應該可以將你的疼痛降至最低。

offering [`ɔfərɪŋ] n. (教會收的)金錢奉獻
It's every Christian's obligation to give a tenth of their income as an offering to God. / 每位基督徒都有義務把他們收入的10分之1奉獻給神。

orderly [`ɔrdɚlɪ] a. 整齊的,守秩序的
片語:in an orderly fashion 以守秩序的方式 = in an orderly way
衍生字:order [`ɔrdɚ] n. 順序;秩序 ①
反義字:disorderly [dɪs`ɔrdɚlɪ] a. 混亂的
The children formed an orderly line before they went into the museum. / 這些孩童進入博物館前先排成整齊的一排。
In the event of an emergency, please proceed to the nearest exit in an orderly fashion. / 萬一發生緊急事件,請以守秩序的方式前往最靠近的出口。*in the event of... 萬一發生= in case of...)*proceed [prə`sid] vi. 繼續進行;沿特定路線前進

organism [`ɔrgən͵ɪzəm] n. 有機體
衍生字:organ [`ɔrgən] n. 器官 ②;organic [ɔr`gænɪk] a. 有機物的 ④
The heart is one of the most vital organs in the human body. / 心臟是人體最重要的器官之一。 *vital [`vaɪtḷ] a. 極為重要的
Scientists have to study the minute organisms in the polluted river to understand the cause of its pollution. / 科學家必須研究這條受污染河流當中的微生物,以了解污染的原因。*minute [maɪ`njut] a. 微小的

pertain [pɚ`ten] vi. 相關(與介詞 to 並用)
片語:pertain to... 相關
We're having a discussion pertaining to the construction of nuclear power plants. / 我們正在討論有關於興建核能發電廠的問題。

pertinent [`pɝtṇənt] a. 相關的
片語:be pertinent to... 相關
同義字:relevant [`rɛləvənt] a. 有關的
I only want to hear comments (which are) pertinent to the topic we're dealing with now. = I only want to hear comments pertaining to the topic we're dealing with now. / 我只想聽和我們正在討論主題相關的意見。

prescribe [prɪ`skraɪb] vt. 開立(藥方),規定
The doctor prescribed some medicine for my bad cough. / 醫生為我嚴重的咳嗽開了一些藥。
Our office rules prescribe that all staff members should wear a white-collared shirt to work. / 我們的辦公室守則規定所有員工都應該要穿著白領襯衫來上班。

prescription [prɪ`skrɪpʃən] n. 處方
片語:write a prescription 開處方;fill a prescription 依處方配藥(藥劑師)
The doctor wrote me a prescription for antibiotics and handed it to me. / 醫生開了一張抗生素的處方箋交給我。
You can have this prescription filled at the pharmacy. / 你可以憑處方箋去藥房配藥。*pharmacy [`fɑrməsɪ] n. 藥房*pharmacist [`fɑrməsɪst] n. 藥劑師

proposition [͵prɑpə`zɪʃən] n. (商業的)提議
衍生字:propose [prə`poz] vt. 建議 & vi. 求婚(與介詞 to 並用);proposal [prə`pozḷ] n. 提案
Bob proposed changing the name of the company. / 鮑伯提議更改公司的名字。
Peter doesn't have the guts to propose to Mary even though they've been in love with each other for five years. / 彼得與瑪麗雖然相戀 5 年,他仍沒勇氣向她求婚。
A proposal to build more nuclear power plants was rejected. / 一個關於興建更多核能發電廠的提案被否決了。
I've put my proposition to the manager for his consideration. / 我已把建議提報給經理考慮。

reflective [rɪ`flɛktɪv] a. 反光的反映的
片語be reflective of... 反映出⋯ = reflect...
衍生字reflect [rɪ`flɛkt] vt. 反映反射& vi. 反省 ④;reflection [rɪ`flɛkʃən] n. 反映反射反省
On dark nights, children should wear reflective clothing to make themselves more visible to automobile drivers. / 在深夜孩童應穿反光材質的衣物好讓自己更容易被汽車駕駛人察覺。
Your taste in music is, to some degree, reflective of your personality. / 某種程度來說你對音樂的品味反映出你的人格。

relevant [`rɛləvənt] a. 有關的(與介詞 to 並用)
片語:be relevant to... 有關
衍生字:relevance [`rɛləvəns] n. 相關性(不可數,亦與介詞 to 並用)
反義字:irrelevant [ɪ`rɛləvənt] a. 無關的(亦與介詞 to 並用)
What you said has no direct relevance to the issue we were discussing. / 你所說的和我們討論的議題沒有直接的相關性。
Do you have any previous relevant experience doing this type of work? / 你之前有沒有從事這種工作的相關經驗?
I don't think your questions are directly relevant to our agenda. / 我想你的問題與本議程沒有直接的關聯。

respective [rɪ`spɛktɪv] a. 各自的
We attended the keynote speech first, and then we went to our respective workshops. / 我們先參加了主題演講,接著前往各自的專題研討會。
比較:respectful [rɪ`spɛktfəl] a. 滿懷敬意的;respectable [rɪ`spɛktəbḷ] a. 值得尊敬的

respectively [rɪ`spɛktɪvlɪ] adv. 分別地
In the 100-meter dash, John and Peter came in first and third respectively. / 100 公尺短跑中,約翰和彼得分別得到第一及第三名。*dash [dæʃ] n. 短跑*the 100-meter dash 100公尺短跑

rite [raɪt] n. 儀式
同義字:ritual [`rɪtʃʊəl] n. 儀式
Frank went through an initiation rite before becoming a member of the fraternity. / 成為該兄弟會成員之前,法蘭克通過了入會儀式。*fraternity [frə`tɝnətɪ] n.(大學的)兄弟會
延伸:a burial/funeral rite 葬禮/喪禮;an initiation rite 入會儀式;initiation [`ɪnɪʃɪ`eʃən] n. 入會

ritual [`rɪtʃʊəl] n. 儀式,例行公事
片語:religious rituals  宗教儀式
同義字:rite [raɪt] n. 儀式 ⑥
The priest performed a ritual of blessing at the altar. / 這位牧師在祭壇上進行祈福代禱的儀式。
Reading an English newspaper has become part of my morning ritual. / 閱讀英文報紙已經成為我晨間例行公事的一部分。

sewage [`suɪdʒ] n. (下水道)污水(不可數)
The government has imposed a ban on the dumping of raw sewage into the sea. / 政府已下令禁止將未經處理的污水倒入海裡。
延伸:raw/untreated sewage 未經處理的污水

sewer [`suɚ] n. 下水道
片語:a sewer pipe/system 下水道管線/系統
This federal funding will help the community install a new sewer system. / 這筆聯邦資金將能幫助該社區安裝新的下水道系統。*install [ɪn`stɔl] vt. 安裝

shun [ʃʌn] vt. 躲開,避開(時態:shun, shunned [ʃʌnd] , shunned [ʃʌnd]
同義字:avoid [ə`vɔɪd] vt. 避開,躲開
Vincent was shunned by his friends after he was released from jail. / 文森出獄後,朋友們都避開不想見他。

sibling [`sɪblɪŋ] n. 兄弟姊妹其中一個(可數)
How many siblings do you have? / 你有幾個兄弟姊妹?
比較:offspring [`ɔf͵sprɪŋ] n. 子孫(不可數,視作複數名詞)

siren [`saɪrən] n. 警報器
同義字:alarm [ə`lɑrm] n. 警報器
When the air raid sirens went off, the teachers instructed all students to take shelter in the school basement. / 空襲警報響起時,老師們指導學生前往學校地下室避難。*go off(警報)響起;(炸彈)爆炸*take shelter in... 避難

skim [skɪm] vt. 撇去(液體表面的浮物),略讀 vi.  略讀(與 through 並用)
時態:skim, skimmed [skɪmd] , skimmed
片語:skim (through)...  略讀
You'd better skim the fat from the soup before eating it. / 你喝湯前最好撇去湯上面的油脂。
Jane skims (through) the newspaper every morning while she's having breakfast. / 阿珍每天早上都一邊吃早餐一邊看報紙。

span [spæn] n. 一段時間
Over a span of just one year, the labor market has changed dramatically. / 光是一年的時間,勞動市場就有了大幅轉變了。
延伸:a life span 平均壽命 = a life expectancy
Women tend to have a longer life span than men.  / 女人一般比男人長壽。

spectrum [`spɛktrəm](複數形: spectra [`spɛktrə]n. 光譜
片語:the political spectrum 政治光譜
Newton divided the spectrum into seven colors. / 牛頓把光譜區分成7種顏色。
The purpose of the political spectrum is to show the differences in ideologies. / 政治光譜的目的是要顯示出意識型態的差異。*ideology [͵aɪdɪ`ɑlədʒɪ] n. 意識形態

stimulate [`stɪmjə͵let] vt. 刺激,激勵
片語:stimulate sb to V 激勵某人去從事
Congress is considering tax cuts in order to stimulate investment. / 國會正在考慮減稅方案以刺激投資。
Good teachers should ask questions that stimulate students to think. / 稱職的老師應該要問能夠激勵學生去思考的問題。

stimulation [͵stɪmjə`leʃən] n. 刺激
The housewife complains of a lack of intellectual stimulation when she is at home looking after her children. / 這名家庭主婦抱怨在家照顧小孩會使她缺乏智能上的刺激。

stimulus [`stɪmjələs](複數形: stimuli [`stɪmjə͵laɪ]n. 刺激,激勵(單數)
A teacher's praise is the best stimulus for students to keep learning. / 老師的讚美是讓學生持續學習的最好鼓勵。
Tourism has acted as a stimulant to the island's economic growth for a long time. / 觀光業長久以來刺激著這座小島的經濟成長。
比較:stimulant [`stɪmjələnt] n. 興奮劑;刺激物

supplement [`sʌplə͵mɛnt]/[`sʌpləmənt] vt. 補充 n. 補充物,副刊
片語:supplement A with B B補充 Aprovide a supplement to sth 為某物提供補助
Miranda likes to supplement her diet with vitamin pills. / 米蘭達喜歡在飲食裡補充維他命丸。
The money I make from tutoring on weekends provides a supplement to my income. / 我週末兼任家教所賺的錢是用來貼補收入所得。
The newspaper publishes a sports supplement on a weekly basis. / 這份報紙每星期出版運動副刊。

turmoil [`tɝmɔɪl] n. 騷動,混亂
片語:be in turmoil 陷入混亂;throw...into turmoil/chaos 使陷入混亂
同義字:chaos [`keɑs] n. 混亂
Six robberies in one night threw the village into turmoil/chaos. / 一夜之間 6 次的搶劫使該村莊陷入混亂。
Jack was in turmoil when Jenny broke off their engagement. / 珍妮解除婚約時,傑克整個人都亂了。

verify [`vɛrə͵faɪ] vt. 證實,確認
衍生字:verification [͵vɛrɪfɪ`keʃən] n. 確認
同義字:confirm [kən`fɝm] vt. 證實
Unfortunately, there was no witness to verify the suspect's statement. / 不幸地,沒有任何證人可以證明這名嫌疑犯的說詞。
Please verify that there is sufficient memory available before you download any software. / 你下載任何軟體前要確認你有足夠的記憶體。

vitality [vaɪ`tælətɪ] n. 活力,元氣
同義字:vigor [`vɪgɚ] n. 活力
The process of restructuring has injected vitality into the department. / 改組過程為該部門注入了一股生命力。*inject [ɪn`dʒɛkt] vt. 注入;注射(藥物)

Unit 34
apprentice [ə`prɛntɪs] n. 學徒(常與介詞to並用)
片語:be an apprentice to sb 作為某人的學徒
同義字:pupil [`pjupḷ] n. 學徒;小學生
Marvin was one of the apprentices to the famous carpenter. / 馬文是這位著名木匠的學徒之一。
延伸:an apprentice carpenter/electrician/chef 木匠/電工/廚師學徒

betray [bɪ`tre] vt. 背叛,(無意中)暴露
片語:betray sb to... 將某人出賣給
衍生字:betrayal[bɪ`treəl] n. 背叛
That man betrayed his wife to the secre police.  / 那個男子將老婆出賣給了秘密警察。
Amy felt betrayed after she found out what Jim had been trying to hide from her. / 愛咪發現阿金一直設法向他隱瞞的那件事後,覺得自己遭到了背叛。
Eric tried to look calm, but his clenched fist betrayed his anger. / 愛力克試著裝出冷靜的樣子,但他緊握的拳頭洩漏了他的憤怒。*clenched [`klɛntʃt] a. 緊握的

betrayal [bɪ`treəl] n. 背叛
片語:betrayal of... 背叛
同義字:unfaithfulness [ʌn`feθfəlnɪs] n. 不忠實
Rebecca saw her husband's actions as a betrayal of their marriage. / 瑞貝卡將她丈夫的舉動當成對他們婚姻的背叛。
延伸:a sense of betrayal 被背叛感

casualty [`kæʒjʊəltɪ](複數形: casualties [`kæʒjʊəltɪz]n. 傷亡人數(多用複數)
片語:cause/suffer heavy casualties 造成/受到慘重傷亡;road casualties 道路意外傷亡
The suicide bombing at a busy shopping street caused more than 70 casualties. / 該起發生在熱鬧的購物街上的自殺炸彈攻擊造成70多人傷亡。

catastrophe [kə`tæstrəfɪ] n. 災難
片語:economic/environmental/nuclear catastrophe 經濟/環境/核子災難
prevent a catastrophe 預防一場災難
衍生字:catastrophic [͵kætə`strɑfɪk] a. 災難的
同義字:disaster [dɪ`zæstɚ] n. 災難 ④;disastrous [dɪ`zæstrəs] a. 災難的
That catastrophic waitress just stumbled and spilled hot coffee all over me! / 這位帶來災難的女服務生剛剛腳下一個踉蹌,把熱咖啡濺了我滿身!
The recent cyclone in Bangladesh was a real catastrophe. / 最近在孟加拉的那場颶風真是一場大災難。
I can't imagine what a catastrophe it will be if we lose Mr. Hank, our most important client. / 我無法想像,要是我們失去最重要的客戶漢克先生的話,那將會是一場什麼樣的災難。
It would be a catastrophe if we let Victor be our leader. / 維克多來當我們的領導將會是一場災難。

cavalry [`kælvərɪ] n. (騎馬)騎兵,裝甲部隊(集合名詞,不可數)
The cavalry attacked the enemy at lightning speed. / 裝甲兵以閃電般的速度向敵人進攻。

chariot [`tʃærɪət] n.  古代雙輪戰車
Chariots were used by Roman soldiers during battles.  / 羅馬士兵駕駛二輪戰車參與戰鬥。

complexity [kəm`plɛksətɪ](複數形: complexities [kəm`plɛksɪtɪz]n. 複雜性(不可數),複雜之處(常用複數)
片語:a problem of great complexity 極為複雜的問題
衍生字:complex [`kɑmplɛks] a. 複雜的 & n.(複合式)建築,區;情結 ③;a shopping complex 購物區
The complexity of the problem is far beyond my imagination. / 這個問題的複雜程度遠超出我的想像。
Our aim is to help the public understand the complexities of the city's financial problems. / 我們的目標是幫助大眾了解該城市財務問題的複雜之處。
比較:complexion [kəm`plɛkʃən] n.(臉的)膚色
Jane has a fair complexion. / 阿珍的面容白皙。

complication [͵kɑmplə`keʃən] n. 複雜,困難,併發症(常用複數)
片語:add a further complication to sth 使某事更加困難;develop complications 產生併發症
衍生字:complicate [`kɑmplɪ͵ket] vt. 使複雜 ④;complicated [`kɑmplə͵ketɪd] a. 複雜的
The situation became more complicated when Cathy announced that she would run for election, too. / 凱西宣布她也將參選後,情勢就變得更複雜了。
The age difference added a further complication to their relationship. / 年齡的差距使他們這段感情更加困難。
John developed complications after his heart transplant surgery. / 約翰在心臟移植手術過後產生了併發症。

comprehensive [͵kɑmprɪ`hɛnsɪv] a. 廣泛的,詳盡的,全面的
同義字:complete [kəm`plit] a. 徹底的;thorough [`θɝo] a. 徹底的 ④
Our team is now conducting comprehensive research on the effects of global warming. / 我們小組正在對全球暖化的影響做全面性的研究。
延伸:a comprehensive guide/study/survey 綜合指南/研究/調查;comprehensive insurance(保險)全險

coverage [`kʌvərɪdʒ]n. 新聞報導(不可數),保險項目,涵蓋範圍
片語:news coverage 新聞報導
衍生字:cover [`kʌvɚ] vt. 掩蓋,隱瞞;採訪,報導 & n. 封面 ①;the cover story 頭版新聞
The anchorperson was covering the latest development in the negotiations between the two nations. / 這位主播正在報導兩國間協商的最新發展。
Lilly covered her face with her hands, weeping. / 莉莉掩面哭泣。
Henry was furious, but he covered it with a joke.
The news coverage about this young man was strongly biased. / 關於這位年輕人的新聞報導嚴重偏頗。
The kidnapping of the celebrity's dogs received extensive media coverage. / 這位名人的狗被綁一事佔了許多新聞版面。
My insurance policy provides coverage against fire and theft. / 我的保險單提供保險的項目是火災和竊盜險。
This reference book provides a comprehensive coverage of the subject we're talking about. / 這本工具書涵蓋我們現在談論題材的所有面向。

decent [`disənt] a. (人)正直的,正派的,(東西)像樣的
片語:a decent job/meal 像樣的工作/一頓飯
a decent-looking person/fellow 看起來乾乾淨淨,中規中矩的人
Henry is a decent man. He'll never do things like that. / 亨利是個正直的人。他絕對不會做那種事。
Stop fooling around and go find a job! You have to lead a decent life, or others will look down upon you. / 別再鬼混,快找份工作吧!你得活得正派一點,不然大家都會瞧不起你。

denounce [dɪ`naʊns] vt. 公然譴責,告發
片語:denounce A as B 譴責ABdenounce A to B B告發A
衍生字:denunciation [dɪ͵nʌnsɪ`eʃən] n. 譴責
同義字:condemn [kən`dɛm] vt. 譴責 ⑤
Senator Louis was denounced as a liar by one of his opponents. / 路易斯議員被一位他的反對者斥為騙徒。
A former employee of John's denounced him to the police. / 約翰之前的一位職員向警方告發他。

disturbance [dɪs`tɝbəns] n. 干擾,(群眾的)騷動,輕微衝突
片語:cause/create a disturbance 妨礙安寧,妨礙公眾秩序
衍生字:disturb [dɪs`tɝb] vt. 打擾 ④
I didn't mean to disturb you, but I've something important to tell you. / 我並非故意打攪你,我有要事相告。
A few football fans were arrested for causing a disturbance during the game. / 有幾個足球迷在比賽中途因為妨礙秩序被逮捕。
Phone calls in the middle of a movie can be a great disturbance. / 電影看到一半電話響起會是一大干擾。
There was a disturbance between the protesters and the riot police, but fortunately no one was injured. / 抗議者跟鎮暴警察間有輕微衝突,但所幸無人受傷。

drastic [`dræstɪk] a. 激烈的
片語:take drastic measures/action 採取激烈手段/行動
衍生字:drastically [`dræstɪkḷɪ] adv. 激烈地
The number of wild rhinos all over the world has dwindled drastically. / 全球野生犀牛的數目已劇烈下降。*rhino [`raɪno] n. 犀牛(是 rhinoceros [raɪ`nɑsərəs] 的縮寫),dwindle [`dwɪndḷ] vi. 漸漸減少
The union threatened to take drastic action if its demands were not met. / 工會揚言若達不到訴求的話,便會採取激烈行動。

electron [ɪ`lɛktrɑn] n.  電子
衍生字:electronic [ɪ͵lɛk`trɑnɪk] a. 電子的
Electrons are parts outside the nucleus of an atom.  / 電子是在原子核外部分的物質。
用法:an electron microscope 電子顯微鏡;atom [`ætəm] n. 原子④
proton [`protɑn] n. 質子;neutron [`njutrɑn] n. 中子

exploit [ɪk`splɔɪt] vt.  剝削,開採
片語:exploit the oil under the sea  在海底開採石油
衍生字:exploiter [ɪk`splɔɪtɚ] n. 剝削者
exploitation [͵ɛksplɔɪ`teʃən] n. 剝削行為
This factory owner exploited his workers by making them do a lot of unpaid overtime.  / 這位工廠老闆剝削他的員工,要他們常常加班又不給加班費。
Due to the rising demand for oil, the country felt an urgent need to exploit its oil under the sea.  / 由於對石油的需求增加,該國家感到迫切需要開採它在海底的石油。

fabulous [`fæbjələs] a. 很棒的
同義字:wonderful [`wʌndɚfəl] a. 很棒的 ②
We had a fabulous dinner last night. / 我們昨天晚上吃了很豐盛的一餐。

foresee [fɔr`si] vt.  預見,預測(時態:foresee, foresaw [fɔr`sɔ] , foreseen [fɔr`sin]
同義字:predict [prɪ`dɪkt] vt. 預測 ④;forecast [`fɔr͵kæst] vt. 預報(天氣)(三態同形)④
None of us foresaw what the boss was going to do with this financial crisis.  / 我們都無法預測老闆對這次的財務危機將如何處理。
Few analysts foresaw that natural gas prices would rise steeply.
沒幾個分析師預測到天然氣價格會急遽攀升。*steeply [`stiplɪ] adv. 急遽地
用法:foresee + that + S + V 預測
foresee + 疑問詞(如: how/what/ why...引導的名詞子句)預測如何/怎麼/為何
No one foresaw that the war would end so quickly. = No one foresaw why the war would end so quickly.沒人預測到戰爭會如此快結束。

glamorous [`glæmərəs] a. 有魅力的
衍生字:glamour [`glæmɚ] n. 魅力 ⑥
同義字:gorgeous [`gɔrdʒəs] a. 華麗的;fabulous [`fæbjələs] a. 很棒的;wonderful [`wʌndɚfəl] a. 很棒的
Marilyn Monroe was a glamorous movie star. / 瑪麗蓮‧夢露是位有魅力的電影明星。

illegitimate [͵ɪlɪ`dʒɪtəmɪt] a. 非法的,非婚生的
片語:an illegitimate child 私生子
同義字:unlawful [ʌn`lɔfəl] a. 非法的;illegal [ɪ`ligḷ] a. 非法的 ②
Paul made a great fortune by apparently running some illegitimate business. / 保羅似乎是靠著某些非法勾當賺了大把銀子。
A man named Frank popped up and claimed to be the deceased billionaire's illegitimate son. / 一個叫法蘭克的突然冒出來,聲稱自己是那位已故億萬富翁的私生子。

installation [͵ɪnstə`leʃən] n. 安裝,設備,就職(典禮)
片語:installation costs 安裝費用;a heating installation 暖氣設備;the installation of a new mayor 新市長就職
衍生字:install [ɪn`stɔl] vt. 安裝 ④
Do you know how to install this software? / 你知道要怎麼安裝這套軟體嗎?
Installation of the security system will take two days. / 安裝保全系統要花上兩天時間。
The whole heating installation needs to be replaced. / 全部的暖氣設備都需要更換。
The ceremony for the new mayor's installation was held last May. / 新任市長就職典禮於去年 5 月舉行。

installment [ɪn`stɔlmənt] n. (分期付款每期應付的)款項,(分期連載)回
片語:by (monthly) installments 用(每月)分期付款的方式
Because of the high prices of the goods in our store, customers are allowed to pay by monthly installments. / 由於我們店裡東西的價格很高,客戶可以用按月分期付款的方式來付費。
Readers are all looking forward to the second installment of that mystery series. / 讀者都引頸企盼這部神秘連載小說的第 2 回。

intimacy [`ɪntəməsɪ] n. 親密(不可數)
片語:intimacy between A and B AB之間親密的關係
衍生字:intimate [`ɪntəmɪt] a. 親密的 ④
Intimacy among staff members in this company is strictly forbidden. / 這間公司嚴格禁止員工們間的親密關係。

lawsuit [`lɔ͵sut] n. 訴訟
片語:file a lawsuit against... 提出訴訟
同義字:suit [sut] n. & vt. 訴訟 ②
Local residents filed a lawsuit against the construction company over noise pollution. / 當地居民因為噪音污染的緣故,對該建築公司提出告訴。

legitimate [lɪ`dʒɪtəmɪt]/[lɪ`dʒɪtə͵met] a. 合理的,合法的,合法婚姻所生的 vt. 合法化,合理化
片語:It is legitimate to V ⋯是合法的
衍生字:legitimize [lɪ`dʒɪtə͵maɪz] vt. 使合法,使正當化;legitimacy [lɪ`dʒɪtəməsɪ] n. 合法性
同義字:legal [`ligḷ] a. 合法的 ②;illegitimate [͵ɪlɪ`dʒɪtəmɪt] a. 非法的,不正當的
The author was accused of legitimizing violence in his novels. / 這位作家遭人指控在小說裡將暴力合理化。
Management claimed that their reasons for rejecting the union's demands are perfectly legitimate. / 管理部門宣稱他們拒絕公會要求的理由是完全合法合理的。
Prince Charles is the legitimate successor to the throne. / 查理斯王子是王位的合法繼承人。
Since Gina is Mr. Parker's legitimate child, she is by law a potential heiress to his estate. / 既然吉娜是帕克先生的合法婚生子女,她在法律上是可以成為他財產的繼承人。*heiress [ɛrɪs] n. 女繼承人*heir [ɛr] n. 男繼承人
John is trying to legitimate his own selfish behavior again. / 約翰又在試圖將自己自私的行為自圓其說了。
延伸:perfectly legitimate 完全合法合理

mar [mɑr] vt. 損毀(時態:mar, marred [mɑrd], marred [mɑrd]
同義字:spoil [spɔɪl] vt. 毀損 ③
That baseball player's career was marred by taking illegal drugs. / 該名棒球員的生涯因為服用禁藥而蒙上陰影。

missionary [`mɪʃə͵nɛrɪ](複數形: missionaries [`mɪʃə͵nɛrɪz]n. 傳教士 a. 傳教士的
片語:a missionary school/hospital 教會學校/醫院
衍生字:mission [`mɪʃən] n. 任務 ③
Mother Teresa and her Missionaries of Charity are well known all over the world. / 德蕾莎修女和她的仁愛傳教修女會舉世聞名。
Many young members of the Mormon church spend time doing missionary work. / 摩門教會的許多年輕成員花費時間從事傳教工作。

monopoly [mə`nɑpḷɪ] n. 壟斷,獨占權(常用單數),獨占企業
片語:have a monopoly on... 壟斷;對有獨占權
衍生字:monopolize [mə`nɑpḷ͵aɪz] vt. 壟斷,獨佔
Don't invite Bob to the meeting because he always tries to monopolize the conversation. / 別找鮑伯來開會,因為他老是要一個人講完所有的話。
The government used to have a monopoly on tobacco sales. / 過去政府壟斷了煙草的銷售。
The government should take measures to prevent good medical care from becoming a monopoly solely for the rich. / 政府應該制訂措施來防止醫療資源全被有錢人給獨占。
Eddy's Pizza used to be the monopoly in town, but now it seems destined to close because of the international pizza chain that opened earlier this summer. / 艾迪披薩店曾是城裡獨占企業,不過它現在似乎注定要關門大吉,因為今年初夏一家跨國披薩連鎖店開始在城裡營運了。*destined [`dɛstɪnd] a. 注定的

omen [`omən] n. 徵兆,預兆
A black cat crossing your path used to be considered a bad omen in the West. / 在西方,一隻黑貓在你眼前走過曾被認為是不祥的徵兆。
延伸:an omen of bad luck 不祥的徵兆

outlaw [`aʊt͵lɔ] n. 歹徒,亡命之徒 vt. 使不合法,禁止
同義字:ban [bæn] vt. 禁止 ⑤
Police were informed that a group of outlaws were hiding in the forest. / 警方被告知有一群歹徒正躲在森林裡。
Most states in the US have outlawed the use of marijuana, even for medical use. / 美國大部分的州都已將大麻列為非法,即便是用作醫療用途。*marijuana [͵mærɪ`(h)wɑnə] n. 大麻

prediction [prɪ`dɪkʃən] n. 預測
片語:make accurate predictions about sth 對某事做出精確預測
衍生字:predict [prɪ`dɪkt] vt. 預測 ④;predictable [prɪ`dɪktəbḷ] a. 可預測的 ④
Most people predicted that the boxer would win the world championship. / 大部分的人都預測該拳擊手會贏得世界冠軍。
John's been working very hard over the years, so his success is predictable. / 過去這些年來,約翰一直很努力,因此他的成功是可預測的。
So far it's still very difficult for scientists to make accurate predictions about earthquakes. / 到目前為止,科學家要對地震做出準確的預測仍然很困難。

radical [`rædɪkḷ] a. 激進的,基本的 n. 激進份子,(漢字的)部首
同義字:fundamental [͵fʌndə`mɛntḷ] a. 根本的
反義字:conservative [kən`sɝvətɪv] a. 保守的
I was surprised at Mark's radical views on politics.  / 我對於馬克激進的政治理念很驚訝。
During the meeting, some professors pointed out the crucial need for radical changes in the current education system. / 會議中,有些教授指出當前的教育體制亟需根本上的改變。
This writer was labeled a left-wing radical. / 該作家被歸類為左派激進份子。
You can infer the meaning of the term from its radical. / 你可以從該字的部首推斷它的意思。
延伸:radical changes/reforms 徹底的改變/改革

rational [`ræʃənḷ] a. 理性的,合理的
片語:a rational explanation/argument/ decision  合理的解釋/論點/決定
衍生字:rationality [͵ræʃən`ælətɪ] n. 理性
同義字:reasonable [`rizṇəbḷ] a. 合理的
反義字:irrational [ɪ`ræʃənḷ] a. 無理性的;不合理的
A rational person will never behave like that. / 理智的人絕不會那樣做。
The authorities concerned have yet to find a rational explanation for the accident. / 有關當局仍在設法為該起意外找尋合理的解釋。
比較:ration [`ræʃən] n. & vt.(配給的)一份 & vt. 配給
The soldiers were hungry and eagerly got in line to receive their rations. / 飢餓的士兵們急切地排隊領取他們的伙食。
We don't have enough food to go around, so we'll have to ration it. / 我們的食物不夠分,所以得要採配給的。

sovereign [`sɑvrɪn] a. 最高統治權的,主權獨立的
In this country, sovereign power lies with the Parliament. / 在這個國家,最高統治權落在國會手中。
Vietnam used to be a colony, but now it is a sovereign country. / 越南過去是個殖民地,但現在是個主權國家。
延伸:a sovereign nation 主權獨立的國家;sovereignpower 最高統治權

sovereignty [`sɑvrɪntɪ] n. 統治權,主權(皆不可數)
片語:claim sovereignty over sth 宣稱擁有某物的主權
These actions were interpreted as a threat to national sovereignty. / 這些行徑被解讀為對國家統治權的威脅。
Many Native American tribes have claimed sovereignty over parts of the US. / 許多印地安部落聲稱他們擁有部分美國土地的主權。

spectacular [spɛk`tækjəlɚ] a. 壯觀的,極好的
衍生字:spectacle [`spɛktəkḷ] n. 眼鏡(恆用複數);景觀
同義字:stunning [`stʌnɪŋ] a. 震驚的,極好的
impressive [ɪm`prɛsɪv] a. 使人印象深刻的;fabulous [`fæbjələs] a. 很棒的
This is the most spectacular fireworks show I've ever seen in my life. / 這是我這輩子看過最壯觀的煙火表演。
Michael Fisher's latest work of fantasy literature has seen a spectacular success. / 麥可‧費雪的最新奇幻文學作品極為成功。
延伸:spectacular scenery 壯觀的景色;a spectacular waterfall 壯觀的瀑布

spontaneous [spɑn`tenɪəs] a. 自發的,不由自主的,未事先準備的,即席的
衍生字:spontaneity [͵spɑntə`niətɪ] n. 自發性
同義字:impulsive [ɪm`pʌlsɪv] a. 衝動的
The crowd broke into spontaneous applause when the speech was over. / 宣告結果時,人群不由自主發出熱烈掌聲。
I was a bit nervous when they asked me to give a spontaneous speech as tonight's guest of honor. / 當他們要我作為今晚的榮譽嘉賓發表即席演說時,我有一點緊張。

statute [`stætʃʊt] n. 法規,章程
The new statutes were criticized for violating citizens' right to privacy. / 新法規因違反市民隱私權而飽受批評。
According to the union's statutes, employees must have worked in the industry for one year before becoming members. / 根據工會章程,員工必須在該行業工作至少一年才能成為工會成員。
比較:statue [`stætʃu] n. 雕像 ③;stature [`stætʃu] n. 身高,身材;地位,水平 ⑥

stunt [stʌnt] n. 特技,危險、引人側目的花招
片語:do stunts 表演特技
The audience all held their breath when the two stuntwomen performed a difficult stunt. / 兩位特技女演員表演困難的特技時,觀眾全都摒息以待。
I'm fed up with your stupid stunts. Now get down from that table! / 我受夠你那些無聊的花招了。現在給我從桌上下來!
延伸:a stunt man 男特技替身演員;a stunt woman 女特技替身演員;a publicity stunt 宣傳性噱頭

superintendent [͵supərɪn`tɛndənt] n. 監督者,主管
Jack was appointed the superintendent of the project. / 傑克被任命為該計劃的監督者。
The superintendent of our department is young and full of stamina. / 我們部門的主管年輕又有幹勁。*stamina [`stæmɪnə] n. 精力

toll [tol] n. 過路費,傷亡人數 vt. 敲鐘 vi. 鐘聲響起
片語:take a heavy toll  造成嚴重傷亡;toll the death knell for... 敲響的喪鐘(預告某事即將結束 。*knell [nɛl] n. 喪鐘聲)
衍生字:tollgate [`tol͵get] n.(高速公路的)收費站
Hanna just got a job collecting tolls on the freeway. / 漢娜剛找到一份在高速公路上收過路費的工作。
The hurricane took a heavy toll, causing the death of hundreds of people. / 該颶風造成重大傷亡,導致數百人死亡。
The dictator's defeat in battle tolled the death knell for his regime. / 這位獨裁者在該場戰事中的失利敲響了他政權的喪鐘。
The church bell tolled in mourning for those who died in the accident. / 教堂的鐘聲響起,為在該起意外中死亡的人們哀悼。
延伸:a toll bridge 有收過路費的橋;the death toll 死亡人數

tornado [tɔr`nedo] n. 龍捲風
同義字:twister [`twɪstɚ] n. 龍捲風
The tornado destroyed everything in its path. / 這陣龍捲風所經之處一切皆被摧毀。
比較:hurricane [`hɝɪ͵ken] n. 颶風(發生於東太平洋或大西洋沿岸的風暴);cyclone [`saɪklon] n. 氣旋(發生於南太平洋沿岸的風暴);typhoon [taɪ`fun] n. 颱風(發生於西太平洋沿岸的風暴),
以上 3 字其實就指『颱風』,只是名稱有所區別罷了。

traitor [`tretɚ] n. 叛徒
My friends called me a traitor, simply because I refused to help them cheat on the exam. / 我的朋友說我是叛徒,只因為我拒絕幫他們在考試中作弊。
比較:trait [tret] n. 特點,特性
Honesty is John's trait, which is why I trust him. / 約翰的特性就是誠實,這也是我信任他的原因。

treason [`trizṇ] n. 叛國,叛國罪(不可數)
同義字:treachery [`trɛtʃərɪ] n. 背叛
These wartime collaborators were arrested and charged with treason following the end of the war. / 這些戰時的通敵者在戰後被逮捕並以叛國罪名起訴。*collaborator [kə`læbə͵retɚ] n. 通敵者

tremor [`trɛmɚ] n. (輕微的)地震,震動
同義字:earthquake [`ɝθ͵kwek] n. 地震
We felt a tremor while in the office this morning. / 我們今天早上在辦公室感覺到一陣輕微的地震。
There was a tremor of fear in her voice. / 她的聲音因為恐懼而微微顫動。

tsunami [tsu`nɑmi] n. 海嘯
A tsunami is often caused by an earthquake. / 海嘯經常是地震所引起的。
用法:本字原為日語,英文中的海嘯原是 tidal waves,現今多用 tsunami

tumor [`tjumɚ] n. 腫瘤
衍生字:tumorous [`tjumərəs] a. 腫瘤的
My mind went blank when I heard my uncle was diagnosed with a malignant tumor. / 當得知我叔叔被診斷出長了惡性腫瘤時,我腦中一片空白。*diagnose [͵daɪəg`noz] vt. 診斷*be diagnosed with + 疾病 被診斷出得了某疾病
延伸:a benign/malignant tumor 良性/惡性瘤;benign [bɪ`naɪn] a. 良性的;malignant [mə`lɪgnənt] a. 惡性的

ulcer [`ʌlsɚ] n. 潰瘍
片語:a stomach ulcer 胃潰瘍;a duodenal ulcer  十二指腸炎(*duodenal [͵djuə`dinḷ] a. 十二指腸的)
People who drink frequently have a higher risk of getting a stomach ulcer. / 常喝酒的人得到胃潰瘍的風險較高。

uphold [ʌp`hold] vt. 維護,維持(判決)
時態:uphold, upheld [ʌp`hɛld] , upheld [ʌp`hɛld]
片語:uphold human rights/the law 維護人權/法律;uphold a conviction 維持原判
衍生字:upholder [ʌp`holdɚ] n. 支持者
同義字:support [sə`pɔrt] vt. 支持
A law was recently passed to uphold freedom of speech. / 最近通過了一條維護言論自由的新法。
The Supreme Court ruled that the former governor's conviction of corruption be upheld. / 最高法院決議維持對該位前任州長的定罪。

