2021年6月27日 星期日


Unit 13

(   ) 1. To avoid a food shortage, the government spends a lot of money trying to improve the nation's _____.

(A) admiration          (B) agriculture           (C) adventure            (D) anniversary

(   ) 2. Modern offices have _____ to adjust the room temperature so that the staff can work comfortably inside.

(A) air-conditioners  (B) containers           (C) refrigerators        (D) stoves

(   ) 3. Jason is taking _____ at the community college. As a manager at a department store, he wishes to know more about human behavior.

(A) history                (B) geography           (C) psychology         (D) biology

(   ) 4. That daily newspaper holds a powerful _____ in the society and might change people's views about the current administration.

(A) essay                   (B) occasion              (C) attention             (D) position

(   ) 5. A temporary job won’t _____ Eve' s problems; she needs a permanent one.

(A) solve                   (B) respond               (C) restrict                 (D) limit

(   ) 6. To become a member of our health club, all you have to do is _____. Please bring a photo ID and a fee of ten dollars.

(A) regulate               (B) register                (C) regret                  (D) research

(   ) 7. There were several suspects at the police station, but the witness was unable to positively _____ any of them as the criminal.

(A) infect                 (B) survey                 (C) identify               (D) transfer

(   ) 8. When my mom does not agree with me, she usually does not say anything. Then know that her silence is _____ of her disapproval.

(A) expressive           (B) familiar               (C) normal                (D) ashamed

(   ) 9. A birthday pool party is usually very _____ for all the kids who take part; they are likely to talk about it for a long time.

(A) forgetful             (B) memorable          (C) affordable           (D) attainable

(   ) 10. The two brothers live completely different lifestyles one absolutely frugal, the other extremely _____.

(A) intellectual          (B) intimate               (C) literary                (D) luxurious

(   ) 11. My grandparents like to stroll _____ around the neighborhood before they have breakfast.

(A) leisurely              (B) passively             (C) peculiarly            (D) strangely

(   ) 12. Bob has been _____ since his girlfriend left him; let's try to cheer him up.

(A) spiritual              (B) reflective             (C) tremendous         (D) sorrowful

(   ) 13. If we want to stay fit, we must eat properly and exercise _____.

(A) regularly             (B) physically           (C) diligently             (D) hardly

(   ) 14. If you learn some English every day, _____ you will become very good at it.

(A) hastily                 (B) gradually             (C) accordingly         (D) instead

(   ) I5. The sergeant _____ his men not to fire until the enemy moved within range of their rifles.

(A) scolded               (B) gambled              (C) instructed            (D) professed

Unit 14

(   ) 1. Sherry is _____ about her looks; she spends a lot of time at the fitness center.

(A) proud                  (B) luxurious            (C) loyal                    (D) vain

(   ) 2. The university works wonders. It is as though it has the _____ power to turn ordinary people into medical doctors and national leaders.

(A) magical               (B) surgical               (C) critical                 (D) local

(   ) 3. The TV debate was _____ because it helped the audience to see the current situation from different angles.

(A) awful                  (B) lawful                 (C) meaningful          (D) mutual

(   ) 4. To make the campus a safe place for children, the school has a standard operating procedure for any unexpected event _____.

(A) social                  (B) imaginable          (C) miserable             (D) unthinkable

(   ) 5. The job applicants waited _____ in the lobby for the interview because only one of them would be hired.

(A) knowingly          (B) wonderfully        (C) terrifically           (D) nervously

(   ) 6. Some day it might be _____ possible to cure cancer and for human beings to live longer.

(A) morally               (B) medically            (C) profitably            (D) radically

(   ) 7. The representatives from the two competing companies expected conflicts during the conference, but to everyone's relief it went _____ and had a happy ending.

(A) roughly               (B) flatly                   (C) smoothly             (D) entirely

(   ) 8. Some stories reported in the local newspaper are _____ sources of information, because they only translate the stories from other newspapers published abroad.

(A) minor                  (B) major                  (C) secondary           (D) primary

(   ) 9. Ronald was not nervous during the speech; he had _____ because he was well prepared.

(A) assurance            (B) insurance            (C) confidence          (D) performance

(   ) 10. It is a common _____ in many cultures for people to return a kindness.

(A) courtesy              (B) convention          (C) content                (D) constitution

(   ) 11. The two colors, black and white, are in sharp _____. So are good and evil.

(A) classification       (B) concentration      (C) contrast               (D) comparison

(   ) 12. The principal wishes to thank all the people who have _____ money, to the construction of the new school auditorium.

(A) contributed         (B) sacrificed            (C) attributed             (D) distributed

(   ) 13. With no ammunition left and no help in sight, the soldiers had no choice but to _____.

(A) surrender            (B) yield                    (C) abandon              (D) prosper

(   ) 14. After the engine was taken apart and repaired, the mechanic _____ it and reinstalled it in the engine room.

(A) integrated            (B) assembled           (C) summoned          (D) persuaded

(   ) 15. Charlie found the job of a salesman unsuitable and _____ to the field of education; he became a schoolteacher.

(A) switched             (B) stepped               (C) advanced             (D) opposed

Unit 15

(   ) 1. Nowadays most families have refrigerators to _____ food in hot weather.

(A) conserve             (B) preserve              (C) reserve                (C) observe

(   ) 2. Jenny has written a novel, and she is looking for a(n) _____ to print it.

(A) salesperson         (B) prominent           (C) publisher             (D) guardian

(   ) 3. Janet is a _____ young lady. Besides being intelligent, she also works hard. She is sure to have a bright future.

(A) promising           (B) prominent           (C) provocative         (D) pertinent

(   ) 4. Arthur has never been to China, but he speaks Chinese _____ well. I wonder how he learned it.

(A) remarkably         (B) awkwardly          (C) lousily                 (D) Inevitably

(   ) 5. The news that all passengers survived the crash landing _____ us tremendously. We had been worried about our parents' safety.

(A) released              (B) relieved               (C) repressed             ( D) oppressed

(   ) 6. Doctors warn that women should not smoke during _____ because smoking may hurt the baby or cause a premature birth.

(A) occupation          (B) abortion              (C) abandonment      (D) pregnancy

(   ) 7. Educated people do not need the law to _____ their behavior; their conscience and moral concepts are their best guides.

(A) refine                  (B) construct             (C) regulate               (D) flow

(   ) 8. The idea that one day we might travel faster than the speed of light is _____; it is hard to believe for most people.

(A) reactionary          (B) commonplace      (C) extraordinary      (D) measurable

(   ) 9. A salesperson knocked at the door and woke up Mrs. Taylor from her nap. Instead of being angry, she _____ asked her in and offered tea.

(A) gloriously           ( B) triumphantly      (C) gracefully            (D) tentatively

(   ) 10. Derek thought he had done _____ on the exam. It turned out that he was at the top of his class.

(A) poorly                 (B) nicely                  (C) kindly                 (D) scarcely

(   ) 11. People in business circles regarded Bill as a(n) _____ man and liked to conduct business with him. As a result, he prospered.

(A) controversial       (B) suspicious           (C) conspicuous        (D) honorable

(   ) 12. Born into a poor family, Calvin underwent many _____ including working forty hours a week, to finish his college education.

(A) hardships            (B) incentives            (C) toughness            (D) experiments

(   ) 13. During a math test, the use of _____ is not allowed.

(A) cabinets              (B) chambers            (C) conductors          (D) calculators

(   ) 14. My uncle is very interested in politics; he supports his candidate in every election _____.

(A) ballot                  (B) vote                     (C) campaign            (D) demonstration

(   ) 15. In the movie Home Alone, Calvin _____ fought with the burglars and outwitted them.

(A) courageously      (B) cowardly             (C) cooperatively      (D) clumsily

Unit 16

(   ) 1. There are some stray dogs in our neighborhood. I found their barking at night _____. I was unable to sleep well most of the time.

(A) delightful            (B) annoying             (C) dynamic              (D) earnest

(   ) 2. Having a broad range of knowledge helps us to be more _____, which enables us to tell facts from mere opinions.

(A) synthetic             (B) analytical             (C) practical              (D) enthusiastic

(   ) 3. Bella had a car accident. The _____ loss of her sight was a heavy blow to her and her family.

(A) consequent         (B) admirable            (C) aggressive           (D) charitable

(   ) 4. The plane left San Francisco at 2:00 am. After flying _____ for sixteen hours, it reached its destination.

(A) subsequently       (B) continuously       (C) singularly            (D) respectfully

(   ) 5. The sales of our new product have increased; _____, last year's model saw a decrease in sales.

(A) approvingly        (B) conversely          (C) likewise               (D) seemingly

(   ) 6. When asked when would be a good time to meet, Eve said that her schedule was _____ and that she could easily change it to suit my convenience.

(A) plastic                 (B) realistic               (C) fantastic              (D) elastic

(   ) 7. The old man is _____ ill. The doctors at the hospital are doing their best to save him.

(A) casually              (B) routinely             (C) scarcely               (D) critically

(   ) 8. You had better not get into the habit of drinking or gambling; it might _____ your life.

(A) ruin                     (B) run                      (C) manage               (D) spare

(   ) 9. Inspired by her father, Sara wishes to have a _____ in teaching.

(A) career                  (B) volunteer             (C) employment        (D) rhythm

(   ) 10. People often connect success with fame and wealth. In fact, we can also _____ it to happiness and satisfaction.

(A) relate                   (B) consist                 (C) mend                   (D) motivate

(   ) 11. To protect workers, the law requires that employers pay a(n) _____ hourly wage of five dollars.

(A) smallest               (B) largest                 (C) maximum            (D) minimum

(   ) 12. Foreigners in Taiwan often _____ local people's greeting, "Have you eaten?" They take it as an invitation to dinner.

(A) misunderstand    (B) misuse                 (C) mislead               (D) multiple

(   ) 13. The hen sits on her nest in the henhouse, _____ the ten eggs she has laid.

(A) disguising           (B) hatching              (C) pretending           (D) grinding

(   ) 14. Because sales had increased twenty percent, the president considered the promotion campaign a success and gave the _____ to the sales department.

(A) credit                  (B) acre                     (C) acid                     (D) cord

(   ) 15. When you check in at a hotel, a(n) _____ will offer to take your luggage to your room. It is expected that you give him or her a tip.

(A) passenger            (B) customer             (C) porter                  (D) reliever

