2021年7月18日 星期日

單字翻譯: Test 17~20


Unit 17

(  ) 1. There are some minor _____ in Jenny's composition. Her teacher asked her to correct them.

(A) unions                   (B) flaws                   (C) signals             (D) passwords

(  ) 2. Gauze masks are no longer running out. They are _____ at the convenience stores around the island.

(A) available                (B) probable              (C) contagious       (D) ambiguous

(  ) 3. To avoid _____, what helps the most is to take enough rest and exercise more.

(A) sensation (B) independence (C) fatigue on(D) humidity

(  ) 4. Jerry was in need of money. He wanted to sell his antique car quickly, so he put it up for _____.

(A) excuse                   (B) expense               (C) auction             (D) generosity

(  ) 5. A study _____ last month found that taking a nap at noon helps relax and improve health.

(A) recovered              (B) inspected             (C) promoted         (D) released

(  ) 6. Job applicants usually _____ their skills and achievements in their resumes so as to leave a good impression on the interviewers.

(A) advocate                (B) highlight             (C) explore            (D) classify

(  ) 7. The millionaire and his wife _____ a large fortune to helping the low-income families and found steady jobs for them.

(A) defended               (B) encouraged         (C) dedicated         (D) engaged

(  ) 8. In a normal society, justice and peace are values, while violence is only used by a very small number of people.

(A) mainstream           (B) alternative           (C) intellectual       (D) inspirational

(  ) 9. Wilson and his girlfriend sat together _____ eating ice cream last night. It's hard to believe that they decided to break up this morning.

(A) consciously           (B) intimately            (C) socially            (D) bitterly

(  ) 10. Our homeroom teacher has _____ warned us not to cheat in exams, but Roger didn't listen and was caught cheating.

(A) repeatedly             (B) efficiently            (C) arrogantly        (D) reasonably

Unit 18

(  ) 1. As pollution and climate change caused too many problems in our life, it's time to consider environmental protection our first _____.

(A) conflict                  (B) independence      (C) priority            (D) instrument

(  ) 2. After the writer published the first half of the romance in the newspaper, he got _____ from many readers, urging him to create a happy ending.

(A) interviews             (B) responses            (C) partners            (D) solutions

(  ) 3. Students should learn to think independently instead of relying on their teachers for _____ answers.

(A) standard                (B) vocational           (C) democratic       (D) imaginary

(  ) 4. Taiwan develops _____ relations only with some small countries, some of which are in Africa and others are small islands of the Pacific Ocean.

(A) negative                (B) convincing          (C) diplomatic        (D) suspicious

(  ) 5. Hundreds of thousands of the young singer's new albums have been sold around the country. His _____ is really beyond imagination.

(A) substance             (B) technique            (C) allowance         (D) popularity

(  ) 6. In Taiwan, before class starts, students usually stand up and _____ their teachers to show their respect and appreciation.

(A) bow                      (B) contribute            (C) devote              (D) expose

(  ) 7. The little boy was _____ and set free 5 days later after his father paid a ransom of 5 million dollars.

(A) evaluated               (B) kidnapped           (C) exaggerated     (D) opposed

(  ) 8. The plane was _____ for an hour due to the heavy snow, but all the passengers were waiting patiently at the airport.

(A) illustrated              (B) identified             (C) delayed            (D) licensed

(  ) 9. The two friends talked about the good old days when they were in college.

(A) cheerfully              (B) traditionally         (C) reliably            (D) painfully

(  ) 10. Joseph thought _____ differently from his father. The generation gap between them was wide.

(A) necessarily            (B) notoriously         (C) totally              (D) conveniently

Unit 19

(  ) 1. ____, students who perform well in school are better prepared to face challenges of life.

(A) Undoubtedly         (B) Spiritually           (C) Courteously    (D) Publicly

(  ) 2. David is trying to lose weight by _____ almost all the snacks and desserts before going to bed.

(A) eliminating            (B) illuminating         (C) circulating        (D) digesting

(  ) 3. The city government has _____ that anyone aboard the public no transportation should wear a mask in case severe flu breaks out.

(A) observed               (B) quoted                 (C) announced       (D) suspected

(  ) 4. Scientific experiments put absolute emphasis on _____; no errors can be allowed.

(A) accuracy                (B) discovery            (C) instruction        (D) necessity

(  ) 5. Sometimes people do not do what they think. That is, there is _____ between mind and body.

(A) controversy           (B) contradiction       (C) psychology      (D) exhibition

(  ) 6. If you _____ cut your finger, first press the wound and wrap it with a bandage and then go to a doctor.

(A) calmly                   (B) urgently              (C) positively         (D) accidentally

(  ) 7. Eating more vegetables and fruits as well as exercising regularly is _____ to health.

(A) drastic                   (B) dramatic              (C) agricultural      (D) beneficial

(  ) 8. Last year, Justin applied for _____ to Harvard University, but unfortunately he was rejected.

(A) resignation            (B) invitation             (C) admission        (D) indication

(  ) 9. Yesterday a person who I was not _____ with came close to me, but I walked away because I didn't know him.

(A) familiar                 (B) prominent           (C) systematic        (D) subjective

(  ) 10. Jimmy _____ in computer science in college; naturally he worked at a big software company after graduation.

(A) populated              (B) specialized          (C) applauded        (D) bleached

Unit 20

(  ) 1. When our peers induce us to smoke or take drugs, we should _____ say no to them.

(A) hesitantly              (B) tremendously      (C) courageously   (D) emotionally

(  ) 2. It was no _____ that Kenny met Cathy on the way to school. Kenny planned to do it because he liked her so much.

(A) attendance             (B) coincidence         (C) affection          (D) tendency

(  ) 3. The cook has made his _____ clear and easy to understand that I can cook at home following his instructions.

(A) recipe                    (B) souvenir              (C) resolution         (D) inflation

(  ) 4. Megan had clinical depression. I suggested that she _____ an expert and take medication.

(A) imitate                   (B) relieve                 (C) consult             (D) motivate

(  ) 5. Nick's mom was such a/an _____ person that she helped direct the traffic in the morning and order lunch boxes for his classmates.

(A) enthusiastic           (B) brilliant               (C) sociable            (D) influential

(  ) 6. In 2005, a survey showed that 60% of the college students studied more than 2 hours every day; however, in 2008, this number _____ to 45%.

(A) defended               (B) resigned              (C) revised             (D) declined

(  ) 7. Richard _____ and stretched his arms. It signaled that he was feeling sleepy.

(A) sneezed                 (B) yawned               (C) diminished       (D) reformed

(  ) 8. Although it costs nothing to pay someone a _____, make sure that it really comes from the bottom of your heart.

(A) situation                (B) compliment         (C) compromise     (D) signature

(  ) 9. Wilson is very _____ toward his girlfriend and they have decided to l get married next month.

(A) sympathetic           (B) productive           (C) luxurious         (D) affectionate

(  ) 10. Roger's mom forced him to help clean the house three times a week, so he always did it _____.

(A) unwillingly           (B) typically              (C) magnificently   (D) accidentally

