2021年6月26日 星期六

L4: T41~T42


Test 41: Unit 41

        1.   A little red wine may help improve your blood _____. But remember, don't drink too much.
(A) circulation               (B) reluctance            (C) readiness              (D) accent

        2.   An increasing number of Mr. White's political enemies _____ the prime minister as a weak leader.
(A) retreat                      (B) explode                (C) surrender              (D) portray

        3.   Like most children in our country, I went to _____ schoo1 at the age of six.
(A) damp                        (B) elementary           (C) instinctive            (D) dynamic

        4.   While some of my friends are _____ photographers, I'm a professional.
(A) amateur                    (B) mild                     (C) memorial              (D) oval

        5.   Mr. Yamamoto speaks English with a strong Japanese _____, but he is a good interpreter.
(A) cruelty                      (B) rescue                   (C) accent                   (D) fury

        6.   In contrast to the northern provinces, this southern province has a _____ winter and lower rainfall.
(A) mild                         (B) global                   (C) prosperous            (D) pebble

        7.   I only caught a _____ of the animal, but I 'm pretty sure it was a squirrel.
(A) profit                        (B) rage                      (C) glimpse                (D) scratch

        8.   When the great doctor died, a _____ hospital was built in his honor.
(A) circular                    (B) memorial             (C) reluctant               (D) intermediate

        9.   Ted is facing bankruptcy and is naturally hoping some friends will come to his _____.
(A) frown                       (B) instinct                 (C) circulation            (D) rescue

     10.   In times of _____, it is easy for people to find jobs or make money.
(A) prosperity                (B) margin                  (C) pronunciation       (D) accent

     11.   After staying in the room for two hours, the children became _____ and wanted to get out of it.
(A) restless                     (B) amateur                (C) marginal               (D) damp

     12.   Thanks to the Internet, shopping online is now all the _____.
(A) fury                          (B) cruelty                  (C) rage                      (D) explosion

     13.   After three years of hiding and fighting, the rebel forces finally _____ to the government.
(A) pronounced              (B) surrendered          (C) retreated               (D) exploded

     14.   Birds build their nests _____. They don't have to learn it.
(A) by instinct                (B) at will                   (C) for free                 (D) on demand

     15.   Although getting divorced has become increasingly common, many people still _____ it.
(A) feed on                     (B) focus on               (C) frown on               (D) fix on

                        16. While many people came to help John, Julia was r_______t to give a hand.

                        17. Although well over 50, this actor has fans everywhere. His p_______y has never waned.

                        18. On his way to work today, David escaped a car accident by a narrow m_______n.

                        19. I felt cold and d_______p sleeping in the tent because it kept raining all night.

                        20. Believe it or not, the successful businessman started his business from s_______h.

If we take a   (21)   into the lives of teenagers, we will find that they worry about many different things. They feel   (22)   because of homework and assignments. They also worry about their decreasing   (23)  . In high school, people can be popular for many reasons . It might be because of their   (24)   that they are popular . But there are some who might be popular because of their   (25)   and bad behavior . If you are faced with a choice between being popular and being nice , I hope you choose to be nice . Although mean people can get a lot of attention , they usually do not have many good friends .

(A) goodness   (B) frustrated   (C) glimpse   (D) cruelty   (E) popularity

21.           22.            23.            24.             25.      

Test 42: Unit 42

        1.   _____ rain, caused by pollution in the air, harms crops and damages the environment.
(A) Acid                         (B) Frost                     (C) Plural                    (D) Arch

        2.   When Irene asked him why she did not get a raise, Tony just _____ his shoulders.
(A) tolerated                   (B) disguised              (C) shrugged               (D) recited

        3.   While my daughter is not very good at math, she is exceptionally _____ schoo1 in music.
(A) examined                 (B) gifted                   (C) imitated                (D) singular

        4.   George wants to retire from the army, _____ before he is fifty.
(A) preferably                (B) brutally                (C) hastily                  (D) tolerantly

        5.   If you want to, you may _____ such games from the Internet for free.
(A) motivate                   (B) hasten                   (C) download              (D) enclose

        6.   France seems to be the third country to have launched an artificial _____ into space.
(A) ingredient                (B) satellite                (C) sunlight                (D) walnut

        7.   Perhaps we should be more _____ of people who disagree with our political ideas.
(A) preferable                (B) photographic        (C) brutal                    (D) tolerant

        8.   Our food products contain only natural _____. There are no additives in them.
(A) ingredients               (B) motivations          (C) containers             (D) examiners

        9.   Amy _____ a recent photo of her with the letter to her boyfriend, who was in the army.
(A) imitated                   (B) recited                  (C) enclosed               (D) disguised

     10.   The senator is one of the most _____ figures in the US government, according to a survey.
(A) plural                       (B) influential            (C) misty                    (D) smoggy

     11.   My older brother is really into _____. He enjoys going everywhere to take pictures.
(A) photography             (B) brutality               (C) motivation            (D) pessimism

     12.   Encouraging words or acts can often _____ employees to work harder in a business.
(A) imitate                     (B) recite                    (C) tolerate                 (D) motivate

     13.   A lot of foreigners are making investments in that country because they are _____ about its future.
(A) pessimistic               (B) optimistic             (C) tolerant                 (D) misty

     14.   Important decisions should not be made _____. They should be made after careful consideration.
(A) in time                      (B) on schedule          (C) in haste                 (D) on site

     15.   The TV celebrity often went out _____ to avoid being stalked by the paparazzi.
(A) at will                       (B) in turn                  (C) at random             (D) in disguise

                        16. My wife never gets a perm. Her hair has a natural c_______l.

                        17. The government was accused of b_______l treatment of prisoners of war.

                        18. A lot of educators and linguists believe children learn language by i_______n.

                        19. At the age of seven, the child could r_______e more than one hundred poems.

                        20. Nobody takes what Jim says seriously because he always talks n_______e.

One day, Larry visited his grandmother. She asked him to help her move some boxes into an extra bedroom that she didn't use anymore, while he was in there, Larry found an old interesting   (21)   with a letter in it. He opened the letter and found that many photos had been.   (22)   inside. His grandmother told him they were all pictures of his   (23)   who had lived long before. Finding the old pictures was a very   (24)   experience. Afterwards, Larry became very interested in learning more about his family 's history. He also became interested in   (25)   and took many pictures of his relatives.

(A) container   (B) influential   (C) enclosed   (D) ancestors   (E) photography

21.           22.            23.            24.             25.      

