2019年8月25日 星期日

Translation & Writing 12-10-11

A 題組
1. 瓶裝水看起來似乎無害,也是現今世界方便的產物,但是事實並非如此。
2.過去幾年來瓶裝水的廣告讓人們相信瓶裝水比自來水健康。However, in most cases, it isn't. 3. 瓶裝水長時間存放在高溫下, and as bottles age, the chemicals used in their production seep into the water. Health officials also say that 4. 不應讓嬰兒喝瓶裝水,除非是先煮沸過
Furthermore, some bottled water companies use the same tap water that is available to the general public. 5. 有幾家公司被發現使用的水源非常靠近有毒地區。In addition, millions of barrels of oil are used in the production and transportation of bottled water.
6. 這讓自然資源更加吃緊,而且還會產生大量的溫室氣體。
  7. 下次在你買瓶裝水之前,記得它通常既昂貴又不健康,而且亦不環保。

A 題組
1. Bottled water seems like a harmless and convenient product of today's world, but the facts tell us otherwise.
2. Bottled water advertisements have convinced people that bottled water is healthier than tap water over the past few years.
3. Bottled water is stored at warm temperatures for long periods
4. …infants should not be given bottled water unless it is boiled first.
5. A few companies have even been found using water sources very close to toxic sites.
6. This places a strain on natural resources and creates vast amounts of greenhouse gases.
7. Before you buy your next bottle of water, remember it is often expensive, unhealthy, and bad for the environment.

A 題組

1. 儘管堅持自己的目標不見得很容易,但你至少應該嘗試一下。
2. 畢竟,盡力去做而失敗總比從未嘗試來得好。

1. In spite of the fact that sticking to your objectives isn't always easy, you should at least give it a try.
2. After all, trying your best and failing is better than not trying at all.

B 題組
1. 旅行是疲憊心靈的最佳療法。
2. 漫步在異國街頭並認識來自不同國家的人能拓展你的視野。
3. 如果你負擔不起出國旅行的費用,在國內四處旅遊也是個好選擇。

1. Traveling is the best cure for a weary heart.
2. Walking around exotic streets and getting acquainted with people from different countries can broaden your horizons.
3. If you can’t afford to take a trip abroad, traveling around your own country is also a good choice.

