
2018年8月11日 星期六


Dear Jay,
I know you’re nervous about discussing the issue with Kevin; however, communication is key. First, you should ask Kevin if he indeed said something bad about you. If he did, then ask why he said such negative things about you. Take his explanation seriously and ask yourself whether there’s truth to his criticism. If there is, you need to contemplate how to change your behavior. If there isn’t, your next step is to figure out how he got this impression. Finally, tell Kevin you would like him to speak with you about a problem directly next time.
Though the conversation might be awkward, it can open up a space for you to think about the conflicts in your relationship. If you don’t openly discuss the issue, it’ll keep bothering you and get worse. An honest discussion will force you to confront the issue and find a solution. What’s more, it’ll inspire you to reflect on your own behavior. Finally, you can learn from this experience by figuring out how to deal with similar problems in the future. If Kevin really cherishes your friendship, this discussion will only make your friendship stronger. If not, it’s better to find out sooner rather than later.
Best of luck, Martha

