2021年7月25日 星期日

GEPT 中級單: Test 2

 1. The life insurance industry is __________ by a few large companies.

A. dominated                B. catered                      C. memorized               D. breathed

2. Research has shown that seeds alone are not __________ enough for birds to thrive on.

A. majestic                    B. imaginary                  C. appetizing                 D. nutritious

3. I forgot about the test, so thanks for the __________.

A. reminder                  B. scandal                     C. curse                         D. integrity

4. Speaking with an odd __________, the newcomer often receives confused stares from the locals.

A. content                     B. accent                       C. atmosphere              D. fume

5. Did Paula ever forgive you for your terrible __________?

A. platform                    B. underpass                 C. gratitude                   D. offense

6. How many __________ is the airport from your apartment?

A. kilometers                B. frequencies               C. exposures                 D. indications

7. The price of __________ has been going up recently.

A. workplace                B. gasoline                    C. physician                  D. meadow

8. Andrew tried to keep his happiness a secret, but his face gave him __________.

A. under                        B. within                         C. behind                       D. away

9. After years of effort, Richard was finally able to break into the insurance __________.

A. policy                        B. scheme                     C. contract                     D. business

10. If you want to be a __________, you should master at least two languages.

A. educator                   B. glacier                       C. headquarter              D. interpreter

11. Cell phones and emails have become the most popular tools of __________ among people.

A. presentation            B. evaluation                 C. communication         D. transportation

12. All work and no play makes Mark suffer from __________.

A. company                  B. convenience             C. fatigue                       D. enthusiasm

13. Many whales __________ thousands of miles to their winter feeding grounds.

A. migrate                     B. subtract                     C. identify                      D. prosper

14. Jane tried to __________ her parents to let her buy the expensive diamond ring.

A. conduct                    B. convince                   C. crawl                         D. converse

15. Soon after getting __________, they got married.

A. confronted               B. disputed                    C. chewed                     D. engaged

16. The beautiful sunrise of Ali Mountain is absolutely __________.

A. vertical                     B. breathtaking             C. horizontal                  D. substantial

17. The teacher encourages us to __________ any difficulties we face.

A. await                         B. compose                   C. inspire                       D. overcome

18. If you buy a monthly bus ticket you can take the city bus an __________ number of times per month.

A. gifted                        B. practical                    C. accidental                 D. unlimited

19. My teacher didn't give me any help in my new class, so for me it was __________ or swim.

A. sound                       B. sing                            C. sink                            D. sew

20. Before you go see the dentist, remember to make a __________.

A. destination               B. maintenance             C. academics                D. appointment

21. A meeting of the lawyers' __________ will take place tomorrow.

A. pitcher                      B. quantity                     C. association               D. genius

22. One of the __________ of that disease is a high fever.

A. headlines                 B. symptoms                 C. bandages                  D. professors

23. The flood washed the car into the river. It was totally destroyed and is beyond __________ now.

A. anxiety                     B. procedure                 C. recognition                D. rumor

24. She spends a large __________ of her income on shoes and clothes.

A. notice                       B. union                         C. oxygen                      D. percent

25. Scientists still don't fully understand the __________ of climate change.

A. lavatories                 B. mechanisms             C. electricians               D. symphonies

26. A good teacher can lead his students to develop their __________.

A. creativity                  B. fatigue                       C. exhaustion                D. founder

27. With computers, it is easy to get lots of __________ from the Internet.

A. gender                      B. ascension                 C. information               D. certificate

28. What time is the __________ scheduled to sail?

A. cape                         B. ferry                           C. barn                           D. glide

29. This car was once owned by a world-famous __________.

A. limb                           B. career C. kettle D. pianist

30. Patricia made some chocolate __________ and spread it on the cake.

A. radar                         B. petal                          C. icing                          D. gaffe

31. Is it just a __________ that both of the department stores are having sales on the same day?

A. coincidence             B. diplomat                    C. persuasion                D. rectangle

32. Although Amy made a couple of mistakes in her sales presentation, it was generally quite __________.

A. imperial                    B. horizontal                  C. smooth                      D. desperate

33. Smoking or drinking mothers are more likely to give birth to unhealthy, __________ babies.

A. magical                    B. carbonated               C. graceful                     D. premature

34. In the 1800s, people began to __________ messages over telegraph wires.

A. terrify                        B. tamper                       C. transmit                     D. tutor

35. It seems to be beyond the kid's __________ to carry such a heavy box.

A. equipment                B. competition               C. capacity                    D. facility

36. Landing on the moon is an important __________ in space history.

A. capacity                    B. milestone                  C. franchise                   D. indication

37. Which e-mail __________ on your smart phone do you use most?

A. tension                     B. pedestrian                 C. overpass                   D. application

38. To keep healthy, many people try to eat __________ vegetables and fruit.

A. impressive               B. peculiar                     C. objective                   D. organic

39. The student's name is printed on her __________ of achievement.

A. shelter                      B. certificate                  C. obesity                      D. farewell

40. The sun shone through the leaves, throwing __________ on the lawn.

A. debuts                      B. cyclones                    C. firecrackers               D. shadows

