2021年7月10日 星期六

Topic Translation U6: Food


Unit 06 Food



1.1 俗語說的好,早餐是一天最重要的一餐。(well goes the saying俗語說的好)

1.2 根據研究,不吃早餐會增加變肥胖的機會。(skip 略過,漏掉; obese 肥胖的)

Fast food

2.1 長期吃太多速食會對我們的身體造成傷害,因為速食含有過量的脂肪和膽固醇。(contain 包含; excessive 過量的; cholesterol 膽固醇)

2.2 此外,速食也缺少許多我們身體所需要的營養物,像維生素和礦物質。(lack 缺少)

Taiwanese cuisine

3.1 到臺灣旅遊一定要去參觀當地夜市才算完整。(no… without… 一定要…; night market 夜市)

3.2 在那裡你能品僧傳統臺灣美食還有許多新的異國佳餚。(as well as… 還有…; exotic 異國的)

Spicy food

4.1 每次我吃辣的食物,我舌頭就會腫起來而且我會流汗不止。(swell )

4.2 這就是為什麼我避免吃像是韓國泡菜和辣椒等辣的食物。

Dining out

5.1 在特殊場合,我的家人喜歡去高檔餐廳或吃到飽餐廳用餐。(occasions 場合)

5.2 可口的飯菜和美好的氣氛總是讓那些夜晚值得回憶。(be worth + N / V-ing 值得的)

Well-balanced diet

6.1 說到過健康的生活,沒有什麼比均衡飲食更重要的。(when it comes to + N / V-ing 說到)

6.2 均衡的飲食指的是攝取正確種類和數量的食物來供給營養和活力。(supply 供給)

Culinary art

7.1 直到年過半百,她才精通廚藝。

7.2 在專業主廚的指導下,她學會了如何準備大餐。(under the guidance of… 在…的指導之下)

Unit 06 Answers

 1.1 Well goes the saying, "Breakfast is the most important meal of the day."

1.2 According to studies, skipping breakfast increases the chances of becoming obese.


2.1 Eating too much fast food does harm to our bodies because fast food contains excessive fat and cholesterol.

2.2 Moreover / In addition / Besides, fast food also lacks many (of the) nutrients that our bodies need, such as vitamins and minerals.


3.1 No trip to Taiwan would be complete without a visit to the local night markets.

3.2 There you can taste traditional Taiwanese cuisine as well as / and many new exotic and delicacies.


4.1 Whenever I eat spicy food, my tongue swells / will swell and I won't stop sweating.

4.2 That's why I avoid eating spicy food such as kimchi and chili.


5.1 On special occasions, my family like to dine out in fancy restaurants or all-you-can-eat restaurants.

5.2 The tasty meals and pleasant atmosphere always make those nights worth remembering.


6.1 When it comes to living a healthy life, nothing is as important as a well-balanced diet.

6.2 A well-balanced diet means taking in the right types and amounts of food to / in order to supply nutrition and energy.


7.1 She didn't master the culinary art until she was over fifty years old.

7.2 Under guidance of a professional chef, she learned how to prepare a feast.

