2019年4月7日 星期日

LEVEL 6: Unit 35 ~ Unit 36

Unit 35
aboriginal [͵æbə`rɪdʒənḷ] a. 原住民的
同義字:indigenous [ɪn`dɪdʒɪnəs] a. 土著的
The mayor decided to build a museum to preserve aboriginal culture. / 市長決定要蓋一座博物館以保存原住民的文化。*preserve [prɪ`zɝv] vt. 保存

aborigine [͵æbə`rɪdʒəni] n. 原住民
The aborigines of this area are known for their beautiful woven fabrics. / 這個地區的原住民因其美麗的織品而聞名。*weave [wiv] vt. 編織(三態為:weave, wove [wov] , woven [`wovən]。)

adaptation [͵ædæp`teʃən] n.  適應(與介詞 to 並用),改編(與介詞 of 並用)
衍生字:adapt [ə`dæpt] vt. 使適應;改編 & vi. 適應 ④
adapt A into B A改變為Badapt A for B A 改變以適應B
This lizard's brown skin is an adaptation to the desert. / 這種蜥蜴的棕色皮膚是為了適應沙漠。*lizard [`lɪzɚd] n. 蜥蜴
The director is working on a film adaptation of this short novel. / 導演正在拍攝這部短篇小說改編的電影。

astrological [͵æstrə`lɑdʒɪkḷ] a. 占星術的
片語:sb's astrological sign 某人的星座
衍生字:astrology [əs`trɑlədʒɪ] n. 占星術;astrologist [ə`strɑlədʒɪst] n. 占星家
Some people like to characterize others by their astrological signs. / 有些人喜歡用星座來替人做分類。
比較:astronomy [əs`trɑnəmɪ] n. 天文學 ⑤;astronomer [ə`strɑnəmɚ] n. 天文學家

bout [baʊt] n. 發作
片語:a bout of flu 罹患流感
He had a bout of flu while he was traveling in Asia. / 他在亞洲旅行時曾患流感。

buckle [`bʌkḷ] n. 釦環 vt. 以釦環扣住
片語:buckle up 扣緊安全帶(= fasten the seat belt
Using this new buckle, you can make your old belt stylish again. / 使用這個新釦環,你就能讓這條舊皮帶煥然一新。
Remember to buckle up whenever you are in a car. / 只要你坐在車內別忘了要繫好安全帶。

catcher [`kætʃɚ] n. 捕手
The baseball coach handed a chest protector to the catcher. / 棒球教練把一個護胸交給這名捕手。

clamp [klæmp] vt. 夾緊,強行實施 n. 夾鉗
片語:clamp down on... 強行取締⋯ = crack down on...
When the trap clamped its hind foot, the bear groaned in pain. / 陷阱夾住這隻熊的後腳時,牠痛得呻吟。*hind [haɪnd] a. 後面的
The government promised to clamp down on pornography. / 政府承諾強行取締色情書刊。*pornography [pɔr`nɑgrəfɪ] n. 色情刊物
You can tighten or loosen the clamp by turning this handle. / 你可以旋轉這個把手調整夾鉗的鬆緊度。

clench [klɛntʃ] vt. 握緊(拳頭),咬緊(牙關)
片語:clench one's fists  握緊雙拳;do sth with clenched teeth  咬緊牙關做某事
Jacob clenched his fists in rage when he was told about his dismissal. / 在獲知自己被解僱時,雅各憤怒地緊握雙拳。
Although the mission was hard to carry out, Tom still performed it with clenched teeth. / 雖然這個任務很難達成,但湯姆仍咬緊牙關去執行。

consumption [kən`sʌmpʃən] n. 消耗(能源),攝取(食物),消費
衍生字:consume [kən`sum] vt. 消費 ;攝取(食物)④;consumer [kən`sumɚ] n. 消費者 ④
Less than 30 percent of the paper we consume is recycled. / 我們耗用的紙張只有不到 3 成經回收再利用。
The rapid increase in oil consumption has led scientists to search for alternative energy. / 石油消耗量的快速增加促使科學家找尋替代能源。*alternative [ɔl`tɝnətɪv] a. 替代的
After my liver operation, Dr. Peterson warned me to stop all alcohol consumption. / 動完肝臟手術後,彼得森醫師警告我停止酒精的攝取。
In recent years, consumption of fatty processed foods has increased dramatically among teenagers. / 最近幾年,高脂的加工食品在青少年族群中的消耗量大幅成長。*dramatically [drə`mætɪkḷɪ] adv. 大幅度地;戲劇性地

contradict [͵kɑntrə`dɪkt] vt. 相矛盾,反駁
片語:contradict oneself 自相矛盾
衍生字:contradictory [͵kɑntrə`dɪktərɪ] a. 矛盾的
Since the two statements contradict each other, one must be a lie. / 因為兩項陳述互相矛盾,其中一個必定是謊言。
John contradicted himself many times during our argument. / 我們爭論時,約翰好幾次自相矛盾。

contradiction [͵kɑntrə`dɪkʃən] n. 矛盾
片語:a contradiction between A and B AB之間的矛盾
Tim is a hypocrite. There are always contradictions between what he says and what he actually does. / 提姆是個偽君子。他說的與他實際做的總是互相矛盾。*hypocrite [`hɪpəkrɪt] n. 偽君子

counterpart [`kaʊntɚ͵pɑrt] n. 相對應的(人、事、物)
片語:one's counterpart 某人對應的(人、事、物)
Our general manager will discuss the agreement with his Japanese counterpart tomorrow. / 我們總經理明天將與日方的總經理談論合約事宜。

crude [krud] a. 大約的,粗糙的,粗俗的,未加工的
片語:crude jokes/language 粗俗的笑話/語言;crude oil 原油
同義字:approximate [ə`prɑksəmɪt] a. 大約的;vulgar [`vʌlgɚ] a. 低級的;粗俗的 ⑥
反義字:refined [rɪ`faɪnd] a. 精煉的 ⑥
Currently, I can only give you a crude estimate of the number of victims who died in this terrorist attack. / 目前,關於這次恐怖攻擊的死傷人數,我只能給你一個大約的數字。
This crude bridge was built for temporary use during the typhoon. / 這座簡陋的橋是颱風期間臨時搭建使用的。*temporary [`tɛmpə͵rɛrɪ] a. 暫時的
Paul's crude jokes embarrassed the girls in the group. / 保羅粗俗的笑話讓隊裡的女孩子感到很尷尬。
The government is concerned that the surging crude oil prices will lead to inflation. / 政府擔心原油價的急速上漲會引發通貨膨脹。*surge [sɝdʒ] vi. 激增*inflation [ɪn`fleʃən] n. 通貨膨脹

customary [`kʌstəm͵ɛrɪ] a. 合乎習俗的,慣常的
衍生字:custom [`kʌstəm] n. 習俗 ②
同義字:usual [`juʒʊəl] a. 平常的 ②
In America, it is customary to tip the bellboy after he brings your luggage to your room. / 在美國,在門房把行李拖到你房間後給他小費是合乎習俗的。*bellboy [`bɛl͵bɔɪ] n. 飯店大廳的服務生*luggage [`lʌgɪdʒ] n. 行李(不可數)
We sat down at the table and were greeted by the waiter's customary smile. / 我們在餐桌前坐下,服務生以他慣有的微笑歡迎我們。

decisive [dɪ`saɪsɪv] a. 決定性的,果決的,確定的
片語:play a decisive role 扮演決定性的角色
衍生字:decide [dɪ`saɪd] vt. 決定 ①;decision [dɪ`sɪʒən] n. 決定 ②;make a decision 做決定
反義字:indecisive [͵ɪndɪ`saɪsɪv] a. 優柔寡斷的;不明確的 ⑥
What was the decisive factor that changed the judge's mind? / 改變法官想法的決定性因素是什麼?*factor [`fæktɚ] n. 因素
We all regard our manager as a strong and decisive leader. / 我們都認為經理是位堅強又果決的領袖。
The team earned a decisive victory, winning 20 to nothing. / 這支隊伍以 20 0 的分數取得了確定性的勝利。

deem [dim] vt.
同義字:consider [kən`sɪdɚ] vt. 認為 ②
I deem it an honor to be chosen to attend the ceremony. = I consider it an honor to be chosen to attend the ceremony. / 我認為獲選參加該典禮是一項榮譽。
The inspectors deemed that the playground was not safe for children to play at. / 檢查員認為該遊樂場不安全,不適合孩童在裡面玩耍。*inspector [ɪn`spɛktɚ] n. 檢查員

defect [`difɛkt / dɪ`fɛkt]/[dɪ`fɛkt] n. 缺陷,瑕疵 vt.  逃亡
片語:a genetic defect 基因上的缺陷
衍生字:defective [dɪ`fɛktɪv] a. 有缺點的
同義字:flaw [flɔ] n. 缺陷 ⑤
The child's deformity was caused by a genetic defect. / 這個孩子的畸形與基因缺陷有關。*deformity [dɪ`fɔrmətɪ] n. 畸形*genetic [dʒə`nɛtɪk] a. 基因上的
Sarah found a defect in the bag she just bought, so she took it back and asked for a replacement. / 莎拉在她新買的包包上發現瑕疵,便拿回去要求換貨。*replacement [rɪ`plesmənt] n. 更換
Many people defected from the Soviet Union to the West in the 1960s. / 1960 年代,許多人從蘇聯逃亡,投奔到西方國家。

deficiency [dɪ`fɪʃənsɪ] n. 不足(與介詞 of 並用),缺陷(與介詞 in 並用)
同義字:shortage [`ʃɔrtɪdʒ] n. 缺乏 ⑤
反義字:sufficiency [sʌ`fɪʃənsɪ] n. 充足
Symptoms of a deficiency of vitamin B include fatigue and restlessness. / 缺少維他命 B 的症狀包含疲累以及心神不定。*fatigue [fə`tig] n. 疲累*restless [`rɛstlɪs] n. 焦躁不安的
Deficiencies in the design caused the bridge to collapse. / 設計上的缺失造成該橋樑斷裂。*collapse [kə`læps] vi. 倒塌

deficient [dɪ`fɪʃənt] a. 缺乏的,有缺陷的
片語:be deficient in... 方面不足
反義字:sufficient [sə`fɪʃənt] a. 足夠的
Wendy's diet is deficient in Vitamin C, so I suggest that she take supplements on a daily basis. / 溫蒂的飲食缺少維他命 C,因此我建議她每天攝取補充品。*supplement [`sʌpləmənt] n. 補充品
The deficient product inspection process resulted in a high rate of returned products. / 產品檢驗過程有缺失,造成高比例的退貨量。*inspection [ɪn`spɛkʃən] n. 檢驗

depict [dɪ`pɪkt] vt. 描述,描繪
片語:depict A as B A描述為B = describe A as B
衍生字:depiction [dɪ`pɪkʃən] n. 描繪
同義字:describe [dɪs`kraɪb] vt. 描述 ②
This novel depicts the extravagant life of the upper class. / 這本小說描繪了上流社會奢侈浪費的生活。*extravagant [ɪk`strævəgənt] a. 奢侈浪費的
Many Hollywood movies depict dark-skinned people as dangerous and violent, but this is not the case at all. / 許多好萊塢電影把深色皮膚的人描繪成是危險與暴力份子,不過實際上根本不是這麼一回事。

drawback [`drɔ͵bæk] n. 缺點
片語:the drawback to/of sth 某事物的缺點
同義字:disadvantage [͵dɪsəd`væntɪdʒ] n. 缺點 ④;shortcoming [`ʃɔrt͵kʌmɪŋ] n.(人的)缺陷
One of John's shortcomings is that he has a loose mouth. / 約翰諸多缺點其中一項就是他不會守密。
The main drawback to the project is its high cost. / 這個計劃的主要缺點就是成本太高。

endurance [ɪn`djʊrəns] n. 忍耐,持久力,耐力(皆不可數)
衍生字:endure [ɪn`djʊr] vt. 忍受 ④
John showed remarkable endurance throughout his chemotherapy. / 化療期間約翰展現出無窮的忍耐力。*chemotherapy [͵kimo`θɛrəpɪ / ͵kɛmo`θɛrəpɪ] n. 化學療法
Jogging can help train one's willpower and endurance. / 慢跑可以訓練一個人的毅力與耐力。*willpower [`wɪl͵paʊɚ] a. 毅力

essence [`ɛsəns] n. 要素,本質,萃取物,精華
片語:in essence  本質上(= essentially
衍生字:essential [ɪ`sɛnʃəl] a. 必要的;本質的 ③
The very essence of Christianity is love. / 基督教的基本要素就是愛。
In essence, a good design is the perfect unity of function and beauty. / 基本上而言,好的設計就是功能性與美感完美的結合。
If you add some lavender essence to the wax, your candle will give off a pleasant smell. / 如果你在蠟裡面加一點薰衣草的香精萃取物,你的蠟燭就會散發香味。*lavender [`lævəndɚ] n. 薰衣草*wax [wæks] n.

expedition [͵ɛkspə`dɪʃən] n. 遠征,探險隊
片語:go on an expedition 去遠征
We went on an expedition to the North Pole to take photos of the icebergs. / 我們遠征到北極拍攝冰山。*iceberg [`aɪs͵bɝg] n. 冰山
Five members of the expedition were killed in an avalanche. / 這支遠征隊的 5 名成員在大雪崩時喪生。*avalanche [`ævḷ͵æntʃ] n. 雪崩

extract [ɪk`strækt]/[`ɛkstrækt] vt. 提煉,摘錄,獲取(情報、錢)n. 萃取物
片語:extract A from B  B 提煉/摘錄 A
Our olive oil is extracted from fine olives and processed in our own factory. / 我們的橄欖油由從精選橄欖中提煉,並在我們自己的工廠內加工。
The following paragraph was extracted from the writer's latest book. / 下面這段話摘錄自作者最新的書。
The FBI tortured the criminal in order to extract information about the whereabouts of his accomplices. / 警方對這名嫌犯進行刑求以得知其他共犯的下落。*torture [`tɔrtʃɚ] vt. 拷問,折磨*accomplice [ə`kɑmplɪs] n. 共犯
This facial cream is made from natural plant extracts and is suitable for sensitive skins. / 這種面霜是由天然植物萃取物做的,適合敏感性肌膚。

familiarity [fə͵mɪlɪ`ærətɪ] n. 通曉,熟悉,親近(皆為不可數)
片語:one's familiarity with sth 某人通曉某事
衍生字:familiar [fə`mɪljɚ] a. 熟悉的 ③;be familiar with... 熟悉
familiarize [fə`mɪljə͵raɪz] vt. 使熟悉
Alan's familiarity with Japan made it easy for us to travel from city to city. / 阿倫對日本很熟悉,因此我們可以很輕鬆地穿梭在各個城市之間。
The familiarity of this restaurant made me feel at home. / 這家餐廳很親切,讓我有賓至如歸之感。
諺語:Familiarity breeds contempt. / 相處過於親密,就會生侮慢之心。(*breed [brid] vt. 培育,產生)

hack [hæk] vt. vi. 劈,砍,入侵電腦系統
片語:hack down 砍下;hack into... 入侵(電腦系統)
There are mudslides every time a typhoon strikes this area because the whole forest that once prevented them has been hacked down.
那片可防止土石流發生的森林被砍光後,現在一有颱風就發生土石流。*mudslide [`mʌd͵slaɪd] n. 土石流*strike [straɪk] vt. 侵襲*prevent [prɪ`vɛnt] vt. 避免
Five students were arrested for hacking into their school's computer system. / 5 名學生因為入侵學校的電腦系統而遭到逮捕。

hacker [`hækɚ] n. 駭客
A hacker got into the computer system and stole some important information from the company. / 一名駭客潛入電腦系統偷走了公司若干重要的資料。

illuminate [ɪ`lumə͵net] vt. 照亮
同義字light up... 照亮
The street lamps illuminated the road as we walked home. / 街燈照亮了我們回家的路。

illuminating [ɪ`lumə͵netɪŋ] a. 啟發性的
衍生字illuminated [ɪ`lumə͵netɪd] a. 被照明的
同義字inspiring [ɪn`spaɪrɪŋ] a. 具啟發性的
The documentary about global warming is very illuminating. / 這部有關地球暖化的紀錄片極具啟發性。documentary [͵dɑkjə`mɛntərɪ] n. 紀錄片

indecisive [͵ɪndɪ`saɪsɪv] a. 優柔寡斷的
Andrew is so indecisive that it takes him a long time to make even small decisions. / 安德魯很優柔寡斷即使是做很小的決定也要花上很久的時間。

intersection [͵ɪntɚ`sɛkʃən] n. 交叉(不可數),十字路口(可數)
同義字:crossroads [`krɔs͵rodz] n. 十字路口(本字恆用複數)
The intersection of these two lines forms four angles. / 兩條線交叉形成 4 個角。
Many traffic accidents occur at this busy intersection. / 很多交通事故在這個忙碌的十字路口發生。

likewise [`laɪk͵waɪz] adv. 同樣地,也
片語:do likewise 照樣地做
同義字:similarly [`sɪmɪlɚlɪ] adv. 同樣地 ② = by the same token
The teacher wrote the names of three animals on the board and told the students to do likewise.  / 老師在黑板上寫了 3 種動物的名字,然後要學生照著做。
I will respect your privacy. Likewise, I hope you will respect mine. / 我會尊重你的隱私。同樣的,我也希望你會尊重我的。

medieval [͵midɪ`ivḷ] a. 中世紀的
衍生字:the Middle Ages 中世紀 = in medieval times
The concept of personal hygiene was very different in medieval times. / 中世紀的個人衛生概念和現在差很多。*hygiene [`haɪdʒin] n. 衛生
延伸:ancient [`enʃənt] a. 古代的;modern [`mɑdɚn] a. 現代的;contemporary [kən`tɛmpə͵rɛrɪ] a. 當代的

narrate [næ`ret] vt. 敘述,描述
衍生字:narration [næ`reʃən] n. 敘述
The story was narrated by an Indian with a heavy accent. / 該故事是由一位口音濃重的印度人所口述的。*accent [`æksɛnt] n. 口音
Mike is narrating a story based on the four pictures. / 邁可正根據這 4 幅圖片講故事。

narrative [`nærətɪv] a. 敘事的
片語:a narrative poem 敘事詩
Jane composed a narrative poem depicting the beauty of nature. / 小珍寫了一首敘事詩描繪大自然的美麗。*depict [dɪ`pɪkt] vt. 描繪

narrator [næ`retɚ] n. 敘事者,旁白者
The narrator of the novel is a Jewish girl whose parents died in the Holocaust. / 這本小說的敘事者是一名雙親死於納粹大屠殺的猶太女孩。*the Holocaust [`hɑlə͵kɔst] n. 二次大戰時納粹對猶太民族的大屠殺

obscure [əb`skjʊr] a. 不出名的,模糊的,難懂的 vt. 使看不清楚,使難以理解
This year's national literary award was given to an obscure writer. / 今年全國性的文學獎頒給了一名沒沒無聞的作家。
I found Professor Johnson's lecture on modern art very obscure. / 我覺得強森教授針對現代藝術所做的講授很難理解。
The airport and runways were obscured by the heavy fog, so our plane could not land. / 機場與跑道被濃霧遮住了,所以我們的班機無法降落。*runway [`rʌn͵we] n. 飛機跑道
The recent increase in stock prices has obscured the fact that the company is going through financial difficulties. / 最近股價的上漲掩蓋了這家公司正經歷財務困難的事實。*financial [faɪ`nænʃəl] a. 財務的

pitcher [`pɪtʃɚ] n. (棒球)投手,大水壺
片語:a pitcher of water 一水壺的水
衍生字:pitch [pɪtʃ] vt. 扔;擲 ②
The strong boy shows great promise as a baseball pitcher. / 這個強壯的男孩大有希望成為一名棒球投手。
A waiter poured water from a pitcher into my glass. / 一名服務生把水從水壺中倒進我的杯子。*pour [pɔr] vt.
延伸:batter [`bætɚ] n.(棒球)打擊手 ⑤

posture [`pɑstʃɚ] n. 姿勢,立場態度
同義字:pose [poz] vi. 擺姿勢;pose for a picture 擺姿勢拍照
Cindy's poor posture led to her recurring back problems. / 辛蒂姿勢不良造成她經常性的背部毛病。*recurring [rɪ`kɝɪŋ] a. 一再復發的
The governor has adopted a progressive posture toward gay marriage. / 該州長對同性戀婚姻採取了先進的立場。*adopt [ə`dɑpt] vt. 採取

productivity [͵prɑdʌk`tɪvətɪ] n. 生產力
片語:increase productivity 增加生產力
衍生字:productive [prə`dʌktɪv] a. 有生產力的 ④
Computers have greatly increased productivity in offices. / 電腦大幅提升辦公室的生產力。

progressive [prə`grɛsɪv] a.  進步的,逐漸的
片語:a progressive decline  逐漸下降
衍生字:progress [`prɑgrɛs] n. 進步;進展 ②;make progress 有進步;有進展
We were trying to reach an agreement, but little progress has been made. / 我們努力要達成協議,但尚未有任何進展。
One can't be a good leader without progressive ideas. / 唯有進步的思維才配當一個優秀的領導人。
People suffering from Alzheimer's disease experience a progressive decline in language abilities. / 患有阿茲海默症的病人語言能力會逐漸退化。*Alzheimer's disease 阿茲海默症(俗稱老人癡呆症)*decline [dɪ`klaɪn] n. 下降

query [`kwɪrɪ] n. 疑問(常與介詞 about 並用)vi.  表示疑問(與 about 並用)
時態:query, queried, queried
片語:have a query about... 有所疑問
衍生字:inquiry [ɪn`kwaɪrɪ] n. 詢問 ⑥
Please don't hesitate to call us if you have any queries about the product. / 如果您對這項產品有任何疑問,請立刻打電話與我們聯絡。
The public queried about the accuracy of the poll. / 民眾對民意調查的正確度表示懷疑。*accuracy [`ækjərəsɪ] n. 準確度

questionnaire [͵kwɛstʃən`ɛr] n. 問卷
片語:fill out/fill in/complete a questionnaire 填問卷
Please turn in your questionnaire as soon as you fill it out. / 問卷填好後請馬上交上來。
延伸:poll [pol] n. 民意調查③
The poll suggests that most people oppose the new bill. / 民調顯示,多數人反對這項新法案。* survery [`sɝve] n. 調查③* conduct a survey 進行調查
We're conducting a survey of people's attitudes towards cash cards. / 我們正在進行一項有關民眾對現金卡態度的調查。

symptom [`sɪmptəm] n. 症狀
片語:a symptom of... ⋯的症狀
同義字:indication [͵ɪndə`keʃən] n. 徵兆 ④
A high fever, (a) sore throat and (a) runny nose are all symptoms of the flu. / 發高燒、喉嚨痛以及流鼻水都是流行性感冒的症狀。

terminate [`tɝmə͵net] vt. 中止
衍生字:terminal [`tɝmənḷ] n.(火車、巴士)終點站,總站 ⑤
同義字:end [ɛnd] vt. 中止 ①
We decided to terminate the singer's contract because of his involvement in the scandal. / 因為這件醜聞,我們決定中止與這名歌手的合約。

theoretical [θiə`rɛtɪkḷ] a. 理論上的
衍生字:theoretically [θiə`rɛtɪkḷɪ] adv. 理論上地
反義字:practical [`præktɪkḷ] a. 實際上的 ③
Theoretically, your idea is workable. / 理論上,你的方法是可行的。
The formula is still only theoretical and has not been tested yet. / 這道公式還只是理論性的,尚未受到檢測。*formula [`fɔrmjələ] n. 公式

unify [`junə͵faɪ] vt. (使)統一,(使)結合 (時態:unify, unified [`junə͵faɪd] , unified)
衍生字:unification [͵junəfə`keʃən] n. 統一
同義字:unite [ju`naɪt] vt. 使團結 ③;combine [kəm`baɪn] vt. 使結合 ③
反義字:divide [də`vaɪd] vt. 使對立 ②
The leader unified the different racial groups and ended the civil war. / 這名領導人統合了不同的種族團體,結束了內戰。*civil [`sɪvḷ] a. 國內的
This architecture perfectly unifies Western and Eastern styles. / 這棟建築完美地結合了東西方的風格。*architecture [`ɑrkə͵tɛktʃɚ] n. 建築物

vulgar [`vʌlgɚ] a. 粗俗的
片語:vulgar language 粗俗的/語言(language 在此為不可數名詞)
衍生字:vulgarism [`vʌlgə͵rɪzəm] n. 粗話
Our teacher warned us that it's impolite to use vulgar language in public. / 老師警告我們在公共場合使用粗鄙的語言和髒話是沒有禮貌的。

Unit 36
acquisition [͵ækwə`zɪʃən] n. 獲得,添購的物品,收購
衍生字:acquire [ə`kwaɪr] vt. 獲得
The acquisition of new knowledge enables you to keep pace with changing trends. / 獲得新知可以使你跟上不斷在改變的潮流。
My parents' latest acquisitions are a dishwasher and a blender. / 我父母親最近買了一台洗碗機和果汁機。
The company's acquisition of Fuji Tech will help it compete in the software market.  / 該公司收購富士科技的行動將有助他們在軟體市場上競爭。

acute [ə`kjut] a. 敏銳的,急性的,嚴重的
片語:an acute sense of smell 敏銳的嗅覺;an acute disease 急性病;an acute shortage of water 嚴重缺水
反義字:chronic [`krɑnɪk] a. 慢性的
Dogs have an acute sense of smell. / 狗兒有敏銳的嗅覺。
Mark's daughter developed acute appendicitis last week. / 馬克的女兒上星期患了急性盲腸炎。*appendicitis [ə͵pɛndə`saɪtɪs] n. 闌尾炎,盲腸炎
The long drought caused an acute shortage of water in West Africa. / 長期乾旱造成西非地區嚴重缺水。*drought [draʊt] n. 乾旱

analogy [ə`nælədʒɪ] n. 相似(可數),類比(不可數)
片語:make/draw an analogy between A and B  比較 A B 相似之處;by analogy with... 作類比論証
The teacher drew an analogy between the city and the jungle. / 老師比較城市和叢林的相似之處。
It's easier to explain an abstract concept by analogy with something concrete. / 解釋一個抽象觀念時,用具體的東西來類比論証比較容易。*abstract [`æbstrækt] a. 抽象的*concrete [`kɑnkrit] a. 具體的

anonymous [ə`nɑnəməs] a. 匿名的
片語:an anonymous donor 匿名捐贈者;an anonymous letter/phone call 匿名信件/電話
衍生字:anonymity [͵ænə`nɪmətɪ] n. 匿名;anonymously [ə`nɑnəməslɪ] adv. 匿名地
同義字:unnamed [ʌn`nemd] a. 匿名的
The diamond ring was sold to an anonymous bidder for one million. / 那枚鑽戒以 1 百萬美元賣給一位匿名的競標者。*bidder [`bɪdɚ] n. 競標者
The general manager received an anonymous letter accusing an employee of embezzlement. / 總經理接到一封匿名信函,信中指控某位員工盜用公款。*embezzlement [ɪm`bɛzḷmənt] n. 挪用公款

applicable [`æplɪkəbḷ] a. 適用的(常與介詞 to 並用)
片語:be applicable to sth 適用於某事物
衍生字:apply [ə`plaɪ] vi. 申請;應用;apply for sth 申請獲得某物;application [͵æplə`keʃən] n. 申請;應用
This section of the form is only applicable to foreigners residing in India. / 表格的這部分只適用於定居於印度的外國人。

chronic [`krɑnɪk] a. 慢性的
片語:a chronic disease 慢性病
Kevin has been suffering from chronic arthritis for two years. / 凱文罹患慢性關節炎已經兩年了。*arthritis [ɑr`θraɪtɪs] n. 關節炎

coherence [ko`hɪrəns] n. 連貫性
同義字:consistency [kən`sɪstənsɪ] n. 一致性
反義字:incoherence [͵ɪnko`hɪrəns] n. 不連貫
There is no coherence between the first and the second half of the book. / 這本書的前半部和後半部沒有連貫性。

coherent [ko`hɪrənt] a. 連貫的,一致的
片語:a coherent account/explanation/ argument  連貫一致的陳述/解釋/論點
同義字:consistent [kən`sɪstənt] a. 一致的
反義字:incoherent [͵ɪnko`hɪrənt] a. 不連貫的
Hank's lecture was clear and coherent, so students understood him easily. / 漢克講課清楚又連貫,所以學生很容易瞭解。
The next section of this chapter will teach you how to write a coherent essay. / 本章的下一節將會教你如何撰寫條理清晰的文章。

conspiracy [kən`spɪrəsɪ] n. 陰謀
衍生字:conspire [kən`spaɪr] vi. 密謀
They conspired to overthrow the government. / 他們密謀推翻政府。
There have been rumors of conspiracies against the government since last September. / 自去年 9 月開始就傳言有人密謀造反。

deprive [dɪ`praɪv] vt. 剝奪
片語:deprive sb of sth 剝奪某人某物
The court deprived the man of his civil rights. / 法庭判處該男子褫奪公權。
The gangsters robbed Judy of her money. / 那群壞蛋搶了茱蒂的錢。
The general relieved Captain Smith of his duties.  / 將軍解除史密斯上尉的職掌。
The full scholarship eased Ned of his burden a little bit. / 全額獎學金稍稍減輕了奈德的負擔。

detach [dɪ`tætʃ] vt. 使分開
片語:detach A from B AB分開
反義字:attach [ə`tætʃ] vt. 附帶;連結;attach A to B A 附加在 B
Please detach the form from the booklet, fill it out, and send it to us. / 請將表格從小冊裡撕下,填寫完畢之後寄送給我們。

detached [dɪ`tætʃt] a. 不連接的,超然的
反義字:attached [ə`tætʃt] a. 附帶的
The files attached are for your reference during the meeting. / 夾帶檔是供您在開會時參考用的。
The post office sent back my package because the addressee label on it was detached. / 郵局把我的包裹運送回來,因為它上面的收件人標籤掉了。*addressee [ædrɛ`si] n. 收件人
I suggest you look at the event from a more detached point of view. / 我建議你以更超然的觀點來看這件事。

deter [dɪ`tɝ] vt. 阻止(時態:deter, deterred [dɪ`tɝd] , deterred
衍生字:deterrence [dɪ`tɝrəns] n. 制止
片語:deter sb from + N/V-ing  阻止某人從事某事
同義字:hinder [`hɪndɚ] vt. 阻礙
A closed-circuit TV camera was installed to deter customers from shoplifting. / 安裝閉路電視攝影機的目的在於嚇阻顧客偷竊。*shoplift [`ʃɑp͵lɪft] vi. 在商店中偷竊*shoplifter [`ʃɑp͵lɪftɚ] n. 商店中的扒手

detergent [dɪ`tɝdʒənt] n.  洗潔劑
This laundry detergent can effectively remove stains from clothes. / 這種洗衣精可以有效地去除衣服上的污漬。*stain [sten] n. 污點
比較:a bar/cake of soap 一塊肥皂

diagram [`daɪə͵græm] n. 一覽圖,圖解
片語:a diagram of sth 某物的圖解
The engineer showed us the diagram of the telephone circuit. / 工程師讓我們看了電話線路配置圖。

disapproval [͵dɪsə`pruvḷ] n. 反對
片語:in/with disapproval 反對;show/express disapproval by + V-ing 用某行動表示反對
反義字:approval [ə`pruvḷ] n. 贊同
Luke expressed his strong disapproval of his classmate's remarks. / 路克對他的同學的言論表示強烈反對。
Paul shook his head in disapproval. / 保羅搖頭表示不贊成。
The teacher showed her disapproval by frowning. / 老師皺眉表達反對之意。*frown [fraʊn] vi. 皺眉

disapprove [͵dɪsə`pruv] vt. 駁回 vi. 反對
片語:disapprove sth 駁回某事;disapprove of sth 反對某事
衍生字:disapproving [͵dɪsə`pruvɪŋ] a. 反對的
反義字:approve [ə`pruv] vt. 批准 & vi. 同意
The teacher disapproved the students' plan for a party. / 老師駁回學生們的舞會計劃。
My parents strongly disapprove of my going out with that girl. / 我爸媽強烈反對我和那個女孩外出約會。
用法:disapprove approve 做及物動詞接受詞時,分別表『駁回』和『批准』之意。若做不及物動詞,其後加 of 再接受詞時,則分別表『反對』和『同意』之意。

disgrace [dɪs`gres] n. 恥辱,令人可恥的事 vt.  使丟臉
片語:bring disgrace on sb 使某人蒙羞;in disgrace 不光彩地;be a disgrace to sb/sth 對某人/某物是恥辱;disgrace oneself by V-ing 因某作為而使自己蒙羞
同義字:shame [ʃem] n. 羞辱
The official's involvement in the scandal has brought disgrace on his family. / 這位官員涉及醜聞,使家人蒙羞。
I'd rather die than live in disgrace. / 我寧死也不願苟活。
Todd's poor performance at the game was a disgrace to his team. / 陶德在比賽中差勁的表現對他所屬的球隊而言是個奇恥大辱。
Jim disgraced himself by getting drunk and making a scene at the party. / 吉姆在派對上酩酊大醉,當眾丟人現眼而使自己蒙羞。*make a scene 當眾丟人現眼

disgraceful [dɪs`gresfəl] a. 可恥的,不名譽的
片語:It's disgraceful + that 子句  ⋯真是可恥
同義字:shameful [`ʃemfəl] a. 丟臉的
Mike's disgraceful behavior embarrassed the entire company. / 邁可不恥的行為使得整個公司蒙羞。
It is disgraceful that Larry sold drugs to school kids to make money. / 賴瑞為了賺錢而向學童販售毒品,真是令人覺得可恥。

displace [dɪs`ples] vt. 取代,迫使離開(原來的地方)
Human laborers will be gradually displaced by machines. / 人力會逐漸被機器取代。
War and famine have displaced hundreds of thousands of this country's citizens. / 戰爭和飢荒迫使該國數十萬的人民流離失所。*famine [`fæmɪn] n. 饑荒
比較:replace [rɪ`ples] vt. 取代(= take the place of⋯

displacement [dɪs`plesmənt] n. 遷離(某地)
The tsunami caused the displacement of thousands of people. / 這次的海嘯造成數千人流離失所。*tsunami [tsu`nɑmi] n. 海嘯

emphatic [ɪm`fætɪk] a. 強調的
片語:be emphatic about sth 強調某事;be emphatic + that 子句 強調an emphatic victory/defeat 大勝/慘敗
衍生字:emphasize [`ɛmfə͵saɪz] vt. 強調;emphasis [`ɛmfəsɪs] n. 強調
Tina is emphatic about the importance of meeting deadlines. / 蒂娜很強調在最後期限前完工的重要性。
Ted is emphatic that we should go on with our plan. / 泰德強調我們應該繼續進行計劃。
Did you watch the football game last night? Our team had an emphatic victory! / 你看昨晚的足球賽了嗎?我隊大獲全勝呢!

evolution [͵ɛvə`luʃən] n. 發展,進化
片語:the theory of evolution 進化論
同義字:progress [`prɑgrɛs] n. 發展,進展;development [dɪ`vɛləpmənt] n. 發展
The twentieth century witnessed the evolution of computer technology. / 二十世紀見証了電腦科技的進展。*witness [`wɪtnɪs] vt. 目擊,見証
We learned about Darwin's theory of evolution in today's biology class. / 我們在今天的生物課學了達爾文的進化論。

evolutionary [͵ɛvə`luʃən͵ɛrɪ] a. 進化的,進化論的,漸進的
片語:an evolutionary biologist/theorist 進化論生物學家/理論家
Evolutionary development has made human beings into what they are today. / 進化發展使人類呈現今日的面貌。
The growth of our company has been an evolutionary process.  / 我們公司的成長是個漸進的過程。

evolve [ɪ`vɑlv] vi. 進化,發展為
片語:evolve from... 進化而來;evolve into...  逐漸發展成為
The artist's idea for the masterpiece evolved from a casual conversation with a neighbor. / 這名藝術家對這部傑作的構想是從他和鄰居的一段隨興對話演變來的。*masterpiece [`mæstɚ͵pis] n. 傑作
Through months of teamwork, our idea finally evolved into a feasible plan. / 藉由數個月的團隊合作,我們的想法終於化為可行的計劃。*feasible [`fizəbḷ] a. 可行的

fleet [flit] n. 船隊,艦隊,車、飛機等運輸工具的隊伍
片語:a fleet of ships/aircraft 船隊/機隊
Honolulu is a major port for the US naval fleet. / 檀香山是美國海軍艦隊的主要集散港口。
American Airlines owns a large fleet of aircraft. / 美國航空公司擁有數量龐大的機群。*aircraft [`ɛr͵kræft] n. 飛機;航空器(單複數同形,上例句中的 aircraft 是複數)

fleeting [`flitɪŋ] a. 瞬間的,短暫的
片語:a fleeting glimpse/visit 驚鴻一瞥/短暫拜訪
a fleeting moment of happiness 短暫的歡樂時光
同義字brief [brif] a. 短暫的;簡短的;momentary [`momən͵tɛrɪ] a. 瞬間的
I caught only a fleeting glimpse of Joan as she walked away. / 瓊安離去的時候,我只匆匆看到一眼。

fragment [`frægmənt] n. 碎片,片段
片語:break into fragments 摔成碎片 = break into piecesa fragment of... 片段的
Susan dropped the glass on the floor, and it broke into fragments. / 蘇珊把杯子掉在地上,杯子摔成了碎片。
I happened to hear a fragment of their conversation in the bathroom. / 我碰巧聽到他們在廁所的一段對話。

friction [`frɪkʃən] n. 摩擦(力),衝突
片語:create/cause frictions 造成磨擦、衝突;a source of friction between A and B  AB產生衝突的原因
同義字:conflict [`kɑnflɪkt] n. 衝突;clash [klæʃ] n. 衝突
When you rub your hands together, the friction produces heat. / 摩擦雙手時,摩擦力會生熱。
Religious issues caused constant frictions between the two countries. / 宗教議題經常造成這兩個國家之間的衝突。
The problem was a source of friction between the two partners.  / 這個問題是雙方合夥人產生摩擦的起因。

graph [græf] n. (長條)圖表
片語:a bar graph 柱狀圖;a line graph  線狀圖
I made a line graph that showed sales increases since 1997. / 我做了一份線狀圖,圖中顯示自 1997 年來的業績成長。
延伸:chart [tʃɑrt] n.(塊狀)圖表;a pie chart 圓餅圖

grocer [`grosɚ] n. 食品雜貨商
The green grocer's down the street sells the freshest eggs and produce in town. / 街尾那家生鮮雜貨店賣的蛋和乳製品是全鎮最新鮮的。*produce [`prodjus] n. 農產品,乳製品
The grocery store is open all year round. / 這家雜貨店全年無休營業。
延伸:a grocer's = a grocery storegrocery [`grosərɪ] n. 食品雜貨(常用複數);drugstore [`drʌg͵stɔr] n. 藥妝店
比較:wholesaler [`hol͵selɚ] n. 批發商;merchant [`mɝtʃənt] n. 商人;批發商

habitat [`hæbə͵tæt] n. (動物)棲息地
Wildlife in Taiwan has lost large areas of natural habitat because of urban sprawl. / 由於都市計劃蔓生,台灣的野生動物失去了大片的自然棲息地。*sprawl [sprɔl] n. 蔓生

inhabit [ɪn`hæbɪt] vt. 居住於,棲息於
That area is inhabited mostly by highly educated people. / 那個地區居住的大多是高級知識分子。
Many rare birds and animals inhabit that rain forest. / 那片雨林棲息了許多稀有的鳥類和動物。
用法:inhabit 為及物動詞,其後直接加地方名詞作受詞;而 live, dwell, reside 則為不及物動詞,其後要加介詞。live / dwell / reside + in(大地方)∕ at(小地方)

inhabitant [ɪn`hæbətənt] n. 居民
片語:a city of two million inhabitants 一座有 2 百萬居民的城市
同義字:dweller [`dwɛlɚ] n. 居民;resident [`rɛzədənt] n. 居民
Almost one third of the inhabitants of this town are Chinese Americans. / 這個小鎮幾乎有 3 分之 1 的居民是華裔美人。

intact [ɪn`tækt] a. 完整的,完好無缺的
片語:remain intact 完好如初
同義字:undamaged [ʌn`dæmɪdʒd] a. 未受損害的
untouched [ʌn`tʌtʃt] a. 沒被動過的
After the terrible earthquake, the historic building still remained intact. / 可怕的大地震過後,該歷史建築物依舊完好如初。
The celebrity emerged from the scandal with his reputation intact. / 這位名人從這次的醜聞全身而退,名譽未受影響。*emerge [ɪ`mɝdʒ] vi. 顯現*scandal [`skændḷ] n. 醜聞

liable [`laɪəbḷ] a. 傾向的,可能
片語:be liable to N/V 可能 = be prone to N/V
These areas near the river are liable to flood. / 接近這條河的地區經常淹水。
Jack is liable to get fired if he keeps turning in his work over a week late. / 如果傑克繼續遲交工作超過一星期,他有可能會被開除。

metaphor [`mɛtəfɚ/`mɛtəfɔr] n. 隱喻
衍生字:metaphoric [͵mɛtə`fɔrɪk] a. 隱喻的
The author uses magic as a metaphor for power. / 這位作者用魔法作為權力的隱喻。

outset [`aʊt͵sɛt] n. 開始
片語:from the outset 從一開始 = from the beginning
同義字:onset [`ɑn͵sɛt] n.(不愉快事物的)開始;beginning [bɪ`gɪnɪŋ] n. 開始
The machine malfunctioned from the outset. / 這台機器從一開始就故障了。*malfunction [mæl`fʌŋkʃən] vi. 故障
I told the salesperson I wasn't interested in his product from the outset. / 我告訴這名推銷員我從一開始就對他的產品不感興趣。
用法:outset 是由片詞動詞 set out 衍生而成的名詞。set out 可表示『開始進行某事』或『開始一段旅程』。
Todd set out to discover a cure for cancer. / 陶德開始著手研發癌症療法。
Jane set out for the station before dawn. = Jane left for the station before dawn. = Jane departed for the station before dawn. / 小珍在天還沒亮的時候便出發前往車站。

pension [`pɛnʃən] n. 退休金,養老金
片語:a pension plan 退休金計劃;the age pension 老年福利津貼,養老金
Once I retire, I'll have to live on my pension. / 一旦我退休後,就靠養老金過活了。
The farmer can't draw his pension until he is 60. / 這個農夫要到 60 歲才能領取退休金。
Each month, Tom pays six percent of his salary into a pension plan. / 湯姆每個月將薪資的 6% 存起來做為退休金。

populate [`pɑpjə͵let] vt. 居住(常用被動語態)
片語:a densely/sparsely populated city 居住密度高/低的城市
衍生字:population [͵pɑpjə`leʃən] n. 人口;populous [`pɑpjələs] a. 人口眾多的
同義字:inhabit [ɪn`hæbɪt] vt. 居住於
This neighborhood is populated mainly by movie stars. / 這個社區居住的主要是電影明星。
Taipei is one of the most densely populated cities in the world. / 台北是世界上居住密度最高的城市之一。

prohibit [prə`hɪbɪt] vt. 禁止
片語:prohibit sb from + N/V-ing 禁止某人做某事 = ban/restrain sb from + N/V-ing = forbid sb to V
同義字:ban [bæn] vt. 禁止
Smoking is strictly prohibited in hospitals. / 醫院嚴禁吸菸。

prohibition [͵proə`bɪʃən] n.  禁止(不可數),禁令(可數)
片語:a prohibition against/on sth 關於某事物的禁令 = a ban on/against sth
同義字:forbiddance [fɚ`bɪdṇs] n. 禁止
The government lifted the prohibition on the sale of imported meat. / 政府解除了禁售進口肉類的規定。*lift [lɪft] vt. 解除*import [ɪm`pɔrt] vt. 進口
The government has announced a prohibition against smoking in public places. / 政府已頒布在公共場所禁止吸菸的禁令。

prone [pron] a. 的傾向,易於,俯臥的
片語:be prone to N/V 的傾向,容易⋯ = be inclined to V = be likely to V = tend to V
Workers are prone to accidents if they are not familiar with the working environment. / 工人若對工作環境不熟悉,就很容易發生意外。
Grace is prone to lie to people. Take what she says with caution. / 葛蕾絲很容易撒謊。小心她說的話。
The police found Jenny lying prone on her bed with a knife in her back. = The police found Jenny lying face down on her bed with a knife in her back. / 警方發現珍妮俯臥在床上,背上插了把刀。
延伸:accident-prone [`æksɪdənt͵pron] a. 容易發生意外的;injury-prone [`ɪndʒərɪ͵pron] a. 容易受傷的

sheer [ʃɪr] a. 完全的,純然的
片語:sheer luck/nonsense  全然的運氣/廢話
同義字:pure [pjʊr] a. 純粹的;absolute [`æbsəlut] a. 十足的,絕對的
Michael's suggestion is sheer nonsense. / 邁可的建議全是廢話。
It's a sheer waste of energy trying to communicate with Tommy. / 和湯米溝通完全是白費力氣。

simile [`sɪmə͵lɪ] n. 明喻(使用到如 as like 等字)
The line "Jean's skin is as white as snow" contains a simile. / 『小珍的皮膚像雪一樣白』這句話中含有明喻。

simplicity [sɪm`plɪsətɪ] n. 簡單,簡樸(不可數)
衍生字:simple [`sɪmpḷ] a. 簡單的
同義字:plainness [`plennɪs] n. 簡樸
The advantage of the computer game is its simplicity. / 這款電動的優點在於它很簡單。
I want to move to the countryside and lead a life of simplicity.  / 我想搬到鄉下去過簡樸的生活。

simplify [`sɪmplə͵faɪ] vt. 簡化,使簡單
衍生字:simplification [͵sɪmpləfə`keʃən] n. 簡單化
The professor tried to simplify the theory for the younger students. / 教授試著將理論簡化,以適應這些年紀較小的學生。

tread [trɛd] vt. vi. 踩,踏(時態:tread, trod [trɑd] , trodden [`trɑdṇ]
片語:tread water 打水;tread on sb's toes 惹火某人
Before you learn how to swim, you should learn how to tread water. / 在你學游泳之前,你得先學如何打水。
Nancy was so nervous that she kept treading on Paul's feet while they were dancing. / 南西和保羅在跳舞的時候,緊張得猛踩保羅的腳。
"No comment. I don't want to tread on anybody's toes," said the chairman. / 那名主席說:『不予置評。我不想招惹任何人。』

unlock [ʌn`lɑk] vt. 開鎖,揭開
片語:unlock the secrets/mysteries of sth 揭開某事的秘密
反義字:lock [lɑk] vt. 鎖上 & n.
Mary unlocked the jewelry box with a key. / 瑪莉用鑰匙打開珠寶箱。
After I left for work this morning, I began worrying if I had left the door unlocked. / 今天早上出門上班之後,我開始擔心我是否沒有鎖門。
The experiment was conducted to unlock the secrets of the aging process. / 進行這項實驗是為了揭開老化過程的秘密。

vulnerable [`vʌlnərəbḷ] a. 脆弱的,(生理或心理)易受傷的
片語:be vulnerable to sth 易受某事物的攻擊或傷害 = be susceptible to sth
衍生字:vulnerability [͵vʌlnərə`bɪlətɪ] n. 弱點;vulnerably [`vʌlnərəbḷɪ] adv. 易受傷地
同義字:susceptible [sə`sɛptɪbḷ] a. 易受影響的
Judy looked rather vulnerable standing in the corner on her own. / 茱蒂獨自一人站在角落裡,看來非常脆弱。
Dorothy's behavior left her vulnerable to her schoolmates' attacks. / 桃樂絲的行為讓她飽受學校同學的攻擊。

Newborn infants are particularly vulnerable to the flu. / 初生的嬰兒特別容易被傳染感冒。*infant [`ɪnfənt] n. 嬰兒

