2021年7月25日 星期日

字彙翻譯Unit 21~U24


Unit 21

(  ) 1. Rapid _____ shortens the distance between two places and reduces the time people travel.

(A) development        (B) transportation     (C) revolution       (D) occupation

(  ) 2. It hasn't rained for 25 days. There might be a serious _____ of water this coming summer vacation.

(A) shortage                (B) phrase of             (C) selection           (D) chapter

(  ) 3. For the sake of environmental protection, we should try our best to _____ used paper, waste or even water.

(A) surround               (B) surrender            (C) recycle             (D) conquer

(  ) 4. After seeing the doctor, I took his _____ to the pharmacy to have it filled.

(A) medication            (B) prescription         (C) transcript          (D) translation

(  ) 5. My back is itchy now because I was allergic to the seafood I had for dinner last night. I really can't help _____.

(A) conserving            (B) exceeding            (C) scratching        (D) threatening

(  ) 6. I had so much fun taking a hot spring bath in Taitung last summer. I would _____ this place if I was asked to offer suggestions.

(A) recommend           (B) recite                   (C) reserve             (D) sever

(  ) 7. After David retired, he spent most of his time doing _____ work in places such as hospitals, libraries etc.

(A) creative                 (B) voluntary            (C) desperate          (D) offensive

(  ) 8. However _____ I explained the passage, the students still couldn't understand it because they were absent-minded in class.

(A) temporarily           (B) eventually           (C) honorably        (D) clearly

(  ) 9. Even though Jason _____ denied it, the evidence proved that he had stolen the jewelry at the store.

(A) strongly                (B) fortunately          (C) steadily            (D) separately

(  ) 10. When asked the key to happy marriage, the couple answered without a second thought “_____ trust and understanding.”

(A) Specific                 (B) Mutual                (C) Competitive     (D) Explosive

Unit 22

(  ) 1. There is a bus _____. Two-thirds of the scheduled buses have been cancelled for today and tomorrow.

(A) promise                 (B) prides                  (C) strike                (D) target

(  ) 2. You'd better _____ the anti-virus software to prevent any bugs or accidental crash of the computer.

(A) adopt                     (B) install                  (C) access              (D) clarify

(  ) 3. A lot of people lost their jobs due to this _____ crisis, during which many factories were closed down.

(A) confidential           (B) competitive         (C) experimental    (D) financial

(  ) 4. After taking the medicine, John's _____ of the flu (runny nose and cough) have improved a lot.

(A) legends                 (B) symptoms           (C) operations        (D) possession

(  ) 5. The temperature dropped _____ today because there was a cold front approaching.

(A) efficiently              (B) abundantly          (C) sensitively        (D) drastically

(  ) 6. H1N1, like SARS, is a _____ disease, which can be largely prevented by avoiding frequent human-to-human contact.

(A) manual                  (B) contagious          (C) partial              (D) tribal

(  ) 7. Don't _____ yourself by driving fast on the highway without fastening the seat belt.

(A) evaluate                 (B) estimate               (C) enclose             (D) endanger

(  ) 8. Tim always goes jogging 5 times a week, but he _____ plays tennis once a week in the evening.

(A) occasionally          (B) patiently              (C) morally            (D) urgently

(  ) 9. To keep the campsite clean, please don't _____ when you go camping.

(A) endure                   (B) depart                  (C) litter                 (D) demonstrate

(  ) 10. According to a survey, university presidents enjoy the highest social _____ in Taiwan. That is, a university president is respected most by all.

(A) welfare                  (B) security               (C) community      (D) status

Unit 23

(  ) 1. The Middle East is famous for its _____ of oil, which makes most of the Middle East countries rich.

(A) convention            (B) congratulation     (C) abundance       (D) assurance

(  ) 2. In summer, swimming is viewed as the most popular and coolest sporting _____ in Taiwan.

(A) pastime                 (B) muscle                (C) thirst                (D) aspect

(  ) 3. Next week, my dad and mom will take a vacation to Canada to celebrate their 50th wedding _____.

(A) committee             (B) democracy          (C) anniversary      (D) assembly

(  ) 4. All applications for the renowned university must be _____ by June 15, which is the deadline.

(A) submitted              (B) afforded              (C) designed          (D) inspected

(  ) 5. I can't _____ Andy's bad temper anymore. He often yells and shouts at us with no reason.

(A) memorize              (B) promote              (C) endure             (D) adapt

(  ) 6. Besides regular exercise, Sandra always has a good night's sleep and eats a lot of vegetables and fruit every day. All that makes her _____.

(A) artificial                 (B) vigorous             (C) conventional    (D) constructive

(  ) 7. Stacy was a model student and did well in her schoolwork. _____, she ended up failing 5 courses this semester.

(A) Brutally                 (B) Normally            (C) Incredibly        (D) Habitually

(  ) 8. High school students are under great academic and peer pressure. Playing sports and listening to music somewhat can help _____ it.

(A) relieve                   (B) constitute            (C) commit            (D) operate

(  ) 9. One of the reasons why children should go to school is that it upgrades them _____.

(A) tightly                   (B) passionately        (C) passively          (D) intellectually

(  ) 10. Danieľs computer skills are _____. As soon as he graduated, he was hired by Microsoft Taiwan.

(A) exceptional            (B) comparative        (C) administrative  (D) communicative

Unit 24

(  ) 1. A large number of people feel a sense of _____. They don't know what they will be like in the future and what they can do now.

(A) ignorance              (B) arrogance            (C) uncertainty       (D) liberty

(  ) 2. Joseph is _____ that he always behaves himself and is friendly to others.

(A) miserable              (B) well-mannered    (C) instructive        (D) elementary

(  ) 3. The group helps raise people's _____ about environmental protection, hoping to reduce the greenhouse effect.

(A) technology            (B) violation              (C) prosperity        (D) awareness

(  ) 4. Some aboriginal tribes _____ animals such as deer, pigs or snakes, which symbolize their forefathers.

(A) preserve                (B) worship               (C) terrify              (D) regulate

(  ) 5. Liao Tien-ding, a _____ figure, was said to be able to walk on the wall and to rob the rich to help the poor.

(A) legendary              (B) moderate             (C) contemporary  (D) conservative

(  ) 6. My mom did voluntary work in the hospital, so _____ she didn't get paid.

(A) basically                (B) physically           (C) previously        (D) sufficiently

(  ) 7. World leaders assembled in Paris to _____  views on world politics and current affairs.

(A) classify                  (B) exchange             (C) despise             (D) expel

(  ) 8. In order not to be bothered and to read efficiently, students are supposed to read in the classroom or in the library without outside _____.

(A) orientations           (B) shortcomings      (C) interruptions    (D) quotations

(  ) 9. Stay away from computers. Only few people can _____ the temptation of the Internet and online games.

(A) insist                     (B) resist                   (C) consist             (D) exist

(  ) 10. Angelina broke the vase _____. No one believed that she did it by accident.

(A) unreliably              (B) additionally         (C) purposely         (D) typically

