2021年8月8日 星期日

GEPT 中級單: Test 3

 1. Natalie is French but she speaks with a perfect English __________. It's hard for others to believe she is not from England.

A. accent                      B. chart                          C. brainstorming           D. stardom

2. Asking a woman her age is a __________ question in American culture.

A. taboo                        B. inaccurate                 C. amateur                    D. perplexed

3. Everyone on the team __________ to winning the game; it was a team effort.

A. despaired                 B. explored                    C. provoked                   D. contributed

4. The view of the fireworks show will leave you __________. It looks like so many beautiful flowers blossoming in the sky.

A. speech                     B. to speak                    C. speaking                   D. speechless

5. I __________ the coffee beans to make coffee for my father yesterday. It tasted much better than the instant coffee!

A. cut off                       B. ground                       C. rescued                     D. outwitted

6. Every year, little Ruby looks forward to putting all the __________ on the Christmas tree.

A. proverbs                   B. processions              C. ornaments                D. facilities

7. Jason only buys products from __________ companies because he thinks quality is the most important thing.

A. homesick                 B. academic                  C. lasting                       D. reputable

8. Have you seen this handy little __________ before? It's for separating egg yolks from whites

A. introduction              B. following                    C. gadget                       D. merchandise

9. The old part of this town is a __________ of narrow streets; you can get lost easily here.

A. buff                           B. maze                          C. geek                          D. fiber

10. Truth and joy are __________ ideas. You can feel but cannot touch them.

A. abstract                    B. blank                         C. former                       D. high-pitched

11. Jason likes to travel; his __________ goal is to become a travel guide.

A. innovative                B. ditsy                           C. average                     D. ultimate

12. What I said in the meeting is just a general criticism. Please don't take it __________.

A. for granted               B. easy                          C. personally                 D. calmly

13. In our English class, we were asked to hand in our homework either __________ or in groups.

A. aerobically               B. purposely                  C. individually                D. eventually

14. You need to practice your English __________ or it's impossible to master it. In other words, you need to use it every day.

A. averagely                 B. generously                C. consistently              D. uncommonly

15. Each year in America, the professional football __________ ends with the Super Bowl.

A. abundance               B. tournament               C. tuition                        D. habitat

16. Scientists have warned that humans have polluted the __________ to such an extent that it is affecting the climate.

A. atmosphere             B. burnout                      C. transition                   D. glitch

17. I don't really understand this English song because there are some words I don't know in the __________.

A. drills                          B. lyrics                          C. logics                         D. attentions

18. The summary will give you a __________ of the main concerns of the report.

A. reverse                     B. overview                   C. appetite                     D. content

19. Don't overcook your chicken. Only when it's __________ inside will it taste delicious.

A. smitten                     B. defensive                  C. crunchy                     D. moist

20. It's so sad to see pets that have been __________ by their owners.

A. afforded                    B. animated                   C. assisted                    D. abused

21. This cottage will provide us with some __________.

A. jungle                       B. shelter                       C. igloo                          D. chapel

22. Ted, remember to bring hiking __________ such as a waterproof jacket, warm clothing, a hat and good footwear.

A. tools                         B. cloth                          C. gear                           D. rules

23. My boss has repeatedly transformed the company to meet __________ changing needs.

A. models'                     B. clients'                       C. spectacles'                D. amenities

24. For children, the most __________ day in a year is Christmas, when they can receive many gifts.

A. forgettable                B. numerous                  C. various                      D. memorable

25. The old building showed signs of serious __________.

A. craft                          B. glove                         C. decay                        D. niche

26. Were those eggs boiled or __________.

A. poached                   B. symbolized               C. excelled                    D. tingled

27. The doctor used clean water to cleanse the __________ on my arm.

A. operation                  B. wound                       C. reflection                   D. landmark

28. The workmen painted a __________ yellow line down the center of the road.

A. renowned                 B. legendary                  C. continuous                D. talented

29. The artist tried to capture the serenity of the __________ in her painting.

A. conflict                      B. earthquake               C. landscape                 D. thunderstorm

30. Last summer, I spent three months trekking through the __________.

A. miracles                   B. merchants                 C. misfortunes               D. mountains

31. John isn't an __________ person; on the contrary, he's quite passive.

A. unhappy                   B. impolite                     C. emotional                  D. active

32. The ocean is so __________ that much of it remains unexplored.

A. vast                           B. eager                         C. comic                        D. nervous

33. You __________ a long vacation after working so hard to complete the project.

A. explore                     B. deserve                      C. wipe                          D. comprehend

34. Beijing __________ the Olympic Games in 2008.

A. themed                     B. paid                           C. hosted                       D. sparked

35. The couple just bought a new house with great kitchen __________.

A. accountant               B. management            C. navigation                 D. equipment

36. Frozen and __________ foods are very convenient for mothers to prepare as a meal.

A. intensive                  B. canned                      C. efficient                     D. prominent

37. Mark has a strong __________ for movies that feature action and adventure.

A. deficit                        B. hospitality                  C. conjunction               D. preference

38. An advanced computer like this is __________ powerful.

A. tremendously           B. minutely                    C. fondly                        D. heavenly

39. I can't __________ that I'll be able to finish this project on time.

A. entitle                       B. monitor                      C. guarantee                 D. squeeze

40. Does this electronics store sell camera __________ ?

A. resignations             B. batteries                    C. controversies            D. parliaments

