2020年4月24日 星期五

Reading 2.11 Answers to Grammar

Patterns in Use
Exercise A
2 the only thing he does every weekend is (to) review his notes for the tests
3 all (that) her children did was (to) play all day long
4 all (that) Ian did was (to) sleep
5 what you should do is (to) give your eyes a break
Exercise B
2 The only thing we can do is (to) discuss it online
3 all you have to do is (to) focus on schoolwork
4 All I want you to do is (to) trust me and give me some freedom
5 what you also have to do is (to) take responsibility
Exercise A
2 The woman you saw yesterday was not my sister (,) but my mother.
3 Our teacher got angry not because of our poor grades (,) but because of our laziness./Our teacher didn’t get angry because of our poor grades, but because of our laziness.
4 Most students don’t like long and boring speeches (,) but short and interesting ones.
5 The actor’s new movie was not adapted from a myth (,) but from a fairy tale.
Exercise B
2 not in your bag (,) but in the bathroom
3 doesn’t take off at 9 a.m. (,) but at 11 a.m.
4 not Spain (,) but Italy
5 not me/I (,) but your brother

