2021年8月28日 星期六


 Unit 04 Hobby

Vocabulary  *為大考必背重要單字


* hobby / pastime / amusement / recreation  n. 消遣,娛樂

* leisure / free / spare time 休閒時間

enjoyment  n. 樂趣,享受

entertaining / recreational  adj. 娛樂的

* relax / loosen up / unwind 放鬆

entertain / amuse 娛樂

forget about worries 忘卻憂慮

find hidden talents 發現潛在才華

boost social life 促進社交生活

* kill time 消磨時間

* rewarding / beneficial  adj. 有益的


* literature  n. 文學

* novel / fiction  n. 小說

* classic  n. 經典作品

* best-seller  n. 暢銷作品

detective novel 偵探小說

science fiction 科幻小說

* biography  n. 傳記

comic book 漫畫

book review  書評

* brow / scan / skim / flip through / leaf through / dip into  快速瀏覽,快速翻閱

well-read  adj. 博覽群書的


photographer  n. 攝影師,照相師

* photograph / photo / picture  n. 照片

photograph / take pictures  v. 照相

* digital camera 數位相機

camera-shy  adj. 不喜歡被拍照的

close-up  n. 特寫

* develop  v. 沖洗底片

flash  n. 閃光燈

photogenic  adj. 上相的

say cheese 說「cheese」,笑一個

zoonn in / out (鏡頭的)拉近,拉遠

lens  n. 鏡頭

film  n. 底片

* angle  n. 角度


* video game 電玩遊戲

* puzzle  n. 猜謎

puzzle game 益智遊戲

Crossword puzzle 填字遊戲

brainteaser  n. 腦筋急轉彎

jigsaw puzzle 拼圖遊戲

board game 棋盤遊戲

mental exercise 腦力鍛鍊


* collection  n. 收藏品

* antique  n. 古董

* stamp  n. 郵票

baseball / basketball card 棒球/籃球卡

vintage  n. (特選)葡萄酒

souvenir  n. 紀念品

scale model 模型

Outdoor recreation:

* hiking  n. 健行

rafting  n. 泛舟

cycling  n. 騎腳踏車

* horseback riding 騎馬

bird-watching 賞鳥

* bungee jumping 高空彈跳

rollerblade  v. 溜直排輪

flying a kite 放風箏

gear  n. 裝備

binoculars  n. 雙筒望遠鏡

* excitement / thrill  n. 興奮

Performing art:

* playing musical instruments 彈奏樂器

juggling  n. 雜耍

do / perform magic 變魔術

acting  n. 演戲

Manual work:

* gardening  n. 園藝

knitting  n. 針織

* sewing  n. 縫紉

sewing machine 裁縫機

craft  n. 手工藝

DIY (= do it yourself) 自己動手做


Useful Verbs

1. develop / cultivate hobbies 培養嗜好

2. take up a hobby 開始一個嗜好

3. be addicted to N / Ving 上癮

4. be obsessed with / be preoccupied with / indulge in N / V-ing 非常著迷於

5. be absorbed / engaged in N / V-ing 全神貫注於…

6. be interested in / intrigued by… 有興趣

7. take to N / V-ing 喜歡…



1. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. 只工作而不休閒,會讓人變遲鈍。

2. Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested. Francis Bacon



Sentence Pattern

(1) V-ing + be / V… 動名詞當主詞

例:Knitting and sewing are my mother's favorite pastimes.


(2) Among / of N, ..最高級…  在…中,是最…的

例:Among all the stamps I've collected, this one is the rarest.




1.1 培養嗜好有很多好處,如減輕壓力和忘卻憂慮。(benefits 好處)

1.2 除了上述的好處外,嗜好也幫助人們發掘潛在才能和促進社交生活。(in addition to N除了…之外)


2.1 小孩被鼓勵要閱讀各式各樣的書來觸發想像力和增進理解。(a variety of各式各樣的; spark觸發)

2.2 如果在幼年時期培養,閲讀可以成為一輩子的嗜好。(at an early age幼年時期; lifelong一輩子的)


3.1 為了記錄他兒子童年的每一個感人時刻,Steve買了一臺新相機。(record 記錄)

3.2 他從沒想到他之後會對攝影上癮。(it occurs to someone that S + V某人想到某事; later on之後)


4.1 每天閱讀報紙是讓心智保持活躍和及時掌握時事的好方法。(keep abreast of 及時掌握; current events時事)

4.2 報紙上的填字遊戲和數獨(Sudoku)也是很好的腦力鍛鍊,可以讓人消磨時間。

Collecting baseball cards

5.1 自從我成為王建民(Chien-ming wang)的球迷,我一直在蒐集棒球卡。



6.1對喜愛大自然的人和動物愛好者來說,賞鳥是他們最愛的夏日消遣。(nature lovers 喜愛大自然的人; animal enthusiasts 動物愛好者)

6.2有些人甚至願意旅行到異國去觀察珍奇鳥類的行為。(foreign land 異國; exotic birds 珍奇鳥類)

Knitting and sewing

7.1 針織和縫紉並不如看起來的那麼難,你需要的只是耐心。(patience 耐心)

7.2 一旦你比較熟悉針織和縫紉,可以開始創造自己的風格。

Unit 04 Answers

1.1 There are many benefits of cultivating / developing a hobby, such as reducing stress and forgetting about worries.

1.2 In addition to the benefits mentioned above / above-mentioned benefits, hobbies also help people find hidden talents and boost their social life.

2.1 Children are encouraged to read a variety of / all kinds of books in order to / to spark imagination and improve comprehension.

2.2 If developed at an early age, reading can become a lifelong hobby.

3.1 To / In order to record every touching moment of his son's childhood, Steve bought a new camera.

3.2 It never occurred to him that he would become addicted to photography later on.

4.1 Reading newspapers every day is a great way to keep / of keeping the mind active and keep abreast of current events.

4.2 Crossword puzzles and Sudoku in the newspapers are also good mental exercise for people to kill time. / that allows people to kill time.

