2021年4月2日 星期五

Reading 6.10解答

 Comprehension Check

1 C  2 B  3 C  4 D


Patterns in Use



2 If only I had taken my father’s advice.

3 If only Mary were rich, she could afford a mansion.

4 If only I understood Japanese, I could read the note that Ryoko wrote me.

5 If only Brad had known the company was going to go out of business, he wouldn’t have invested his money in it.




2 It is wonderful that the campus itself offers many chances to take part in these activities.

3 it is normal that you may be uncertain about your choices and want to make a change

4 it is important that you must have goals

5 It is crucial that you should spend time building relationships.


Extra Exercise


1 It was unfortunate that the ancient temple collapsed in the earthquake.

2 If only I had had a chance to visit it before this!


1 If only the player had not gotten injured in the game, he would/could have led his team to victory.

2 It was understandable that the team’s fans were upset about the team’s loss.


1 It is surprising that John won a free air ticket to Paris.

2 If only I were as lucky as he is!


Writing Hands-on


Most people would probably agree that the Internet was the most amazing breakthrough of the 20th century. Our lives have changed dramatically because of it.

Before the invention of the Internet, letters were written with pens on paper. People could only send audio messages by phone, or used telegrams for urgent messages. Students looked up new words in dictionaries they took down from a bookshelf. Public libraries were the places where people went to find information they needed. Moreover, thirty years ago, everything you read was hard copy.

However, the Internet has changed people’s habits and social behavior patterns. Letters have been replaced by e­mail. People can talk and share pictures through numerous free communicative applications such as Line and Skype without paying any fees. Furthermore, it is not just individuals who can communicate. There are all sorts of information sources that anyone can use for free, making the Internet a rich source of knowledge and information for anyone who has access to it. This must be what Laozi meant when he said: “A scholar does not step outside his gate, yet he knows all the happenings under the sun.” As for books, electronic editions are available for most magazines and books, which spares a lot of trees. With all the conveniences, could people today even consider going back to the life of three decades ago?


