2019年8月11日 星期日

Translation & Writing (IAE-16-01-330)

Translation Practice A
★解()、撲滅quench;止渴、解渴:quench one’s thirst;短暫休息、小憩;中斷:break
★未察覺/意識到的unaware;飲料:beverage;導致:lead to / cause;肥胖症:obesity
Translation Practice B
★由於:due to意識:consciousness;有機的:organic

Topic Writing: Which Do You Prefer, Taking Exams or Writing Reports?
提示:你有想過有一天能自己決定以不同方式評量自己的學業表現嗎?考試不再是唯一的評量方法;現在亦有報告可選擇。請以” Which Do You Prefer, Taking Exams or Writing Reports?”為題,寫一篇文長至少150個單詞(words)的文章來說明你偏好的學校評量方式。文分兩段,第一段說明你喜歡的評分的方式及原因,第二段則說明另一種評分方式的優缺點。


Translation Practice A
1. Many students like to quench their thirst by buying drinks during class breaks. = A majority of students tend to satisfy their thirst by purchasing liquid refreshments during class breaks.
2. However, most of them are unaware that these beverages with added sugar can lead to obesity. = However, a large number of them are not aware that these sugar-added beverages can cause obesity.
Translation Practice B
1. In recent years, due to the rise of health consciousness, organic food has become more and more popular. = In the past few years, as a result of more people becoming health-conscious, organic food has risen to popularity.
2. When buying organic food, however, we should select reputable shops. = Yet, when shopping for organic food, we should choose trustworthy stores.
3. This way, we can avoid purchasing fake organic produce sold by dishonest sellers. = Thus, we can prevent paying for fake organic food sold by deceitful vendors.

