2021年9月19日 星期日



Denmark consistently scores high in global happiness rankings, and Danish people have some cool words for ways to be happy. The word recently voted most popular among Danes is pyt, a term that describes the nation’s philosophy toward   11  .                                                                                   110學測試辦

Pyt doesn’t have an exact English translation. It is usually used as a   12   to a daily mistake or small frustration, corresponding roughly to the English sayings, “Don’t worry about it,” or “Well, things happen.” At its core, the word is about accepting and resetting—a reminder to step back and refocus rather than overreact. Pyt doesn’t point blame at either yourself or another person;   13  , it helps you learn that not everything can be perfect. But this does not mean that pyt applies to everything. It should not be used when you ought to take responsibility;   14   should it be taken as an excuse for inaction.

Today, the word is even manifested into a literal “pyt button” in Danish classrooms for schoolchildren to press when they are upset about something insignificant. Some adults have also started using the button at home. Basically, pyt encourages people of all ages to   15   minor frustrations and move on with their lives.


pyt」無法準確譯成英文。它通常被用作碰到日常過失或小挫折時的12.口頭回應,意思大致相當於英文的俗語 “Don’t worry about it” (不用擔心),或 “Well, things happen” (這是常有的事)。這個字的核心含意是順其自然、重整旗鼓──提醒人要退一步,轉移注意力,不要反應過度。「pyt」不是用來責怪自己或是歸咎他人的,13.反而,它讓我們了解凡事無法盡善盡美。不過這並不表示「pyt」適用於每一件事。該負責任時就不應該使用這個字,



B 11. (A) health                (B) stress                   (C) culture               (D) friendship

(A) 健康                  (B) 壓力                    (C) 文化                  (D) 友誼

【解析】 u 第一段第一句提到丹麥的幸福排名,而且丹麥人有與快樂相關的字詞。第二段說明「pyt」是用來回應錯誤和沮喪的狀況,可知此字意思應與壓力相關,故答案選(B) stress

C 12. (A) hand gesture      (B) body movement   (C) verbal response        (D) facial expression

(A) 手勢                  (B) 肢體動作            (C) 口頭回應                  (D) 表情

【解析】u 第二段第二句後半提到「pyt」類似英文用語「不用擔心」、「這是常有的事」,可知「pyt」用來當作日常錯誤或小挫折的口頭回應,故選(C) verbal response

 本題也可從搭配字的概念解題。選項中只有response可以和空格後的介系詞to搭配。

D 13. (A) therefore           (B) likewise               (C) however             (D) instead

(A) 因此                  (B) 同樣地                (C) 然而                  (D) 反而

【解析】本格前面指出,「pyt」不是用來責怪自己或是歸咎他人的,後面表示它讓我們了解到凡事無法盡善盡美,為一反面加上一正面的敘述,得知符合not . . . ; instead, . . . 的用法,因此選(D) instead

【補充】instead 反而 (前面為否定句意,後面為肯定句意)

例:Vivian doesn’t like to dine in restaurants; instead, she enjoys cooking by herself.

instead of 而不是 (後面接未做的事)

例:Instead of going to the cinema, Kevin stayed at home and watched movies on Netflix.

B 14. (A) so                       (B) nor                       (C) only                   (D) nearly

(A) 所以                  (B) 也不                    (C) 只有                  (D) 幾乎

【解析】由文意,本格前句是它不應該被用在當你必須負責任時,後句為它也不應被當作無所作為的藉口,可推知第二句應用nor來表示否定。並且,後句有倒裝結構should it be taken . . .,四選項中只有nor適合此用法,故答案選(B) nor


例:Hardly could the teacher have his students understand this difficult theory.

A 15. (A) let go of            (B) look up to            (C) go in for            (D) come up with

(A) 放下                 (B) 景仰                    (C) 從事                  (D) 想出

【解析】u 從第一、二段的定義來看,「pyt」的核心含意是鼓勵人們不要因為小事過度情緒低落,即是要放下小沮喪並繼續過生活,選(A) let go of


Goose bumps are one of those fight-or-flight reactions of the sympathetic nervous system. When you experience cold or fear, a nerve reaction is sent to the muscles, which then contract involuntarily. This muscle contraction causes your body hair to stand erect. The skin with standing body hair   16   a goose’s skin after its feathers have been plucked—hence the name goose bumps.                                             110年學測試辦

But   17   is this helpful to us as a response to fear or cold? Back in the days when our ancestors may have had a lot more body hair, this might have helped to keep them warm or scare an oncoming predator. These days, however, goose bumps are   18   to human beings. Goose bumps, or the reflex that causes them, also occur in many other mammals. Many mammals fluff up their fur when   19  , to look bigger and thus more dangerous. For example, when a porcupine encounters a predator, its long sharp pointed hairs will stand up as a means of   20  . In animals with a thick hair coat, the rising of hair traps more air between the hairs, providing another layer of insulation to keep them warm.



D 16. (A) imitates            (B) explains              (C) develops           (D) resembles

(A) 模仿                  (B) 解釋                     (C) 發展                  (D) 與…相似

【解析】 u 本格在說明雞皮疙瘩的名稱是因為這毛髮直豎的情況很像鵝皮被拔掉後的樣子,故選(D) resembles


A 17. (A) how                   (B) where                   (C) what                   (D) whether

(A) 如何                (B) 哪裡                   (C) 什麼                 (D) 是否

【解析】第二段解釋毛髮直豎如何幫助人們面對恐懼或寒冷的情況,因此答案選表示方法的疑問詞(A) how

B 18. (A) even more ridiculous                           (B) no longer useful

(C) still quite convenient                            (D) more than important

(A) 荒唐的很                                             (B) 不再用得到

(C) 依然相當便利                                     (D) 不僅重要而已

【解析】本格前一句是講古代時(Back in the days),祖先的毛髮可以幫助保暖或嚇跑掠食者,是肯定的敘述;下句有關鍵線索howeverThese days,可見語氣轉折且二者有比較關係,應是使用否定的敘述,因此答案選含有否定意思的(B) no longer useful


例:The young athlete had a great chance to win a gold medal; nevertheless, he ended up winning a bronze medal due to his sickness.

C 19. (A) threaten            (B) threatening           (C) threatened        (D) to threaten

(A) 威脅                  (B) 正在威脅            (C) 受到威脅        (D) 要威脅

【解析】 u 本題測驗分詞構句的用法。原句為Many mammals fluff up their fur when they are threatened, . . .,因為主詞相同,可省略從屬子句的主詞theyare。由於意思是被威脅,故使用過去分詞表示被動意義,答案選(C) threatened


(1) 可省略連接詞 (2) 主詞相同時省略從屬句的主詞 (3) 動詞改為分詞,主動意義用V-ing,被動意義用p.p.


(After) Knowing that she got an unconditional offer to her desired college, Kathy jumped for joy.

Told off by her mom, Barbara felt sad and cried.


D 20. (A) blocking the smell                               (B) attracting mates

(C) showing friendliness                             (D) scaring the enemy

(A) 蓋住氣味                                             (B) 求偶

(C) 態度親切                                            (D) 恫嚇敵人

【解析】前句表示哺乳動物會豎起毛髮讓自己看起來體型比較大、更危險,本題舉豪豬為例,牠們遇到掠食者時會豎起又長又尖銳的毛髮,可知是要嚇唬敵人,因此答案 (D) scaring the enemy


