2020年12月20日 星期日


 ■ TOPIC 1:新冠肺炎

coronavirus (n)
新冠病毒;virus (n) 病毒;outbreak (n) 爆發;break out (v) 爆發;abrupt (adj) 突然的;epidemic/ pandemic (adj) 流行的 (n) 流行()coronavirus pandemic 新冠肺炎疫情;plague (n) 瘟疫 (v) 折磨;chaos (n) 混亂;chaotic (adj) 混亂;crisis (n) 危機;disastrous/ catastrophic (adj) 災難性的;spread/ transmit (v) 傳播擴散;spread/ transmission (n) 傳播擴散;transmission route (n) 傳播路徑;spread from person to person:人傳人;mortality/ fatality/ death toll (n) 死亡人數;casualty (n) 傷亡人數;perish (v) 死亡;surge/ soar/ multiply/ hike/ skyrocket (v) 激增;infect sb with (v) 使某人染上某病;sb be infected with 病;contract (v) 感染;infectious/ contagious (adj) 會傳染的/ (情緒上)有感染力的;direct (adj) 直接的;indirect (adj) 間接的;inhale (v) 吸入;exposure to N (n) 暴露在之下;sneeze (v) (n) 噴嚏;cough (v) (n) 咳嗽;droplet (n) 小滴液體/ 飛沫;accumulate (v) 累積;contaminate (v) 汙染;surface (n) 表面 (v) 出現 = emergediagnosis (n) 診斷;人 be diagnosed as ( with) 病:某人被診斷得了某病;acute (adj) 急性的;chronic (adj) 慢性的/ 長期的;mild (adj) 輕微溫和的;severe (adj) 嚴重的;symptom (n) 症狀;have a high fever發高燒;chills (n) 發冷;shortness of breath (n) 呼吸急促;fatigue (n) 疲累;loss of taste or smell:喪失嗅味覺;sore throat:喉嚨痛;runny nose:流鼻水;vomit (v) 嘔吐;persistent (adj) 持續的;chest pain:胸痛;prescribe (v) 開處方簽;prescription (n) 處方簽;treat (v) 治療;urgent/ pressing (adj) 急迫的;desperate (adj) 迫切渴望的;demand for N = need for N:對的需求;treatment/ therapy/ cure/ remedy (n) 治療方法;cure/ heal (v) 治好;remedy (n) 治療方法/ 解決問題的方法 (v) 矯正改善;pharmacy (n) 藥學/ 藥局;facilitate (v) 加速促進;speed/ accelerate (v) 加速;research (v) and develop vaccine 研發疫苗;vaccinate (v) 接種疫苗;be immune to N:對免疫;potential (adj) 可能的 (n) 潛力;break new ground () 突破/ 開創新局;breakthrough (n)大突破;make progress in N:在有所進展;progressive (adj) 漸進的;inject (v) 注射;clinical trial (n) 臨床測試;promising (adj) 有希望的;shield (n) 盾牌 (v) 保護;alert (n) (adj) (v) 警戒;stay alert = be on high alert 保持警戒;alert to N/Ving:警惕某人注意某事;exert caution:發揮警戒;be wary of N (adj) 小心提防的;contain/ curb the spread of the epidemic:抑制遏止流行病的擴散;take precautions / take precautionary measures:採取預防措施; adopt (v) 採用;employ (v) 使用;rigorous/ strict (adj) 嚴格的;approach (n) 方法 + to N/ Vingprocedures of hand washing 洗手程序;cover the mouth and nose with a tissue:用面紙掩住口鼻;cough into your elbow:朝胳臂彎咳嗽;face mask (n) 口罩;block (v) 阻擋;impose A on B (v) A強加在B上;lockdown (n) 封城;ease (v) 放鬆;ease lockdown restrictions:放鬆封城限制;ban/ prohibit/ forbid from Ving:禁止某人做某事;screen (v) 篩選(人才)/ 篩檢(疾病)self-monitor (v) 自我監控;self-isolate (v) 自我隔離;isolation (n) 隔離;quarantine (n) (v) 檢疫;separate (v) 分開分隔;keep/ practice social distancing 保持/ 實施社交距離;carry out N/ implement N/ enforce N:實施執行;deteriorate (v) 惡化;be subject/ vulnerable/ susceptible to N:易受N影響;confront N (v) 遭遇面對N = face N = be confronted with N = be faced with Nbattle against N = fight against N:對抗;battle/ combat (v) 對抗 (n) 戰鬥;take a heavy toll on N:嚴重損害Nimpair N = harm N = do harm to N:損壞Nrecession/ downturn (n) 衰退;outlook/ prospect (n) 前景未來;gloomy (adj) 悲觀憂傷的;wipe out N (v) 消滅;eliminate N:消滅/ 淘汰; go extinct/ die out () 滅絕;vanish (v) 消失;despair (n) 絕望;panic (v) (n) 驚恐;panic buying 搶買;hoard/ stockpile (v) 囤積;toilet paper (n) 衛生紙;sanitation/ hygiene (n) 衛生;deficient/ inadequate (adj) 不足的;stay-at-home economy 宅經濟;misinformation/ misrepresentation (n) 誤傳/ 錯誤訊息;rumor (n) 謠言;circulation (n) (血液)循環/ (消息/ 貨幣)流通;disease’s origin 疾病起源; account (n) 描述 = description = narrative (v) account for N:占多少/ 解釋;be accountable for N = be responsible for N 負責;drink bleach (v) 漂白 (n) 漂白水;bias/ prejudice (n) 偏見;discriminate (v) 歧視/ 分辨;attribute A to B = owe A to B = credit B with A:將A歸因或歸功於Bdisrupt/ disturb (v) 擾亂;disruption/ disturbance (n) 動亂


tragic (adj) 悲劇性的;deadly/ fatal/ lethal (adj) 致命的;emergency (n) 緊急事件;blaze/ flame (n) 火;victim (n) 受害者;inhale (v) 吸入;trap (n) 陷阱 (v) 困住;take 6 lives = claim 6 lives 奪走六條命;pronounce dead 宣布死亡;decease/ perish (v) 死亡;critical (adj) 重要的/ 嚴重的;injure (v) 受傷;injury (n) 受傷;dispatch (v) 派遣;firefighter (n) 消防隊員;rescue (v) (n) 救援;assist (v) 幫助;assistance (n) 幫助;ambulance (n) 救護車;evacuate (v) 撤退;put out/ extinguish (v) 撲滅;bring the fire under control 控制火勢;story (n) 樓層;entertainment (n) 娛樂;venue (n) 地點;recreational facility 娛樂設施;go through N/ undergo N:經歷承受;renovate (v) 整修;alarm (v) (n) 驚恐擔憂 (n) 警報器;detect (v) 偵測;detector (n) 偵測器;automatic (adj) 自動的;sprinkle (v) 噴灑/ 零星散布;broadcast (v) (n) 廣播;sprinkler system 灑水系統;turn off:關(電器)constitute (v) 構成/ 組成;negligence (n) 疏忽;ignorance (n) 無知/ 不知道;offense/ crime (n) 犯罪;preliminary (adj) 初步的;initial (adj) 最初的;look into N/ investigate N/ probe into N:研究調查;routine (n) (adj) 例行(公事)comprehensive (adj) 詳盡全面的;fire safety inspection 火災安全檢查;take N seriously 看重某事;carry out N = implement N:實施;supervise/ oversee (v) 監督;equipment (n) 設備;suspend/ halt (v) 暫停;preserve evidence 保存證據;jump to conclusions 驟下結論;premature (adj) (言之)過早的/ 未成熟的;confirm (v) 確認證實;in response to N 為回應compensate (v) 補償/ 賠償 + for Ninsure (v) 保險;apologize to for 事:為某事向某人道歉;apology (n) 道歉;observe a moment of silence 默哀幾分鐘;mourn for N:為哀悼;regretful (adj) 後悔的/ 遺憾的



■ TOPIC 3:食物外送服務

food delivery service 食物外送服務;deliver worker/ courier/ driver 外送員;digital age 數位時代;business opportunity (n) 商機;rise in demand 需求增加;surge (v) (n) 激增;soar (v) 激增;plunge/ plummet/ slump (v) 暴跌;rapidly/ swiftly (adj) 快速地;drive (v) 驅動 (n) 驅動力;contactless delivery 無接觸遞送;feed (v) (feed -fed—fed)feed on N:以為主食;feast on N:大吃特吃;prompt (adj) 立即的 (v) 促使激起 = trigger/ spur/ propel/ sparknovel (adj) 創新的;turn to A for B:轉向A為了尋求Bpros and cons of NN的優缺點;appeal/ allure (v) (n) 吸引;lie in N/ consist in N:在於convenience (n) 便利性;a great variety of options 眾多選項;intense feelings of hunger 強烈的飢餓感;crave for N /long for N/ yearn for N:渴望;swipe the phone 滑手機;tap and select from the screen 輕點且從螢幕選擇;place an order 下訂單;dispatch (v) 派送;track the route 追蹤路徑;add notes to the chef 留言給廚師;reschedule (v) 重新安排;coupon (n) 折價券;under enormous pressure 承受巨大壓力;punctual (adj) 準時的;work overtime 超時工作;speeding (n) 速;charge (v) (n) 收費;tip (n) 小費;delivery minimum 最低外送金額;speedy (adj) 快速的;strike a balance between A and B:在AB之間取得平衡;register on the platform 在平台上註冊;partner (n) 夥伴 (v) 結盟合作;visibility (n) 能見度;publicity/ exposure (n) 宣傳曝光;boost (v) 提升;income/ revenue (n) 收入;jump on the bandwagon 跟上潮流;approximately/ roughly (adv) 大約大概地;beneficial (adj) 有益的;prosper/ thrive/ bloom/ boom/ blossom/ flourish (v) 蓬勃發展

AI/ 機器人/ 失業/ 對未來世界的想像

artificial intelligence (n) 人工智慧;advanced/ cutting edge/ state-of-the-art (adj) 先進的;occupation/ profession/ career (n) 職業;affect/ impact/ influence (v) + N = have an effect/ impact/ influence + on N 影響;recruit (v) 招募;employ/ hire (v) 雇用;employment (n) 雇用;unemployment (n) 失業;unemployed (adj) 失業的;employer (n) 雇主;employee (n) 員工;staff/ personnel (n) 全體員工;labor cost 人力成本;salary/ wage/ pay (n) 薪水; high-paying (adj) 高薪的;needy (adj) 貧窮的;poverty (n) 貧窮;adopt (v) 採用/ 領養;install (v) 安裝;robot (n) 機器人;robotic (adj) 機器人的;replace A with B/ substitute A for B (v) 取代;materialize (v) 實現;take over 接手/ 接管;automation (n) 自動化;prevail (v) 戰勝/ 普遍盛行;prevalent/ widespread (adj) 普遍盛行的;indispensable (adj) 不可或缺的;inevitable (adj) 無可避免的;unprecedented (adj) 史無前例的;trend/ fad/ craze (n) 風潮;phenomenon (n) 現象/ 轟動的人事物;sensation (n) 感覺/ 轟動的人事物;phenomenal (adj) 出色的;sensational (adj) 轟動的;productive (adj) 有生產力的;rob sb of N = strip sb of N = deprive sb of N:剝奪某人某物;oddslikelihood/ possibility (n) 可能性;be likely(/unlikely) to V原:()可能;invade/ intrude (v) 入侵;invasion (n) 入侵;blow (n) 打擊;destroy/ ravage/ ruin (v) 摧毀;workforce (n) 勞動力;workplace (n) 職場;job market 就業市場;pessimistic (adj) 悲觀的;gloomy (adj) 沮喪的(=discouraging)/ 黯淡的 (=bleak)promising (adj) 充滿希望的;pressing/ urgent (adj) 急迫的;outlook/ prospect (n) 前景;categorize/ classify (v) 分類;repetitive (adj) 重複的;pose great challenge/ threat to N 造成很大的挑戰/威脅;intact (adj) 不受影響的;advocate (v) (n) 鼓吹支持()compete/ rival (v) 競爭;barrier/ obstacle (n) 障礙 + to Nfeedback (n) 回應;intuition (n) 直覺;originality/ ingenuity/ creativity (n) 創意;empathy (n) 同理心;sympathy (n) 同情心;impersonal (adj) 客觀的(=objective/ neutral)/ 冷淡沒有人味的(= indifferent)/ driverless cars 自駕車;unmanned shop無店員的商店;eliminate checkout lines消除結帳隊伍;scan (v) (n) 掃描;shelf (n) 貨架;keeps track of N:追蹤;cart (n) 購物推車

:塑膠垃圾 / 限塑

plastic waste 塑膠垃圾;plastic pollution 塑膠汙染;pollute/ contaminate (v) 汙染;nonbiodegradable (adj) 無法生物分解的;burden (n) 負擔;persist (v) 持續;discard/ dump/ litter (v) 丟;dispose of N:丟掉/ 處理;disposable (adj) 拋棄式的;durable (adj) 持久耐用的;break down (v) 分解/ 壞掉;incorporate/ integrate A into B:將A併入 Bfood chain 食物鏈.ingest (v) 攝取;digest (v) 消化;clog/ block (v) 堵塞;landfill/ junk yard 垃圾場;marine (adj) 海洋的;introduce (v) 引進/ 介紹;sound the alarm 拉警報;a wake-up call 一記警鐘(即:該注意了)choke (v) 使窒息;practical/ feasible/ viable (adj) 實際可行的;spoil (v) 腐敗/ 破壞/ 寵壞;renewable (adj) 再生的;break our addiction to plastics 破除塑膠成癮;shift (v) (n) 改變;ease/ relieve/ alleviate (v) 減輕舒緩;explosive (adj) 爆炸()/ 激增的;ban N/ prohibit N (from Ving)/ impose a ban on N:禁止;straw (n) 吸管/ 稻草;utensil (n) 器具;bottled water 瓶裝水;outright/ straight/ directly (adv) 直接地;convert A into B/ transform A into B:把A轉變成Btextile (n) 織品;recycled fiber (n) 再生纖維;solitary (adj) 孤獨的;launch (v) 發動/ 展開;prototype (n) 雛形;apply to N:運用於take effect / come into force生效;aim/ goal/ object/ objective (n) 目標;certify(v) 頒給證書;request (v) appeal to N (n) 請求;call for N (v) 呼籲;plastic-free (adj) 沒有塑膠的;discourage/ deter from Ving:阻止某人做某事;cosmetics (n) 化妝品;detergent (n) 清潔劑;microplastic beads (n) 柔珠

