2019年4月13日 星期六

LEVEL 4: U 25 ~ U 26

Unit 25
acquire [ə`kwaɪr] vt. 獲得
衍生字:acquisition [͵ækwə`zɪʃən] n. 獲得;獲得物acquired [ə`kwaɪrd] a. 後天習得的;後天獲得的
反義字:innate [͵ɪn`et] a. 先天的 = inborn [͵ɪn`bɔrn] a. 天生的 ⑤
David acquired the skills needed to become a surgeon. / 大衛習得了當外科醫生所必備的技術。
Dancing is an acquired skill. / 跳舞是後天習得的技巧。
AIDS is short for acquired immune deficiency syndrome. / 愛滋病是後天性免疫不全症候群的縮寫。*immune [ɪ`mjun] a. 免疫的*deficiency [dɪ`fɪʃənsɪ] n. 不足*syndrome [`sɪn͵drom] n. 症候群

associate [ə`soʃɪ͵et] vt. 使有關聯 vi. 交往
片語be associated with... 有關 = be connected to/with...associate with sb 與某人交往
Lung cancer is mostly associated with smoking. / 肺癌大多與吸菸有關。
If I were you, I wouldn't associate with that guy. He's a gangster. / 如果我是你的話,我不會和那名男子有所往來。他是幫派份子。

associate [ə`soʃɪɪt] n. 合夥人 a. 副的
同義字:partner [`pɑrtnɚ] n. 夥伴,合夥人 ②
Jason is one of my business associates. / 傑森是我的事業夥伴之一。
Maggie is the associate editor of that magazine. / 瑪琪是那家雜誌的副編輯。
延伸an associate professor 副教授

association [ə͵sosɪ`eʃən] n. 協會聯合
片語in association with... 聯合 = in cooperation with... 合作
We decided to set up an association of photography lovers. / 我們決定成立一個攝影愛好者協會。
The exhibition was sponsored by the government in association with local businesses.  / 這場展覽是由政府聯合當地企業贊助舉辦的。

assume [ə`sjum] vt. 假定,認為(以 that 子句作受詞),負起(責任)
片語:assume the burden of... 挑起的重擔 = shoulder the burden of...
衍生字:assumption [ə`sʌmpʃən] n. 假定 ⑥
Paul assumed that his girlfriend was joking when she said he was ugly. / 阿寶的女友說他很醜時,他認定她一定是在開玩笑。
After his parents passed away, the boy assumed the burden of raising the family. / 男孩的父母亡故後,他便負起養家的責任。

authority [ə`θɔrətɪ] n. 權威(不可數),權威人士(可數),有關當局(恆用複數)
片語:have authority over... 有支配的權力/權威
衍生字:authorize [`ɔθə͵raɪz] v. 授權;認可 ⑥
an authority on... 方面的權威人士;the authorities concerned 有關當局
Our parents have authority over us when we are young. / 小時候,父母可完全支配我們。
My cousin is an authority on photography. / 我表哥在攝影方面是個權威。
The authorities concerned should take immediate action to deal with the problem. / 有關當局應立刻採取行動處理此問題。

community [kə`mjunətɪ] n. 社區,界,共同利益團體
I live in a small community outside the city. / 我住在城外的一個小社區裡。
The medical community is sparing no effort to promote human health. / 醫學界正不遺餘力提升人類的健康。
比較:neighborhood [`nebɚ͵hʊd] n. 鄰近地區 ③
There is a shopping mall in my neighborhood. / 我住的附近有一家大賣場。

defend [dɪ`fɛnd] vt. 防禦,辯護
衍生字:defendant [dɪ`fɛndənt] n. 被告 ④
同義字:attack [ə`tæk] vt. 攻擊 ②
The villagers struggled to defend their homeland. / 村民們奮力保衛家園。
The singer held a press conference to defend herself against the rumor. / 這名歌手召開記者會,為傳言替自己做辯護。

defense [dɪ`fɛns] n. 防禦,辯護
片語:in defense of... 以辯護
反義字:offense [ə`fɛns] n. 攻擊;犯罪 ④
The best defense is offense. / 攻擊是最佳的防禦。──諺語
The lawyer spoke in defense of his client's innocence. / 律師發表談話為委託訴訟人的無辜作辯護。

defensible [dɪ`fɛnsəbḷ] a. 可防禦的
同義字:defendable [dɪ`fɛndəbḷ] a. 可防禦的
A castle built on a high mountain is easily defensible. / 興建在高山上的城堡容易防禦。

defensive [dɪ`fɛnsɪv] a. 防禦性的
反義字:offensive [ə`fɛnsɪv] a. 攻擊性的 ④
We need both defensive and offensive weapons to face attacks from neighboring countries. / 我們需要防禦性及攻擊性的武器以對抗鄰國的攻擊。

district [`dɪstrɪkt] n. (行政)區
Which district of the city do you live in? / 你住在這座城市的哪一區?
比較:zone [zon] n. 地帶,地區 ③;area [`ɛrɪə] n. 地區 ①

economic [͵ikə`nɑmɪk] a. 與經濟有關的
Mary's economic problems started when she got divorced. / 瑪麗離婚時,經濟方面的問題就產生了。
延伸:economic development 經濟發展

economical [͵ikə`nɑmɪkḷ] a. 合乎經濟效益的,節省的
同義字:frugal [`frugḷ] a. 節省的
It's more economical to buy food in large quantities. / 大量購買食物比較划算。

economically [͵ikə`nɑmɪkḷɪ] adv. 合乎經濟效益地
We must use this limited space economically. / 我們要有效地使用這個有限的空間。
用法:本字亦可表『與經濟有關地』。Economically speaking,...就經濟方面而言,

economics [͵ikə`nɑmɪks] n. 經濟學
I majored in economics while I was in college. / 我唸大學時主修經濟學。
延伸:也有人將 economiceconomicaleconomics 分別唸成 [͵ɛkə`nɑmɪk][͵ɛkə`nɑmɪkḷ]、及 [͵ɛkə`nɑmɪkḷɪ]

economist [ɪ`kɑnəmɪst] n. 經濟學家
Economists estimate a slow growth in the global economy. / 經濟學家預估全球經濟將有緩慢的成長。

economy [ɪ`kɑnəmɪ] n. 經濟,節儉
同義字:frugality [fru`gælətɪ] n. 節儉
The economy of this country seems to be improving. / 這個國家的經濟似乎正在好轉。
Several decisions about the economy were made in order to save money. / 為了節省開支,因此做了許多省錢的決定。

equip [ɪ`kwɪp] vt. 配備(常用被動語態)
片語:be equipped with... 配備有
All the classrooms are equipped with state-of-the-art facilities. / 所有的教室都配有最先進的設備。

equipment [ɪ`kwɪpmənt] n. 裝備(集合名詞,不可數)
This camera is the most important piece of equipment I have. / 這台相機是目前我擁有最重要的一項配備。
延伸:a piece of equipment 一件裝備;a lot of equipment 很多裝備

establish [ɪ`stæblɪʃ] vt. 建立,創立
片語:establish sth 建立某物 = set up sth
The company was established in 1988. / 這家公司於 1988 年創立。
用法:established 可作形容詞,表『名聲穩固的』。an established writer 名聲屹立不搖的作家

establishment [ɪ`stæblɪʃmənt] n. 建立
同義字:founding [`faʊndɪŋ] n. 創立
The establishment of his own business was the turning point in his life. / 自行創業是他人生的轉捩點。

evidence [`ɛvədəns] n. 證據(集合名詞,不可數)vt. 證明
We have found a lot of evidence against John.  / 我們發現很多不利於約翰的證據。
The king loves the queen very much, as evidenced by a large palace he built for her. / 國王非常愛皇后,他為她建造的這座大皇宮可以作證。
用法:an evidence (×)a piece of evidence 一項證據 ()

evident [`ɛvədənt] a. 明顯的
同義字:obvious [`ɑbvɪəs] a. 明顯的 ③;apparent [ə`pærənt] a. 顯然的 ③
It's evident that Alan committed the murder. / 顯然阿倫犯了這樁謀殺案。

evidently [`ɛvədəntlɪ] adv. 明顯地
同義字:obviously [`ɑbvɪəslɪ] a. 明顯地 ③;apparently [ə`pærəntlɪ] a. 明顯地 ③
Nina is evidently in serious trouble. / 很明顯地,妮娜闖了大禍。

extend [ɪk`stɛnd] vt. 擴大,延伸
衍生字:extension [͵ɪk`stɛʃən] n. 延長;電話分機
Call me at 23317600, extension 10. / 請撥電話給我,電話是 23317600,分機 10
同義字:lengthen [`lɛŋθən] vt. 延長,使加長 ③
I'd like to extend my stay another two days. / 我想在這兒多待兩天。

extent [ɪk`stɛnt] n. 程度
片語:to a/an...extent 的程度 = to a/an...degree
I love her to such an extent that without her I couldn't live. / 我愛她到沒有她我就活不下去的程度。

facial [`feʃəl] a. 臉的,面部的 n. 臉部按摩
片語:do a facial 做臉;give sb a facial massage 為某人做臉部按摩
Sue had a strange facial expression when she tasted this dish. / 蘇吃這道菜時臉上有奇怪的表情。
My wife does a facial every now and then. / 我太太偶而會做臉。

including [ɪn`kludɪŋ] prep. 包括(= inclusive of
衍生字:include [ɪn`klud] vt. 包含,包括 ②
inclusive [ɪn`klusɪv] a. 包含的,包括的(與 of 並用)⑥
反義字:excluding [ɪk`skludɪŋ] prep. 不包括 = exclusive of...
Five passengers were injured in the accident, including a pregnant woman. = Five passengers were injured in the accident, inclusive of a pregnant woman. = Five passengers were injured in the accident, a pregnant woman included. / 5名乘客在意外中受傷,包括一名孕婦在內。*換言之,上列句中名詞前可使用 including inclusive of,名詞後則使用過去分詞 included

information [͵ɪnfɚ`meʃən] n. 消息,資料(不可數,有時縮寫成 info [`ɪnfo]
衍生字:inform [ɪn`fɔrm] vt. 通知,告知 ③
inform sb of sth 告知某人某事 = notify sb of sth
Thank you for giving us all the information we need. / 謝謝你提供我們一切想要的資訊。
John is a mine of information about music. / 約翰是個音樂通。*mine [maɪn] n. 礦山(此處指寶庫)

informative [ɪn`fɔrmətɪv] a. 有內容的,能增進知識的
同義字:educational [͵ɛdʒʊ`keʃənḷ] a. 有教育意義的 ③ = illuminating [ɪ`lumə͵netɪŋ] a. 有啟發性的 ⑥ = inspiring [ɪn`spaɪrɪŋ] a. 激勵人心的
Mr. Johnson's speech was quite informative. / 強森先生的演講頗有內容。
Tom found the television program quite informative. / 湯姆發現這個電視節目蠻具教育性的。

involve [ɪn`vɑlv] vt. 使涉入
片語:be involved in... 涉入
The evidence shows that Paul is involved in that murder. / 證據顯示保羅涉入那起謀殺案。

involvement [ɪn`vɑlvmənt] n. 牽涉(不可數)
同義字:participation [pɑr͵tɪsə`peʃən] n. 參加 ④
Employee involvement is a big step for the company. / 員工投入是這家公司的一大進展。

labor [`lebɚ] n. 勞動,勞力,分娩 vi. 勞動,工作
片語:be in labor 分娩中
衍生字:laborer [`lebərɚ] n. 勞動者
同義字:work [wɝk] vi. 工作 ①;toil [tɔɪl] vi. 辛苦工作,苦幹 ⑤
Wages for unskilled labor are usually not very high. / 非技術性勞工的薪資通常不會太高。
Kate was in labor for almost four hours before she gave birth to a healthy baby boy. / 凱特分娩了將近四個小時才生下一個健康的男寶寶。
George labored late into the night in order to finish his report. / 為了完成他的報告,喬治工作到很晚。

mere [mɪr] a. 僅僅的
片語:a mere + 數字 僅僅若干⋯ = merely + 數字 = only + 數字
Lucy was a mere child when her parents got divorced. / 露西的父母離婚時她還只是個小孩子。
We need a mere $ 30,000 to set up a radio station. / 我們設立一座廣播電台只需要 3 萬美金就行了。

merely [`mɪrlɪ] adv. 僅僅
He is merely a child, so don't expect too much of him. / 他只是個孩子,因此不要對他期望太多。

obtain [əb`ten] vt. 獲得,把弄到手
同義字:acquire [ə`kwaɪr] vt. 獲得 ④
The latest bus timetable can be obtained at the tourist center. / 最新的公車時刻表可在遊客中心索取。

operation [͵ɑpə`reʃən] n. 操作,營運,手術
片語:perform an operation on... 做手術(surgery 是不可數名詞,之前不加 a= perform surgery on...
Are you familiar with the operation of this machine? / 你熟悉這台機器的操作嗎?
Three doctors were performing an operation on the patient. / 有位醫生正為病人動手術。

operational [͵ɑpə`reʃənḷ] a. 操作上的
Should you have any operational problems, just let me know. / 你若有任何操作上的問題,請逕自告訴我就可以了。*Should you have... 萬一你有⋯ = If you should have...

operator [`ɑpə͵retɚ] n. 操作人員,接線生,總機
同義字:worker [wɝkɚ] n. 員工;作業人員 ①
All the machine operators in our factory are well trained. / 我們工廠所有的機器操作人員都經過良好的訓練。
Operator, please connect me to Mr. Wilson. / 總機,麻煩妳把我接給魏爾遜先生。
延伸:a machine operator 機械操作員;a computer operator 電腦操作員

persuasion [pɚ`sweʒən] n. 說服,信念
衍生字:persuade [pɚ`swed] vt. 說服 ③
Paul is skilled in the art of persuasion and always gets what he wants. / 保羅精通說服的藝術,總是會得到他想要的東西。

persuasive [pɚ`swesɪv] a. 有說服力的
同義字:convincing [kən`vɪnsɪŋ] a. 使人信服的
John made a powerful and persuasive speech at the meeting. / 會議中約翰發表了一篇措詞有力且具說服力的演講。

physical [`fɪzɪkḷ] a. 身體的,生理的,物理的 n.  健康檢查(= physical checkup
片語:have a physical checkup 做身體檢查 = have a physical
反義字:mental [`mɛntḷ] a. 心理的 ③
Laura has been suffering from constant physical pain. / 蘿拉飽受持續不斷的身體病痛。
The Law of Gravity is one of the most basic physical laws you should know. / 萬有引力定律是你必須知道的基本物理定律之一。*gravity [`grævətɪ] n. 地心引力
You should have a physical (checkup) regularly. / 你應該要定期做健康檢查。

physically [`fɪzɪkḷɪ] adv. 身體上
片語:stay physically and mentally helathy 保持身心健康
To stay physically and mentally healthy, you need to exercise regularly. = To stay healthy in both body and mind, you need to exercise regularly. / 要保持身心健康,你就必須規律運動。

physician [fə`zɪʃən] n. 醫師(尤指內科)
The physician ordered the patient to stay in bed for 3 days. / 醫師囑咐病人必須待在床上 3 天。
比較:surgeon [`sɝdʒən] n. 外科醫師 ④

physicist [`fɪzɪsɪst] n. 物理學家
Through hard work, Marvin finally became a world-famous physicist. / 馬文經由努力終於成了世界知名的物理學家。

physics [`fɪzɪks] n. 物理學
The Nobel Prize winner used to teach physics at a famous university in California. / 這位諾貝爾獎得主曾在加州某知名大學教過物理學。

production [prə`dʌkʃən] n. 生產,(電影)製片
同義字:manufacture [͵mænjə`fæktʃɚ] n. & vt. 製造 ④
We need to build two more assembly lines to speed up production. / 我們需另外建立兩條裝配條以加速生產。

productive [prə`dʌktɪv] a. 生產的,多產的
同義字:prolific [prə`lɪfɪk] a. 多產的
All bosses like productive employees. / 所有的老闆都喜歡有生產力的員工。

research [`risɝtʃ / rɪ`sɝtʃ] n. 研究(不可數)
片語:do a lot of research about/on 做有關的研究
衍生字:researcher [`risɝtʃɚ / rɪ`sɝtʃɚ] n. 研究人員 ④
Scientists are still conducting research on global warming. / 科學家仍在進行全球暖化的研究。

research [rɪ`sɝtʃ] vt. 研究
同義字:study [`stʌdɪ] vt. 研究
Pam researched her family's history, tracing it back to the 1500s. / 小潘研究她的家族史,可追溯到 16 世紀。*the 1500s16 世紀;the 1900s20 世紀

researcher [rɪ`sɝtʃɚ] n. 研究員
Researchers have found that eating more vegetables is conducive to good health. / 研究人員已經發現多吃青菜有益健康。*conducive [kən`djusɪv] a. 有益的

Unit 26
agency [`edʒənsɪ] n. 代辦處,機關
My dad works at a travel agency. / 我老爸在一家旅行社工作。
延伸:a news agency 通訊社;a travel agency 旅行社

agent [`edʒənt] n. 代理商,經紀人
同義字:broker [`brokɚ] n. 經紀人,掮客
A real estate agent came by to talk to my father about selling our house. / 一位房地產經紀人前來和父親談論出售房子的事。

aspect [`æspɛkt] n. 方面
片語:in all aspects 在各方面 = in every aspect
Alcoholism will affect all aspects of your life.
酗酒會全面影響你的生活。*alcoholism [`ælkəhɔl͵ɪzəm] n. 酗酒
Peter outdistances John in all aspects, including math. / 彼得在各方面都領先約翰,包括數學在內。*outdistance [͵aʊt`dɪstəns] vt. 超越

assurance [ə`ʃʊrəns] n. 保證,自信,把握,胸有成竹
同義字:pledge [plɛdʒ] n. 保證 ⑤;guarantee [͵gærən`ti] n. 保證 ④;self-confidence [͵sɛlf`kɑnfədəns] n. 自信
Tom gave me his assurance that he would show up on time. / 湯姆向我保證他會準時出現。
In spite of all her assurances, Jane did not do the job as promised. / 雖然阿珍信誓旦旦,卻未做到她所承諾過的工作。
"John will like that," Lisa said with assurance. / 麗莎胸有成竹的說:『約翰一定會喜歡的。』

assure [ə`ʃʊr] vt. 向(某人)保證
衍生字:reassure [͵riə`ʃʊr] vt. 使放心;向再三保證
I can assure you that this is the best restaurant in town. / 我向你保證,這是城裡最棒的一家餐廳。
Sam wasn't able to assure her of his support. / 山姆無法向她保證要支持她。
比較:insure [ɪn`ʃʊr] vt. 保險,為投保 ④
You should insure your house against fire. / 你應為你的房子保火險。
ensure [ɪn`ʃʊr] vt. 確保
Hardwork ensures success. / 努力可確保成功。
用法:assure sb + that 子句 向某人保證assure sb of sth 向某人保證某事

atmosphere [`ætməs͵fɪr] n. 大氣,空氣,氛圍
同義字:feeling [`filɪŋ] n. 感覺 ①;mood [mʊd] n. 氣氛 ③
The satellite is fixed at a point just outside the Earth's atmosphere. / 那枚衛星被安置在地球大氣層外的某個定點上。
Mildew easily forms in my room because of the damp atmosphere. / 因為空氣很潮濕,我的房間很容易長黴。*mildew [`mɪl͵dju] n.
I like the warm and pleasant atmosphere in that coffee shop. / 我喜歡那家咖啡廳溫暖又愉快的氣氛。

capacity [kə`pæsətɪ] n. 容量,能力,職位
片語:have a capacity of + 數字 可容納若干
in one's capacity as + 職位 某人以某職位的身份
The stadium has a seating capacity of 1,000. / 該體育場可以容納一千人。
Everyone is born with an immense capacity for love. / 每個人生來就有巨大的愛的力量。*immense [ɪ`mɛns] a. 巨大的,廣大的
In my capacity as general manager of this company, I would like to recommend Mr. Peter M. Johnson to you. / 本人以本公司總經理的身份向台端推薦彼得‧ M‧強森先生。

chapel [`tʃæpḷ] n. 小禮拜堂
同義字:a small church 小教堂
Rita had a small but beautiful wedding at the chapel. / 麗塔在一個小禮拜堂舉辦了一場小而美的婚禮。

Christian [`krɪstʃən] a. 基督教的 n. 基督徒
I attend Sunday school at the Christian church down the street. / 我在這條街上的基督教會上主日學。
Ellen is a devoted Christian. / 愛琳是虔誠的基督徒。
延伸:Jesus Christ [`dʒizəs ͵kraɪst] n. 耶穌基督

Christianity [͵krɪstʃɪ`ænətɪ] n. 基督教
Paul used to be a Buddhist, but he converted to Christianity last year. / 阿寶曾是佛教徒,不過卻在去年皈依基督教了。*convert [kən`vɝt] vt. & vi.(使)皈依
I believe in Christianity, while my sister believes in Buddhism. / 我信基督教,我姊姊則信佛教。
延伸:Buddhism [`bʊdɪzəm] n. 佛教;Islam [`ɪsləm] n. 伊斯蘭教,回教

circumstance [`sɝkəm͵stæns] n. 情況,環境(常用複數)
Under no circumstances will I apologize to that guy. / 我絕對不會向那個傢伙道歉。*apologize [ə`pɑlə͵dʒaɪz] vi. 道歉;apologize to sb for sth 因某事向某人道歉
用法:Under no circumstances + 倒裝句:絕不⋯ = By no means + 倒裝句 = In no way + 倒裝句 = On no account + 倒裝句

communication [kə͵mjunə`keʃən] n. 聯絡,通訊,傳播,傳播學(複數)
衍生字:communicative [kə`mjunə͵ketɪv] a. 愛說話的;社交的 ⑥
Native Americans used smoke signals as means of communication. / 美國原住民過去用煙幕訊號作為聯絡的方式。
My sister studied communications at university. / 我姊姊唸大學時曾修傳播學。

conference [`kɑnfərəns] n. 會議
The press conference is scheduled for 2 p.m. today. / 記者會預定在今天下午 2 點召開。
延伸:a press conference 記者會 = a news conference

congress [`kɑŋgrəs] n. 國會(大寫,尤指美國國會),正式會議,代表大會
The United States Congress consists of the House of Representatives and the Senate. / 美國國會是由眾議院及參議院組成。
Dr. Brown's speech at the medical congress won the respect of his peers. / 布朗博士在醫學代表會議上的演講贏得了同儕的尊敬。

congressman [`kɑŋgrəsmən] n. (美國)國會議員
衍生字:congresswoman [`kɑŋgrəs͵wumən] n. 國會女議員
William is going to step down as congressman after 6 years. / 6 年任期後,威廉即將從國會議員職務卸任。

consist [kən`sɪst] vi. 組成(與 of 並用),在於(與 in 並用)
片語:consist of... 組成 = be made up of...  = be composed ofconsist in... 在於⋯ = lie in...
This delegation consists of 50 government officials. = This delegation is made up of 50 government officials. = This delegation is composed of 50 government officals. / 該代表團由 50 名政府官員組成。*delegation [͵dɛlə`geʃən] n. 代表團
Well goes the saying, "Happiness lies in contentment." / 俗語說得好:『快樂在於知足/知足常樂。』*contentment [kən`tɛntmənt] n. 滿足 = satisfaction [͵sætɪs`fækʃən] n. 滿足

consistent [kən`sɪstənt] a. 前後一致的,經常不變的
片語:be consistent with... 一致
衍生字:consistency [kən`sɪstənsɪ] n. 一致
反義字:inconsistent [͵ɪnkən`sɪstənt] a. 不一致的
Raymond is not consistent in his opinions. / 雷蒙的意見前後不一致。
The author has a consistent style of writing. / 這位作者保有一貫的寫作風格。
John's actions are consistent with his words.
= John's actions are in accord with his words.
= John's actions correspond with his words. / 約翰言行一致。

consistently [kən`sɪstəntlɪ] adv. 一致地,一向
同義字:coherently [ko`hɪrəntlɪ] adv. 前後一致地
constantly [`kɑnstəntlɪ] adv. 持續地 ③
They consistently opposed the government. / 他們一致反對政府。
Tom is consistently late for work. / 湯姆上班一向遲到。

contribute [kən`trɪbjut] vt. 捐助,貢獻 vi. 促成,導致(與介詞 to 並用)
片語:contribute to... 導致⋯ = lead to... = result in... = give rise to... = bring about...
衍生字:contributor [kən`trɪbjʊtɚ] n. 捐助者;投稿人
The generous man contributed a large sum of money to charity. / 這位慷慨人士捐了一大筆錢給慈善機構。
Hard work alone does not necessarily contribute to success. / 光靠努力不一定就會成功。

contribution [͵kɑntrə`bjuʃən] n. 捐獻,貢獻
片語:make a contribution to... 貢獻
Any contribution, large or small, will be appreciated. / 任何捐獻,不論金額大小,我們都感激。
The ceasefire agreement would certainly make a great contribution to peace in that area. / 該停火協定肯定會對該區的合作有重大貢獻。

demand [dɪ`mænd] vt. 要求,請求 n. 要求,請求
片語:meet one's demands 達到某人的要求;be in demand 有需求;on demand 備索
The teacher demands/requires/requests that students (should) be quiet when he speaks. / 老師要求學生在他講話時要保持安靜。
The firm does all it can to meet its customers' demands. / 這家公司都會盡其所能以達到顧客的需求。
Good software engineers are in great demand these days. / 這年頭優秀的軟體工程師需求量很大。
We have a lot of free pamphlets on demand. / 我們有很多免費小冊子備索。*pamphlet [`pæmflɪt] n. 小冊子

demanding [dɪ`mændɪŋ] a. 苛求的
同義字:strict [strɪkt] a. 嚴格的 ②
The demanding boss frightens all his employees. / 這位苛求的老闆令他所有的員工害怕。

dormitory [`dɔrmə͵tɔrɪ] n. 宿舍
Most of the students live in the dorms, but I choose to live off campus. / 大多數學生都住在學校宿舍,不過我卻選擇住在外校。
用法:本字常縮寫成 dorm [dɔrm]

facility [fə`sɪlətɪ] n. 設施,設備(常用複數)
衍生字:facilitate [fə`sɪlə͵tet] vt. 使便利;促進 ⑥
The teacher's detailed explanation facilitated my understanding of this lesson. / 老師詳細的解說促進了我對這一課的了解。
The facilities in that building are of the highest quality. / 那棟建築物的設備品質棒極了。

highly [`haɪlɪ] adv. 極,非常
片語:think highly of... 看重speak highly of...  讚揚
We all think very highly of you. / 我們非常敬重你。
Every teacher spoke highly of Tom because of his excellent performance in the speech contest. / 湯姆在演講比賽有優異的表現,因此所有的老師都很稱讚他。
David was highly delighted at the news. / 大衛聽到這消息高興極了。

industrial [ɪn`dʌstrɪəl] a. 工業的
衍生字:industry [`ɪndəstrɪ] n. 工業 ②;industrious [ɪn`dʌstrɪəs] a. 勤奮的 = diligent [`dɪlədʒənt]
That area of the country is industrial rather than agricultural. / 該國那個地區是工業區而非農業區。*agricultural [͵ægrɪ`kʌltʃərəl] a. 農業的
延伸:the Industrial Revolution 工業革命

industrialize [ɪn`dʌstrɪəl͵aɪz] vt. vi. (使)工業化
衍生字:industrialist [ɪn`dʌstrɪəlɪst] n. 企業家,實業家
The government is trying hard to make this region industrialized. / 政府正致力讓該區工業化。

literary [`lɪtə͵rɛrɪ] a. 文學的,學術的
衍生字:literate [`lɪtərɪt] a. 識字的 ⑥;illiterate [ɪ`lɪtərɪt] a. 不識字的,文盲的 ⑥
The literary scholars met in the library. / 文學界的學者在圖書館開會。

literature [`lɪtərətʃɚ] n. 文學(不可數),文獻(可數/不可數)
同義字:writings [`raɪtɪŋz] n.(文學)作品(複數)
Mary majored in Western Literature while in college. / 瑪麗唸大學時主修西洋文學。
Paul didn't have time to read all the available literature on the subject. / 阿寶沒有時間看完這個主題所有的現存文獻。
延伸:Western Literature 西洋文學;Chinese Literature 中國文學

observation [͵ɑbzɚ`veʃən] n. 觀察
Ray is a man of keen observation but of few words. / 阿雷是個觀察敏銳卻不多言的人。
比較:observance [əb`zɝvəns] n. 遵守;慶祝
in observance of the holiday 慶祝節日 = in celebration of the holiday

observe [əb`zɝv] vt. 觀察,遵守
衍生字:observer [əb`zɝvɚ] n. 觀察員 ⑤;observant [əb`zɝvənt] a.有觀察力的;嚴格遵守的
同義字:obey [ə`be] vt. 服從 ②
Have you observed any changes in Sam's behavior? / 你觀察到山姆的行為有所改變嗎?
A good citizen should always observe the law.
= A good citizen should always abide by the law.
= A good citizen should always comply with the law. / 好國民始終應守法。

otherwise [`ʌðɚ͵waɪz] adv. 否則,以相反的方式
You should listen to me; otherwise, you'll be sorry. / 你應聽我的話,否則你會後悔。
I'll stay here until Dad tells me otherwise. / 我會待在這裡直到老爸要我不要繼續待為止。
用法:otherwise or 同義,均表『否則』。or 是連接詞,之前置逗點,而 otherwise 是副詞,之前置分號,用以連接兩個主要子句。
Be quiet, or I'll punish you. = Be quiet; otherwise I'll punish you. / 要安靜,否則我會處罰你。

procedure [prə`sidʒɚ] n. 程序
What is the procedure for replacing a lost passport? / 辦理護照遺失申請的手續為何?

proceed [prə`sid] vi. 前進,繼續
衍生字:process [`prɑsɛs] n. 過程 ③;processing [`prɑsɛsɪŋ] n. 過程 ③;procedure [prə`sidʒɚ] n. 程序 ④;proceedings [prə`sidɪŋz] n. 會議紀錄(複數);proceeds [`prosidz] n. 收益(複數)
All passengers should proceed to Gate No. 2 for boarding. / 所有乘客應前往 2 號登機門登機。
Please proceed with your explanation. = Please continue with your explanation. / 請繼續你的說明。

profession [prə`fɛʃən] n. 職業(尤指需要高等教育的職業,如律師、編輯、工程師等)
In the medical profession, it is common for doctors to work very long hours. / 在醫療專業領域,醫師長時間工作是很平常的。
比較:occupation [͵ɑkjə`peʃən] n. 一般職業 ④

professional [prə`fɛʃənḷ] a. 專業的,職業的 n.  專家,職業選手
反義字:amateur [`æmə͵tʃʊr] a. 業餘的 & n. 業餘從事者 ④
Though Mr. Bagnell was once a professional TV comedian, he is now a politician in California.  / 巴格諾先生曾是職業的電視諧星,不過現在卻成了加州的政治人物。
I'm a professional. It won't take me long to fix your computer. / 我是專家。修理你的電腦我兩三下就搞定了。
用法:本字作名詞時,可縮寫成 pro [pro]

professor [prə`fɛsɚ] n. (大學)教授
Mr. Stevens is a professor of psychology.  / 史蒂芬先生是心理系的教授。
延伸:associate professor (大學)副教授
比較:lecturer [`lɛktʃərɚ] n. 講師 ④

Protestant [`prɑtɪstənt] n. 新教徒 a. 新教的
There's a large population of Protestants in this town.  / 這個鎮上有大部分的人是新教徒。
My brother joined the Protestant church when he was in college. / 我弟弟在唸大學的時候加入新教教會。
用法:Christian 泛指信仰耶穌基督的所有基督徒;Catholic 指信仰聖母瑪麗亞的天主教徒;Protestant 則指浸信會、長老會等各門派的基督徒。

publication [͵pʌblɪ`keʃən] n. 刊物(可數),發表,公布(不可數)
衍生字:publicity [pʌb`lɪsətɪ] n. 宣傳 ④
Peter's company has produced numerous publications. / 彼得的公司出版了不少書刊。
The news is not fit for publication. / 這個消息不適合發表。

publish [`pʌblɪʃ] vt. 出版,發表,公開
衍生字:publicize [`pʌblɪ͵saɪz] vt. 宣傳 ⑤
The author publicized his new book during a TV interview. / 作者在電視訪談節目中宣傳他的新書。
That company publishes a variety of educational books. / 那家公司出版各種不同的教育用書。
Don't publish what I said todayit's off the record. / 不要公開我今天說的話—這是非正式的。

publisher [`pʌblɪʃɚ] n. 出版社,發行人
I'll write to the publisher for a copy of that book. / 我將寫信向該出版社要那一本書。
延伸:publishing [`pʌblɪʃɪŋ] n. 出版業
Richard eventually started a career in publishing. / 理查終於開始從事出版事業。

refer [rɪ`fɝ] vi. 言及,提到,查(字典)(皆與介詞 to 並用)
片語:refer to the dictionary/phone book 查字典/電話簿 = consult the dictionary/phone book
Professor Wright didn't like anyone referring to his artificial arm. / 萊特教授不喜歡任何人提到他的義肢。*artificial [͵ɑrtə`fɪʃəl] a. 人工的
I referred to the dictionary for a definition.
= I consulted the dictionary for a definition. / 我查字典找一個字的定義。
比較:look up 亦表『查』,但須以被查的對象(如字、定義、電話號碼)為受詞。
If you don't know the word, you can look it up in the dictionary. / 你若不懂這個字,可以在字典裡查它。

reference [`rɛfərəns] n. 參考,言及,提到
片語:make reference to... 提到,言及⋯ = refer to... = mention...
A dictionary is a reference book. / 字典是一種參考書。
The speaker made reference to some events of the past year. / 演講者提到去年發生的一些大事。
延伸:a reference book 參考書

reflect [rɪ`flɛkt] vt. 反射,反應 vi. 思考(與 on 並用)
片語:reflect on... 思考/反省
衍生字:reflective [rɪ`flɛktɪv] a. 反光的;反映的 ⑥
The mirror reflects sunlight. / 鏡子會反射陽光。
The polls have reflected that welfare is the top issue with voters. / 這些民調反應出福利制度才是選民關注的首要議題。
We took a moment to reflect on what we were about to do. / 我們花了片刻時間思考我們將怎麼做。

reflection [rɪ`flɛkʃən] n. 反射,熟思
同義字:consideration [kən͵sɪdə`reʃən] n. 考慮 ③
An echo is a reflection of sound. / 回音是聲音的反射作用。
After some reflection, I decided to accept his offer. / 經過一番考慮後,我決定接受他的提議。

status [`stetəs / `stætəs] n. 地位,身分,狀態,情況
同義字:situation [͵sɪtʃʊ`eʃən] n. 情況 ③
The status of a teacher is not high in many countries. / 在許多國家中老師的地位並不高。
What is the present status of the negotiations?  / 這次協商目前的情況如何?
延伸:status quo [͵stetəs`kwo / ͵stætəs`kwo] n. 現狀
Most people want to maintain their status quo and are reluctant to make any changes. / 大部分的人都想要維持現狀,很不願有什麼改變。

tend [tɛnd] vi. 傾向,易於(之後接不定詞片語)vt. 照顧
片語:tend to V 容易,往往會⋯ = be apt/inclined/prone to V
tend sth  照顧某物 = take care of sth
We tend to take natural resources for granted nowadays. / 現今,我們往往將自然資源視為理所當然。
Mary tended the shop for her father while he was sick. / 父親生病時瑪麗替他父親看店。

tendency [`tɛndənsɪ] n. 傾向
片語:have a tendency to V 的傾向 = tend to V
Henry has a tendency to look at the ground when he is telling a lie. / 亨利說謊時往往會看地面。

timid [`tɪmɪd] a. 膽小的
衍生字:intimidate [ɪn`tɪmə͵det] vt. 威嚇 ⑥
同義字:cowardly [`kaʊɚdlɪ] a. 膽小的,如懦夫般的 ⑤
chicken [`tʃɪkɪn] a. 膽怯的(俚);yellow [`jɛlo] a. 膽小的(俚)
反義字:bold [bold] a. 大膽的 ③
The timid boy rarely speaks up in class. / 這個膽怯的男孩在班上很少開口說話。

tribal [`traɪbḷ] a. 部落的
衍生字:tribe [traɪb] n. 部落 ③
As this area was becoming increasingly civilized, many of the tribal rituals were lost. / 這個地區日趨文明時,許多部落的習俗也跟著不見了。*ritual [`rɪtʃʊəl] n. 儀式

