2021年7月11日 星期日


Unit 17

(   ) 1. _____ to win the speech contest for his school, Bob practiced day and night.

(A) Decided              (B) Defended            (C) Determined         (D) Developed

(   ) 2. Lisa got _____ last week. She will get married next month.

(A) dated                   (B) appointed            (C) assigned              (D) engaged

(   ) 3. The story of the hare and the tortoise is a(n) _____ which teaches us that “slow and steady wins the race.”

(A) anecdote             (B) issue                    (C) fable                    (D) poem

(   ) 4. This is a fire drill. All people please leave the building through the emergency _____.

(A) exits                    (B) exiles                  (C) excuses               (D) exercises

(   ) 5. The fighter plane accidentally dropped a bomb onto the city; luckily it did not _____.

(A) emerge                (B) flow             (C) flatter                  (D) explode

(   ) 6. Of the two salesmen, Richard is the more _____, so he is less easily angered.

(A) handsome           (B) conditional          (C) mature                 (D) obedient

(   ) 7. The office workers enjoy _____ about the lives of their neighbors over lunch.

(A) thinking              (B) remembering       (C) gossiping            (D) guessing

(   ) 8. Instead of _____ away our youth, we should learn as much as we can to prepare for our future.

(A) idling                  (B) putting                (C) getting                 (D) wasting

(   ) 9. This new model car _____ to buyers because it is beautifully streamlined and gets good mileage.

(A) attracts                (B) attempts              (C) accomplishes       (D) appeals

(   ) 10. Joe said _____ that he cherished our friendship and hoped that we could visit him again.

(A) flatly                   (B) proudly               (C) earnestly             (D) modestly

(   ) 11. Using ASAP to represent "as soon as possible" and TKS to mean a "thanks" has become _____ popular among e-pals.

(A) enormously        (B) mainly                 (C) heavily                (D) preciously

(   ) 12. The lawyer is very careful not to get _____ involved with her clients.

(A) sensitively           (B) sensationally (C) occasionally        (D) emotionally

(   ) 13. To write a composition of 200 words in just half an hour is quite a(n) _____; it takes very good writing skills to do it.

(A) retreat                 (B) revenge               (C) challenge             (D) obstacle

(   ) 14. There was a _____ that the singer had had an accident; when she appeared on stage, the audience knew it was not true.

(A) exception            (B) example              (C) review                 (D) rumor

(   ) 15. There were thousands of people at the funeral; _____, the deceased man had been very popular.

(A) evidently             (B) eventfully            (C) exclusively          (D) excitedly

Unit 18

(   ) 1. We need a blueprint for a building; similarly, we need a(n) _____ for our composition.

(A) idea              (B) content                (C) outline                 (D) parachute

(   ) 2. If you read carefully, you will find that the first essay is _____ to the second one because it has fewer grammatical mistakes.

(A) worse           (B) better                   (C) inferior                (D) superior

(   ) 3. The magician made some gestures and the rabbit _____ from his hand.

(A) vanished      (B) trembled       (C) traced                  (D) varied

(   ) 4. A car hit a bike and killed its rider. The _____ happened to be the driver's son.

(A) priest            (B) minister               (C) victim                  (D) prey

(   ) 5. The plane crashed and the accident killed everyone on board. No _____ were found at the crash site.

(A) beings          (B) survivors             (C) investors             (D) inventors

(   ) 6. After their wedding at a local church, Jack and Mary left to spend their _____ in Hawaii.

(A) vacation       (B) holiday                (C) honeymoon         (D) festival

(   ) 7. My mom is the most _____ person in our family; what she says counts.

(A) various         (B) frequent              (C) subsequent          (D) influential

(   ) 8. Ang Lee's Sense and Sensibility _____ an Academy Award because it was beautifully shot.

(A) gazed           (B) frowned              (C) fulfilled               (D) deserved

(   ) 9. Because I was caught in a traffic jam, when I got to the station the train had already _____.

(A) return           (B) departed              (C) advanced             (D) moved

(   ) 10. Ted was seriously injured in a car accident. However, because the injury was not _____, he survived.

(A) fatal              (B) harmful               (C) horrible               (D) superficial

(   ) 11. Most parents work hard so their children won’t _____ from such things as a lack of education.

(A) need            (B) lack                     (C) shorten                (D) suffer

(   ) 12. The two candidates for the new job in our trade office are both capable, but the man in the ​​black suit is _____ because he speaks several languages.

(A) likable          (B) preferable            (C) trustworthy         (D) practical

(   ) 13. When Linda was introduced to the twin brothers, she found them _____ pleasant to be with and had a hard time deciding which one to go out with.

(A) equally         (B) plainly                 (C) narrowly             (D) widely

(   ) 14. I trust my best friend William because he always tells me _____ what he thinks; he never hides anything from me.

(A) partially        (B) justly                   (C) impartially           (D) frankly

(   ) 15. An investigation showed that because the project was _____ flawed, it failed to achieve its purpose.

(A) generously   (B) popularly            (C) fundamentally     (D) viciously

Unit 19

(   ) 1. To my great delight, I did _____ well on the final exam. I got full marks.

(A) dubiously     (B) faintly                 (C) elegantly             (D) exceptionally

(   ) 2. When we receive any information, we should take the _____ into consideration; that is, where does the information come from? Is it reliable?

(A) source          (B) resource              (C) material               (D) datum

(   ) 3. Many people today _____ eating beef imported from the US. They don’t consider it safe.

(A) oppose         (B) offend                 (C) overcome            (D) operate

(   ) 4. Vivian's speech was really ____. In fact, it was so good that she won first place.

(A) objective      (B) outstanding         (C) organic                (D) occasional

(   ) 5. We can _____ knowledge in many different ways; reading and taking lessons are just two of them.

(A) neglect         (B) abandon              (C) obtain                  (D) sustain

(   ) 6. There are many man-made satellites _____ the earth, such as communications and spy satellites.

(A) turning         (B) running               (C) orbiting               (D) involving

(   ) 7. Tom excused himself from the conference room and went to his office to _____ a document he had left behind, so he could show his colleagues some data.

(A) found           (B) fulfill                   (C) fetch                    (D) attach

(   ) 8. The building shook violently during the earthquake; _____, the quake didn’t cause much damage.

(A) significantly (B) consequently       (C) substantially        (D) fortunately

(   ) 9. The _____ verbal battle between the two debate teams made it hard for the judges to decide on a winner.

(A) severe          (B) fierce                   (C) strict                    (D) serious

(   ) 10. _____ to our expectations, Charlie decided to find a job instead of going to college.

(A) Different      (B) Disagreeable       (C) Contrast              (D) Contrary

(   ) 11. One advantage of living in a big city is the _____. You do not have to travel far to enjoy a concert.

(A) availability   (B) convention          (C) cooperation         (D) convenience

(   ) 12. To protect _____, the law requires that the ingredients of foods and drinks be listed on the package.

(A) containers    (B) consumers           (C) customers            (D) clients

(   ) 13. Joe, can you tell me what our coach's _____ was? What did he say about my performance?

(A) comment      (B) context                (C) composition        (D) contest

(   ) 14. The little girl looked _____ at the toy on display and wished she could own it.

(A) enviously     (B) eagerly                (C) falsely                 (D) expensively

(   ) 15. The research and development department is always looking for ways to help the company's employees do their jobs more _____.

(A ) sufficiently  (B) effectively           (C) relatively             (D) prosperously

Unit 20

(   ) 1. The new song _____ by the pop singer was a hit; two million CDs were sold in the first month it was released.

(A) consisted             (B) contained            (C) composed           (D) comprised

(   ) 2. With so much noise outside, I found it hard to _____ on my studies.

(A) penetrate             (B) associate              (C) conserve       (D) concentrate

(   ) 3. Some philosophers think that our moral _____ are acquired; in other words, they are taught.

(A) concepts             (B) abstracts              (C) images                (D) dimensions

(   ) 4. With strong pitching and powerful hitting, the baseball team won the league _____ and later the World Series.

(A) companion          (B) assurance            (C) competition         (D) championship

(   ) 5. One _____ of lying is that the liar will face the constant fear of being found out.

(A) sequence             (B) significance         (C) consequence       (D) residence

(   ) 6. Instead of only complaining and criticizing, I would rather you offer _____ suggestions.

(A) instructive           (B) constructive        (C) destructive          (D) offensive

(   ) 7. My dad reminded me not to _____ myself to anything I am not certain I can do.

(A) dedicate              (B) devote                 (C) commit                (D) absorb

(   ) 8. Instead of clarifying how to solve the math problem, my tutor's explanation merely created more _____. I am more at a loss than I was before.

(A) addiction             (B) suspension          (C) contribution         (D)confusion

(   ) 9. The man is very sick. It is _____ that he be sent to the hospital.

(A) cautious              (B) tentative              (C) urgent                 (D) persistent

(   ) 10. The ATMs make it very convenient for customers to deposit as well as _____ money at any time.

(A) retreat                 (B) withstand            (C) withhold       (D) withdraw

(   ) 11. Air is _____ to us, without a sufficient supply of air, most people would die within a matter of minutes.

(A) vital                    (B) total                     (C) lethal                   (D) legal

(   ) 12. When you have leisure time, a pet such as a dog can be a nice companion. When you are busy, a pet dog can be very _____ to deal with.

(A) wholesome         (B) universal             (C) troublesome        (D) lonesome

(   ) 13. Children's speech may show some cleverness, but only adults are capable of conversations filled with _____. That is, to talk in a way that is wise and humorous.

(A) fun                      (B) pit                       (C) dot                      (D) wit

(   ) 14. Joe said _____ that he owed his success to his parents and to others who had helped him.

(A) greedily              (B) arrogantly           (C) gratefully            (D) alternatively

(   ) 15. The professor spoke _____ about how to lose weight by using a few simple methods. He really has a gift for making speeches.

(A) eloquently           (B) eccentrically        (C) externally            (D) dependably

