2021年6月5日 星期六

Reading 5.1


Unit 1  See for Yourself (親自看看)


Eric Chen, a twenty­year­old college ([`kAlIdZ] n. [U]學院,大學) student from Taiwan, has joined Work and Travel USA (美國暑期工讀旅遊). He has been working in Florida (佛羅里達州) as a waiter in a buffet (自助餐) restaurant for three weeks, performing duties that include refilling trays ([tre] n. [C]托盤) and cleaning tables. Tedious ([`tidI1s] adj.單調乏味的) as it seems, the job has enabled Eric to have some unique experiences. For example, there is a regular customer who likes to practice Mandarin with him. Also, an elegant ([`El1G1nt] adj.優雅的,典雅的n. [C]灑出量,溢出量) woman once comforted him after he accidentally spilled ([spIl] vt.使灑出,使潑出) salad dressing (沙拉醬[`drEsI9] n. [U][C] 調味醬,調料) all over her clothes. What’s more, every day before the restaurant opens, Eric sits with his colleagues ([`kA&liG] n. [C]同事,同僚) and eats the meal prepared specifically for them by the chef. This helps Eric save money so that he can afford to visit some of the local tourist attractions on weekends.

There is also Pamela Tsai, who has just graduated ([`Gr8dZ5&et] vi.畢業[`Gr8d51t] n. [C] 畢業生graduation [&Gr8dZ5`eS1n] n.[U]畢業) from university and is visiting Australia on an Australia Working Holiday Visa (澳洲打工度假簽證). Currently, she is working at a peach orchard ([`OrtS2d] n. [C]果園) near Melbourne (墨爾本). Before this, she worked at three other jobs in Australia: One was packaging lobster, another was pruning ([prun] vt.修剪 (樹枝)) grape vines ([vaIn] n. [C]藤,藤蔓), and the other was repairing skis. Pamela likes Australia’s relaxed atmosphere, but by and large (大體上,一般而言) the job she is doing now is not easy. From 7 a.m. to 3 p.m., she works under the blazing ([`blezI9] adj.炎熱的,炙熱的blaze [blez] vi.熊熊燃燒n. [C] (usu. sing.)大火,烈火) sun, reaching up to pick fruit and bending ([bEnd] vi. (bent | bent | bending)彎腰,傾身轉彎,拐彎n. [C]拐彎,彎道) down to place the fruit into buckets. Like many other working holiday travelers at the orchard, Pamela lives in an on­site (adj.實地的,在現場的) caravan (`k8r1&v8n] n. [C]旅行拖車) park, which provides backpackers with basic accommodations. After this job, she will go on a tour of the Great Ocean Road (大洋路) and then fly to the Gold Coast (黃金海岸) to enjoy the beaches and sunshine there.

It goes without saying that (不用說,顯而易見) before Eric and Pamela set off (動身,啟程) on their journeys, they had done a lot of research to find out the details of these programs they took part in. Work and Travel USA, for instance, is open to students aged between 18 and 28. Employers who are in cooperation ([ko&Ap1`reS1n] n. [U]合作,協作cooperate [ko`Ap1&ret] vi. 合作,協作cooperative [ko`Ap1&r1tIv] adj. 合作的) with the program first examine the personal information and résumés ([&rEz1`me] n. [C]履歷,簡歷) of applicants ([`8plIk1nt] n. [C]申請人), and then those applicants who are qualified will have an interview with the program manager. Although students who possess a certain level of proficiency ([pr1`fIS1nsI] n. [U]熟練,精通) in English have the upper hand (優勢), what matters most is enthusiasm and a willingness to share and communicate. This is what Eric discovered before he decided to participate in this program.

As for Pamela, a 21­year­old woman who is fond of natural beauty and cares about the environment, Australia was her first choice. As a result, she googled ([`GuGL] vt. n. () 谷歌公司) “working holiday in Australia” to learn more about living and working there. She learned that people between 18 and 30 are eligible ([`ElIdZ1bL] adj.合格的,有資格的) to apply for the Australia Working Holiday Visa. She also learned that if she got a job there, she could earn some money to supplement ([`s^pl1&mEnt] vt.補充,增補n. [C]補充品,補給品) her funds while traveling around Australia during the twelve months on this visa.

Programs like Work and Travel USA and Working Holiday encourage youngsters ([`j^9st2] n. [C]少年) to explore the globe ([Glob] n. sing. (the )地球n. [C]地球儀global [`GlobL] adj.全球的,全世界的). In addition to making money and gaining valuable work experience, young people who take part in these programs can also broaden ([`brOdN] vt.增長 (知識、經驗等)使變寬) their horizons ([h1`raIzNz] n. pl.眼界,視野n. sing. (the ) 地平線horizontal [&hOrI`zAntL] adj.水平的,橫的), get a real taste of foreign cultures, and enhance ([In`h8ns] vt.提高,增強enhancement [In`h8nsm1nt] n. [U] 提高,增強) their ability to solve problems. However, without fully understanding what participation in these programs involves or without a positive attitude, a memorable, worthwhile ([&w3T`(h)waIl] adj.值得 (花金錢、時間、精力) ) trip is less likely. Anyone interested in joining one of these programs should gear up (做好準備) for hard work, unexpected situations, and even challenging problems, like racial ([`reS1l] adj.種族的race [res] n. [C]種族) discrimination ([dI&skrImI`neS1n] n. [U]歧視discriminate [dI`skrImI&net] vi.歧視). When you are both physically and mentally ready, you can go and see for yourself just how amazing the world is.

—Amy Rashap

Comprehension Check

Choose the correct answer to each question or statement.

(  ) 1. The main purpose of the reading is to ________.

(A) show readers many different ways to travel

(B) place an advertisement for working overseas

(C) inform readers of a new way to learn a language

(D) introduce two programs of work and travel abroad

(  ) 2. According to the reading, which of the following statements is true?

(A) People will never face racial discrimination during a working holiday.

(B) Eric has to work for a long time every day, even including weekends.

(C) The programs mentioned in the reading help one to develop a global perspective.

(D) Without a positive attitude, working holiday travelers can still enjoy a pleasant trip.

(  ) 3. According to the reading, Pamela did NOT work in ________ when she was in Australia.

(A) a buffet restaurant

(B) a vineyard

(C) a ski resort (滑雪勝地)

(D) a food factory

(  ) 4. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the reading?

(A) Certain benefits that working holiday travelers may enjoy.

(B) Jobs that are open to the aged who want to explore the world.

(C) Some requirements that working holiday applicants must fulfill.

(D) What working holiday travelers should be mentally prepared for.

 Comprehension Check

1 D 2 C  3 A  4 B

Word File

I. The prefix “co­”

The prefix co­ is put at the beginning of a verb, a noun, or an adjective. It means together with someone or something or sharing responsibility or a job with someone. Sometimes, there is a hyphen after this prefix.

operate cooperate

star co­star

writer co­writer

exist coexist

owner co­owner

educational coeducational

II. Common Kitchen Utensils (用具)

tray 托盤

whisk 攪拌器

pan 平底鍋

rolling pin 桿麵棍

measuring cup 量杯

cutting board 砧板

hot mitt 隔熱手套

corkscrew 軟木塞拔


Patterns in Use

1  Although + S1 + be + adj./V1 + adv., S2+ V2

→ Adj./Adv.+ as + S1+ be/V1, S2+ V2


Although the job seems tedious, it has enabled Eric to have some unique experiences.

Tedious as it seems, the job has enabled Eric to have some unique experiences.

Although I walk quietly, the sleeping baby was still awakened by me.

Quietly as I walked, the sleeping baby was still awakened by me.

Although the boy was starving, he gave his only piece of bread to the poor old woman.

Starving as he was, the boy gave his only piece of bread to the poor old woman.


Rewrite the following sentences by using the patterns on page 15. The first one has been done for you.

1. Although Mandy is short, she still plays basketball very well.

Short as she is, Mandy still plays basketball very well.

2. Although Edmund ran fast, he didn’t win the race.

→ ___________________________________________________________________________

3. Although the concert tickets were expensive, they sold out within an hour.

→ ___________________________________________________________________________

4. Although the weather was severe, the rescue team still set out to search for the missing child.

→ ___________________________________________________________________________

5. Although his parents strongly disagreed with his career choice, Danny remained determined to become an actor.

→ ___________________________________________________________________________

 Patterns in Use



1 Fast as he ran, Edmund didn’t win the race.

2 Expensive as they were, the concert tickets sold out within an hour.

3 Severe as the weather was, the rescue team still set out to search for the missing child.

4 Strongly as his parents disagreed with his career choice, Danny remained determined to become an actor.

2  one . . . the other(s) . . .

one . . . another . . . the other(s) . . .


Pamela worked at three other jobs in Australia: One was packaging lobster, another was pruning grape vines, and the other was repairing skis.

Both of my sisters are working overseas. One is working in Germany, and the other is working in Canada.

Look at all of the goldfish in the tank. One is red, and the others are orange.


The following passage is about the advantages and disadvantages of going on a working holiday. Complete the passage by using the information given in the box below and the patterns on page 16.

Things required for traveling overseas for a long period

The courage to spend months abroad.

A sufficient amount of money.

Advantages of a working holiday

Paying for your traveling expenses.

Enhancing your résumé.

Broadening your horizons.

Disadvantages of a working holiday

Related to work.

Involving your personal expectations.

Possible difficulties of a working holiday

The language barrier.

The job­seeking process.

Local resistance to hiring foreign workers.

Traveling overseas for a long period sounds exciting to many. To realize this dream, however, two things are required. 1________________________ Going on a working holiday might be the right choice. Yet, before making a decision about this, you must think carefully about both the advantages and the disadvantages.

When it comes to the advantages of a working holiday, there are three major ones. 2________________________ The experience of going on a working holiday will definitely give you a new viewpoint on the world.

As for the disadvantages, there are a few. 3________________________ Finding a job in a foreign country is not always easy. Usually, there are three difficulties you may run into. 4________________________ Even after getting a job, you may feel at times that the situation is different from what you thought it would be.

Going on a working holiday is not always the best idea for everyone. Weigh up the advantages and disadvantages before you buy your ticket!



1 One is the courage to spend months abroad, and the other is a sufficient amount of money.

2 One is paying for your traveling expenses, another is enhancing your résumé, and the other is broadening your horizons.

3 One is related to work, and the others involve your personal expectations.

4 One is the language barrier, another is the job­seeking process, and the other is local resistance to hiring foreign workers.

Extra Exercise:

Translate the following pairs of Chinese sentences into English by using the patterns on pages 15 and 16.


1. 雖然我昨晚很累,我仍然花了一些時間寫了三封信。

→ __________________________________________________________________________

2. 一封是給我最好的朋友,另一封是給一位老同事,還有一封是給我大學時的朋友。

→ __________________________________________________________________________


1. 雖然顧客們小聲地抱怨餐廳,他們還是被老闆無意間聽到了。

→ __________________________________________________________________________

2. 一個抱怨是關於食物不新鮮,其它的抱怨全都是關於服務不周到。

→ __________________________________________________________________________


1. 我家鄰居的雙胞胎兒子一個住在法國,另一個住在日本。

→ __________________________________________________________________________

2. 雖然他們離得很遠,卻仍盡量保持聯繫。

→ __________________________________________________________________________

 Extra Exercise


1 Exhausted as I was last night, I still spent some time writing three letters.

2 One was to my best friend, another was to an old colleague of mine, and the other was to a friend from college.


1 Quietly as they complained about the restaurant, the customers were still overheard by the owner.

2 One complaint was about the stale food, and the others were all about the poor service.


1 One of my neighbor’s twin sons lives in France, and the other lives in Japan.

2 Far apart as they live/are, they still do their best to keep in touch with each other.

Writing Hands-on

Problems and Solutions: Part I

In general, a problem­solving essay begins with a problem, then comes up with possible solutions, and ends with the conclusion. The problem may be a dilemma (左右為難), a conflict, a difficult task, or an obstacle to be overcome. Problems occur in every aspect of life, ranging from personal matters, like how to improve one’s English, to global concerns, such as climate change. Where there are problems, solutions need to be found.


In the reading, Pamela is fond of natural beauty and cares about the environment. She enjoys traveling abroad. However, she has to have enough money to realize her dream.

1. Based on the information above, what are some possible solutions to her problem?

She can work and save up the money.

She can take part in programs like Working Holiday or Work and Travel USA.

2. What are the possible outcomes?

She will make some money and realize her dream.

She will gain valuable work experience.

She will broaden her horizons, get a real taste of foreign cultures, and enhance her ability to solve problems.


Write down three possible solutions for each of the following problems. The first one has been done for you.

1. Some species are in danger of extinction.

a. The government should set up reservations for rare species.

b. Laws with punishments for those who kill or hurt rare animals or plants need to be made.

c. Large numbers of people should be kept from going into the habitats of endangered species.

2. Pollution problems are getting worse and worse.

a. ____________________________________________________________________________

b. ____________________________________________________________________________

c. ____________________________________________________________________________

3. There are some communication gaps between teenagers and their parents.

a. ____________________________________________________________________________

b. ____________________________________________________________________________

c. ____________________________________________________________________________

4. The birth rate in Taiwan is decreasing drastically.

a. ____________________________________________________________________________

b. ____________________________________________________________________________

c. ____________________________________________________________________________


2 a Lawmakers should make laws to heavily fine companies whose factories produce air or water pollution.

b People should not be allowed to make too much noise.

c Give recognition to the towns and cities that do the best job of recycling.

3 a Communication must be improved.

b You and your parents should take part in more outdoor activities together.

c If the conflict becomes serious or the problem persists, ask experts for help.

4 a Free childcare services can be made available.

b The government can offer subsidies to the family from the birth of the baby until age ten.

  c The government can offer a discount on electricity, water, and gas bills to families with children under ten years of age.

Extra Reading

Travel First, Then Work?

A working holiday is a fantastic way to get to know a different culture firsthand, and it also provides the means to stay in that country longer. But, do you plan to hit the job market immediately, or do you think it would be better to travel a bit first before you settle on a place?

This is a common subject of discussion heard among those heading overseas to work. Why? The reason is that people start working right away might end up not being able to do as much travel as those who travel first. They may simply leave when the time is up, head home, and then regret not having taken advantage of the opportunity when they had it.

What kind of problems might one run into by starting work first? Going overseas with the option of working means it is not necessary to save such a large sum of money. This could help to make travel happen sooner for those with itchy feet, or who just want to get away from their everyday lives. This option is perfect for a change of pace. However, without proper planning, it could mean that you don’t see much outside of your workplace.

What I have found is that I often get comfortable with my routine in whichever city I set up in. I get a place to live, find some friends to hang out with, and I work. Normal life plans may just get in the way of weekend excursions. Routine is a sneaky sort of time thief, making it hard to be able to head out on a trip without the spur of the moment. You know the type of situation: a friend’s birthday party next weekend followed by a concert you want to attend. That leaves only one day to travel, and what’s the use of going away if it’s just for a day?

Another problem with going right to work is keeping your hands off your travel budget in meeting your living expenses. You may have put aside a certain amount of money for your Australian travels, for example, but while working you dip into your travel budget now and then in order to make ends meet. It may only be a bit here and there, but it can quickly add up, leaving you with significantly less funds available for travel.

I have not heard much about the drawbacks of traveling first and then working, but I’m assuming it could happen. If you spend too much time traveling before you start working, you might find yourself without sufficient money to get you into an apartment or a hostel. Lack of living expenses or a place to live could force you to return home earlier than you had intended.

Finally, don’t fall into the trap of thinking you have seen all there is to see in a country after just a bit of travel. It is possible that wanderlust will get the best of you, and instead of settling down in a city for some time to work, you might just decide to head to a different country. There is nothing wrong with this, but you will miss out on some really amazing experiences by not trying your hand at “living” abroad.

Is there a right or wrong answer to this debate? I don’t think so. But what do you think about it? Everyone’s situation is always going to be a bit different, and getting feedback from others helps us to make decisions suitable to our own needs and wants.

Brooke Schoenman

Comprehension Check

Choose the correct answer to each question.

(  ) 1. According to the passage, what is the advantage of traveling abroad with a job option?

(A) Relieving an itch on the feet.

(B) Getting used to life overseas sooner.

(C) Not having to save much money beforehand.

(D) Being able to make appropriate plans more easily.

(  ) 2. What does the author mean by “Routine is a sneaky sort of time thief”?

(A) Once you start living and working in a place, you are less likely to take trips.

(B) Adjusting yourself to a routine in a new country helps carry out your travel plans.

(C) If you want to know more about a country, you have to make traveling a part of your routine.

(D) You will end up traveling very little if you don’t save enough money during your routine job.

(  ) 3. Which of the following statements about working holidays is true?

(A) One’s daily living expenses are likely to eat away at travel funds when one chooses to travel first.

(B) Some people regret choosing to work first because they are taken advantage of by their employers.

(C) Those who just travel for a short time instead of staying and working in a country may run out of money sooner.

(D) Working holidays are popular because they allow people to experience foreign cultures and stay abroad longer.

(  ) 4. What can we infer from this passage?

(A) While getting used to work and life abroad, one tends to explore more.

(B) Although everyone wants something different, traveling first is apparently the better choice.

(C) Working before traveling is the more popular choice because most people want to add more to travel budget.

(D) Before setting off, one should consult other travelers about their experiences in order to choose the best arrangement.

Extra Reading

Comprehension Check

1 C  2 A  3 D  4 D

