2021年5月29日 星期六

Reading Smart I Test 6

 EliteABC  Reading Smart (Intermediate) Test 6 Section 2: Units 03-04 得分:_______

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Part I. GrammarVocabulary (40)

(   ) 1. You should wear a _____ shirt and pants to reduce the chance of being bitten by mosquitoes.

(A) longing-sleeve (B) longed-sleeve  (C) long-sleeved       (D) long-sleeves

(   ) 2. She wanted the boots in a size 6, but _____, they were sold out.

(A) organically   (B) unfortunately      (C) conventionally    (D) quarterly

(   ) 3. We need to _____ our monthly usage of water and electricity.

(A) decrease       (B) speckle                (C) compile               (D) defend

(   ) 4. One big threat to the environment is _____ of all kinds, including air, water, and land.

(A) invention      (B) convention          (C) pollution             (D) nutrition

(   ) 5. People from all walks of life _____ to the success of the charity event.

(A) boasted         (B) contributed          (C) objected              (D) participated

(   ) 6. Without a strong military to protect its borders, the nation is _____ invasion from its neighbors.

(A) in favor of    (B) on behalf of        (C) by way of            (D) at risk of

(   ) 7. My brother told me a lot about Matthew. _____, he’s a man we can trust.

(A) In the meantime (B) To sum up     (C) That is to say      (D) At the same time

(   ) 8. We _____ our original plan because it had the potential to be the most effective.

(A) stuck with           (B) checked in    (C) held back            (D) packed up

(   ) 9. Don't forget to bring the dress to the store today. _____, they'll let you exchange it.

(A) Orally                 (B) Vastly           (C) Initially               (D) Hopefully

(   ) 10. Iron is one _____ that your body needs in order to function properly.

(A) habitat                 (B) larva             (C) mineral                (D) glare


Part II. Fill-in-the-Blank (40)

(A) essentially    (B) artificial        (C) favorable      (D) toxic             (E) fiction

(F) sustainability (G) breeding       (H) conserve       (I) thrives           (J) content

(   ) 11. The presence of _____ light prevents fireflies from finding potential mates and reproducing.

(   ) 12. The drink was taken off the shelves after it was found to contain _____ substances.

(   ) 13. The _____ of urban gardens that give back to the community is what has made them so popular.

(   ) 14. During their _____ season, salmon swim for miles to return to the rivers where they were born.

(   ) 15. Louis has remained _____ the same since the last time I saw him.

(   ) 16. _____ environments for snails and earthworms are being developed out of ponds and grasslands.

(   ) 17. Benjamin evaluated the _____ of each textbook before deciding on which one to buy.

(   ) 18. To _____ water, you should take showers instead of baths.

(   ) 19. This type of plant _____ in harsh winter climates.

(   ) 20. Shakespeare wrote some of the greatest _____ of all time.


Part III. Reading Comprehension (20%)

Buying organic fruits and vegetables is a growing trend these days. They are promoted as having more nutritional value than regular produce. Plus, growing them is supposed to be gentler on the environment since pesticides and chemical fertilizers are not used. All these reasons are used to defend their high price tags.

Not all the hype around organic foods should be taken at face value. In regard to the nutritional content of organic produce, there's actually very little difference from that of traditionally grown produce. According to a recent US study, both contain about the same amounts of vitamins and minerals. As for the eco-friendly aspect, organically grown foods are far from sustainable. More land is required with organic growing methods than conventional ones to produce the same volume of food. Lastly, when it comes to being pesticide-free, it's not 100 percent true for all organically grown produce. However, the study did reveal the chance of finding pesticides in it was 30 percent less than in regular produce.

When all is said and done, information about the advantages of organic produce isn't crystal clear. Therefore, it boils down to whether you as a consumer buy into the hype. Whatever you choose, do so wisely and stay healthy.

(   ) 21. Which of the following is listed in the article as a promoted benefit of buying organic fruit?

(A) They provide more nutrition than regular produce.

(B) They cost less than regular produce.

(C) They require less land to grow than regular produce.

(D) They consume less water than regular produce.

(   ) 22. According to the study in the article, what are people 30 percent less likely to do?

(A) Buy regular produce over organic produce

(B) Find pesticides in organic produce versus regular produce

(C) Grow organic produce as opposed to regular produce

(D) Visit regular produce farms than organic produce farms

(   ) 23. Which of the following phrases is synonymous with "when all is said and done"?

(A) In the end                             (B) You can say that again

(C) Easier said than done            (D) Get something over and done with

(   ) 24. What is the author's opinion about organic produce?

(A) She wholeheartedly supports buying organic produce.

(B) She believes consumers should only buy organic produce from trusted vendors.

(C) She doesn't believe in its hype, but she encourages readers to make their own mind.

(D) She disagrees with those who believe organic produce is a scam.

