2020年12月20日 星期日



 1. 醫學科學家正在實驗一種能使用基因來治療或預防疾病的技術。

Ex. 1: Medical scientists are experimenting with a technique that uses genes to treat or prevent diseases.

Ex. 2: Medical scientists are working on an experimental technique that treats or prevents diseases with genes.


2. 未來,疾病可能不是透過傳統藥物或手術來治癒,而是藉由將基因植入病人的細胞。

Ex. 1: In the future, a disorder might be cured not with traditional drugs or surgery but by having genes inserted into a patient’s cells.

Ex. 2: In the future, doctors might cure a disorder by implanting genes into a patient’s cells rather than using traditional drugs or operations.

二、英文作文 (20%)


Jennifer was riding the MRT to school one day. The car was so crowded with passengers that she had to stand in the aisle, holding on to a handle. Standing behind her was a sunglass-wearing man she didn’t know. Jennifer hadn’t paid any more attention to him than any other passenger, but suddenly, the man put his hand on Jennifer’s shoulder.

Shocked by the contact, Jennifer whirled around and shouted with surprise. She was worried that this strange man had bad intentions. The man jumped back, surprise written all over his face. In response to Jennifer’s sudden outburst, he stammered out that she had dropped her EasyCard and that he wanted to let her know about it. He apologized to her for making her feel uncomfortable and said that he shouldn’t have put his hand on her shoulder. Her outrage evaporating at his apology, Jennifer picked up her card and thanked him for letting her know. After clearing up the misunderstanding, both of them burst out laughing at the embarrassing incident.


Jennifer often takes the MRT when commuting to work because it’s not only convenient but cheap. However, it’s not always safe. One day, Jennifer was taking the MRT home from work. The car was so full that she had to stand. Suddenly, she felt someone touch her shoulder. At first, she thought someone had bumped into her by accident because of the car being crowded. However, she then felt something on another part of her body. Confused, Jennifer looked down. It was a man’s hand!

She turned around quickly, spotting the man behind her snatch his hand away. Shocked, Jennifer pointed at him and shouted, “Don’t touch me!” The other people in the car realized what was happening. Two of them immediately grabbed the attacker to protect Jennifer from him and stop him from getting away. Another told the conductor, who then alerted the police. As soon as the train arrived at the next station, two police officers were waiting to arrest the man. As they took him away, Jennifer felt relieved that the horrible experience was over and thanked those who had assisted her.

