2019年7月21日 星期日

MM 107-6

一、詞彙 (15%)
說明:第 1 15 題,每題選出最適當的一個選項,標示在答案卡之「選擇題答案區」。 每題答對得 1 分,答錯不倒扣。

 1. It’s taken a lot of time and effort, but Sandra has finally made           in improving her English.
(A) guidance                       (B) progress                     (C) adventure                  (D) discipline

 2. Children under 18 aren’t allowed to watch this action movie because of its           content.
(A) amusing                        (B) prompt                     (C) numerous                 (D) violent

 3. Andy’s bedroom is a complete             ; there are clothes, toys, candy wrappers, and more all over the floor.
(A) mess                             (B) basis                         (C) duty                                 (D) reality

 4. As she’s been living an extremely          life,  Kathy’s never had to worry about money  and can buy whatever she wants.
(A) informative                 (B) clever                       (C) unstable                    (D) wealthy

 5. While everyone at the party was chatting joyfully, Joe remained           because he was  too shy to strike up any conversations with others.
(A) active                           (B) silent                        (C) grave                        (D) fatal

 6. An outbreak of measles in Okinawa, Japan, has           lots of tourists; many people have canceled their trips there.
(A) advertised                    (B) emphasized              (C) alarmed                    (D) entertained

 7. A lot of people           the president for trying to pass a law that the majority of the public disliked, but he went ahead and did it anyway.
(A) contacted                     (B) portrayed                (C) criticized                 (D) permitted

 8. I’m a big fan of nature and documentaries, so when I was watching the film Beyond Beauty: Taiwan from Above, it            me the whole way through.
(A) fascinated                   (B) admired                   (C) bothered                   (D) discouraged

 9. Tanya            her chance to attend university so that she could earn more money to help  her parents raise their family.
(A) pressed                         (B) illustrated                 (C) pursued                    (D) sacrificed

 10. Matt has a secret             on his classmate Susan; whenever she talks to him, he can’t help but blush.
(A) crush                           (B) temper                       (C) crash                          (D) theme

 11. All of the board of directors shared the same             about the proposal; they thought it was a good idea, but that it would cost a lot.
(A) incident                      (B) symbol                      (C) opinion                      (D) virtue

 12. Even though I hadn’t seen Judy for about ten years, I            her immediately; she looked almost exactly the same.
(A) introduced                  (B) recognized                        (C) suspected                  (D) represented

 13. My friends all want to see this movie; it’s not the kind of movie I would watch          , but if they all want to see it, then I’ll go with them.
(A) gradually                    (B) normally                    (C) steadily                     (D) skillfully

 14. Debbie keeps having           with her husband over their finances; I really don’t think their marriage is going to last very long.
(A) stares                          (B) injuries                      (C) salaries                      (D) quarrels

 15. The doctor told Lacy that she couldn’t have any alcohol or be around people who smoked because she was              , and those activities would pose health risks to her baby.
(A) pregnant                     (B) desperate                   (C) absolute                     (D) conscious

二、綜合測驗 (15%)
說明:第 16 30 題,每題一個空格。請依文意選出最適當的一個選項,標示在答案卡之
「選擇題答案區」。每題答對得 1 分,答錯不倒扣。

A political dispute between two European nations led to certain kinds of clocks running slowly across Europe in March 2018. The small nation of Kosovo separated from Serbia in 2008, but the countries still     16     a border and a power grid. However, because they’ve failed to reach an     
    17     about power rules and regulations, their grid became unbalanced. The grids of many European nations are linked across borders, so this affected the whole continent. Many household clocks in Europe     18     the energy produced by these connected grids to keep time. Therefore, the disruption of the grid caused them to run up to six minutes slow. The organization ENTSO-E, which coordinates Europe’s power companies, urged Serbia and Kosovo to    
    19     their dispute as soon as possible. Though     20     were made to the grid and these clocks began to show the correct time again, a long-term solution is still needed. Without one, similar problems are sure to occur in the future.

      16. (A) divide                 (B) erase                  (C) prepare              (D) share
      17. (A) agreement           (B) emergency         (C) expense             (D) argument
      18. (A) get over               (B) rely on               (C) go through                (D) result in
      19. (A) refuse                  (B) spark                 (C) split                   (D) resolve
      20. (A) comparisons        (B) discoveries        (C) adjustments       (D) expectations
What would you do if you were faced with authorities who were convinced you were dead? A Romanian man who returned to his home country after a long time abroad     21     by a court that he was legally declared dead. Constantin Reliu had spent almost 20 years in Turkey without going back to Romania, but finally returned in early 2018 to renew his passport. He was    22       a new passport by Romanian authorities, who notified him that he’d been declared dead in 2003. Reliu had been estranged from his wife when he moved to Turkey, and he hadn’t     23      her. After not hearing from him for years, she filed paperwork declaring that he was probably dead.
Reliu hoped that appearing before a judge would     24     any idea that he was dead. However, Romanian law requires a person to appeal a false death certificate within a certain number of years, and that period had already passed.     25    , Reliu is now left hoping that he can get a special judgment for his case, or else he faces an ambiguous future. Without a legal identity, he can’t get a passport to return to Turkey, where he owns a small company.

      21. (A) was informed      (B) had informed    (C) informed           (D) has informed
      22. (A) approved             (B) resisted              (C) denied               (D) sought
      23. (A) lost control of     (B) kept in contact with (C) stood up for   (D) lent a hand to
      24. (A) strengthen           (B) regret                 (C) promote             (D) dismiss
      25. (A) Besides               (B) Otherwise         (C) Thus                  (D) Nevertheless

Scientists in Australia have found that the ocean’s smallest animals—krill—have developed a surprising new ability. Krill are small crustaceans that live in huge numbers throughout the world. Many whales feed on them as their primary food source. These tiny animals eat small pieces of food      
    26     in the water. In the lab, scientists found that they’ll also eat microplastics and turn them into even tinier pieces.
To test the way sea animals interact with plastics in the ocean, the researchers fed the krill microplastics. They found that the little creatures     27     the microplastics into nanoplastics. These nanoplastic pieces were on average 78%     28     the microplastics. At that size, the pieces were no longer big enough to be easily detected. However, the scientists said this isn’t    
    29     for fighting plastic pollution and that it just makes it easier for plastics to reach the deeper realms of the ocean. While more research is needed, the scientists said this may be a sign that more plastic is     30     in the oceans than previously thought.

      26. (A) float                    (B) floated              (C) floating             (D) to float
      27. (A) took over            (B) broke down       (C) came across       (D) filled up
      28. (A) bigger than          (B) as much as         (C) as little as          (D) smaller than
      29. (A) helpful                        (B) capable              (C) durable              (D) harmful
      30. (A) present                (B) internal              (C) sensible             (D) regional

說明:第 31 40 題,每題一個空格,請依文意在文章後所提供的 (A) (J) 選項中分別 選出一個最適當者,並將其英文字母代號標示在答案卡之「選擇題答案區」。每題 答對得 1 分,答錯不倒扣。

Many European countries are famed for their amazing food. However, many people don’t think Britain is a country known for its     31     dining. Even so, there are a few dishes from British cuisine that have held on to     32     long enough to become favorites both at home and abroad. Throughout the years, one food that has remained an important part of the British diet and evolved to take a variety of forms is the pie.
British pies can have either sweet or savory ingredients underneath their tasty crusts. British people of all kinds have     33     pies for centuries. For the poor, the pie’s portability was its great
     34    —a valuable thing in the days before takeout boxes and plastic forks. The small pies that common people ate were easy to     35    . The rich have historically favored large, elaborately made pies with exotic ingredients, and used them as a way to     36     their status and resources. Rich Britons holding a dinner party might delight guests with a “Surprised Pye,” a pastry     37     enough to hide a band of musicians, who would burst forth from the pie and begin playing.
The value of the pie in Britain even     38     to its use as a form of currency. Some towns in Britain were required to pay their tax obligations to the king or queen in the form of pies. Though this practice no longer exists, the importance of pies is still     39     in figures of speech. For example, “to eat humble pie” means to admit that you were wrong, whereas the phrase “to have a finger in every pie” is used to describe a person who gets involved in other people’s affairs.
The baking of rich, savory pies, not just as an everyday food but also as an item of    40    importance, continues to this day. It’s easy to see that the pie’s place of pride in British history will last for years to come.
(A) fancied              (B) gigantic             (C) reflected    (D) show off   (E) advantage
(F) popularity          (G) carry around     (H) fine           (I) extended    (J) cultural
31.     32.     33.      34.     35.     36.     37.     38.     39.     40.     

四、閱讀測驗 (32%)
說明:第4156題,每題請分別根據各篇文章之文意選出最適當的一個選項,標示在答案 卡之「選擇題答案區」。每題答對得2分,答錯不倒扣。

Australia has long been a popular vacation destination, and every year, tourists flock to its colorful coastal cities. One spot that can’t be missed is Gold Coast. With great expanses of beautiful beaches, lush natural parks and animal sanctuaries, and a unique food culture, this sun-kissed city offers something for everyone to enjoy.
Even in a country known for good surfing, Gold Coast’s long sandy shores stand out as a surfing paradise. The city has 69 kilometers of beaches, which ensures that tourists there have plenty of places to soak up the sun. In addition to its beaches, the city, Australia’s sixth-largest, has other things for visitors to enjoy. Its nearby parks provide opportunities to hike through nature and learn about the continent’s amazing natural beauty and the history of the people who first lived there. For example, tall rock pillars in Burleigh Head National Park, within Gold Coast’s city limits, are said by the Yugambeh native people to be the fingers of a giant who was swallowed up by the land.
If you’re more interested in wildlife, be sure to visit one of the area’s animal sanctuaries. At Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary, visitors can have the chance to hold a koala or feed a crocodile. Farther afield, Gold Coast’s surrounding areas offer swimming and diving as well as the opportunity to visit pleasant gardens or sample Australia’s food culture. The mix of cultures Australia plays host to has given rise to a wide variety of food choices. Exotic ingredients and techniques from different countries produce unique tastes all their own. If you are a fan of relaxing at the beach, exploring nature, and trying delicious food, don’t miss out on Gold Coast!

      41. What is suggested about Australia in the passage?
(A) A number of its cities are located in coastal areas.
(B) It has few surfing spots apart from Gold Coast.
(C) It isn’t home to any native people’s cultures.
(D) Gold Coast is the country’s biggest tourist destination.

      42. What can people find at Burleigh Head National Park?
(A) Places where tourists can enjoy swimming and diving.
(B) Koalas and crocodiles that visitors are allowed to feed.
(C) Very tall stones that are connected to an ancient legend.
(D) 69 kilometers of beaches where people can bathe in the sun.

      43. Why does Australia have such an interesting food culture?
(A) Because it is home to plants found nowhere else in the world.
(B) Because of the variety of different cultures that exist there.
(C) Because its climate makes its food taste particularly delicious.
(D) Because cooking techniques from Australia are very complex.

      44. According to the passage, which of the following statements is true?
(A) Burleigh Head National Park is a day’s drive from Gold Coast.
(B) Gold Coast is known for the beautiful gardens within its city limits.
(C) Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary is run by the Yugambeh people.
(D) People can also learn about history at Burleigh Head National Park.

The recorded history of human civilization in the Andes Mountains began relatively recently, when Spanish sailors, missionaries, and soldiers started arriving in South America in 1492. Human habitation in the Andes Mountains, however, began long before Spanish ships sighted South America’s shorelines. The Spanish conquest of the people living there resulted in the collapse of a whole civilization called the Inca Empire. Before the arrival of the Spanish, the Inca controlled a vast territory of some of the harshest environments on Earth. While the Inca never developed a written language, their empire is known today as one of the earliest human civilizations.
The exact point at which something can be called a civilization is debated by scholars, but it’s clear that since 2000 BC, the people living in the Andes Mountains had agriculture, pottery, textiles, and art. During that period, cities and monuments were built along the valleys and mountains of South America’s Pacific coast. Evidence of the civilization survives in the forms of religious artifacts, though the exact meaning of many of these pieces remains unknown. Not even the names of Andean gods have survived to the modern day, perhaps because the inhabitants of the Andes Mountains never developed a written language.
By the time Europeans arrived in South America, the ruling civilization in the Andes Mountains was the Inca. Today, the Inca are known for building and ruling a large empire over great distances. Without a written language, the Inca passed messages using braided cords called quipus. Without the use of wheels or horses, they carried stones and other things up the sides of mountains by hand or on the backs of llamas. Despite the harsh conditions they lived in, the civilization they built became one of the greatest human achievements of its age.

      45. What does this passage mostly focus on?
(A) How the Spanish caused the collapse of the Inca civilization.
(B) The Inca ruins in South America and why they’re worth visiting.
(C) Why people in the Andes Mountains didn’t have a written language.
(D) The impressive accomplishments of a civilization in the Andes Mountains.
      46. Which of the following things did the Inca possess?
(A) A system of writing.                           (B) Vehicles with wheels.
(C) An ability to run a kingdom.              (D) Horses of their own.

      47. According to the passage, what are quipus?
(A) String-like objects the Inca used to send messages.
(B) Andean animals used for travel in the mountains.
(C) Special religious artifacts from the Inca civilization.
(D) People who invented a special way to send messages.

      48. Which of the following is implied about the civilization in the Andes Mountains?
(A) The civilization had reached its peak by 2000 BC.
(B) People there were able to grow crops and make artwork.
(C) The Inca started to take control of the Andean region in 1492.
(D) The Inca’s empire only covered a small part of South America.

A new study looking at the US’s energy system has good news for people who like clean power. The conclusion of the study, published in the academic journal Energy and Environmental Science, is that clean-power technology can fully meet the US’s energy needs. Scientists came to this conclusion using information on America’s energy consumption and weather patterns. Based on that information, it seems that wind and solar power systems could supply the majority of the US’s electricity.
Recognizing the complexity of their task, the researchers took into account a variety of factors affecting power generation and use. After all, the amount of energy generated by wind and solar sources fluctuates in different ways. Solar panels only generate power during the day, and their total daily power generation will grow in summer and shrink in winter. Windmills, on the other hand, can work all day long. However, the amount of the power they generate will change depending on how windy it is. For the study, the experts constructed various possible scenarios. The imaginary situations differed based on whether the system would be built with excess capacity to deal with quick increases in demand, such as on a hot summer day, and whether there would be batteries built into the system to handle periods of lower power generation.
The best eco-friendly solution, the team concluded, is a mix of technologies, leaning more toward wind power. If the system were built with the ability to store large amounts of power, it could satisfy 90% of the US’s power needs. Nuclear power, electric dams, or alternative fuels could be used to fill in the gaps. It’s clear from the study that even a country as large and electricity- hungry as the US could do much more to reduce the negative impact it has on the environment.

      49. What is the main news discussed in this passage?
(A) A new energy policy introduced by the US government.
(B) A new report on energy use that appeared in a journal.
(C) A big problem that’s emerged from the US’s energy use.
(D) A global agreement to focus on renewable energy.

      50. What is one key difference between solar and wind power?
(A) Solar power always provides more energy than wind power.
(B) Wind power can’t be stored while solar power can.
(C) Solar power is much more beneficial for the environment.
(D) Wind power works at night while solar power doesn’t.

      51. What method will be used to overcome the fluctuations in solar and wind power generation?
(A) Batteries will be needed to make electric power available.
(B) Additional windmills will need to be built.
(C) Solar panels will need to be more efficient.
(D) Windmills will need to be equipped with solar panels.

      52. What is suggested in the final paragraph of the passage?
(A) Other energy sources will be needed to help wind and solar power.
(B) Wind and solar power will supply all the US’s energy needs and more.
(C) The research team believes that solar power is the most energy-efficient.
(D) Wind and solar power will help end the need for nuclear power stations.

For the first time in six years, one of Pakistan’s most famous people paid a visit to her hometown in the country’s Swat valley. In October 2012, a man from the Taliban terrorist group shot 15-year- old Malala Yousafzai in the head in revenge for her opposition to the group’s ideas. Miraculously, she survived the shooting.
The Taliban, a religious fundamentalist group that operates in Pakistan and neighboring Afghanistan, a country it used to rule, is opposed to girls attending school. Malala, then a teenager, had spoken out against their oppressive ideas online and in newspapers. After the attack, she was rushed to a hospital in Pakistan before being moved to a facility in the UK for additional treatment. Continuing her advocacy for women’s rights and education, she was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, becoming the youngest person ever to be so honored. After recovering from her gunshot wound, she attended high school in the UK and is now studying in Oxford University.
In Pakistan and many other countries, girls and women suffer from restricted access to education. Malala has made exposing the plight of women around the world her cause, using the celebrity status that was thrust upon her when she survived the shooting to fuel her activism.
Her return to the Swat valley wasn’t announced beforehand, perhaps out of security concerns. To protect her from Taliban militants, she was accompanied by a Pakistani government minister and protected by a large security team all the time. This left little time for her to visit her old friends and the relatives she’d had to leave behind.
Some in Pakistan said that it was unclear what a short, previously unannounced trip would do for the suffering of girls and women there, but Malala has promised to return again, hopefully without as much security. However, it’ll be difficult for her to keep the promise, as the Taliban still exist in the Swat valley.

      53. Why did the Taliban target Malala when she was 15?
(A) They tried to stop her from winning the Nobel Peace Prize.
(B) She was trying to make the group leave the Swat valley.
(C) She donated money to help girls in Pakistan attend school.
(D) She had publicly opposed the Taliban’s beliefs.

      54. What happened to Malala after she was shot in the head?
(A) She decided to become a Pakistani government official.
(B) She studied in a UK high school after she’d recovered.
(C) She went back to her hometown right after she’d recovered.
(D) She stayed in a hospital in Pakistan until her health improved.

      55. What do we learn about Malala’s recent trip to Pakistan?
(A) Malala had to be protected during every stage of her visit.
(B) It was heavily publicized in the media before the trip.
(C) Malala spent lots of time with her family and old friends.
(D) The Taliban tried to attack Malala but failed.

      56. Which of the following statements is true?
(A) Pakistan has recently removed the Taliban from the Swat valley.
(B) Malala Yousafzai regrets not using her fame to help other girls.
(C) Some people questioned the point of Malala’s visit to Pakistan.
(D) Malala was immediately sent to a UK hospital after she was attacked.

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1. 每當我遇到我自己無法解決的問題時,我的父母是我首先會尋求建議的人。

2. 雖然他們的建議可能不會總是有用的,但至少他們會盡全力幫助我。

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提示:假設你是一位知名報紙專欄作家,專門幫助青少年解決其疑難雜症,請從下列兩封讀者 來信中,選擇其中一封回覆。文分兩段,第一段敘述你對此事件的看法,以及會給對方 什麼建議;第二段說明為何你會給這樣的建議。
讀者來信 ()
Dear Marsha,
I’ll really appreciate it if you could take some time to answer my question. Recently, one of my classmates told me that my best friend, Kevin, often says bad things about me behind my back. He complains that I think I’m better than other people and am too stubborn to take other people’s advice. I’m really upset by this, but I’m not sure whether this is true. I want to talk about this with Kevin, but I’m afraid this will lead to a fight and ruin our friendship. Please tell me what I should do.

讀者來信 ()
Dear Marsha,
Thank you in advance for spending time reading and replying to our question. We’ve known each other for about ten years and fell in love with each other a year ago. We’re really serious about each other and cherish our love. However, our parents are strongly against us dating while in high school. They think this will definitely influence our schoolwork in a negative way. We’re tired of keeping our love secret from our parents. What should we do?
Leo & Lisa

一、中譯英 (8%)

1. Whenever I encounter a problem I can’t solve by myself, my parents are the first people I turn to for advice.

2. Though their advice may not always be useful, at least, they’ll try their best to help me.


1. Every time I encounter a problem I can’t solve alone, the first people I turn to for advice are my parents.

2. Their advice may not always be useful, but at least, they’ll go all out to help me.
二、英文作文 (20%)
Dear Jay,
I know you’re nervous about discussing the issue with Kevin; however, communication is key. First, you should ask Kevin if he indeed said something bad about you. If he did, then ask why he said such negative things about you. Take his explanation seriously and ask yourself whether there’s truth to his criticism. If there is, you need to contemplate how to change your behavior. If there isn’t, your next step is to figure out how he got this impression. Finally, tell Kevin you would like him to speak with you about a problem directly next time.
Though the conversation might be awkward, it can open up a space for you to think about the conflicts in your relationship. If you don’t openly discuss the issue, it’ll keep bothering you and get worse. An honest discussion will force you to confront the issue and find a solution. What’s more, it’ll inspire you to reflect on your own behavior. Finally, you can learn from this experience by figuring out how to deal with similar problems in the future. If Kevin really cherishes your friendship, this discussion will only make your friendship stronger. If not, it’s better to find out sooner rather than later.
                                                Best of luck, Martha

Dear Leo & Lisa,
It’s not uncommon for different generations to disagree about what’s best, whether it’s about things as simple as music or food, or as serious as dating someone. Therefore, the first thing you should do is have a genuine conversation with your parents. Your parents’ biggest concern about your dating is that it’ll distract you from your schoolwork. To set their minds at ease, show them evidence that you being together actually has a positive effect on your school performance. Showing them your explicit study plan may be a good way to convince them of this.
Parents are always worrying about their children. They need to know that you’re staying on track, that is to say, that you can take care of your schoolwork while dating at the same time. By explaining your position rationally with clear evidence, you can show your parents that you’ve thought things through. This also assures them that you’re able to strike a balance between your schoolwork and relationship. In short, only by proving that you aren’t acting impulsively can you help your parents let go of their fears and trust the decision you’ve made.
                                        Cheerfully, Martha

