2020年10月28日 星期三

5.10 Reading解答


Comprehension Check

1 D 2 A 3 B 4 D



2 I will make any one of them my major in college

3 The pressure I get from my parents has left me stressed out

4 Let me make it clear

5 It’s not your sole goal to keep your parents content



1 It is no use denying your involvement

2 It is no use panicking

3 it wasn’t any good resisting arrest

4 It isn’t any good setting yourself against your neighbors

5 It is no use worrying about the results now

Extra Exercise


1 Whenever Ann runs into/is confronted with/encounters difficulty, she always leaves herself alone


2 She knows that it is no use complaining(,) and that keeping the mind sharp/ maintaining clear

thinking helps to find a solution.


1 Kenny often leaves his work undone until the last minute.

2 I wonder whether it is any good to him putting things off/procrastinating.


1 Brenda finally realized that it wasn’t any good having/holding/bearing a grudge.

2 After deciding to forgive and forget, she finds herself more broad­minded/open­minded than before.


Writing Hands-on


     The pie chart above shows how an average house uses electricity in the U.K. More than half of the electricity is used for heating rooms and water. About eighteen percent of the electricity is consumed by ovens, kettles, and washing machines. The rest is equally divided into two parts. One is used in lighting, TV and radio, and the other is in the use of vacuum cleaners, food mixer, and electric tools.

     Unlike the U.K., Taiwan is very hot and humid. Since the climates in these two areas are drastically different, how electricity is used differs as well. In Taiwan, air-conditioners and dehumidifiers consume a large proportion of electricity. Thirty percent is consumed for other electric appliances such as TVs, refrigerators, and washing machines. Ten percent is used for lighting. Last but not least, since computers are used a lot in Taiwan, many families have several computers. Thus, the electricity consumption by computers also plays a part.

