
2019年3月31日 星期日



call off 取消

Why was the football match called off? 足球賽為什麼取消?


carry out (with) 實行、實現;完成

You should carry out your plan. 你應該完成你最初的計畫。

You must carry out your plan with determination. 你必須有決心實行你的計畫。

Did he carry out his plan? 他完成他的計畫了嗎?

They carried out their plan without difficulty. 他們輕易地實現了他們的計劃。

John has decided to carry out all his plans. 約翰決定要實行他所有的計畫。

【同】fulfill = complete = accomplish

come about 發生;產生

How did all this come about? 這一切是如何發生的?

How did the accident come about? 這意外事件是怎麼發生的?

Tienanmen Incident came about in May, 1989. 天安門事件發生於一九八九年五月。

【同】happen = take place = occur

come along (with) 來到;和同來

There he is coming along. 瞧!他來了。

“We are going to the beach. Do you want to come along?”


cut down 減少;削減;砍倒

The doctor advised Father to cut down on smoking. 醫生忠告家父減少抽煙。

I decided to cut down my expenses. 我決定減少我的開銷。

The woodmen have cut down many trees. 伐木工人已砍倒了許多樹木。

My doctor asked me to cut down on my smoking. 我的醫生要我少抽菸。


fill in 填空;填寫

Fill in the blanks with appropriate words. 在空格內填入適當的字。

Please fill in all the blanks. 請填寫所有空格。

【比】fill out 填滿(表格)

Fill out the form, please. 請填好此表格。

She helped the old woman fill out a withdrawal slip. 她幫這位老婦人填寫提款單。

get over 克服(困難、疾病);度過

In learning English one has to get over all obstacles. 學英文一定要克服所有障礙。


“John is sad because Mary has left him.” “Don’t worry, he will overcome it soon.”


put away 儲存、收起來;拿開;收拾(= set aside)

The mother told her child to put her toys away. 這母親告訴她的小孩將玩具拿開。

Put your toys away; it’s time for you to study. 把玩具收好,該讀書了。

Though my father does not make much money, my mother manages to put a little money away every month. 雖然我父親收入不多,但是我母親仍設法每個月存一些錢。

Put away your books, students. 同學們,把書收起來。

take over 接管;接收;繼承

He took over the family business. 他接管了家庭事業。

He took over the business from his father. 他從他父親那兒接管了這事業。

Who is going to take over the business? 誰將要接管這事業?

Our principal will retire next month and a new principal will take over soon.


to sum up 總而言之

To sum up, besuty is skin-deep. 總之,美貌是膚淺的。

【同】in a nutshell = all in all = in short = to be brief

牛刀小試 Do It Yourself

1. __________ __________ your toys, Tony. (儲存、收起來)

2. This plan will be _________ __________ in 2012. (實行、完成)

3. It took me about a month to __________ __________ my gastritis. (克服(困難、疾病);度過)

4. Lady Ga Ga’s concert was __________ __________ on account of rain. (取消)

5. __________ __________ your application form before the interview. (填滿(表格))

6. Tom __________ __________ his father’s business last year. (接管;繼承)

7. Will you __________ __________ with me to the movies? (同來)

8. Shortly after the Japanese Prime Minister assumed office, his sex scandal __________ __________. (發生)

9. __________ __________ __________, men should be the heads of their families. (總而言之)

10. The government __________ __________ the plan because of the lack of funds. (取消)

