2019年5月3日 星期五

Collocation: experiment

experiment  n. 實驗,試驗
attempt the experiment of... 試圖做...實驗
He began a series of experiments in high explosives. 他開始做一系列烈性炸藥的試驗。carry out [perform] an experiment in chemistry 做化學試驗
conduct experiments with new teaching methods 進行新教學方法的試驗
I made an experiment on him. 我以他做試驗。
substitute experiment and observation for speculative theories 以實驗和觀察來代替純理論
He tried his experiment with success. 他試驗成功。
try experiments upon oneself 在自己身上做試驗
Franklin's experiments showed that lightning is an electrical discharge.
The experiment has succeeded。試驗成功了。
The experiment worked well. 試驗進行得很好。
animal experiments 動物實驗
a long series of careful experiments 一系列細緻的試驗
a hazardous experiments 危險的試驗;没有把握的試驗
An interesting experiment is being tried by Prof. Zhou. 周教授正在項有趣的試驗。
a laboratory experiment 實驗室裏做的實驗
after long and exhaustive experiments 經過長期和徹底的試驗之後
a series of new and curious experiments 一系列新奇的試驗
an entirely original and unprecedented experiment 一項完全獨創的,前所未有的試驗
a rash experiment 草率的試驗
conduct scientific experiments 進行科學實驗
social experiments 社會試驗
try the two-meals-a-day experiment 進行每日兩餐的試驗
a valuable educational experiment 有價值的教育試驗
try various experiments on animals在動物身上做各種試驗
She tried, as an experiment, a short story. 她試着寫了一篇短篇小説。
prove by experiment 實驗證明
Scientists test out theories by experiment 科學家用實驗檢驗理論。
I employed him by way of experiment. 我僱用他試試。
during experiments in wireless telegraph 在無綫電發報試驗階段
for experiment 供試驗(用)
knowledge based on experiments 基於實驗的知識
experiments in sound 聲學實驗
experiments on jet engines 噴氣發動機的試驗
The steam engine was not in- vented until James Watt had made many experiments with steam. 直到詹姆士·瓦特進行了許多次蒸汽試驗以後,蒸汽機纔發明出來。

experiment v. 做實驗,進行試驗
experiment in chemistry 做化學實驗
He experimented in painting at home. 他在家中試着作畫。
experiment in selected units 在試點單位進行試驗
experiment on a small scale 小規模地試驗
Many people disapprove of scientists who experiment on animals.
experiment(up)on frogs 用青蛙做實驗
experiment with various methods 用各種方法試驗
The painter is experimenting with different paints to get the color he wants.
Several medicines, even narcotics, were experimented with

