2021年8月21日 星期六

LEVEL 5: Test 01~02


Test 1: Unit 01

       1.   Mr. Shew, the _______ manager of our company, is responsible for interviewing all job applicants.
(A) confrontation        (B) personnel          (C) harness            (D) rein

       2.   A British surgeon was charged with _______ killings, according to the newspaper.
(A) serial                    (B) corporate          (C) federal              (D) granted

       3.   I think we’ll need a few _______ to facilitate(促進,幫助)the international conference to be held in Taipei.
(A) stockholders         (B) saints               (C) interpreters       (D) glaciers

       4.   For those people above 50, brisk walking(快走)is strongly _______ instead of jogging.
(A) recommended      (B) confronted        (C) mounted           (D) conducted

       5.   Let me remind you that this job requires _______ in both spoken and written Japanese.
(A) spur                     (B) conduct             (C) communism      (D) fluency

       6.   As a full member of this club, you are _______ to free services and all facilities here.
(A) adored                 (B) entitled              (C) conducted         (D) mounted

       7.   Sue received a _______ from the Carnegie Foundation to do some research on this topic.
(A) saint                     (B) saddle               (C) grant                (D) rein

       8.   Tom has been grounded(禁足)by his father three times because of his _______ in the past two weeks.
(A) misconduct           (B) distinction          (C) abortion            (D) ozone

       9.   The current _______ of this magazine features the rise and fall of the Roman Empire.
(A) cannon                 (B) issue                 (C) spur                  (D) rifle

      10.   For the sake of your health, you should exercise regularly and eat _______ food.
(A) serial                    (B) stock                (C) foul                   (D) wholesome

      11.   That castle standing on the hillside is said to be _______ by some evil spirits.
(A) haunted                (B) adored              (C) recommended   (D) chanted

      12.   The old man _______ his grandchildren and would do anything to please them.
(A) mounted               (B) adored              (C) confronted        (D) granted

      13.   You can take a 20% _______ on every sale you make. How about that?
(A) commission          (B) interpretation     (C) stockholder        (D) rein

      14.   I’m afraid the size you want is _______ now. You may have to wait a while.
(A) out of hand            (B) out of print         (C) out of stock        (D) out of sight

      15.   The president was _______ the biggest crisis of his political life.                           
(A) conducted with     (B) satisfied with     (C) confronted with (D) supported with

                    16. The cost will be spilt between state and f_______l governments. 

                    17. I’ll do the laundry. In the m_______e, you can set the table for dinner. 

                     18. They took off their shoes and began to dance b_______t on the ground.

                    19. We take it for g_______ted that parents should take good care of their

                    20. Some chemicals will cause pollution which damages the o_______e layer, also known as the hole in the sky.

According to a recent report, several international businesses are unhappy. It seems that many language   (21)   in the field have lied about how much experience they have. Although exaggerating is common, companies believe they are   (22)   to know what an employee is capable of. Employers aren’t sure what to do about the situation and are waiting for   (23)  . In the   (24)  , graduates from local interpretation programs have been complaining that companies refuse to hire them. They say it is impossible to get   (25)   experience if companies refuse them employment.

(A) entitled   (B) meantime   (C) corporate   (D) interpreters   (E) recommendations

21.           22.            23.            24.             25.      

Test 2: Unit 02

      1.   To control your household budget, you should keep a record of every _______ you make.
(A) novice                  (B) prospect           (C) purchase           (D) notion

       2.   The silkworm has turned into a moth and come out of its _______.
(A) cocoon                 (B) locust                (C) pastime            (D) awe

       3.   Chatting with friends can help you _______ personal skills.
(A) stray                    (B) prevail               (C) impose
                (D) sharpen

       4.   Income tax is levied(徵收)in _______ to how much you earn in a year.
(A) purchase              (B) scheme
                   (C) proportion              (D) execution

       5.   This shirt is a little too large for me. I must have it _______.
(A) altered                 (B) executed           (C) submitted
           (D) imposed

       6.   If you want the job as a mechanic, you need to know something about car _______.
(A) proportion             (B) maintenance
        (C) estate                                  (D)submission

       7.   In ______ times, most human beings lived by hunting or farming in the crudest(最原始的)form.
(A) prehistoric
               (B) contemporary    (C) executive               (D) substancial

       8.   Television exposure(曝光)is of _______ importance in politics and elections.
(A) interior
                     (B) submissive            (C) stray                 (D) supreme

       9.   You need an old hand, not a _______, to handle a situation like that.
(A) novice                  (B) jade                  (C) purchase          (D) notion

      10.   My dad has been in real _______ business for 20 years.
(A) justification
                 (B) estate                       (C) maintenance        (D) prospect

      11.   Many governments have _______ a ban on the trade of ivory.
(A) submitted
                    (B) schemed             (C) imposed            (D) yielded

      12.   Such important matters should be discussed by all the senior _______ in our company.
(A) alternations          (B) executives         (C) submissions      (D) novices

      13.   The percentage of girls majoring in engineering has increased _______.
(A) substantially         (B) astray
                       (C) submissively      (D) prehistorically  

      14.   Several cops are accused of being _______ the Mafia(黑手黨).
(A) in line with
                  (B) in view of               (C) in league with      (D) in advance of

      15.   Teenagers often _______ because of peer(同儕)pressure.
(A) grow up
                        (B) get along                (C) go astray          (D) give out

              16.  Doctors say there is little p_______t for the patient to get better.

               17.  Do not decorate the house yourself. You’d better find someone who specializes in i_______r design. 

                18.  Skateboarding(溜滑板)was my favorite p_______e when I was in my teens.

                19.  The o_______l impression is good, but there is still room for improvement.

             20.  Tall and i_______g buildings can be seen everywhere in New York.

Mr. Richard Martin was very surprised last week. He was digging a hole on his   (21)   when he found something strange. At first, Mr. Martin thought it was a large stick. He soon realized it was a bone   (22)   sticking out of the ground. He called the police station right away. Two detectives came to Mr. Martin’s house and began their investigation right away. Somehow they suspected that it was not a human bone, but they were not quite sure, so they called the local museum. Pretty soon a bunch of archaeologists came and found that it was actually a(n)   (23)   dinosaur bone. This was a very   (24)   find because it was the biggest dinosaur skeleton ever found in the state! Mr. Martin was in   (25)   of this important discovery.

(A) prehistoric   (B) partly   (C) awe   (D) substantial   (E) estate

21.           22.            23.            24.             25.      

